Jaline's Reviews > The Witch Elm

The Witch Elm by Tana French
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: 2019-completed

Toby had always thought of himself as a lucky person. He came from a good family, he got along with his aunts, uncles, and cousins, and he had a good job, excellent health, a very nice apartment, and a lovely girlfriend.

However, somewhere during his 29th year, he entered into his personal time of Job, where he was tested on every front and since part of that was a burglary of his apartment where he suffered serious injury, he could no longer rely on his wits to carry him through. He was forced to find his way through multiple challenges and difficult situations the hard way: stumbling and bumbling along, with gaps in his memory leaving him vulnerable, and in many respects, his own worst enemy.

Sometimes life throws some incredible curve balls at people, and it is difficult to cope when they come in one’s or two’s, let alone multiples. Add to that the long-range and sluggishly slow pace of recovery from head trauma, and it can be a recipe for disaster.

When the family receives bad news about the health of Toby’s bachelor uncle Hugo, Toby and his girl-friend Melissa move into his uncle’s home, called Ivy House. One day, there is a discovery made inside a large hole of the 200-year-old wych elm in the garden. Thus begins a coalescing of the many trials confronting Toby.

Although the title says “The Witch Elm”, I could only find one occurrence of the word “witch” in the book and it had nothing to do with trees. It could possibly be an “Easter Egg” within the novel. (In computer games, “Easter Eggs” are usually a quirky or fun ‘surprise’ to discover – and they are sometimes so obscure that it might take a few years before finding one. But – I won’t spoil any surprises for people who might want to make their own discoveries.)

This is a long novel and I know it won’t be a fabulous read for everyone – partly because of the length, and partly because not everyone enjoys spending a few days in the lives of people who are going through a very rough time, eager to discover how they will make their way through. That was definitely me, though – I absolutely had to know what would unfold for this family.

This novel also has moral ambiguity in many different shades of gray. For people who prefer shorter reads and more black and white plots and characters, this one would not work at all. For the most part I have discovered for myself that patience with larger novels is a plus: they are the length they are for a very good reason (usually), and the quicker I accept that, the better my reading experience. Still, not everyone reads the same, which is perfectly fine.

For those who do enjoy long novels with excellent writing, a plot full of challenges for the intricately drawn characters to overcome, and an abundance of food for thought, this will be a wonderful read. I definitely found it all of that - and so much more.
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Reading Progress

October 19, 2018 – Shelved
May 30, 2019 – Started Reading
May 30, 2019 –
May 31, 2019 –
June 2, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 77 (77 new)

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Fabulous review, Jaline! I struggled with parts of this, and loved others. You do a wonderful job of explaining why you enjoyed this!

message 2: by Diane S ☔ (new) - added it

Diane S ☔ Excellent review, Jaline.

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

I love this review, Jaline!

message 4: by Diane (new)

Diane Barnes I have never read this author, but this sounds very good. I had assumed she mostly wrote mysteries.

Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads) Excellent review!💖😉

message 6: by Robin (new)

Robin It's time I read Tana French again... I love her earlier works and I have The Trespasser waiting for me, and then this one, of course. I'm so glad to hear it gets your stamp of approval, Jaline!

message 7: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen Terrific review, Jaline

Jaline Meredith wrote: "Fabulous review, Jaline! I struggled with parts of this, and loved others. You do a wonderful job of explaining why you enjoyed this!"

Thank you so much, Meredith! My reading experience was definitely not free of struggle, either. The moral dilemmas really got to me - I can't previously remember having so many arguments with myself while reading! 😄

Jaline Diane S ☔ wrote: "Excellent review, Jaline."

Thank you so much, Diane!

Jaline Dita wrote: "I love this review, Jaline!"

Thank you for your very kind comment, Dita! 😊

Jaline Diane wrote: "I have never read this author, but this sounds very good. I had assumed she mostly wrote mysteries."

Diane, you are right. Tana French has an excellent mystery series on the go, too, and I think this is her first stand-alone novel. Even her mysteries are much more than 'just' mysteries, though. There are always strong dilemmas involving her characters' natures and their growth as people. I think it is mostly why I love them so much. 😊

Jaline Kat wrote: "Excellent review!💖😉"

Thank you very much, Kat! 😊💖

Jaline Robin wrote: "It's time I read Tana French again... I love her earlier works and I have The Trespasser waiting for me, and then this one, of course. I'm so glad to hear it gets your stamp of approval, Jaline!"

Thank you so much for your great comment, Robin! Like you, I still have The Trespasser waiting for me - it is nearly 4.5 years since I read #05 in the series, so I just hope I will remember enough of what came before so I don't get lost! 😄 I hope you love this one as much as I did, too, Robin! As I mentioned to Meredith, I had a lot of arguments with myself while reading this book - and that is so rare that I don't recall it happening before!

Jaline Jen wrote: "Terrific review, Jaline"

Thank you so much, Jen! 😊

message 15: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi A marvelous review, Jaline! I know what you mean about long novels - I love to sit down and savor a really good one. I'm a huge fan of French after reading the first 3 in her series, and am glad I have the rest of those as well as this one to look forward to :)

message 16: by Barbara (new)

Barbara I have read many reviews of this book, but your review convinces me to read it. I love moral ambiguity and do not care for black and white plots. Thanks for your compelling review, Jaline

message 17: by Stephanie ~~ (new)

Stephanie ~~ Oh Jaline, what a great review you have put together. I definitely still want to read this, it sounds like my cup of tea.

Jaline Candi wrote: "A marvelous review, Jaline! I know what you mean about long novels - I love to sit down and savor a really good one. I'm a huge fan of French after reading the first 3 in her series, and am glad I have the rest of those as well as this one to look forward to :) "

Thank you so much, Candi, for your wonderful comment! I am so glad I'm not alone with my love for long novels. After all, what am I reading for, really? 😄 I am so excited that you have this one ahead of you as well as her last 3 series novels! I only have #06 waiting for me . . . but I definitely want to dive in as soon as I can. 😊

Jaline Barbara wrote: "I have read many reviews of this book, but your review convinces me to read it. I love moral ambiguity and do not care for black and white plots. Thanks for your compelling review, Jaline"

You are most welcome, Barbara! And thank *you* for your lovely comment. I am very much looking forward to your thoughts on this once you have had a chance to read it! :)

Jaline Stephanie wrote: "Oh Jaline, what a great review you have put together. I definitely still want to read this, it sounds like my cup of tea."

Stephanie, I am starting to get a better idea of your reading preferences (note the plural - just like me! :) - and I agree that this could be a great read for you! I sure hope so - and I look forward to reading your review! :)

message 21: by Laysee (new)

Laysee Thank you, Jaline, for a very considerate review. It's always helpful to know whether a book will work for a prospective reader and why. Glad it worked for you. Great review!

message 22: by Laura (new)

Laura I've read a few reviews on this one - but not tempted - yet. Thank you for your frank evaluation here.

message 23: by JanB (new) - rated it 4 stars

JanB Jaline, this is one of my favorite authors and even though I own this book I've been discouraged by some mediocre reviews. Your review is very encouraging and I'll definitely be reading it soon. Thanks for your excellent review and encouragement. I usually enjoy all the things you mentioned. And I'll be on the lookout for the word Witch 😉

message 24: by Ineke (new)

Ineke van Mackelenbergh Good and fair review Jaline. I like how you are always able to see “to sides of a story”. That said, not sure this would be my type of book...

message 25: by KAS (new)

KAS Outstanding review as always, Jaline ;) So glad it warranted all the stars!! ❤️❤️

Angela M is taking a break. Fantastic review, Jaline.

Paromjit Fantastic review, Jaline.....as always.......loved this too! 🥰💞💞

Tammy I’m so glad you enjoyed this, Jaline. It’s different for French

Susanne Yes!!! LOVE your review of this brilliant novel Ms. Jaline! I so adore Ms. Tana French and am happy that you found the writing to be excellent and the character development to be worthwhile! Love your review my friend! I am so truly happy that you adored this! :)

message 30: by Katie (new)

Katie great review, Jaline. yet another book to consider!

message 31: by Antoinette (new)

Antoinette Terrific review, Jaline.

message 32: by Holly (new)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Excellent review Jaline. I can tell how much you enjoyed it!

message 33: by Lyn (new) - rated it 4 stars

Lyn Loved your review, Jaline. Loved this book, too. My kind of read. Am also a huge Tana French fan - I get her!

message 34: by Ron (new)

Ron Jaline, that was a really good review. I remember the writing in her first two novels being so good, they didn't feel long at all, just as you experienced here.

Jaline Laysee wrote: "Thank you, Jaline, for a very considerate review. It's always helpful to know whether a book will work for a prospective reader and why. Glad it worked for you. Great review!"

You are most welcome, Laysee! And thank you for your lovely comment. For me, this was a novel I could really sink my teeth into . . . or, did it sink its teeth into me? Either way, it was sooo good! :)

Jaline Laura wrote: "I've read a few reviews on this one - but not tempted - yet. Thank you for your frank evaluation here."

You are most welcome, Laura! I know what you mean because even though I have enjoyed the first 5 in Tana French's "Dublin Murder Squad" series, when reviews started coming out for this one I was scared to start it because I don't have time to read 'bad' novels. I was so pleasantly surprised - and I know that not everyone will feel the same. :)

Jaline JanB wrote: "Jaline, this is one of my favorite authors and even though I own this book I've been discouraged by some mediocre reviews. Your review is very encouraging and I'll definitely be reading it soon. Thanks for your excellent review and encouragement. I usually enjoy all the things you mentioned. And I'll be on the lookout for the word Witch 😉"

Thank you, Jan, for your lovely comment! I had my doubts before starting this (also due to unenthusiastic reviews), but in this case I finally decided to go ahead - and I'm so glad I did! There is much more here than meets the eye - and with your background in medicine, I think the impact will be similar to what I felt. I am looking forward to your thoughts and feelings about this one, Jan - and I can't wait to see if you find the "witch" . . . or maybe "witches"!! :)

Jaline Ineke wrote: "Good and fair review Jaline. I like how you are always able to see “to sides of a story”. That said, not sure this would be my type of book..."

Thank you for your very kind and generous comment, Ineke! I do acknowledge that this wouldn't be a "best read" for everyone - and I completely respect that. :)

Jaline KAS wrote: "Outstanding review as always, Jaline ;) So glad it warranted all the stars!! ❤️❤️"

Thank you so much, KAS! For me, it definitely warranted all the stars and I was so impressed by the writing as well as the story! 😊❤❤

Jaline Angela M wrote: "Fantastic review, Jaline."

Thank you so much, Angela! :)

Jaline Nicola wrote: "Brilliant review Jaline! I’m happy to see how much you enjoyed it! 💞🌹"

Thank you so much, Nicola - I appreciate your support so much! 😊🌹

Jaline Paromjit wrote: "Fantastic review, Jaline.....as always.......loved this too! 🥰💞💞"

Thank you so much, Paromjit - and I was so happy to see you also loved this one! 🌹🥰🌹

Jaline Tammy wrote: "I’m so glad you enjoyed this, Jaline. It’s different for French"

Thank you for your kindness, Tammy, and I agree that this was definitely different for Tana French. I only have #6 in her series left to read, but I also had this one. When reviews started to come through, I was a bit reluctant to read this - because it is a Big Book and what if . . . ? Thankfully, I am glad I eventually trusted my initial instinct and dove in - I am so glad I did. :)

Jaline Susanne wrote: "Yes!!! LOVE your review of this brilliant novel Ms. Jaline! I so adore Ms. Tana French and am happy that you found the writing to be excellent and the character development to be worthwhile! Love your review my friend! I am so truly happy that you adored this! :)"

Susanne, thank you so very much for your wonderful comment! I am glad that you enjoyed my review . . . and from one Tana French fan to another: I hope that she ventures into another stand-alone novel very soon! I love her series, too - but I want more of both! (Probably one of the reasons I enjoy her writing so much: it is like the finest chocolate - always leaves me wanting more! :)

Jaline Katie wrote: "great review, Jaline. yet another book to consider!"

Thank you so much, Katie, for your great comment! I hope that you enjoy this one if/when you decide to read it - and I do look forward to your thoughts! :)

Jaline Antoinette wrote: "Terrific review, Jaline."

Thank you so very much, Antoinette! :)

Jaline Holly wrote: "Excellent review Jaline. I can tell how much you enjoyed it!"

Thank you so much, Holly! I am glad that my enjoyment of this one came through even though I was also listing thoughts on what might not work in this novel for some of our book friends. :)

Jaline Lyn wrote: "Loved your review, Jaline. Loved this book, too. My kind of read. Am also a huge Tana French fan - I get her!"

Thank you for your wonderful comment, Lyn! I love that you "get her", as you put it so perfectly. I know exactly what you mean - and I will race you in grabbing the next book she writes the moment it comes out! 😄

Jaline Ron wrote: "Jaline, that was a really good review. I remember the writing in her first two novels being so good, they didn't feel long at all, just as you experienced here."

Thank you, Ron, for your very lovely comment! That is exactly how I have felt about her novels, too (including this one)! :)

Julie Another wonderful review, Jaline!! Glad you enjoyed it!! 😊🌹

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