Trudie's Reviews > Killing Commendatore

Killing Commendatore by Haruki Murakami
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it was ok
bookshelves: timeout-bookclub, translated

* 1.5 *

One couldn't escape death, but it should come later - she wanted to know what it felt like to have full breasts and a woman's nipples at least once before she died. It would really suck if hornets killed her before she had that chance.


It is probably worthwhile to say at the outset that I am not a Murakami superfan. I have read three of his books now and I nearly always leave with a vague sense of disappointment and unease. Killing Commendatore is not a good choice for a person with this attitude because I think even superfans will agree this is not his best work. Nevertheless, my commitment to book club is such I dutifully plowed through this brick collecting up grievances. These can be summarised as i) Length ii) Repetition iii) Breasts

(i) Length - It is too long man, far too long. It is a short story idea with an ego problem.

Hari Kunzru sums it up well in his NYT review* :

the narrator’s dreaminess mainly feels unfocused, and a story that might have been engaging at 300 or 400 pages is drawn out to almost 700. This is a novel in which no character can go to meet a friend at a restaurant without a description of the route and the traffic conditions.

(ii) Repetition : Do you remember that pit we found ? the dry stone one that is 9 meters by 3 ?, the one with the bells, a stone pit covered over with ancient stones ? Well it is pretty hard to forget because it is mentioned constantly and each time it is redescribed using the exact same language. I am pretty sure the narrator wanders along to visit it about 18 times. This frustrating need to replay events and repeatedly describe scenes that are already established is probably my single biggest grievance.
No book has needed an editor more desperately.

(iii) Breasts - The little excerpt that was quoted in the annual bad sex in fiction award was indeed eye-wateringly bad but more odd to me was this books weird obsession with breasts. It was such a constantly repeated motif, that it was difficult not to feel this was Murakami's own obsession, every woman in this novel has their boobs sized and it almost the first thing you learn about them.
The final section of the novel which in theory should have been relatively tension filled was undercut by 13 year Mariye checking to see if her breasts had sprouted, budded or otherwise developed. Sigh

There is some good facets to this book, descriptions of the creative process of painting are particularly compelling. The character of the Commendatore was delightful and I wish he could have been made more of. It can be quite meditative to read Murakami, he captures the simple routines of everyday life well but it is a fine line between meditative and snooze-fest.

(* NYT Review )
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Reading Progress

December 13, 2018 – Shelved
January 7, 2019 – Started Reading
January 8, 2019 –
page 1
0.15% "I feel like I just arrived at the base of Mt Everest when all I feel like doing is a little day walk ..."
January 10, 2019 –
page 100
14.68% "Ok, I am starting to warm to this"
January 12, 2019 –
page 250
36.71% "I can’t decide if this is a bloated hot mess or meanderingly profound. He does repeat himself incessantly..."
January 13, 2019 –
page 350
51.4% "In the groove now."
January 15, 2019 –
page 500
January 17, 2019 –
page 580
85.17% "... damn we haven't taken a trip out to see the pit for a while"
January 19, 2019 –
page 615
January 19, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-20 of 20 (20 new)

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message 1: by David (new)

David Take the gondola or hire a sherpa. 😊

message 2: by Jerrie (new) - added it

Jerrie Oh dear! So it didn’t go well.

message 3: by Claire (new) - added it

Claire Oh dear. Hopefully you’re on to something much better now

Trudie It really didn't ! It started ok but slowly started to really annoy me, but I will mull on it over the next few days.

message 5: by Samir (new)

Samir Rawas Sarayji Sounds more like you need a bottle. Cheers :)

message 6: by Michelle (new) - added it

Michelle I started this one and stopped. Thought I would try again once I was in the right frame of mind but after reading your review Trudie I might just quit while I'm ahead.

Trudie yes, save yourself Michelle !

Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂ Very amusing review! (did you have your glass of whiskey?) I haven't attempted Murakami yet. In spite of him having written one of my favourite quotes “If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.” I get the feeling his writing style won't be for me.

Trudie Thanks Carol - maybe start with one of the smaller novels ;)

Lisa (NY) Trudie, Over time I expect to work my way through all of Murakami's work, but I feel a sense of unease about this one - particularly the reviews about his obsession with breasts. I may have to save it for the very end, when there is nothing left of his to read.

Trudie Thanks Lisa - I look forward to your review

message 12: by Eric (new) - rated it 4 stars

Eric Fan This is a spot on review. You reiterated all my main complaints with it. I’ve noticed Murakami’s penchant for tedious repetition in some of his other books, but it was very extra in this one.

Helene Wennerberg Hear, hear!

Becky I nodded in agreement while reading your entire review, but the following made me laugh out loud with both amusement and recognition: "Nevertheless, my commitment to book club is such I dutifully plowed through this brick collecting up grievances. These can be summarised as i) Length ii) Repetition iii) Breasts"

Trudie Great, happy to amuse ;) and as it I read my review back with the benefit of time I don't think I have changed my position on it at all.

Heather Agree about the breasts. It was just completely unnecessary. Like when he felt the need to comment on the diner waitress' when she had nothing to do with the story at all.

Tiffany I so agree with everything you said - it’s what I knew I thought and also what I hadn’t yet put my finger on, as well. Thanks for helping me unpack!

message 18: by Slagle Rock (new) - added it

Slagle Rock Totally agree with your review. In regards to repition, you forgot to 10 or so interesting times he mentioned the thunk various car doors make when they close. That never got tedious.

Robin Young YES.

message 20: by Debs (new) - rated it 3 stars

Debs Carey Your review made me actually laugh out loud - and I often like Murakami, but you're spot on in that his ego ran away with this one.

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