Samantha's Reviews > Perfection

Perfection by R.L. Mathewson
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did not like it
bookshelves: 0-kindle-book, romance, romance-contemporary

Meet Trevor, he's a jerk. He's looking for a dream woman he can flaunt around town and rub in other men's faces. Aside from being drop dead gorgeous, dream woman must also be a gourmet cook, come from a large family, and basically be willing to be Trevor's love puppet. Meet Zoe, Trevor's slightly over-weight and plain looking neighbor. Zoe is not having a good day. She just lost her job after exposing that one of the owner's wives was stealing money, her car's window broke, her obnoxious neighbor took up both her and his parking spots forcing her to park on the street. He then proceeded to use the last of her laundry detergent after tossing her clothes off of the communal washing machine and, to top it all off, confiscated her pizza. Having enough of being walked over that day, Zoe tries to reclaim her food only to have Trevor tell her "Its not like you need it." Feeling mildly guilty for saying that out loud, Trevor decides to make amends by getting Zoe a job at his uncle's construction business. He also decides to pay her to do his laundry, grocery shopping, and clean his apartment. Slowly over the weeks, Trevor and Zoe find themselves becoming friends. However, Trevor is mortified when he finds himself attracted to Zoe. After all, she's the complete opposite of his dream woman. She's plain, can't cook, and worst of all (to him) she's fat. Thinking it's just a phase that he'll eventually get over, Trevor proposes a friends with benefits relationship.

I loathed Trevor in this book, to me, he had no redeeming qualities. The only reason why I didn't stop reading is because I enjoyed the first book in the series, Playing for Keeps, so I kept hoping that Mathewson would somehow save the book... but it never happened.

Trevor's demeanor is supposed to come off as humorous and endearing, as in "Oh ha-ha, he has no regard for other people's feelings except his own. Oh tee-hee, he thinks everyone around him should be grateful for anything he does while he completely ignores all the things others do for him." This did not work for me. Trevor thinks he's god's gift to women and that Zoe should be grateful he's even deigning to talk to her because she's not up to his normal exacting standards. For her part, Zoe does everything for him except assist him in the bathroom and instead of acknowledging all that she does, Trevor completely writes it off as his due. Yes, he's paying her to clean his apartment and get his groceries, but what she does for him extends well beyond that. Somehow this attitude is supposed to come off as endearing and cute, but it just worked to frustrate me. Especially at the end, when Trevor begins to show some character growth by thinking that maybe he's been taking Zoe for granted. Of course that immediately goes down the drain when two seconds later he basically thinks, "Screw that! How dare she not believe I really want to be with her?!" Trevor is just an awful human being.

And oh my god, the body hate in this book! There are so many malicious throw-away comments about Zoe and her weight that I lost count. Even Trevor hops on this band wagon by constantly thinking Zoe is too fat to be with him. In fact, he goes out of the way to avoid associating with her in public, even in a friendly sense, all she gets is an aloof head nod when they see each other. Trevor also constantly hears people saying disparaging things about her and just shrugs it off. Like, "yup, she's fat. Its not my problem that she keeps over-hearing co-workers malicious comments about her weight and that its hurting her so much that she's starving herself in the attempt to get to a super-model size, just so they'll stop." Seriously? He can't say one thing in her defense, even as a friend because the guys might get the impression that he actually has feelings for a woman that doesn't look like a Victoria's Secret model? God, I hated this. By the end of the book I wanted to give Zoe a cookie and tell her to jump ship on this relationship.
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Reading Progress

February 25, 2012 – Shelved
May 10, 2012 – Started Reading
May 10, 2012 – Finished Reading
July 2, 2020 – Shelved as: 0-kindle-book
August 14, 2021 – Shelved as: romance
August 14, 2021 – Shelved as: romance-contemporary

Comments Showing 1-40 of 40 (40 new)

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SheLove2Read "Meet Trevor, he's a jackass."
LMAO! I love this review.

Samantha Thanks, Sherri! Glad you liked it. :)

Katrina I agree...he was awful. I hated him. So much in fact that I didn't even finish the book. I'm leery of reading the third.

Samantha Katrina wrote: "I agree...he was awful. I hated him. So much in fact that I didn't even finish the book. I'm leery of reading the third."

Yeah I know what you mean, I wasn't originally planning on reading the 3rd book either, but a friend is going to lend it to me. So, I'll whip through it sometime in the next week and just keep my fingers crossed that I like it better than this one. :)

Stephanie Great review! lmfao

Book Girl I Kinda agree w/ your reviews. But i still enjoyed the book. But man i even felt insecure when reading it!! All the body image bullying, i wanted to cry & did a couple of times..

Judith Totally agree, I really disliked Trevor and thought the author went overboard with the body hate. on and on and on with the fat hate! I didn't even get halfway through before threw it away and I won't be touching any more in this series.

P-the book nerd Hi, I just read the book yesterday and I couldn't agree with you more!

Courtney I totally agree with this. And I hate how this is on plus sized reading lists, It is just proof that society has forced fat women into believing that they are disgusting and unattractive. Hate it.

Ashley The part that angers me the most is this authors heroines are "plump" by a conventional standard- yet his Hero's have the Adonis body... Yet [IRONICALLY??] these Adonis have a criminally massive FOOD obsession... It's just kind of cruel if you peel back a layer or two of the humor.

message 11: by J (new)

J I couldn't agree more with this review. I couldn't even finish the book.

Ashley The cover art makes me want to be violent! If your trying to be "pro-plus size" why in the eff is the female traditional model skinny?

message 13: by M (new) - rated it 5 stars

M Gosh yeah I wanna kick Trevor's butt right now! Killing my mood!

message 14: by Renee (new)

Renee I am so glad someone else felt the same way I do. I thought the guy was a pompous jack ass. Also, she was so ugly and plain that all his friends made fun of her behind his back, yet he fell for her cause she was beautiful to him. Bullshit. I just didn't buy it. Especially when they kept saying she lost so much weight that she was passing out. Nothing ever added up.

Samantha Ashley wrote: "The cover art makes me want to be violent! If your trying to be "pro-plus size" why in the eff is the female traditional model skinny?"

Ooo, that's new! Before the cover was a just flat green with the title on it. But yeah, that's an annoyance.

Samantha Sa wrote: "When I started reading this I was hoping he'd change after falling for her but it just kept getting worse.I'm so annoyed that a woman, regardless of her looks, is supposed to be grateful that a goo..."

Exactly! That was one of my biggest peeves with this one.

♡ᓚᘏᗢⲊⲒⲚⲒⲊⲦⲄⲈᗢᘏᓗ♡ My point exactly!!! In my review I was really pissed about the cover. It is just stupid, makes no sense and does not represent Zoe at all. And Trevor............ What an ass.

message 18: by Monika (new)

Monika EXACTLY how is body shaming okay? why would you even put that in the book if you're not going to ever really fix his perception on women's bodies and hers too or at least redeem himself some how??? Why! Why? Asshole guys are NOT hot stop putting them in books. One of the most disgusting things I've read in a while. Ugh. Hated it so much. Still fuming over sooo many things in that book.

message 19: by [deleted user] (new)

Me too, but i just skipped alot

message 20: by [deleted user] (new)

Me too, but i just skipped alot

Jennifer the poor meek little Jane and the overbearing, boorish Tarzan trope was a bit much for me. Especially after reading it in the first book. I can not take the boneless women catering to these asshole men who demean, disrespect and diminish them (3D's ha but true!). Is this supposed to be sexy? If so, I'll pass. And I can't even start on the self-hate with the weight thing. Is she only desirable after she loses weight? After she caters to his every whim? Ugh this book!

message 22: by Melanie.Reads (new)

Melanie.Reads Thank you god I read your review before wasting my time and money on this book.

message 23: by Michelle (new)

Michelle Ferrel Wooow, I'm glad I read this review. I absolutely detest body shaming. I will not even give this book a try. Thank you.

Meghan perfect review. I hated Trevor so much, I almost didn't finish the book.

message 25: by Ge (new) - rated it 1 star

Ge perfect description!

message 26: by Racheal (new) - added it

Racheal THANK YOU for saving me from this

message 27: by Ella (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ella oh thank god i wasn't the only one who hated Trevor!!!

Kristen I just wrote a long review. I'm glad I'm not the only one with these feelings.

Gretchen I kept thinking Trevor was going to give me something to work with here but it never happened. His attitude and absolute belief that she was beneath his standards was disappointing. I loved the first book in the series - laughed A LOT - but this book only gave me a handful of laughs. Ugh. Trevor. What a douche canoe!!

message 30: by Francieli (new)

Francieli Furtado I only read the chapters that were in the end of the first book and I already got disgusted with Trevor, while Jason was a sweetheart this one deserved to die alone. I won’t bother buying this book to get annoyed by some stupid jerk.

Smriti Sharma I also hated Trever🤬😡 Too much praise and self love yaiikesss🤯🤯

Smriti Sharma I don’t like it either

message 33: by Du (new) - rated it 3 stars

Du The dialogue was fun why i kept reading. But the story was a mess and things didn't add up. I didn't get a clear image of Zoe, how fat she was, how much weight loss she had. Also the stupid pregnancy thing, she knew she wasn't on pills, why didn't she tell him or why didn't she ask him to use a condom? That was a messed up story where nothing added up.

Danielle Randall I can’t believe I’m still reading this book but I’m so glad peopel hate him as much as I do.

message 35: by Amber (new)

Amber Eyes I wanted to read this one but since I'm a curvy woman with a fupa I may accidentally punch Trevor through my phone for all that body shaming. I don't see how he could ever redeem himself after reading comments about him and what he said and thought. Also Zoe sounds like she needs to find selflove before anything else. You can be "fat" and confident, good-looking, sexy, awesome if you believe and act so.

message 36: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Thanks for this! I would have hated it.

message 37: by Mish (new)

Mish Thank you for this review! You just saved me from reading a book that would've made me so mad!
People are not born via a cookie cutter. Some people are curvier. Some people are overweight, some are thin. Why does that mean they are of a lesser value? lf it were between Trevor and Michelin Man, I would be more embarrassed to be attracted to Trevor, nothing is worse than being ugly on the inside. Plus at least MM helps people who need new tyres and gives great restaurant advice 😂🤗

Sreeya Kilambi I read this book YEARS ago and felt like it was okay for Trevor to talk about Zoe the way she did because that’s also how I saw myself. Recently I’ve come across this book and boy have my feelings change. Zoe was a beautiful character with a lot of stuff she was struggling with, but Trevor is just so full of himself. I’m literally so unhappy that I even thought this book was any good.

message 39: by Jen (new) - rated it 1 star

Jen Just wrote a similar review but yours was so much better that I'm jealous of it. Well put! Awful story!

message 40: by itsraidp (new)

itsraidp ugh i completely agree. the thing that made me start really getting into the book in the beginning is Jason (the whole scene when Zoe was interviewing and Jason busted in the room trying to get his wife fired). but, Trevor had no redeeming qualities as soon he said he was going to get Jason tested for drugs if he thought Zoe was hot, i was like wtf. there’s no coming back from that. it’s no way i could get that out of my mind and continue the book. and the way Zoe’s body consistently had to be something to mention pissed me off too.

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