Angela M is taking a break.'s Reviews > Big Lies in a Small Town

Big Lies in a Small Town by Diane Chamberlain
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I’ve read several of the over two dozen novels that Diane Chamberlain has written. I can’t say I loved them all as much as Necessary Lies, but in my view, it’s unquestionable after reading them, that Chamberlain knows how to tell a story.

Almost eighty years separates the alternating narratives of two women artists. Anna Dale’s is told in the third person and her story takes place in 1939 in the small town of Edenton, NC, where she travels to from New Jersey. Anna has won a national contest to paint a mural representing the town to be hung in the post office. Morgan Christopher’s chapters are told in the first person and it’s 2018. She has been released from the prison term she is serving for a crime that she did not commit. Her release is made possible by a famous African American artist, Jessie Jameson Williams who designates in his will, that she should be the one to restore the mural painted by Anna Dale years ago. Each one is facing a challenge, each one is carrying a burden.

It’s a mystery of sorts and I’m not much of a fan of mysteries. However, I was taken with wanting to know the secrets that the mural held and with the story of Anna Dale, just as Morgan was. How will the women be connected ? Why did Jessie Williams choose Anna Dale’s painting to be hung in the gallery he charges his daughter to open? How did he get Anna’s mural? Why was Morgan Christopher chosen to restore the painting? The story is more than a story of a mysterious painting, it is a reflection of racism in the south in 1939, a reflection of small town life, and how the lies of the past come full circle to the truth in the present.

I’m usually more drawn to the historical part of the story in these dual narratives, but I found myself pulled in by both of the stories, by both of the artists. The short alternating chapters kept the story moving and held my interest throughout. In spite of a neat ending and that I guessed what the connection between the two women could be, it didn’t diminish my interest in the least. This novel is another example of Diane Chamberlain’s story telling capabilities.

I received an advanced copy of this book from St. Martin’s Press through NetGalley.
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August 18, 2019 – Shelved
August 18, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
January 17, 2020 – Started Reading
January 20, 2020 – Shelved as: netgalley-reviews
January 20, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-44 of 44 (44 new)

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message 1: by Sharon (new) - added it

Sharon Great review, Angela!

Julie Splendid review, Angela!! 💖

Wendy Great review Angela!

*TUDOR^QUEEN* Superb review! 🌹 I'm about a third through this now. Glad to see you rated it 4 stars as that jibes with my current opinion of it. 👸🔰

Lindsay L So glad you enjoyed this too Angela! Great review!! 💙

Karen Awesome review Angela! I was pulled in by both the women’s stories too. 😊

Canadian Jen Nice review, Angela! I’ve got several Chamberlains to read and looking forward to them!

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader I’m looking forward to the mystery in this one, and I love how you were drawn into the story despite that mystery, Angela. Love this beautiful review and am enjoying this book a lot right now myself.

Angela M is taking a break. Thanks very much ,Sharon, Julie, Wendy, TQ, Lindsay, Karen, Jen and Jennifer.

TQ and Jennifer, looking forward to your final thoughts.

Libby Excellent review, Angela! This one is on my near horizon and I'm looking forward to it.

message 11: by JanB (new)

JanB Wonderful review Angela! I'm still kicking myself over turning the ARC down :(

message 12: by Laysee (new)

Laysee Splendid review of what sounds like a compelling story, Angela. I read 'Necessary Lies' and agree Chamberlain is a great story teller.

Angela M is taking a break. Libby, Jan and Laysee, thanks so much.
Libby , hope you enjoy it.
Jan, there are just so many to read !

message 14: by Esil (new) - rated it 3 stars

Esil Excellent review, Angela. I’m glad you liked it!

message 16: by Judy (new) - rated it 5 stars

Judy Terrific review Angela! I felt the same.

message 17: by Sophie (new) - added it

Sophie Wonderful review, Angela!

Angela M is taking a break. Thanks, Judy and Sophie!

Connie G Great review, Angela!

Carmel Hanes I still have not read this author. This sounds interesting! Very lovely review. :-)

Debbie Wonderful review, Angela! I have this one coming up, so I’m glad to see the thumbs up.

Angela M is taking a break. Connie, Carmel and Debbie, thank you!
Debbie, hope you enjoy it!

DeAnn Excellent review Angela, this was my first Diane Chamberlain book!

Angela M is taking a break. DeAnn, thanks so much ! I definitely recommend Necessary Lies if you read another.

Sharon Metcalf Wonderful review Angela. I'm glad you enjoyed this one despite all its mysteries. This was my first Diane Chamberlain title but I'm about to go and check out your review of Necessary Lies. I suspect it will be on my TBR before too long.

Angela M is taking a break. Sharon, thanks very much . I hope you enjoy that one , too !

message 27: by Annette (new)

Annette Fantastic review Angela.

Angela M is taking a break. Annette, thanks very much.

message 29: by Erin (new) - rated it 4 stars

Erin Clemence Angela, I liked this one too. Great review.

Tammy I haven’t reviewed this yet (I’m ten reviews behind), but I wasn’t crazy about the ending. Nice review, Angela!

Angela M is taking a break. Thanks, Tammy. The ending was a bit too neat. Good luck catching up on your reviews . I almost always write a review right after I finish before I sink my teeth into another book .

Tammy Angela M wrote: "Thanks, Tammy. The ending was a bit too neat. Good luck catching up on your reviews . I almost always write a review right after I finish before I sink my teeth into another book ."

I usually review after reading too, Angela. I was bitten by a spider of some sort and have a nasty reaction/infection so I’m fighting it and haven’t felt like reviewing. I’ll catch up when I feel better

message 33: by Mike (new) - added it

Mike Glad to see you enjoyed this one, Angela. "Necessary Lies" made me an instant fan of Chamberlain and I've continued to pick up and add her books to the mountain. I like the fact that both narratives kept you equally hooked. I look forward to picking this one up.

Angela M is taking a break. Mike , Necessary Lies was my first by her and my favorite. Hope you enjoy this one .

message 35: by Carol (new)

Carol Excellent review, Angela. I've only read Necessary Lies by this author but you've made this one sound intriguing. I'm reminded of The Last List of Miss Judith Kratt.

Angela M is taking a break. Carol , thanks! I loved Miss Judith Kratt!

Holly  B (slower pace!) I guessed right too Angela! So glad you enjoyed the mystery.

Angela M is taking a break. Thanks, Holly . I still liked it!

message 39: by Dale (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dale Harcombe I was so engrossed in the story, the ending didn't worry me. I loved this book.

Angela M is taking a break. Dale , even though I had a feeling how it would end, I really enjoyed it. Glad you loved it .

Debbie "DJ" Fantastic and spot on review! I’ve only read Necessary Lies. Hard to top that one, but this is really good. Totally agree that she’s a great storyteller!

Angela M is taking a break. Hi Debbie! Great to see you! Thanks so much . Glad you enjoyed this one. Definitely hard to top NL. Hope you are keeping safe and healthy!

Debbie "DJ" Hey Angela, thanks! Yes, so happy to live in the desert...lots of pool time. Hope you are doing okay too. 😊

message 44: by Kris (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kris Ziegelhofer Necessary Lies was my favorite too!

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