Jenn's Reviews > Pricks and Pragmatism

Pricks and Pragmatism by J.L. Merrow
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: m-m, aiko-approved, i-own, samhain, friends-to-lovers, sexy-sweet

The plot of this book is actually pretty good and it's definitely sweet enough, but I just couldn't connect to any character. The beginning of this held a lot of promise, but gradually I just started to find myself getting more and more distracted while reading. If this had been more fully developed and longer, I could see this plot and the characters really turning into something fantastic. As it stands, it just left me feeling like I got 1/3 of a story.
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Reading Progress

March 17, 2012 – Shelved
March 17, 2012 – Shelved as: m-m
March 17, 2012 – Shelved as: aiko-approved
November 26, 2012 – Started Reading
November 26, 2012 – Shelved as: i-own
November 26, 2012 – Shelved as: samhain
November 26, 2012 –
7.0% "Reading this fast & have smiled twice already. Raising church hands I can please finish a book in one go."
November 26, 2012 –
12.0% "MC has a collection of Terry Pratchett. Lenore, this is for you. :)"
November 26, 2012 –
November 27, 2012 –
November 27, 2012 – Shelved as: friends-to-lovers
November 27, 2012 – Shelved as: sexy-sweet
November 27, 2012 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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Jenn Yeah, I was so not feeling it. I didn't feel like their was enough presented about either character for me to care, and Russell and Luke's interactions were strange. Maybe it was the POV, but I just couldn't see how Luke didn't understand where Russell's hesitation and shyness was coming from considering how he maintains shelter. The secondary characters were just stand-ins.

Lenore Bummer!! And I so wanted to read this next!

Kimberly me too but I don't want to read any more "meh" books hahahahahaha thanks weasel LOL

message 4: by Christina (last edited Nov 27, 2012 07:39AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Christina Sorry you didn't like it Jenn. I'm on the love train for sure :)

message 5: by [deleted user] (last edited Nov 27, 2012 08:08AM) (new)

Jenn is a poopyhead. I liked it and didn't think it was too short. ;p

Kimberly Ya'll are cracking me up. I think I will read it just to figure out what the deal is ;) If it is that short I will tonight. I hope I am on the love train...I am tired of meh books.

Jenn @Kimberly & Lenore, you both will probably love it. Of the 60+ friends of mine that have read this I'm the only 2 star. And no 1's.

@Kate & Christina, I am a poopyhead, but I want to be on the love train for a book!

@Daniel, yes, exactly. I also wouldn't classify this as anything remotely cheating. But, yeah, he uses companionship/sex whatever for shelter. I haven't read Pressure Head yet. It might just be this author for me. Most of my friends adored Muscling Through & I liked it, but I wasn't in love with it.

Kimberly Ok I did like it...Luke pissed me off and I wanted Russell to shave, but it was a cute quick read

Kimberly No, a little goatee is fine but a friggin full beard and calling it whiskers is kind of a turn off...I just pretended that was never said...haha

message 10: by Jenn (new) - rated it 2 stars

Jenn Glad you enjoyed it! I knew I was the odd man out.

And, Weasel, I'll have to check out that other one at some point.

message 11: by Jenn (new) - rated it 2 stars

Jenn Weasel wrote: "Kimberly wrote: "Ok I did like it...Luke pissed me off and I wanted Russell to shave, but it was a cute quick read"

Yeah, weird. I don't even like fictional facial hair."

You too??? Gahhh, I hate full on beards even in fiction.

Unless you look like Jackson

Julio Genao I wanted Russel to shave, too. Squick.

message 14: by Jenn (new) - rated it 2 stars

Jenn Julio Alexi wrote: "I wanted Russel to shave, too. Squick."

Why did I never see this comment? WTF, GRs. Yes, shave shave.

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