megs_bookrack's Reviews > Cinder

Cinder by Marissa Meyer
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's review

it was amazing

Sooooo, Cinder is basically my life now.

I am absolutely kicking myself for not starting this series earlier. Why didn't y'all tell me!?

This is actually my first Marissa Meyer book and I am completely blown away by her imagination. We stan.

The cyberpunk feel was exactly what I needed to become fully immersed within this world.

Our protagonist, Cinder, is a mechanic in the city of New Beijing.

She's also a cyborg, a fact she's kept hidden from the world; the exception being her adoptive family.

She doesn't recall any of her life prior to the operation that resulted in her cyborg status, but has never questioned it much either.

After all, what is the point of trying to remember? The past is the past.

When a highly contagious plague sweeps over the city, her beloved stepsister, Peony, becomes infected.

Peony was visiting a market with Cinder just prior to coming down with the illness, so of course Cinder's wicked Stepmother blames her for Peony's infection.

In the most heinous of acts, one she considers a righteous punishment, the wicked Stepmother donates Cinder to be used for scientific research finding a cure for the disease.

Apparently, in this world, cyborgs are considered no more than property. Add in the fact that people have not been surviving the research process, and it is clear her Stepmother never wants to see Cinder again. She's basically handed her a death sentence.

Cinder feels alone and betrayed, but in a way, she blames herself for Peony's sickness.

Once experimentation begins however, it is revealed that (view spoiler) How could that be?

Prince Kai is intrigued with Cinder from the moment he drops off his android at her shop to be repaired. In fact, he asks her to the royal ball, but of course she cannot accept.

The cutest crush ever ensues and once (view spoiler)

Our villain, Queen Levana, descends from the moon, otherwise known as the 'planet' Luna. She is an extraordinary enemy with a ton of power, only rivaled by her ambition.

She discovers something about Cinder, before Cinder even knows herself, and will stop at nothing to take her down, as Cinder's true nature threatens Levana's power.

I adored this. I loved all the delicious SciFi elements that somehow paid perfect homage to the original tale.

You could definitely tell this was the story of Cinderella, just bumped far into the future.

I thought the pace was great. I enjoyed Cinder as a character and also loved her relationship with Dr. Erland and Peony; and of course, her android, Iko, who was hilariously sweet.

I cannot wait to continue on with this series. Scarlet is calling to me!

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Reading Progress

September 21, 2019 – Started Reading
September 21, 2019 – Shelved
September 22, 2019 –
page 108
27.0% "This is pretty much a story written for me.
Why the HECK did I wait so long to read this!?!?

September 23, 2019 –
page 148
September 23, 2019 –
page 256
64.0% "

This is honestly the most incredible futuristic reimagining of this tale. It's just perfection. I am loving this for me right now!"
September 24, 2019 –
page 312
September 24, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-36 of 36 (36 new)

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TheYALibrarian This series is such a original take on fairy tales hope you continue to like them!

megs_bookrack TheYALibrarian wrote: "This series is such a original take on fairy tales hope you continue to like them!" YESSSS! So creative. I love the nods to the original tale but taking it in a completely different direction. So well done!

Felicia I love this book 💖

Norah Una Sumner One of my favourite series! Hope you'll like the rest as well! 💖

megs_bookrack Felicia wrote: "I love this book 💖" I fell in love. I am kicking myself for putting this off for so long. I literally have owned this for YEARS! Good things are worth the wait, I guess. Hoping to pick up Scarlet next month.

megs_bookrack Norah wrote: "One of my favourite series! Hope you'll like the rest as well! 💖"
Thank you, Norah! I can certainly see why it is a favourite series of yours! It may become one of mine as well. I have heard the books keep getting better and better so I hope that is my experience as well! xo

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

Squeeeeeee is my favorite expression and it made my day to see you use it too!

megs_bookrack Dita wrote: "Squeeeeeee is my favorite expression and it made my day to see you use it too!"Awww, yayee! That makes me happy! xo

message 9: by Amber (new)

Amber Awesome. My first one by her was the renegades her superhero trilogy. Hope to finish with the final book one day.

message 10: by Hala (new) - rated it 5 stars

Hala Elaila You will enjoy the rest of the series especially winter

megs_bookrack Amber wrote: "Awesome. My first one by her was the renegades her superhero trilogy. Hope to finish with the final book one day."I need to get to that as well!

megs_bookrack Hala wrote: "You will enjoy the rest of the series especially winter"Yayeeeeee! Thank you 🥰🥳 I am excited!

Eliza wait till you read the rest of the series

megs_bookrack Eliza wrote: "wait till you read the rest of the series"
Eeeeekkkk, I'm so excited. I have owned the whole set for a while. Dragging my feet per usual.

message 15: by Inkslinger (new) - added it

Inkslinger I've been slow to get to it as well.. it's been on my shelf for years. Someday! lol

megs_bookrack Inkslinger wrote: "I've been slow to get to it as well.. it's been on my shelf for years. Someday! lol" It was so good! I have read the first three books now. Just Winter left and I will probably read Fairest as well because I own it...

message 17: by Inkslinger (new) - added it

Inkslinger megs_bookrack wrote: "Inkslinger wrote: "I've been slow to get to it as well.. it's been on my shelf for years. Someday! lol" It was so good! I have read the first three books now. Just Winter left and I will probably r..."

I knew it would be a great series. Back when it came out.. other things were plaguing me.. and now I'm trying to fit older reads in amongst new ones. lol

megs_bookrack Inkslinger wrote: "megs_bookrack wrote: "Inkslinger wrote: "I've been slow to get to it as well.. it's been on my shelf for years. Someday! lol" It was so good! I have read the first three books now. Just Winter left..."
The struggle is real! I feel like I have gotten through a few 2017 books lately which feels good! Beat the backlist!! xo

message 19: by Rachel (new) - added it

Rachel I am in the same boat. I've had it forever and have never read it.

megs_bookrack Rachel wrote: "I am in the same boat. I've had it forever and have never read it."
Rachel!!! You should bump it up the list! :) It's so fun! xo

message 21: by Rachel (new) - added it

Rachel Then I have to read all of them... y'know cuz I am crazy like that. In all seriousness I am trying to get to it this year.

megs_bookrack Rachel wrote: "Then I have to read all of them... y'know cuz I am crazy like that. In all seriousness I am trying to get to it this year."Oh, yeah. I can't do that. I break series up 95% of the time. Whenever you get to it, I am excited to see your thoughts! xo

message 23: by Rachel (new) - added it

Rachel I admire your ability to do that.

megs_bookrack Rachel wrote: "I admire your ability to do that." Really?! That's funny. I actually dislike that about myself. I wish I had the ability to binge read a series without getting bored. Even if it is the best series in the world, I usually need to break them up... The grass is always greener ;)

Diana Graham This is one of my fave series!! I've read them at least 3 times. Never gets old! And the author is so nice!

megs_bookrack Diana Graham wrote: "This is one of my fave series!! I've read them at least 3 times. Never gets old! And the author is so nice!"

Wow! I love that, Diana. I have books I read over and over again too and for favorites, it definitely never gets old! I'm glad this series is that for you and having the author be an actual nice person is the icing on the cake.

message 27: by Jaidee (new) - added it

Jaidee You make this sound so very appealing......does my late 40's self add this....yes I think I shall....thanks Megs 🎈🎈

megs_bookrack Jaidee wrote: "You make this sound so very appealing......does my late 40's self add this....yes I think I shall....thanks Megs 🎈🎈" I say, yesssss! I was 41 when I read it. You're never too old for a good time, you know what I mean ;)

Wanderer Very true, my love for this book simply can not be put into words.

megs_bookrack wanderer wrote: "Very true, my love for this book simply can not be put into words."Ohhh, yayeee! I'm glad you love it too. It's really such a great series, beginning to end!

Nicola Nunney This book is my favourite in the series, I love how much technology there is within the book.

megs_bookrack Nicola wrote: "This book is my favourite in the series, I love how much technology there is within the book."Me too! It was such a great starting point too to get you invested in the world!

Dalene I love this series so much.

megs_bookrack Dalene wrote: "I love this series so much."Me too. It is so much fun. I love how each installment builds out the world and increases the stakes. It was really well done!

Moon Light Amethyst OOOOhhhh this series is soooo good. Don't skip Heartless it's the best one

megs_bookrack Moon Light wrote: "OOOOhhhh this series is soooo good. Don't skip Heartless it's the best one"Thank you!!!

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