Judith/books.series.forever 's Reviews > Luca

Luca by Nikki J. Summers
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“Luca” de Nikki J. Summers es el primer libro de esta autora que leo y no el último. Es un romance dark con suspense, reencuentro y segundas oportunidades.

Chloe Ellis tuvo una infancia muy bonita rodeada de dos chicos que se mudaron a su vecindario, pero ella solo tenía ojos para uno de ellos, Luca, mientras que Freddie se convirtió en su amigo y confidente. Hasta que un día de la noche a la mañana desaparecieron. A partir de ahí y con la muerte de su padre, Chloe tendrá que poner rumbo diferente a su vida. Luca Marquez no le teme a nadie y se ha labrado un nombre con demasiados enemigos en el frente. El pasado lo había borrado hasta que su hermano Freddie vuelve a traer a su vida a la única persona que es capaz de ablandarle el corazón.

Me ha encantado este libro, pero muchísimo. La escritura, la historia en sí, todo es tan perfecto, hasta los personajes. Ambos me han trasmitido un amor que supera los límites.

La historia es tan dulce al principio, tres niños que comparten una infancia, que se cuidan entre ellos. Pero Chloe está por Luca desde el principio, nunca pudo quitarse esa sensación de que tienen que ser novios. Día tras día no se separaba de él, y es tan dulce y romántico, pero Luca mantiene las distancias al ser mayor que ella.

Es comprensible la situación en la que están ambos, una loca enamorada desde tan temprana edad y él con experiencia sabiendo lo que está correcto y lo que no. Manteniendo distancias aun sabiendo que se pertenecían el uno al otro.

En cuanto a los aspectos del presente, y como el tema dark empieza a aparecer, el libro toma un suspense, haciendo que Chloe se vea involucrada en cosas que en ningún momento se imaginaba. Y sin ninguna duda, Luca sin duda me ha robado mi corazón con su lado explosivo y alfa, que le hace irresistible.
⚜Rate: ★★★★✩


"Luca" by Nikki J. Summers is the first book by this author that I read and not the last. It' s a dark romance with suspense, re-encounters, and second chances.

Chloe Ellis had a beautiful childhood surrounded by two boys who moved to her neighborhood, but she only had eyes for one of them, Luca, while Freddie became her friend and confidant. Until one day, they disappeared without a trace. From then on and with her father's death, Chloe will have to set a different direction in her life. Luca Marquez fears no one and has made a name for himself with too many enemies on the front lines. The past had erased him until his brother Freddie brought back into his life the only person who could soften his heart.

I loved this book, but I loved it so much. The writing, the story itself, everything is so perfect, even the characters. Both of them have transmitted to me a love that goes beyond the limits.

The story is so sweet at first, three children who share a childhood, who look after each other. But Chloe has been attracted to Luca from the beginning. She could never rid of that feeling that they have to be lovers. Day after day, she never left his side, and it's so sweet and romantic, but Luca keeps his distance as he's older than her.

It's understandable the situation they're both in, a girl-crazy in love from such a young age and him with experience knowing what's right and what's wrong. Keeping their distance even when they know they belonged to each other.

Concerning the aspects of the present, as the dark theme appears, the book takes on suspense, making Chloe involved in things she never imagined. Undoubtedly, Luca has stolen my heart with his explosive and alpha side, which makes him irresistible.
⚜Rate: ★★★★✩
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Reading Progress

February 21, 2020 – Started Reading
February 21, 2020 – Shelved
February 23, 2020 – Finished Reading
August 10, 2020 – Shelved as: 2020-read
August 10, 2020 – Shelved as: alpha-hot
August 10, 2020 – Shelved as: characters-damaged
August 10, 2020 – Shelved as: club
August 10, 2020 – Shelved as: dark-romance
August 10, 2020 – Shelved as: crimes-dark
August 10, 2020 – Shelved as: friends-to-lovers
August 10, 2020 – Shelved as: mafia
August 10, 2020 – Shelved as: years-months-later
August 10, 2020 – Shelved as: childhood-love

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🎀 αиgєℓα 💌 Amiga no la tiene en español? O que sepas si ya esta Td?

Judith/books.series.forever  αиgєℓα wrote: "Amiga no la tiene en español? O que sepas si ya esta Td?"

No lo creo☹

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