Jonathan O'Neill's Reviews > Fugitive Telemetry

Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells
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bookshelves: sci-fi

3.5 ⭐

There’s a homicide case on “preservation fucking station”, the home of Mensah and the rest of the preservation survey team that we’ve come to kind-of-but-not-really know throughout the series so far. Mbot is inclined to assist Station Security with their investigation, despite neither party being over the moon about the idea, due to a concern that the evil GrayCris Corporation may be involved in the murder and this would not bode well for the safety of Mensah and the gang. So, we see Bot Bot having to deal with a new cast of entirely generic characters that lead off hating/fearing him but ultimately come to appreciate him for his competence as a security (murder) bot and his willingness to abstain from displaying such competence against themselves and the rest of the residents on Preservation.

At this point, I can confidently say to you, dear reader, that if you didn’t enjoy the first book in the Murderbot Diaries, ‘All Systems Red’, then you won’t enjoy any of the subsequent releases. ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ seems to be Well’s motto with this particular series.
I have to confess; I’ve gone into the last couple of novel(la)s with a little bit of pre-emptive negativity. See, I’ve wanted the scope of the series to expand and become something much more epic, which it’s perfectly capable of doing, since finishing ‘Rogue Protocol’, the third book in the series but it was made abundantly clear, when that didn’t happen in the full-length novel ‘Network Effect’, that this is not the direction Wells is taking her baby.

I can’t begrudge her that, it is her baby after all, but it does hurt my enjoyment a little bit presuming that all that’s in store for the future of the series is more of the same. The same running jokes about Mbot not wanting to do anything but watch TV shows (you can expect about a half dozen variations of this same comment per novella):

”If I was going to do this, I wanted to get started so I could make sure this anomalous murder wasn’t an indication of a threat to Mensah. Plus, I had a lot of downloaded shows to get through.”

The same trademark/predictable (I suppose the two go hand-in-hand) snark from Mbot, which is great by the way but he does tend to just cycle through the same repertoire of commentary regarding his unique observation of humans. Funny? Yes… Done to death? Also yes!

Despite all this, at 3.5 stars, I still clearly enjoyed this even despite the fact that you’ll know who the murderer is as soon as you hear the description of the type of weapon used (maybe before if you’re a better detective than me – highly probable). There’s just something unusually gratifying (in a second-hand sense) and even therapeutic about observing Mbot hacking foreign systems, kicking ass and taking names. I like to complain a lot but we all know I’ll be coming back for more!
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July 3, 2020 – Shelved as: to-read
July 3, 2020 – Shelved
October 29, 2021 – Shelved as: sci-fi
February 22, 2022 – Started Reading
February 27, 2022 – Finished Reading

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Nataliya “I have to confess; I’ve gone into the last couple of novel(la)s with a little bit of pre-emptive negativity.”

That’s you unleashing your inner Murderbot, obviously.

Jonathan O'Neill Oh jesus! MBot's influence is on a subconscious level! To be honest, I feel like mbot most of the time, particularly at work but also just in my general dealings with humans.

Nataliya Jonathan wrote: "Oh jesus! MBot's influence is on a subconscious level! To be honest, I feel like mbot most of the time, particularly at work but also just in my general dealings with humans."

Calling people “humans” is the sign of inner Murderbot. (Which is why I also tend to refer to people as “humans”, of course).

carol. A good point about revisiting some of the same things, particularly snark, from the first book. Is 'Bot not all of us, resisting advancement along our personal growth trajectory? 😉

Jonathan O'Neill Probably what makes him so relatable, Carol 😄
I just realised I default to he/his for mbot too. I made a mental note as I was reading, not to do that in the review but clearly that did a fat lot of good so I'll just roll with it!

Nataliya Jonathan wrote: "Probably what makes him so relatable, Carol 😄
I just realised I default to he/his for mbot too. I made a mental note as I was reading, not to do that in the review but clearly that did a fat lot of..."

I stick to “it” in my review, but to me MBot is a guy, and audiobooks cemented that for me.

Jonathan O'Neill Nataliya wrote: "Jonathan wrote: "Probably what makes him so relatable, Carol 😄
I just realised I default to he/his for mbot too. I made a mental note as I was reading, not to do that in the review but clearly that..."

Ah yeah, there'd be no going back after hearing the audio. I think in my case it's just because my inner (reading) voice is male so if not given a definitive gender, I'll just default to male.
On that topic, why does our inner voice have to be our own voice? Why can't I sound like Morgan Freeman or Ian McKellen in my own head?! Hell, even Penelope Cruz, that'd be nice!

carol. I will invite you both to question your inner anti-AI bias, that there is this persistent attempt to make 'Bot answer to gender pronouns.

Nataliya carol. wrote: "I will invite you both to question your inner anti-AI bias, that there is this persistent attempt to make 'Bot answer to gender pronouns."

I’m willing to sit through a Bot reeducation session, provided it’s actually led by Murderbot, with ART as a mediator.

Jonathan O'Neill Ooh, as much as I do believe self-reflection would suffice, I'd also like to RSVP a "hell yeah!" to this bot-run re-education program. I understand why Wells might want to use ART sparingly, but that asshole instantly adds another star to any bot bot book, imo.

carol. Oh, now I want to go to 'Bot's re-education session!

Elena Rodríguez Hola! Por fin te leo la reseña( no quería leerla por spoiler). Te entiendo. Pensé que este mejoraría pero tampoco ha estado mal. Yo quiero mas capítulos del bot amigo de Murderbot y el otro numero 3 :( pero este capítulo tampoco ha estado mal.

Jonathan O'Neill Hola mi amigabot! Yo debería haber sabido que nos encontraríamos aquí! 😆

Ahh, cuando tu dijiste bot amigo de Murderbot, pensé que te referías a ART (o quizás Sexbot [Lo siento - comfortunit 😂]). ART necesita hacer un retorno a la serie! El es mi carácter secundario favorito... Pero, revise el libro 3 y creo que te refieres a Miki no? La verdad es que, me olvidé totalmente de el! 😅
Por supuesto, no ha estado mal este capítulo. Todavía lo he disfrutado :)

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