Sofia's Reviews > The Kiss of Deception

The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson
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When someone shoves a book in my face and tells me it's high fantasy, I expect a few things.

1. A thought-out plot
2. Worldbuilding
3. Characters with brains
4. Good writing

According to my checklist, this book is not a high fantasy. It's a.... *checks notes* hastily put-together, jumbled mess of trite tropes traditionally categorized as fantasy. So.

1. A thought-out plot

Princess Lia, terrified of being forced into an arranged marriage, runs away to live a peaceful life by the sea. Because no one will be able to track her. Not even the King's soldiers. And obviously no one in the peaceful town by the sea knows what the missing princess looks like. Nothing about this plan could go wrong. Nothing... at all...

Enter the Prince and the Assassin, who just happened to show up at the same peaceful town by the sea, *the convenience is painful* searching for Lia. The Prince isn't old or decrepit like she was afraid of - he's handsome (oh wow, who would have ever thought). Lo and behold, the Assassin isn't too bad to look at, either! Could... there be... a love triangle? Could... both men... fall in love with Lia? *suspense*

This is the plot up to 15%. And after that, here's what happens.

1. Lia does laundry
2. Lia chops onions
3. Lia bemoans her fate, because how could she possibly choose between the prince and the assassin? There are definitely no other, more important things to worry about.

I'm not joking. This is the entire plot after 15%. *sigh*

2. Worldbuilding

This is supposed to be fantasy. I think. But there's no worldbuilding; just a vague semblance of it.

What I'm given is a bunch of random terms shoved in my face. Of which I remember approximately zero. Because there's no context at all, just names. One might have thought a fantasy novel needed a world...

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3. Characters with brains

The characterization in this book is sooo sloppy. It's like a copy-paste of every other 2000s YA fantasy.

We have Lia, who is exactly like every protagonist out there. She risks the peace between nations because she's worried that the prince might be ugly. And she ruins a perfectly good family heirloom while doing it. She's so predictable that I can guess every thing that comes out of her mouth, and I'm alarmingly good at it.

We have Pauline, Lia's maid, who throws away her perfectly comfortable life with a perfectly kind man to run away with some teenager who has no idea what she's doing. And then she has the nerve to say that this man "will know where she is no matter where she goes," because he "knows her like no other." Excuse me?

We have the Assassin (I lowkey forgot his name), who is also the worst killer in the entire history of killers. He's supposed to murder Lia, because she's risking the peace between kingdoms. But the moment he looks into her ~gorgeous eyes,~ he's lost to lurve. And suddenly he doesn't want to kill her, because she's like no other girl he's ever met before... *gags*

We have the Prince (haha, forgot his name too), who is just... he doesn't exist to me. He has absolutely no personality. I don't even know what to say about him because he's as shallow as a puddle. There's no character complexity here.

4. Good writing

This was just alarmingly, painfully bad. Everything is told straight to my face. There's no depth. And the dialogue is horrible and cheesy and predictable.

I also found a number of plot holes. Lia and Pauline escape too easily, especially since two kingdoms are counting on them. They basically steal a horse and gallop away into the sunset.

And then they ride their horse through a stream to "conceal their tracks." *snorts* A horse is HEAVY. There is MUD at the bottom of a stream. And WATER PLANTS. Smashing water plants and stirring up mud and probably breaking your horse's leg by making it walk over stones is not going to help you at all. But Lia gets all happy because she's being so "clever." And Pauline's like "my lady, you are truly intelligent. So majestic."

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The descriptions were lazy, the pacing was so off, and their entire escape sequence was two pages long. It felt so hastily put-together, as if the editing team just fell asleep in the middle of reading this over. I don't blame them. I would be asleep, too.

0.3 stars
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October 19, 2020 – Started Reading
October 19, 2020 – Finished Reading
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October 20, 2020 – Shelved as: dnf
October 20, 2020 – Shelved as: disappointments
October 20, 2020 – Shelved as: failed-romance
October 20, 2020 – Shelved as: love-geometry
October 20, 2020 – Shelved as: stock-side-characters
October 20, 2020 – Shelved as: one-questionable-character

Comments Showing 1-50 of 59 (59 new)

What Did I Just Read? (On hiatus, Baby) It's kind of you think authors ever think we might like *whispers* characters with brains?

Sofia 😂Why write good characters when you can have a LOVE TRIANGLE?

message 3: by abi ୨୧ (new) - added it

abi ୨୧ I’ve always wanted to read this book, but I think I’m just gonna read the spin off because it sounds way more interesting

Sofia What's the spinoff?

message 5: by julia (new)

julia WHAT *GASPS* you don't think chopping onions is super exciting and/or integral to any fantasy world?

Sofia @Julia - 😂

message 7: by alex (new)

alex These reviews motivate me so much for my own writing lol because I'm like "well, at least my draft isn't worse then this"

Sofia 😂 I'm glad! I'm sure your draft is wonderful.

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

same @alexthebookish if I read a bad book I'm like "well my book will def be successful if THIS book got published" xD

message 10: by Sofia (new) - rated it 1 star

Sofia reina wrote: "sofia: can i have a thought-out plot, worldbuilding, characters with brains, and good writing? maybe? or at least, like, a couple of those things?

mary e. pearson: unfortunately, no. but you CAN h..."

That's so true it physically pains me

message 11: by E.S. (new)

E.S. Hazard "this book is not a high fantasy. It's a.... *checks notes* hastily put-together, jumbled mess of trite tropes"

message 12: by Sofia (new) - rated it 1 star

Sofia 😂

Vathna A friend of mine recommended this book to me 2 years ago, saying it was so good I'd like it lots. Until this day I still don't know if it had been a prank. *facepalm*

message 14: by Sofia (new) - rated it 1 star

Sofia Well, you might like it! I definitely didn't...

dorian ♕ ♕ I LOVE THIS BOOK😭😭

message 16: by Sofia (new) - rated it 1 star

Sofia Dorian wrote: "I LOVE THIS BOOK😭😭"

yeah.... NOPE

dorian ♕ ♕ Sofia wrote: "Dorian wrote: "I LOVE THIS BOOK😭😭"

yeah.... NOPE"

There’s a war....

message 18: by Sofia (new) - rated it 1 star

Sofia ...and I'm fighting in it

message 19: by Nele (new) - added it

Nele You make it very sure you don't like it 😂😂

message 20: by Sofia (new) - rated it 1 star

Sofia @Porg
Ikr. I always fall into the trap of 2000s YA fantasy 😒
I'll check out Dance of Thieves. Maybe it'll be better than this was.

message 21: by Mango (new) - added it

Mango Wow...that does sound like a bad book. :( I hate weak plots and predictable characters.

message 22: by Sofia (new) - rated it 1 star

Sofia Mango wrote: "Wow...that does sound like a bad book. :( I hate weak plots and predictable characters."

Same here.

message 23: by Amély (new)

Amély I have had this book on my shelf for years. I think you have convinced me to get rid of it! My tbr thanks you!

message 24: by Dana (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dana Me: I loved this book! :'(

Also me: you're 100% right tho....

message 25: by Sofia (new) - rated it 1 star

Sofia @Dana 😂
@Amély The pleasure is mine.

message 26: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth Ross I have seen so many people saying good things about this book, but I have never been interested in it myself. I don't know, there's something about it that falls to catch my interest. And after this review (which is amazing btw!), my interest on reading it just dropped from 0 to -100

Is is that hard to create interesting characters that actually can think?

message 27: by Sofia (new) - rated it 1 star

Sofia You never know ;) Thinking is hard! Thanks, Elizabeth!

message 28: by len ❀ (new)

len ❀ i remember i tried reading this in high school and gave up after page 15 i think

message 29: by Sofia (new) - rated it 1 star

Sofia elena wrote: "i remember i tried reading this in high school and gave up after page 15 i think"

I applaud you. It's so cheesy.

krista ☽✧ UGH yes i totally agree with you and the second book is even worse.

krista ☽✧ there is litterally indeed no worldbuilding at all , worldbuilding what is that can you eat that? remembered me of serpent and dove also no worldbuilding but omg it is such a good book , meh. also somuch insta love and love triangle vibes , no thankyou. And yes where is the freaking plot? Not here , boring , boring , boring and oh boring

message 32: by Sofia (new) - rated it 1 star

Sofia 😂😂I KNOW it is so terrible.

krista ☽✧ it literlally is i have no idea but i wanted to see if the second was just as bad or gotted better and guess what it was even worse. i coudnt even finish it , so freaking boring.

krista ☽✧ literally*

message 35: by Sofia (new) - rated it 1 star

Sofia How is there a second one, though?? There's no plot in the first one!

krista ☽✧ Sofia wrote: "How is there a second one, though?? There's no plot in the first one!"
exactly and in the second * suprise * there is also no plot.

message 37: by Sofia (new) - rated it 1 star

Sofia Why am I not shocked. XD

krista ☽✧ 😂😂

message 39: by Lia (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lia Carstairs *RAGE* look at crisis krizzie and soPHia BONDING OVER THEIR HATRED OF THIS BOOK. DEMONS but fr this bonding im wheezing

*nervous laughter* 14 yr old me loved this HMM im in need of a reread

"as shallow as a puddle" IM DYING OHMYGOD EVEN THO I LOVE RAFE (thats his name you lovely WITCH)

love this review so much soPHia <333

message 40: by Vivian (new)

Vivian "She's so predictable that I can guess every thing that comes out of her mouth, and I'm alarmingly good at it."
"But Lia gets all happy because she's being so "clever." And Pauline's like "my lady, you are truly intelligent. So majestic."
Somebody please just give Sofia a show and call it a day XD

message 41: by Sofia (new) - rated it 1 star

Sofia Lia wrote: "*RAGE* look at crisis krizzie and soPHia BONDING OVER THEIR HATRED OF THIS BOOK. DEMONS but fr this bonding im wheezing

*nervous laughter* 14 yr old me loved this HMM im in need of a reread

"as s..."

HiS nAmE iS rAfE????

message 42: by Sofia (new) - rated it 1 star

Sofia Vivian wrote: ""She's so predictable that I can guess every thing that comes out of her mouth, and I'm alarmingly good at it."
"But Lia gets all happy because she's being so "clever." And Pauline's like "my lady,..."


message 43: by John (new)

John Mauro This review is amazing.

message 44: by michelle (new)

michelle Lol I was thinking about reading this book but I guess not then lol 😂

message 45: by Sofia (new) - rated it 1 star

Sofia @John Thank you!! ❤️

message 46: by Sofia (new) - rated it 1 star

Sofia @Coco 😂wise decision!

message 47: by Ali (new) - rated it 2 stars

Ali I hated this book! So bad. Great review.

Paige ♠ I made the mistake of buying this series as a set when it was on sale 😣 I didn’t end up liking it either but felt obligated to finish it haha. I still don’t fully understand the world/magic 😅 Great review!!

message 49: by [deleted user] (new)

I laughed. Congratulations. I love this review.

message 50: by Anastazija (new) - added it

Anastazija i was so excited to read this book:'(

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