AnnaLund's Reviews > After Ben (1)

After Ben (1) by Con Riley
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it was amazing
bookshelves: top-read-of-2012, m-m-romance, reread-twice
Read 2 times. Last read July 20, 2012 to July 23, 2012.

The emotions that have surged through me during this novel! The giggle-snorts and the sad tears. I have journeyed with Theo after Ben, and I have seen what Theo saw, I have felt what Theo felt.

I have had all the emotions:
The aching after losing a loved one. (“For years he had bruised his nose, pressing it against the buzzer until Ben opened the door for him.”)
The excitement of tumbling around on the net, finding friends who are easier to deal with than your real life ones. (“Theo sat in his bed, pink cheeked, wide awake, and smiling.”)
The giggles as Theo tries to get his bearings again. Like when he watches the two interns meet on his street between interviews—the two who later fall in love with each other at his office. (“This was the most entertainment he’d had in… forever.”) Or: (“When the tall man looked up at Theo and winked, Theo walked right into a rack of shirts.”)
And then the love. The surging, all-encompassing feeling that just needs an outlet. The feeling that makes you race around the globe, running like the wind, to look deeply into a lover’s eyes and tell him that you are in love with him. *happy sigh*

I adore Morgan. Absolutely adore him. God, I love an intelligent man. A well-versed, confrontational, intellectual man. (“Pissed and amused was pure Morgan.”)
I love how Morgan connects with Theo on the net, how they play and live and have fun, without knowing who they are in real life. How those moments, at the end of the day, (and later also in the beginning of each day), become moments to live for, moments that make you NOT give up. Sheer brilliance. Made me cry huge, salty, happy and sad tears. Anyone who has suffered loss, and later, the revival of spirit, can relate to the words in this novel.

The parts of Italian family-life that emerge in a short section of this novel is so spot-on that I found myself giggling almost hysterically. Yes, I live in Italy. No, I am not Italian, so I look at this funny society a little bit from the outside. I love it, and Con Riley has captured the animus of a Milanese family so well it truly cracks me up. Oh, yes, Ben came from this crazy, incredible and loving place, for sure. His little brother Marco killed me with his happy-go-lucky (!) attitude and huge insight. Brilliant character, and lovingly described. As I sit here and write these words, I find I am wearing a wolfish grin from one ear to the other. Marco does that to me. (Con Riley, if it would please you, next time you are in Milan, the caffé in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele is on me. I can also show you where to dig your heels in, for luck. On a bull’s balls, no less. No kidding.)

I am happy to know that there are more books coming in this series, as I feel lonely without Theo. So much so that I have started over from the beginning.
I would recommend this first novel in The Seattle Stories, to all who love to read about Love, in itself, for itself, wherever it came from and whomever may be involved; a must read for lovers of Love is Love as a concept. This is a finely tuned story about losing your life partner and about what comes next, when you try to live again, by yourself. It is heart-breaking and beautiful, and happy and funny. Con Riley has a witty language-streak and possesses true mastery of the English language, with very few typos/errors, for those who care about that sort of thing. (I know I do—yes, I’m slightly (ha!) OCD when it comes to these matters). I shall be following this author closely.

Here there be monster-emotions.


I was NOT asked to read this book by anyone. I did, however, receive it as a present, so for once I did not pay with my own money, as I usually do for all the books I read, all the music I listen to and the movies I watch. However, I would have bought this ebook if it hadn’t been given to me, and I am right now considering getting a printed copy, to put in my bookshelf. Yes, it is that good.

ETA: 18 August 2013—Just read this again, and the emotions are even greater.

This review can also be found on: My Fiction Nook
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Quotes AnnaLund Liked

Con Riley
“We all need people, Theo. It doesn't matter how we find the people who matter to us; it just matters that we hold on to them”
Con Riley, After Ben

Con Riley
“MORGAN: Help me out here.
THEO: What's up?
MORGAN: Don't make me spell it out, Theo.
MORGAN:Just talk dirty for a while.
THEO: Blue-sky thinking. Thought shower. Full spectrum leadership.
MORGAN: NOT corporate dirty. Sex dirty.
THEO: I wouldn't know where to start.”
Con Riley, After Ben

Con Riley
“Maggie wasn't without her concerns, though. "What if he's crazy?"

"Yeah, that's a definite possibility," he agreed.

"What if he's not your type?"

"Then we'll only hook up in dark places.”
Con Riley, After Ben
tags: funny

Reading Progress

Finished Reading
July 7, 2012 – Shelved
July 20, 2012 – Started Reading
July 20, 2012 –
42.0% "The way this story is explained, it takes me places. Like this: "Dinner used to mean walking through the kitchen doorway into an invisible wall of garlic, basil, and effusive Italian culinary cursing."
Bloody brilliant words. Spread with a wide brush. Story telling at its best. *reading on*"
July 22, 2012 –
79.0% "I am immersed in this story, I am living it. So much emotion. So many brilliant words, strung together just-so. *happy sigh*"
July 23, 2012 –
100.0% "I have finished this incredible story and will have to take a day to get my breath back before reviewing. I miss these boys so much it hurts already."
July 23, 2012 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-20 of 20 (20 new)

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Carol Ri Wow, powerful review. Deep feelings.

AnnaLund Carol wrote: "Wow, powerful review. Deep feelings."

Truly. I adored this book.
Thank you.

Carol Ri Hi, i finally got the ebook of After Ben last night through the link you provided, thanks!
By the by, i replied to your message yesterday, though i wasn't sure if you got it as it was through my work computer (shhhhhh). Hehehe.

AnnaLund yay! I really hope you like it! please let me know, and do status updates so I can see progress!!!!!

Carol Ri Just finished the last of KMM's, will start with After Ben before I go back to the Fever series. Ok, will try to do the status update. :-)

AnnaLund great! I'm really curious to see what yu think!
I'm getting back to Fever too, as ICED is coming soon, the latest one in the series.
Did you read the 8th in the highlander series? I found it really lacking.

Carol Ri I started last night, am starting chapter 3 in awhile, I was surprised how easy I fell into it. I was admittedly a bit nervous but willing to take the plunge. I was more surprised when I felt a slight stirring when I read Peter kissed Theo before they went out that Friday night. It was oddly sexy and not at all weirded out as I expected! Am so happy you nudged me to the right direction.
Nope I didn't even attempt to find Into the Dreaming when I read your note on the eight book, I do not want to spoil the afterglow after Spell of the Highlander. :-)
Am not sure yet about Fever, but do let me know!

AnnaLund I am so happy to hear that! It is uncanny, this m/m romance is really sexy.
(I'm re-reading the Fever series - what does that tell you ? LOL)

Carol Ri That's exactly what I'm looking for, an m/m romance that should be sexy yet realistic.
Oh! You're already re-reading the Fever series? Don't you want to delve into other books you haven't read yet? It's that good?!!! :-)

AnnaLund (I see you have not met Jericho Barrons yet. *nods* Yes, he is that good).

Carol Ri Giggle giggle, not yet. Ahahahaha, good one with the nods. ÜÜÜ

Carol Ri Giggle giggle, not yet. Ahahahaha, good one with the nods. ÜÜÜ

AnnaLund Heather K (dentist in my spare time) wrote: "Fab review!!"

thank you my dear! it is so easy when the book is this good. just ALL the emotions.

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) AnnaLund wrote: "Heather K (dentist in my spare time) wrote: "Fab review!!"

thank you my dear! it is so easy when the book is this good. just ALL the emotions."

TOTALLY agree!

AnnaLund have you read the next two? I'm kind of in love with Sean.

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) No but I really want to!

AnnaLund oh, lucky you. I wish I could read those two for the first time again. all the emotions. And the three books are SO different from one another. they really follow the character, settings change, it's uncanny how good con riley is at keeping a specific tone in a completely new setting. can you tell I love her writing? *giggles*

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) She really is fab! I have to wait until I get an amazon gift card or something... my spending is off the charts!

AnnaLund Heather K (dentist in my spare time) wrote: "She really is fab! I have to wait until I get an amazon gift card or something... my spending is off the charts!"

god, I know what you mean. and when I think I'm going to stop buying books for a moment, all of you go right ahead and rec one fab book after the other, and suddenly my TBR list is like 150 books long... or longer. gah. oh well, there are worse vices to have, I suppose!

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