Nderitu Pius 's Reviews > Heaven

Heaven by Randy Alcorn
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it was amazing

This book makes me want to go to heaven as soon as right now!!! I love how beautifully and true to the HOLY WRIT this book is written. Its explosively beautiful. Every page of it written brings to light what we have always thought the SCRIPTURES kept hid. The lie of the devil that heaven is boring is the greatest lie among many and I want to ignore that lie every day of my life by following JESUS and taking up my cross daily and following HIM.
Kill sin, get ready for heaven.
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Reading Progress

December 9, 2020 – Started Reading
January 3, 2021 – Shelved
January 3, 2021 –
January 3, 2021 –
50.0% "The beauty of this book is that what I have always thought Heaven to be is the exact opposite of what I am learning now. It is a whole new world. Yet when I read it I see that this is great theology. How my childhood looked at Heaven is nothing like this, this IS MUCH BETTER AND SOLID IN SCRIPTURE!!"
January 3, 2021 –
50.0% "Imagine creatures talking?1 YES! They will. It is amazing to know that the very glimpse of creation in Genesis untainted by sin will be like that in Heaven and even better. I like the idea, I cherish this truth."
January 3, 2021 –
50.0% "Think about it, what about other planets being part of the redeemed creation? Maybe the other planets fell too and if they did when we did then I can only imagine how they will look like upon redemption."
January 3, 2021 –
50.0% "We can be all similar to CHRIST in the new creation but still remain distinct from each other. Distinction is GOD'S plan not the devil's. Boom!!!"
January 4, 2021 –
70.0% "That we will be talking with so many amazing people about GOD'S goodness and HIS awesome character is nothing short of profound. To understand that learning in the new Heaven and new Earth will not be erased is even more fun. Amazing!!"
January 4, 2021 –
70.0% "Books will not be pushed away but due to the fact that our intellect will be heightened books will have a larger role to play than now. Amazing!"
January 4, 2021 –
70.0% "Imagine a world without sin and the curse of it? This is amazing!!"
January 4, 2021 –
January 5, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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message 1: by Christopher (new)

Christopher Lewis Kozoriz You want to go to heaven right now! lol :)

Nderitu  Pius 𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗲!!! I know i want to be with JESUS forever in a place these temptations won't get to me and sin will no longer separate me from HIM

message 3: by Christopher (new)

Christopher Lewis Kozoriz When someone says that to me, I usually show them my fist and say “that can be arranged.”

message 4: by Christopher (last edited Jan 16, 2021 11:08AM) (new)

Christopher Lewis Kozoriz Joking aside, the Bible says, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” (James 1:2-3)

Nderitu  Pius 😂😂😂 not before my work on earth is done. Indeed tho I feel like Paul in this season, it is good for me to go away but better for me to remain with you hehe

message 6: by Christopher (new)

Christopher Lewis Kozoriz 🤣I will hold off on giving you the five-fold ministry then! ✊

Nderitu  Pius Five fold ministry 😂😂😂
Thou layeth hands

message 8: by Christopher (new)

Christopher Lewis Kozoriz 🤣 Laying on of hands and left foot of fellowship! 🦶lol

Nderitu  Pius Let us not forget the oil of thumping hahaha!!

message 10: by Christopher (new)

Christopher Lewis Kozoriz Oil of thumping! Haha 😂 anointing with baseball bat!

Nderitu  Pius Christopher wrote: "Oil of thumping! Haha 😂 anointing with baseball bat!"

I'm done hahaha!!!

message 12: by Christopher (new)

Christopher Lewis Kozoriz Yes. Me too! We were getting a bit carried away! But I’m now interested in seeing how the ministry of the oil of thumping works! 😂 lol

Nderitu  Pius Christopher wrote: "Yes. Me too! We were getting a bit carried away! But I’m now interested in seeing how the ministry of the oil of thumping works! 😂 lol"

Bruuhhhh!!! Let's enjoy some coffee and thump the devil with that oil of thumping hehehe

message 14: by Christopher (new)

Christopher Lewis Kozoriz Amen. That's my plan today: Walk on the devil's head and let him taste the dirt off my feet!

Nderitu  Pius Christopher wrote: "Amen. That's my plan today: Walk on the devil's head and let him taste the dirt off my feet!"
AMEN to that brother. GOD BE GLORIFIED!!! Endure to the end and you will receive a crown of life.

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