Candi's Reviews > Love in the Time of Cholera

Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel García Márquez
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: classics-shelf, historical-fiction, book-i-own, favorites

“It was inevitable: the scent of bitter almonds always reminded him of the fate of unrequited love.”

Love is not patient, love is not kind. It’s envious, it’s boastful, it’s proud. It’s most definitely self-seeking. This book takes the illusion of pure love and turns it upside down. It’s absolutely brilliant. I basked in the beauty of individual sentences and marveled at the epic scope. Don’t expect a romantic, traditional love story or a loveable character to fall for, because you won’t find those things here. What you will find is a sometimes humorous yet painfully truthful story about obsession, marriage, aging, sex, and death. I have to admit that the honesty of Márquez’s brutal points occasionally made me laugh out loud. All of this is set in the sultry heat of a Caribbean coastal city at the turn of the nineteenth century during ‘the time of cholera’.

“At nightfall, at the oppressive moment of transition, a storm of carnivorous mosquitoes rose out of the swamps, and a tender breath of human shit, warm and sad, stirred the certainty of death in the depths of one’s soul.”

Stories about obsession and rather unsavory characters always fascinate me, but I’m aware these elements don’t appeal to every reader. Here we have a young man, Florentino Ariza, who believes he has fallen in love with the adolescent Fermina Daza. When he can’t have her, he spends the next several decades with the intent to grab what he failed to obtain during his youth. Fermina, in the meantime, has married a renowned physician, Dr. Juvenal Urbino. We spend the next three hundred odd pages immersed in the lives of these three (plus some secondary characters) with occasional time shifts that are mastered flawlessly. The idea of “love” is scrutinized without a single reservation on the part of Márquez – both that of the married as well as the unwed. Fermina and Dr. Urbino have their ups and downs; while Florentino has his mad affairs to fill the time before hazarding another attempt at his previously failed conquest.

“The problem with marriage is that it ends every night after making love, and it must be rebuilt every morning before breakfast.”

“Florentino Ariza learned what he had already experienced many times without realizing it: that one can be in love with several people at the same time, feel the same sorrow with each, and not betray any of them.”

Nothing about this novel is sentimental; rather, it’s a bit tongue in cheek, in my opinion. There are no answers to the question of true love to be found in its pages. If your experience is anything like mine, you’ll nod your head a lot, shake it from time to time, and smirk every now and then. You’ll absolutely admire the prose. You’ll hungrily go looking for the next Gabriel García Márquez book.

“… nothing in this world was more difficult than love.”
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Reading Progress

February 28, 2021 – Shelved
February 28, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read
February 28, 2021 – Shelved as: classics-shelf
February 28, 2021 – Shelved as: historical-fiction
March 12, 2021 – Shelved as: book-i-own
March 5, 2023 – Started Reading
March 15, 2023 – Finished Reading
March 21, 2023 – Shelved as: favorites

Comments Showing 1-50 of 71 (71 new)

message 1: by Kushagri (new) - added it

Kushagri Beautiful review, Candi! It’s so poetic 💕

Maureen ( NOT RECEIVING NOTIFICATIONS) Fantastic review Candi 💜

Jenna ❤ ❀  ❤ You capture the essence of this book beautifully, Candi!

message 4: by Sara (new) - rated it 1 star

Sara We reacted very differently to this one, Candi, but you wrote (as you always do) a beautiful review.

Lorna Beautiful review , Candi. This has always been one of my favorites by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

message 6: by Tom (new) - rated it 4 stars

Tom Stewart He's a master, a rare literary artist.

message 7: by Nika (new)

Nika Great review, Candi! I'm not sure if this book is for me, but I loved your review.

Sujoya - theoverbookedbibliophile Loved your review, Candi!This is one of my favorites by this author.

Candi Kushagri wrote: "Beautiful review, Candi! It’s so poetic 💕"

Thanks very much for your kind words, Kushagri! :)

Candi Maureen wrote: "Fantastic review Candi 💜"

Thank you, Maureen! :)

message 11: by Karen (new)

Karen Wonderful review, Candi! I’ve wanted to read this for many years! Hopefully soon!

Candi Jenna wrote: "You capture the essence of this book beautifully, Candi!"

Thanks a bunch, Jenna! I appreciate that :)

Candi Sara wrote: "We reacted very differently to this one, Candi, but you wrote (as you always do) a beautiful review."

Sara, it's not often we have such completely opposite opinions of a book! Thanks for your support no matter those differences! :)

Left Coast Justin Candi, someday I'll find myself sitting in a tropical torpor on a Caribbean island, some sort of rum concoction in hand, and I'll remember this revie.w. Then I'll find a nice hammock, lay my lazy self within, and read this book cover to cover so I'll better understand the mysteries of love.
And I'll have you to thank for it

message 15: by Antoinette (new)

Antoinette Lovely review, Candi! For some reason, I feel intimidated by Marquez. Maybe one day, I’ll try him after your high praise.

message 16: by Bianca (new) - added it

Bianca Brilliant review, Candi. I had a period in my early twenties when I was obsessed with GGM. I have it on my bookshelf, I need to read it. sigh ...

message 17: by Lori (new)

Lori  Keeton It is a beautiful review, Candi! I have not experienced this author yet and feel somewhat like Antionette- intimidated.

Candi Lorna wrote: "Beautiful review , Candi. This has always been one of my favorites by Gabriel Garcia Marquez."

Thank you, Lorna! I'm excited to read more of his work to see if the others are just as wonderful :)

Candi Tom wrote: "He's a master, a rare literary artist."

I'm sure that Nobel prize was well-deserved, Tom!

Candi Nika wrote: "Great review, Candi! I'm not sure if this book is for me, but I loved your review."

Thanks so much, Nika! I'm sure it doesn't have a universal appeal, but I sure loved it :)

Candi Sujoya wrote: "Loved your review, Candi!This is one of my favorites by this author."

Many thanks, Sujoya! I've added it to my favorites list, and I hope at least one more of his novels lands there as well :)

Piyangie Great review, Candi! I'll be reading this one with a group, and your review makes me looking forward to the read.

Candi Karen wrote: "Wonderful review, Candi! I’ve wanted to read this for many years! Hopefully soon!"

Thank you, Karen! I hope you can find some time for this marvelous book!

Candi Elyse wrote: "Beautiful review Candi."

Thanks a bunch, Elyse! :)

Candi Left Coast Justin wrote: "Candi, someday I'll find myself sitting in a tropical torpor on a Caribbean island, some sort of rum concoction in hand, and I'll remember this revie.w. Then I'll find a nice hammock, lay my lazy s..."

Justin, I hope you find yourself relaxing with a pina colada in that hammock sooner rather than later :) And if you find any solutions to the mysteries of love, let me know because Marquez made it even more perplexing than it already was :D :D Thanks for your fun comment!

Candi Antoinette wrote: "Lovely review, Candi! For some reason, I feel intimidated by Marquez. Maybe one day, I’ll try him after your high praise."

Thanks so much, Antoinette! Oh, he's not at all inaccessible. His writing is a little dense but no more so than a lot of classic writers, so not anything you're not already used to from time to time :)

message 27: by Zoeytron (new)

Zoeytron Wonderful review, but I just cannot summon the urge to read this. On the other hand, luxuriating in a hammock with a tropical drink in hand sounds mighty fine. Make mine a salty Margarita, please.

message 28: by Laysee (new)

Laysee Wow! High praise for this book, Candi. Your enthusiasm bubbled over. Terrific review.

message 29: by Karen (new) - added it

Karen Fantastic review, Candi! I always enjoy your reviews because they're so personable. You remind me of books that I have wanted to read, so it helps me get to them faster. So happy for you that you loved this! :D

message 30: by Debbie (new) - added it

Debbie Loved your review, Candi, as always! You make this book come alive! The universe is telling me to read this book! I was watching a series called Shetland (a great Scottish crime series, non-gory, good writing), and there was a woman who gave this book to her boyfriend, with a little note. They then talked about the book, how love can be for decades. I was annoyed that the show gave the plot (though bare bones), but I wanted to be surprised if I ever read it. Later that night, the exact same scenario was played out in a great book I was reading—The Bird Hotel by Joyce Maynard. The man gave the woman of his heart this book! I was shocked. A little dab of woo-woo will do ya. And now you reviewed it, and loved it! I must read it!! All three incidents within a week!

Candi Bianca wrote: "Brilliant review, Candi. I had a period in my early twenties when I was obsessed with GGM. I have it on my bookshelf, I need to read it. sigh ..."

Thanks so much, Bianca! I don't know why I waited so long to read his work, but better late than never, right?! I wonder if you will feel the same way about his work now? I'd love to find out :)

Candi Lori wrote: "It is a beautiful review, Candi! I have not experienced this author yet and feel somewhat like Antionette- intimidated."

Thanks a bunch, Lori! Oh, I don't think you should feel intimidated at all. As I mentioned to Antoinette, his work is definitely accessible! I know it would be no problem for you. As for loving it? Well, I hope you do too!!

Candi Piyangie wrote: "Great review, Candi! I'll be reading this one with a group, and your review makes me looking forward to the read."

Many thanks, Piyangie! This is a fun selection for a group read. I hope that you - and the majority of the group - find it worthwhile! :)

Candi Zoeytron wrote: "Wonderful review, but I just cannot summon the urge to read this. On the other hand, luxuriating in a hammock with a tropical drink in hand sounds mighty fine. Make mine a salty Margarita, please."

Thank you, ZT! If there's no urge, then trust your hunch! I'd take a margarita as well - and I'm with you on the salt :-P

Candi Laysee wrote: "Wow! High praise for this book, Candi. Your enthusiasm bubbled over. Terrific review."

I found it very entertaining, Laysee! The fact the writing was top notch was another bonus. Thanks so much!

Candi Karen wrote: "Fantastic review, Candi! I always enjoy your reviews because they're so personable. You remind me of books that I have wanted to read, so it helps me get to them faster. So happy for you that you l..."

Thank you very much, Karen! I appreciate your kindness! And I'm happy to give little nudges here and there! :D

message 37: by Candi (last edited Mar 23, 2023 12:49PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Candi Debbie wrote: "Loved your review, Candi, as always! You make this book come alive! The universe is telling me to read this book! I was watching a series called Shetland (a great Scottish crime series, non-gory, g..."

Thanks a bunch, Debbie! Ooh, now I think we are both on the same page when it comes to woo-woo, but for sure we can't ignore something this strong!! :D It's stronger than both of us :D :D I do love your story - it made me smile :) :) I don't know if this book will be a bit too descriptive for you (knowing what I do about your tastes now!), but I think you must give it a try as the universe is demanding it! :D

Wyndy Ha - we need a group Margarita! Love your review and the perfect quotes you picked, Candi. I read my fair share of Mr. Marquez years ago. His prose takes patience but it is so worth it. He and Alice Hoffman “do” magical realism just right. I highly recommend ‘Chronicle Of A Death Foretold’ as a possible “next.” I may need to add him to my world tour itinerary ;-)

Candi Wyndy wrote: "Ha - we need a group Margarita! Love your review and the perfect quotes you picked, Candi. I read my fair share of Mr. Marquez years ago. His prose takes patience but it is so worth it. He and Alic..."

I mix up a mean margarita, Wyndy, so I'll volunteer for margarita night! :D Thanks very much for your nice comment! Yes, one does need a bit of patience to read his writing, but not because it's indecipherable but rather a bit dense. I'd be interested to see what you pick if you add Marquez to your world tour! :)

message 40: by Jeannie (new) - added it

Jeannie Awesome review, Candi. I have this book sitting on my shelf. I will get to it someday. So many books!

Candi Jeannie wrote: "Awesome review, Candi. I have this book sitting on my shelf. I will get to it someday. So many books!"

Thank you, Jeannie! I know what you mean! Some days my books seem to be glaring at me - especially when I bring others home from the library instead of attending to the ones already on the shelf :D

Karina Stories about obsession and unsavory characters fascinate me too! I think it’s just more true to life than the happy-go-lucky books. There’s so many true stories out there where men obsess about women and can’t take NO for an answer. It’s so creepy. Anyway, rambling! Lol. I loved your honest review, Candi. Makes me want to read it

message 43: by Lisa (new)

Lisa This sounds intriguing. I haven't delved into Marquez yet.
There are so many different forms of love, and it can be different things at different times. Think of the excitement and passion of a brand new romance. Then contrast it with the comfort and warmth with less frequent tingles and spikes of passion 35 years later.

I don't agree exactly with that quote about rebuilding a marriage every morning. I think it's more like re-committing to a marriage every day.

I'm all for books that get me thinking, so thanks for offering this one up for consideration.

Candi Karina wrote: "Stories about obsession and unsavory characters fascinate me too! I think it’s just more true to life than the happy-go-lucky books. There’s so many true stories out there where men obsess about wo..."

So true! Sadly, the reality is that the world is full of unsavory characters! And the word NO seems to be up for some sort of slanted interpretation as well. Thanks very much, Karina :)

Candi Lisa wrote: "This sounds intriguing. I haven't delved into Marquez yet.
There are so many different forms of love, and it can be different things at different times. Think of the excitement and passion of a br..."

I've just now checked Marquez off my list! Even after gifting this title to a friend probably a decade or more ago, I never even picked it up myself :D Marquez will make you think, and you'll relish the masterful prose. Those quotes about marriage highlight the thought processes of two of the major characters in the book. Whether they got the idea of love right or not? Well, that's part of the fun of the book! Thanks for your thoughtful comment, Lisa :)

message 46: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen I'm convinced, thanks to your beautiful review, to pick up this book by an author I've been avoiding since college. It's time!

Violeta Fantastic review, Candi! You perfectly capture the spirit of Márquez's writing. It's grandiose and captivating and it doesn't shy away from human wickedness, in any form. Or so it had seemed to me eons ago when I was a young and impressionable reader. Happy to see it has the same effect on more... mature readership. 😉

Candi Kathleen wrote: "I'm convinced, thanks to your beautiful review, to pick up this book by an author I've been avoiding since college. It's time!"

Just dive into this one or one of the others, Kathleen! Now is the time! If you don't hit it off, then at least you'll know you didn't miss out on anything :D But I do hope you find something rewarding in his writing. Thank you for your kind words :)

Candi Violeta wrote: "Fantastic review, Candi! You perfectly capture the spirit of Márquez's writing. It's grandiose and captivating and it doesn't shy away from human wickedness, in any form. Or so it had seemed to me ..."

Thanks very much, Violeta! I'm pleased if I've managed to convey that essence properly :) I think your memory of his style and substance are just right... or at least that's what I took away from it as well!

Cheri Fabulous review, Candi! I read this so many years ago that I can't recall when, but it was one of those books that I remember how I felt when I was reading it because of the prose, and the way I could envision it all, and how different his writing, his stories feel from anyone else's.

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