Jason Koivu's Reviews > A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: fiction, classics, holidays
Read 2 times. Last read December 17, 2024 to December 19, 2024.

Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol is a quintessential piece of what Christmas is all about (and maybe a touch Halloween, too!). The story succeeds in entrancing so many of us because it touches upon the emotions, the senses, the human condition, and encapsulates it all in the life and death struggle we all go through...plus, who doesn't love a good ghost story and a happy ending?!

A Christmas Carol has been adapted so many times in so many different ways that this fairytale story has become a bit of a fairytale legend within itself. I was starting to forget if I'd actually ever read it or just assumed I had because I knew the story so well almost as if by osmosis. I still couldn't be sure, so I gave it another read...or rather I listened to it. I found a version with Patrick Stewart doing the narration. And yes as you would imagine, hearing Captain Picard do Tiny Tim is HILARIOUS! But now I'm still left to wonder if I've actually ever literally read the dang thing.
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Reading Progress

December 2, 2008 – Shelved
Started Reading
December 14, 2011 – Finished Reading
December 17, 2024 – Started Reading
December 19, 2024 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-19 of 19 (19 new)

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Gary I totally agree. I read it,and watch the movie every year during the month of December.

Doris I read the Condensed Version many years ago, but I too am wondering if I have ever read the actual book

Jason Koivu Doris wrote: "I read the Condensed Version many years ago, but I too am wondering if I have ever read the actual book"

I know I've at least heard the whole thing read and I know I've seen the whole thing acted out, but whether I've actually held the book in my hands and read the words off the page with my own two eyes is a mystery. Granted, it's not a very exciting mystery. And generally it's not a point I tend to dwell on. As long as the book I'm reading isn't abridged, I don't care if I'm "reading" it via an audiobook. However, not to have a leather-bound hardback edition of a A Christmas Carol with which is still by the fireside and read on Christmas Eve seems almost sacrilegious.

Gary you guys definately need to read the unabridged version. it is wonderful!

Doris I was about 10 when I read the condensed version. I will try to pick up the unabridged version soon (added to my to-read list).

message 6: by Gary (last edited Apr 10, 2012 07:08PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Gary I teach 5th grade. For Christmas every year I give my students a copy for their Christmas present from me.

go to www.doverpublications.com to order a copy of the unabridged version for $1.00.
Since I order 50 copies at a time,they give them to me for 90 cents!

message 8: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Peto Gary wrote: "I teach 5th grade. For Christmas every year I give my students a copy for their Christmas present from me.

go to www.doverpublications.com to order a copy of the unabridged version for $1.00.

I may do this too! Thanks, Gary.

message 9: by Jonathan (last edited Oct 31, 2013 11:31PM) (new)

Jonathan Peto I thought everyone everywhere knew this story, but I talked to someone from France just the other day and she didn't really know what I was referring to when I mentioned Scrooge. I had the feeling that television and movie versions of it were not as ubiquitous there.

message 10: by Jonathan (last edited Oct 31, 2013 07:55PM) (new)

Jonathan Peto And she's a librarian and a reader!

message 11: by Gary (new) - rated it 5 stars

Gary Give her a copy!

Leana M Love Dickens and was planning to reading this a little closer to Christmas this year. Thanks for the review. Now I can't wait.

James Thane I usually re-read this book during the first couple of weeks in December about every third year or so. And virtually every year I watch the Alastair Sims movie adaptation. Even if it is over fifty years old now, I still think it's the best adaptation of the book, at least among the versions I've seen.

message 14: by Jim (last edited Nov 07, 2013 02:31PM) (new)

Jim Given that Dickens passed long ago, without checking I'd bet a substantial amount that Project Gutenberg has a public domain copy.

message 15: by Jim (new)

Jim Gary wrote:

I teach 5th grade. For Christmas every year I give my students a copy for their Christmas present from me.

What a cool teacher! Bet you take turns reading it in class, too.

message 16: by Jim (new)

Jim OK, HAD to check - here's one Gutenberg ebook - HTML - with illustrations dated MDCCCLXLIII




A Ghost Story of Christmas




I HAVE endeavoured in this Ghostly little book, to raise the Ghost of an Idea, which shall not put my readers out of humour with themselves, with each other, with the season, or with me. May it haunt their houses pleasantly, and no one wish to lay it.
Their faithful Friend and Servant,

C. D.

December, 1843.

message 17: by Gary (new) - rated it 5 stars

Gary I downloaded Washington Irving Xmas story from Gutenberg. Also, THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW, which I was very familiar with the story,but never actually read it. It was nice to get it free,and be able to put it on my NOOK.

message 18: by Jim (new)

Jim Gutenberg is very good about offering many common formats.

Anyone who has an interest in e-books and downloadable books might be interested in Calibre - free software that allows reading many formats on a computer and that performs conversions (say Nook to Kindel to Sony to....) - good stuff.

message 19: by Gary (new) - rated it 5 stars

Gary I use Calibre when downloading to my nook.

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