Michael David (on hiatus)'s Reviews > Finding Tessa

Finding Tessa by Jaime Lynn Hendricks
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: buddy-read


Looking for a 5-star stunner with a jaw-dropping twist? Well, LOOK NO FURTHER!

A brief synopsis that won’t give too much away (unlike the actual book blurb, which may reveal a secret or two):

Jace Montgomery comes home late one evening to find his wife, Tessa, MIA. He is instantly on alert when he notices broken glass, a clump of hair, and blood. He immediately reports this to the police, but never expects to be their prime suspect in her disappearance.

Tessa is thrilled to be out from under the watchful eyes of her abusive husband. She has been hurt too many times, and wants him to pay for it. She sets him up to pay the price for her disappearance, and couldn’t be more thrilled.

...As long as she gets away with it.

This is a smart domestic thriller that literally made me GASP at one of the twists. That is always a fun treat. It’s hard to believe that this is a debut novel. Author Jaime Lynn Hendricks is effortless in moving the plot along at a fast pace and ramping up the suspense, so much so that I barely slept and picked it back up in the very early morning hours. Talk about a gripping thriller!

The characters are fantastically written and fully fleshed out, and I couldn’t help but care deeply for Tessa and all of the terrible things she has gone through. She is a REAL character. Of course, there are unsavory hooligans as well, and they too are written extremely realistically. Speaking of characters, shout out to two of my favorites: Candy, a sweetheart of a dog 🐶...and Hobart, a cab driver with a heart of gold! 🚕

Detective Jayme was on the case with me as we buddy read this, and we were able to to find some clues, but there were plenty more surprises in store. 🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️

Mark my words: This is not the last time we will be hearing about Hendricks. I predict that this will be a huge and worthy hit, so make sure you pick up a copy when it’s published on: 5/11/21.

Thank you to Scarlet and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Review also posted at: https://bonkersforthebooks.wordpress.com
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Reading Progress

April 15, 2021 – Started Reading
April 15, 2021 – Shelved
April 15, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read
April 16, 2021 – Shelved as: buddy-read
April 16, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 127 (127 new)

Jayme So glad we chose this one for our latest buddy read! Fantastic review ! 🕵🏻‍♀️🕵🏼‍♂️

message 2: by Lucy (new)

Lucy Great review! Glad you and Jayme had fun with this one 😁.

Melissa (Sailing the Greek Isles) Oooh sounds great!

message 4: by Melissa (new)

Melissa ~ Bantering Books I suspect you are correct in that "Finding Tessa" will be a huge hit. I've been hearing so many great things about it. A truly great review, Michael! :)

Trevor Wiltzen Sounds good :) Great review!

message 6: by Claude's (new)

Claude's Bookzone Love a good gasp worthy moment! Great review, Michael!

Kat (Books are Comfort Food) Excellent review, Michael. This is definitely going on my list, as it sounds sooo good. I bet this was really fun reading with Jayme. And heck, if there’s a lovable 🐶 in it .... sold! 😊

Michael David (on hiatus) Jayme wrote: "So glad we chose this one for our latest buddy read! Fantastic review ! 🕵🏻‍♀️🕵🏼‍♂️"

Thanks! Same here! Our last couple weren’t the best cases, but we definitely chose a winner this time, Detective Madam! 🕵️‍♀️😂

Michael David (on hiatus) Lucy wrote: "Great review! Glad you and Jayme had fun with this one 😁."

Thanks, Lucy! I hope it’s in your 📚. Such a great book! 😊

Michael David (on hiatus) Melissa (LifeFullyBooked) wrote: "Oooh sounds great!"

It really was, Melissa!

Michael David (on hiatus) Melissa wrote: "I suspect you are correct in that "Finding Tessa" will be a huge hit. I've been hearing so many great things about it. A truly great review, Michael! :)"

Thanks so much, Melissa! :) I hope you’re able to find time for it. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed!

Michael David (on hiatus) Trevor wrote: "Sounds good :) Great review!"

Thanks, Trevor! :)

Michael David (on hiatus) Claude's wrote: "Love a good gasp worthy moment! Great review, Michael!"

Thanks, Claude! I love them too...and they’re so rare!

Michael David (on hiatus) Kat (Books are Comfort Food) wrote: "Excellent review, Michael. This is definitely going on my list, as it sounds sooo good. I bet this was really fun reading with Jayme. And heck, if there’s a lovable 🐶 in it .... sold! 😊"

Thanks so much, Kat! I think you will really enjoy it, and I’m looking forward to your thoughts. 🐶 😊

message 15: by Mischenko (new) - added it

Mischenko Thanks, Michael! Adding this one too. Excellent review!

Holly  B (slower pace!) You did again, and I'm running for the request button!

message 17: by Kat (new)

Kat Advice taken: I'll look no further ... I want all those things! I just put this on hold at my library. Fab review, Michael 😊

message 18: by Maria (new)

Maria Micheal, you absolutely sold me on this. I love a great revenge story! I'm not even going to read the synopsis and just mark it to read.

DeAnn Terrific review Michael! Going to check this one out!

message 20: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen This sounds tantalizing!! Going to have to add it. Great review, Michael!

Michael David (on hiatus) Mischenko wrote: "Thanks, Michael! Adding this one too. Excellent review!"

Thank you kindly, Jen! Enjoy!

Michael David (on hiatus) Holly wrote: "You did again, and I'm running for the request button!"

Oops! I did it again! 😂 Enjoy, Holly!

Michael David (on hiatus) Kat wrote: "Advice taken: I'll look no further ... I want all those things! I just put this on hold at my library. Fab review, Michael 😊"

Woo-hoo!! Thanks so much, Kat! I’m excited to see what you think. This one is a gem of a thriller! 💎 🤗

Michael David (on hiatus) Maria wrote: "Micheal, you absolutely sold me on this. I love a great revenge story! I'm not even going to read the synopsis and just mark it to read."

Thanks, Maria! I so appreciate your kind words. 😊 I really hope you love it too!

Michael David (on hiatus) DeAnn wrote: "Terrific review Michael! Going to check this one out!"

Thanks, DeAnn! It’s a must-read!

Michael David (on hiatus) Jen wrote: "This sounds tantalizing!! Going to have to add it. Great review, Michael!"

Thanks, Jen! I bet you’ll love it too! Enjoy! 😃

message 27: by Karina (new) - added it

Karina You hooked me, Michael! I’m on a mission now to Find Tessa, pun intended!! I like me a good story where karma comes into play....

message 28: by JaymeO (new)

JaymeO Great review! I love jaw dropping twists! This is already on hold for me. Can’t wait!

message 29: by Farrah (new) - added it

Farrah I'm not gonna read the blurb, added it because of you and Jayme's reviews! 🙂🙈

message 30: by Terrie (new)

Terrie  Robinson (short break) Wow, this sounds amazing! The sweet dog is right up my alley but the cab driver not so much...but so glad you loved this one, Michael. Delightful review!

message 31: by Lisa (new) - added it

Lisa Wonderful review Michael! glad to see all the 🌟 rs on this one just added.

message 32: by MarilynW (new)

MarilynW Fabulous review, Michael...I look forward to this story 😁

Michael David (on hiatus) Karina wrote: "You hooked me, Michael! I’m on a mission now to Find Tessa, pun intended!! I like me a good story where karma comes into play...."

Love the pun! 😂 Thanks so much, Karina! Happy hunting!

Michael David (on hiatus) Jayme wrote: "Great review! I love jaw dropping twists! This is already on hold for me. Can’t wait!"

Thanks, Jayme! Excited for you to read it!

Michael David (on hiatus) Farrah wrote: "I'm not gonna read the blurb, added it because of you and Jayme's reviews! 🙂🙈"

That’s a super and trustworthy choice, Farrah! 😊 Thank you kindly!

Michael David (on hiatus) Terrie wrote: "Wow, this sounds amazing! The sweet dog is right up my alley but the cab driver not so much...but so glad you loved this one, Michael. Delightful review!"

Thanks a bunch, Terrie! The cab driver was amazing! 🚕 I hope you love this one too!

Michael David (on hiatus) Lisa wrote: "Wonderful review Michael! glad to see all the 🌟 rs on this one just added."

Thanks, Lisa! So glad you added it, and I think you’ll love it! 🤗

Michael David (on hiatus) MarilynW wrote: "Fabulous review, Michael...I look forward to this story 😁"

Thank you, Marilyn! I look forward to you reading it! 😊

Regina Fab review! Got me all excited. I’ll make sure to start it when I won’t have pesky life interruptions.

Susan  (on hiatus) Fantastic review Michael, I have this coming up!

message 41: by Tina (new)

Tina Oooh your review is awesome! This one is on my radar‼️

Taina Garcia Your review is FANTASTIC, Michael!! I am extremely excited for this one. Now I have to wait for May 11, and Libby availability. 🙂😏👍🏼

message 43: by Ceecee (new) - added it

Ceecee Fantastic review- so glad you enjoyed it so much. Just started it too!!! 😊

preoccupiedbybooks I've never hit want to read so quickly! 😂Fab review Michael!

Richard (on hiatus) Wow, praise indeed! .......... sounds like one for the list. Great review :)

message 46: by Pat (new) - rated it 4 stars

Pat Excellent review Michael. The book sounds awesome and I have requested it🤞.

message 47: by JanB (new) - added it

JanB I want all those things (plus a dog!) so I’m convinced, and adding. Excellent review Michael!

Michael David (on hiatus) Regina wrote: "Fab review! Got me all excited. I’ll make sure to start it when I won’t have pesky life interruptions."

Thanks, Regina! Glad you’re excited to read it, and that sounds like a great plan. You’ll fly through this gem!

Michael David (on hiatus) Susan wrote: "Fantastic review Michael, I have this coming up!"

Thanks, Susan! I think/hope you’ll love it too!

Michael David (on hiatus) Tina wrote: "Oooh your review is awesome! This one is on my radar‼️"

Thanks, Tina! Enjoy! 👍

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