Lisa O's Reviews > The Cider House Rules

The Cider House Rules by John Irving
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bookshelves: fiction

Believe it of not, I didn't know the plot of this book before I dove in. I feel like I should have had some idea given the popularity of the book and the Academy Award winning movie adaptation, not to mention (as I learned) the somewhat controversial nature of the themes. I pulled it out of my to-read pile because I was looking for a well-written, engaging fiction novel, and I felt like John Irving would be able to deliver on these requirements. He definitely did, but this also ended up being a really timely read given the recent US Supreme Court ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade.

The story takes place in the World War II era and is a coming of age story of the orphan Homer Wells. Homer Wells grows up in an orphanage under the father-like care of Dr. Wilbur Larch, an obstetrician who is also a secret abortion provider. It is important for Homer Wells to be "of use" so he trains as a medical assistant under Dr. Larch, but their relationship is strained due to their differing views on abortion. Even after Homer Wells leaves the orphanage to pursue a path away from obstetrics, complex situations surrounding unwanted pregnancies, a patient's choice, and the need for abortions continue to follow him throughout his adult life which causes him to constantly reassess his beliefs on the subject.

John Irving is a masterful and imaginative storyteller, and The Cider House Rules is no exception. Given the central themes of the book, I found this to be a really thought-provoking read, but it was also fun and profoundly engaging. And the book comes with the cast of colorful, eccentric characters that are expected of John Irving. It's the reason I keep come back to his books. From the main characters to the orphans and nurses to the patients, there's all kinds of whimsy and neurosis and vivid backstories to keep you on your toes. I loved them all, but I admit I was a little surprised when I finished the book and realized that Melony, a strong female orphan with a very challenging personality, had become one of my favorite characters.

Clearly, I was not disappointed in my choice to finally read this one, and this story is going to stick with me for awhile. I will always keep coming back to Irving for his fantastic storytelling and unforgettable characters.
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Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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Jenna ❤ ❀  ❤ Terrific review, Lisa, and yes, this was a timely read. Glad you enjoyed it so much, too.

message 2: by Chris (new)

Chris Irving is not a fave of mine, but I did see this movie and thought it was terrific. Glad this was such a great read for you. Wonderful review.

Jonathan K (Max Outlier) Great review and I completely agree, though unlike you, I'd seen the film several times. Michael Cane is masterful as is the rest of the cast and its one of the more compelling stories worth seeing

message 4: by Bonnie G. (last edited Aug 07, 2022 03:31PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Bonnie G. Oh I love this book. So glad it resonated with you. And I had not thought about it until you mentioned it, but you certainly did choose the right moment to read it. The film is also very good in case you are considering a follow up.

message 5: by Carolyn (new) - added it

Carolyn Great review Lisa! I read it eons ago and remember enjoying it immensely, along with several other Irving books from his early career. I really need to catch up and read some of his more recent ones. His “colorful, eccentric” characters are the best!

Lisa O Jenna wrote: "Terrific review, Lisa, and yes, this was a timely read. Glad you enjoyed it so much, too." Thanks Jenna!

Lisa O Chris wrote: "Irving is not a fave of mine, but I did see this movie and thought it was terrific. Glad this was such a great read for you. Wonderful review." Thanks Chris! I will definitely be watching the movie now, better late than never!

Lisa O Jonathan wrote: "Great review and I completely agree, though unlike you, I'd seen the film several times. Michael Cane is masterful as is the rest of the cast and its one of the more compelling stories worth seeing" Thanks Jonathan! I have no idea why I chose not to watch this movie at the height of its popularity, it's a great cast and I remember the movie getting so much buzz. I will be watching it now, and I'm looking forward to seeing the characters and story come to life!

Lisa O Bonnie G. wrote: "Oh I love this book. So glad it resonated with you. And I had not tjought about it until you mentioned it, but you certainly did choose the right moment to read it. The film is also very good in ca..." It was a weird coincidence that I picked this one up now after years of it sitting in my Kindle library, but I'm glad I did! But it's a great story regardless of current events and I can see myself re-reading this one in the future. Looking forward to watching the film too.

Lisa O Carolyn wrote: "Great review Lisa! I read it eons ago and remember enjoying it immensely, along with several other Irving books from his early career. I really need to catch up and read some of his more recent one..." Thanks Carolyn! I haven't read a John Irving book in awhile and this was a good reminder of why I enjoy his books so much. I also need to read some of his more recent ones, so looking forward to seeing your reviews!

message 11: by Ned (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ned Great review, I loved it

message 12: by Rosh (new) - added it

Rosh Superb review, Lisa! This is on my agenda too and I am so happy to see your 5 star rating! :)

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