Duchess Nicole's Reviews > Lover at Last

Lover at Last by J.R. Ward
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He thought he'd had all he needed – that the way he'd grown up had made him tougher and stronger than anyone else. That the way he did his job, running into burning buildings or jumping into the captain's seats of busted – up aircraft, proved it. That how he lived his life, essentially apart, meant he was strong. Meant he was safe.
The true meaning of courage was still waiting for him, however...”

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I think it's safe to say that this is not only one of the most anticipated books of the year, but one of the most anticipated books of this series to date...and that's saying a lot. Because every BDB book is so wildly popular, it's not even funny. I've already skimmed a few reviews and I now feel like defending my beloved Blay and Quinn...both to the avid readers of male/male romance and to those who may not approve. For those that didn't think the sex was descriptive enough:

Let me make a prediction here!!!!!!! (Duchess summons up her crystal ball)

---------------------------J.R. Ward's Lover at Last will do for the male/male romance subgenre what Stephanie Meyer's Twilight did for paranormal romance.--------------------------------

That is to say...it's gonna blow that sh*t UP, and you should be excited that Ward took such a huge chance on her avid following of readers, and their love for this couple. She just made them the star in a major mainstream fiction series, one of the most popular Paranormal Romance series of ALL TIME. Just guess what bags of fun she's opening up. I know this reader was pretty much a m/m virgin. To date, the only author I've read that has written a gay romance was Suzanne Brockmann in her Troubleshooters series, and even while that series is pretty popular, she didn't get as down and dirty as Ward did here.

As for those who don't approve, let's hope you just don't read the dang book. Because it's not like you don't know what it contains, mnkay?!

Okay, my little ole opinion on this book...

Blay and Qhuinn...
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”You know, I don't think I ever thanked you, “Qhuinn murmured. As Blay's baby blues shot over, he wanted to look away – the eye contact was almost too much....
“For what?” Blay asked.
“For driving us home...” He heaved a great breath in and let it out slowly. “And for sitting out here with me all might long. For going to Payne and getting her to help. For backing me up on the field, and during training. Also, for all those beers and video games. The chips and the M&M's. The clothes I borrowed. The floor I slept on when I stayed over. Thanks for letting me hug your mom and talk with your dad. Thank you...for the ten thousand kind things you've done.”

Ah, my beautiful, broken boys! I've cried so many times and ached along with them in all of their many trials. They've been best friends for years, playing the field when they each went through their transitions, supporting each other in their training, but most importantly, they have been such stalwart, loyal companions. Which made it all the more heartbreaking to see their relationship deteriorate over the last couple of books, with Blay pining for what he thinks he can't have and turning to Saxton...and Qhuinn denying, denying, denying...

[image error]

You've just got to hurt for them both. I mean, I know everyone was taking up for Blay and his unrequited love.

”Qhuinn was a fucking curse to him, he really was...”

It's hard not to feel so bad for the guy, especially when you know that he and Qhuinn are simply meant to be!! But he looked as if he was moving on, rejected by the one he really wants and resigned to a relationship with someone else. All the while, he's even more tortured than if he'd have just stayed alone! I also feel bad for Saxton here...he really got the short end of the straw, all the while knowing that Blay's actually in love with Qhuinn.

And Qhuinn, the literally tortured, abandoned new fighter...I wanted to resurrect his parents just so they could die a slower death...or at least to force them to see the wonderful man that Qhuinn became not because of their lousy parenting- but in spite of it!!! They officially get the worst parents of the century award and earn my undying disgust all over again.

So Qhuinn still doesn't feel comfortable with his feelings for Blay. The man doesn't WANT to be gay. He sees it as yet another thing that would have lessened him in the judgmental glymera's eyes. And he can't get past that, he just can't. So this book is still him dealing with his past demons, but also dealing with a past that comes back to haunt him...there are some big surprises in store for Qhuinn...hold on to your seats!!!! It's a doozie!!!

Qhuinn and Layla:
We all know what happened in the last book with Layla going through her needing...and Qhuinn came along and saved the day. This situation is also painful (aren't they all?) in that both of these people have been abandoned to fate. Layla, a sacred Chosen now tossed into a world in which she doesn't understand, and Qhuinn...no family, barely anyone he can call a friend, so lonely, so confused.

Now Layla must deal with the results of their coupling, and the pain and fear that comes with being a female vampire trying to have a baby. And Qhuinn must deal with the realities of maybe becoming a father, while still getting his own life straight in his head.

Layla and Xcor:
I've got to say, insta-love is only done right in Paranormal Romance. The instant connection that these two found in Lover Reborn was palpable, and so horribly out of place that it actually fit!!! Layla, the epitome of innocence and beauty and virtue...and Xcor, the brotherhood's enemy, attempted murderer of Wrath, horribly scarred both inside and out. What a pair! But once again, you just can't help but root for them to find a way!!

”Oh, his Chosen...he had never known such grace existed, and moreover, he could not have e'er surmised that he would be touched so completely by that which was antithetical to him. She was his opposite, kind and giving when he was brutal and unforgiving, beautiful to his ugliness, ethereal to his filth.
And she had marked him. Sur as if she had struck him and left a scar deep within his flesh, he was wounded and weakened by her.”

I sure do have a soft spot for Xcor, considering his past...but he is growing so much as a character, overcoming two hundred plus years of evil within himself. His fascination with Layla only jump started his heart, I think. And I can't wait to see him develop as a person. This was one of his scenes, and it just cracked me up! This is soooo Xcor...he's walking through a house that he and his men have rented.

”On the second floor, he refused to look into the bedrooms The pink of the one in front burned his eyes, and the sea foam green of the other was another assault on the senses as well. And there was no relief to be had as he walked into the master bedroom. Flowered wallpapaer, everywhere. Even on the bed, and across the windows, and all over that chair in the corner.
At least his combat boots crushed the thick carpet, leaving tread prints like bruises on his way to the bath.”

Assail and Sola:
We met Assail, the murdering drug dealer, in the last book, but his supposed love interest, Sola, shows up here. These two play one hot and sexy game of cat and mouse! Although their relationship ends on a bit of a cliffhanger, I'm really excited to see where this goes.

I have a couple of little complaints:
1 – The shellans are almost nonexistent after their book is over. While the men remain in the series, if somewhat in the background, the women basically cease to exist. Occasionally, we get a shot of Doc Jane or Payne, but I want more interaction with the members of the household. I don't WANT to forget them.
2 – Blay and Quinn really don't get a lot of face-time...which means when they ARE talking, its so full of angst and misunderstandings, they get almost no moments of levity or peace. Which, I have to say, was really discouraging.
3 – The ending was rush, rush, rush...and that grump is so overused, but it's true. I kept watching my page numbers, wondering how she could possibly wrap up all that she needs to in twenty..ten...five pages. Answer? She didn't. Meh.

All in all, I was once again impressed as all get out with Ward. She has magical fingers, such a way of making me care so deeply for this band of brothers, their shellans, and even the evil guys! What other series have you read in which half of the villains end up being putty in their woman's hands? Gotta love that blurry good/evil line!!!!!!!!

The SEX....I know everyone is curious about the sex. And I just want to say that it was...thoroughly satisfying. At times, it was blow the top of your head off, break the bed, rough and raw, but there were also moments of sensual, erotic closeness between this couple. There was a comfort level there with these two that rarely exists between new lovers, because they already know and love each other. The sex wasn't horribly descriptive, but it was still erotic...the sheer fact that it was somewhat taboo, and that no one was supposed to know...not to mention a tiny bit of voyeurism and keep-the-lights-off sneak attacks...Totally HOT!!!!!
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I know that there is a lot going on in this book...true Ward style, every other scene is about a new couple, and it once again takes away somewhat from the storyline. However, with these new characters entering into the series, I'm actually really seeing major potential for the future of the BDB. With the way that Ward molds her men into exactly what she wants them to be, the possibilities are limitless! Oh, and there is a LOT of Wrath in here...for sure, Wrath lovers will get a nice big dose of the King!
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Couple of fave quotes:
**“The difference between someone “loving” someone versus being “in love” was a curb to the Grand Canyon. The head of a pin to the entire Midwest. An exhale to a hurricane...”
**”I'll beg for it.” More with the caress of those devastating lips. “If that's what it takes. I don't give a fuck, I'll beg...”

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Quotes Duchess Nicole Liked

J.R. Ward
“Shit. With Qhuinn looking at him like that, he couldn’t remember his own name. Blaysox? Blacklock? Blabberfox? Who the fuck knew…”
J R Ward, Lover at Last

Reading Progress

November 6, 2012 – Shelved
March 26, 2013 – Started Reading
March 26, 2013 –
[image error]"
March 26, 2013 –
3.0% "SO ANGRY!!!! Quinn's parents...I would RIP THEM APART, slowly, torturously, and all the while tell them what a fabulous dual eye colored, beautiful gay warrior of a son they treated like the lowest form of life!!!!
[image error]"
March 26, 2013 –
11.0% "This is just painful....they're so uncomfortable with each other! :("
March 26, 2013 –
22.0% "Holy crap!!! I think my damn heart just stopped!!! Say she's not going with this....ohgodohgodohgod!!!!!!!!!! No way :/"
March 26, 2013 –
28.0% "This gives me chills...
"Qhuinn looked up. Wrath had come out of the library with George on one side of him and his queen on the other. The male looked as big as the mansion behind him - and just as strong: Even blind, he seemed like a superhero in those wraparound shades."
Gotta love the awesomeness that is the King of the Brotherhood!!!"
March 26, 2013 –
36.0% "Hell. yes. that. just. happened."
March 27, 2013 –
64.0% "Wrath's speech to the Glymera....ROCKED!! What a badass... This book is great for Wrath fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
March 27, 2013 –
68.0% ""Shit. With Qhuinn looking at him like that, he couldn't remember his own name. Blaysox? Blacklock? Blabberfox? Who the fuck knew..."
[image error]"
March 27, 2013 –
75.0% "My new favorite couple...Sola and Assail...they have so much chemistry, and that bad boy is SUCH a turn on!!!
[image error]"
March 27, 2013 –
March 27, 2013 – Shelved as: e-pcs
March 27, 2013 – Shelved as: buddy-reads
March 27, 2013 – Shelved as: favorite-heroes
March 27, 2013 – Shelved as: genre-paranormal-vamps
March 27, 2013 – Shelved as: love-triangles
March 27, 2013 – Shelved as: hyped
March 27, 2013 – Shelved as: mm-romance
March 27, 2013 – Shelved as: highly-rated
March 27, 2013 – Shelved as: read-in-2013
March 28, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 104 (104 new)

Leea LOL!! I know, they really pissed me off too.

Heather Me, too. It was as if their past hadn't mattered.

message 3: by Ivy (new) - added it

Ivy G. :(
I am starting to panick here... I have been waiting to read about Blay & Qhuinn, forever!!

Heather Start it, keep reading. ❤

Duchess Nicole Oh, Ivy... In between 10-20%, you get a lot of Quinn and Blay time, although they're still dancing around each other. But the sexual tension is effing explosive!!!!!!

Leea I'm just at 7% and I can't wait!! Yay!!

Duchess Nicole Leea wrote: "I'm just at 7% and I can't wait!! Yay!!"

I'm blowing through it way too fast. I've got to stop and linger for awhile, lol! Enjoy, Leea! You're right where the goods start ;)

message 8: by Ivy (new) - added it

Ivy G. Duchess Nicole wrote: "Leea wrote: "I'm just at 7% and I can't wait!! Yay!!"

I'm blowing through it way too fast. I've got to stop and linger for awhile, lol! Enjoy, Leea! You're right where the goods start ;)"

I am planning on starting it today.
I have read some pretty scary reviews...

Duchess Nicole Uh oh! I haven't read ANY reviews for it...didn't want to spoil it for myself. I hope it's not bad scary?

message 10: by Ivy (new) - added it

Ivy G. Duchess Nicole wrote: "Uh oh! I haven't read ANY reviews for it...didn't want to spoil it for myself. I hope it's not bad scary?"

Unfortunately I stumbled upon a really bad/scary review. She is a huge fan of JRW & this one greatly disappointed her.
Obviously, I am still going to read it but it sort of made me sad to read such horrible reviews on it.

Duchess Nicole Oh no! Well, I'm really liking it so far...although she seems to be bringing the Lessening society back, which I don't like. But the rest is good, and I'm just ready for Qhuinn and Blay to finally have some kind of HEA!

Heather Ivy wrote: Unfortunately I stumbled upon a really bad/scary review. She is a huge fan of JRW & this one greatly disappointed her.

I think I read the same one (2 star?) but I am enjoying this so far.

message 13: by Ivy (new) - added it

Ivy G. Her Goodreads name is TEKLA
She gave it 1 star.
I can't wait to read what you think.
I am still super excited ! :o)

message 14: by Ivy (new) - added it

Ivy G. I have to say one thing, Zsadist & Wrath are still my favorites...
John is there too!

Heather Ivy wrote: Her Goodreads name is TEKLA
She gave it 1 star.

It's the same one, earlier this morning though she had given it two stars.

Duchess Nicole I didn't read it, but how do you give a Ward book one star? I reserve one star reads for utter crap. Even if the book ended right now, it would already deserve more than one star. Maybe it just really pissed her off.

Heather Duchess wrote: I didn't read it, but how do you give a Ward book one star? I reserve one star reads for utter crap.


Kimberly I think ppl are expecting to much with this book because of who it's about of course they they will be disappointed when it's not as sexy or whatever they think it should be. I am happy as can be that they will finally get together.

message 19: by Ivy (new) - added it

Ivy G. Duchess Nicole wrote: "I didn't read it, but how do you give a Ward book one star? I reserve one star reads for utter crap. Even if the book ended right now, it would already deserve more than one star. Maybe it just ..."

Very possible & I completely agree with you!

message 20: by Ivy (new) - added it

Ivy G. Heather wrote: " Ivy wrote: Her Goodreads name is TEKLA
She gave it 1 star.

It's the same one, earlier this morning though she had given it two stars."

something else must have pissed her off & she was like "Ahh... screw it... I am going to give it one star because I can"

message 21: by Ivy (new) - added it

Ivy G. Duchess Nicole wrote: "Oh no! Well, I'm really liking it so far...although she seems to be bringing the Lessening society back, which I don't like. But the rest is good, and I'm just ready for Qhuinn and Blay to finall..."

YES!!!!! I love them !!

message 22: by Jen (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jen Awesome review Nicole, and I am in full agreement with your "nitpicks" as well!! So glad you enjoyed it!

NanaV Awesome review Duchess. HUGS!

message 24: by S (new)

S Great review, Nicole! GR has been in a craze over this book lately, I feel a little left out :((

message 25: by S (new)

S Jill wrote: "You can come join me in the lonesome corner, Susanne...I haven't read this book (or series) either. "

*Hugs* I'm glad I'm not alone xD

message 26: by Mo (new) - added it

Mo Great review. I haven't read this series either but with all the talk about this one really want to.

message 27: by Joan (new) - rated it 5 stars

Joan Great review!! I just finished last night. Couldn't put it down! For all the reader's high expectations of this book I feel JR Ward did an amazing job! We expected the world and she did a wonderful job. I agree that I wanted a little more at the end. But I feel no matter what we will still want more of these guys!

message 28: by Debra (new)

Debra Awesome review, Nicole! I really need to bump this series up in my TBR... :-)

message 29: by Kelly| Just Another Horror Reader (last edited Mar 28, 2013 03:00AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Kelly| Just Another Horror Reader Another fantastic review Nicole! I'm really enjoying it so far. :)

Rosalinda *KRASNORADA* Great review, Nicole! I am so glad you enjoyed it ;) x

message 31: by BevS (new) - rated it 3 stars

BevS Absolutely delicious review Nic....but I'm still going to wait to read it!!

Christy Love your review Nicole!!! I am *eventually* going to read this series... but a quick question- Do I have to start with book 1 or can I jump to this one??? M/M and PNR all in one??? YES PLEASE :D lol

message 33: by BevS (new) - rated it 3 stars

BevS Christy wrote: "Love your review Nicole!!! I am *eventually* going to read this series... but a quick question- Do I have to start with book 1 or can I jump to this one??? M/M and PNR all in one??? YES PLEASE :D lol"

Hey Christie....you must start at book 1 otherwise all of the characters in this one will mean nothing...this is the only m/m book in the series featuring my two fave vamps finally getting it together, woohoo!!

message 34: by Mo (new) - added it

Mo Christy wrote: "Love your review Nicole!!! I am *eventually* going to read this series... but a quick question- Do I have to start with book 1 or can I jump to this one??? M/M and PNR all in one??? YES PLEASE :D lol"

Yeah, I wondered that too Christy. Looks like a long reading road ahead of us until we get to this one....

Christy Awesome- I didn't want to be completely lost if I jumped into this one- thanks!!!

message 36: by BevS (new) - rated it 3 stars

BevS Christy wrote: "Awesome- I didn't want to be completely lost if I jumped into this one- thanks!!!"

You're totally welcome!! And Happy Easter. x

Kimberly Great review

Duchess Nicole Jen wrote: "Awesome review Nicole, and I am in full agreement with your "nitpicks" as well!! So glad you enjoyed it!"

Thanks so much, Jen...the nitpicks are pretty small in comparison to the rest of the awesome, lol!

Duchess Nicole NanaVamp wrote: "Awesome review Duchess. HUGS!"

Thank you Nana! Aren't you a Wrath lover? Lot of Wrath in this one!!

Duchess Nicole Susanne wrote: "Great review, Nicole! GR has been in a craze over this book lately, I feel a little left out :(("

Haha...have you not read the BDB? Or are you not a PNR reader? It's worth a shot to at least read the first one!!!

Duchess Nicole Jill wrote: "I don't read this pnr series but Wendy's crazy over it and will no doubt love it as much as you. Wonderful (long) review, Nicole!"

LOL! I know, my review was stupid long...and I didn't even say what I wanted to. I keep thinking of more things to add. It's just SUCH an intensive, multi-character book. Love this series!!!! Any particular reason you don't read it?

Duchess Nicole Mo wrote: "Great review. I haven't read this series either but with all the talk about this one really want to."

Mo...seriously awesome series...I couldn't read them back to back like Blacky...I think I'd end up a zombie...but you should absolutely give it a go sometime!!

Duchess Nicole Joan wrote: "Great review!! I just finished last night. Couldn't put it down! For all the reader's high expectations of this book I feel JR Ward did an amazing job! We expected the world and she did a wonder..."

I think you're exactly right, Joan! No matter how much she gives us...(this book was 610 pages on my Nook), we still want more!

message 44: by Mo (new) - added it

Mo Duchess Nicole wrote: "Mo wrote: "Great review. I haven't read this series either but with all the talk about this one really want to."

Mo...seriously awesome series...I couldn't read them back to back like Blacky...I t..."

Will definitely check it out. No, I don't think I could read a series like that back to back. Have started the In Death series but will take my time with it and check out some other books in between.

Duchess Nicole Soraya Naomi wrote: "Great review, Nicole! I'm glad you liked it, since this book was highly anticipated ;-)"

Thanks Soraya...I was relieved to like it so much, considering the previous book pissed me off so much.

message 46: by Baba (new)

Baba  Wonderful review, Nicole! Glad you got your BDB fix. ;-)

Duchess Nicole Mo wrote: "Duchess Nicole wrote: "Mo wrote: "Great review. I haven't read this series either but with all the talk about this one really want to."

Mo...seriously awesome series...I couldn't read them back to..."

Oh, yeah...that's another series that I just started recently as well...I'm only up to book four next, but loving it!!

Duchess Nicole Debra wrote: "Awesome review, Nicole! I really need to bump this series up in my TBR... :-)"

Thanks Debra! It's definitely a "must read eventually" series...the best of the best of PNR.

Duchess Nicole Kelly wrote: "Another fantastic review Nicole! I'm really enjoying it so far. :)"

**happy dance** I'm curious to hear what you think about the sex. I hear it's pretty vanilla for m/m, but it was perfect for me to lose my m/m virginity with!

Duchess Nicole Baba wrote: "Wonderful review, Nicole! Glad you got your BDB fix. ;-)"

**BIG SIGH!!!**
I sure did, Baba! I needed it, too. It had been about two years since I'd read one. Sort of makes me want to go back and do some rereads.

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