Vishous's Reviews > Beautiful Bastard

Beautiful Bastard by Christina Lauren
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*ARC courtesy by Gallery Books via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review*

oh yeah... i'm starting this baby right now!


this is me before starting this

this is me while reading this




I honestly did not expect this! Really! I mean..... REALLY?!?!?!

ok let me just say something in the beginning! This book is UNRATABLE!!!!

Honestly in the beginning i wanted to give it 5 stars only because i can't remember when was the last time I actually cried from all the laughing while reading a book! And 5 stars does mean amazing and by that it was amazing!

But for the love of God! After some time of reading such a ridiculous dialogue between main characters, or should I say lack of normal conversation, i honestly wanted to go to the nearest store and buy myself a gun and a bullet with my name on it!


The sad part is, actually it is also very funny, that this book is not written to be funny! This book is written to arouse and get you horny and crazy for the main male character ladies! OMG REALLY?!?!?!?! HAHAHA OK THEN....

The only thing that happens in this book is sex!
Either they did it or they were thinking about doing it...


Don't get me wrong I am all for sex part but this was simply ridiculous! I was crying from all the laughing while reading their lines during the sex! And don't let me just start with the lack of chemistry and connection between them! All they ever do is hump each other! I mean come on! GIVE ME SOME PLOT! AT LEAST A TINY BIT...

The story is about this BOSS AND HIS INTERN...
i think i said it all with only that....

In the end I really could not wait to finish this.... only so i could stop reading it and get over with it....

I know lots of you ladies can't wait to read this book, hell even I was anticipating it, but seriously .... i am simply at loss of words...

I'm not sorry I read it because, i will repeat myself, --------> I was laughing all the time!
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Reading Progress

November 8, 2012 – Shelved
December 5, 2012 – Started Reading
December 5, 2012 –
page 4
1.48% "you have gotta be kidding me!!!! LMAO XD"
December 5, 2012 –
5.0% "i'm at 5 % and already there's "THE" chemistry and of course office *cough fingering*"
December 5, 2012 –
5.0% " OMG I'M LAUGHING SO HARD!!!!!!! i'm actually crying how hard i'm laughing!!!!"
December 5, 2012 –
5.0% "i can't read this hahahahahaha"
December 5, 2012 –
5.0% "AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh the sentence.... i so wish i could yell it at loud!!!!"
December 5, 2012 –
5.0% "still at 5% and still LMAO"
December 5, 2012 –
6.0% ""say thank you!" OMG LOL XD"
December 5, 2012 –
December 5, 2012 –
24.0% "ok i am a woman and i have a big thing for underwear and if he rips one more of those la perla or agent prov. panties i'm gonna kill him!!!!!! he is killing me with that!!!!"
December 5, 2012 –
50.0% "need a break from all those bunny sex.... at least for 10 min... and i wanted to read wallbanger.... after this i'm reading at least 2 thrillers... need some plot :D"
Finished Reading
December 7, 2012 –
50.0% "it is time to finish this gem :DDDD"
December 7, 2012 –
December 7, 2012 –
50.0% "she is in the most unhealthy relationship in the history of the world?!?!?! oh honey with all those f**king you are in a very healthy relationship :D"
December 7, 2012 –
50.0% "omg omg what a shock omg he spanked you?!?!? oh you are so dirty omg *eye rolling*"
December 7, 2012 –
50.0% "really?!?!? honestly i am speechless .... really!?!? it's like every page is new situation and again sex! do they even sleep or eat or i don't know ... sth other than f**k for weeks every day?!?!?"
December 7, 2012 –
50.0% "oh shit! oh shit! oh shit! are you coming again?!?!!? again?!?!?!!? again?!?!?!!? again?!?!?!!? all you do is come come come come for the love of god!!!!!!!!"
December 7, 2012 –
50.0% "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG give me a gun and i only need one bullet! it's hard to miss your own head right?!"
December 7, 2012 –
50.0% "what better way to comfort her then to have...... wait for it.... can you gues?????.....wait..... sex! yes a shocker i know!"
December 7, 2012 –
50.0% "if you wonder at which part of the book am i... well i'm on the part when they finally have sex!!!! omg finally! all the anticipation was killing me!!! thank god!!!"
December 7, 2012 –
50.0% "omg this is hilarious:

"at this point i would have trade my car just to have her!"

December 7, 2012 –
100.0% "review in proces"

Comments Showing 1-50 of 113 (113 new)

message 1: by Dd (new) - added it

Dd Enjoy!!:)

Vishous Dd wrote: "Enjoy!!:)"

let us hope i will :)

Fatima !!!!!

Vishous Fathima wrote: " !!!!!"

you can dl it on edelweiss without waiting for approve!

Fatima From net galley ??

Vishous nope, edelweiss :D

Fatima Funny ... I didn't even know that existed ... LOL , thanks V :)

Vishous Fathima wrote: "Funny ... I didn't even know that existed ... LOL , thanks V :)"

say tnx to blacky she's the one that told me :D

Fatima Blacky , thank you girl for telling V about Edelweiss ! :D

Vishous wow did you just tagged her aaaaaaahahhahaahaha :DDDD

Vishous omg omg you have to read this!

Blacky *Romance Addict* LOL! :D No problem :P Thank Baba, she's the one that told me ahahah :D
Edelweiss RULEZ!

message 13: by Vishous (last edited Dec 05, 2012 09:21AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Vishous how do i tag Baba?!?!?!?

Blacky *Romance Addict* I don't know, but it doesn't matter, I didn't get a notification for it anyway ;) I just saw the comment on my update feed :)

Fatima I did V !!! And I'm dying to read this ! Just click on ' some HTML is ok ' thing towards the right . They have an HTML code for link . Copy that link . Open Baba's profile page copy her link to the link code , enter Baba's name where , ' your link text here' is written and you are all set .

Vishous Blacky wrote: "I don't know, but it doesn't matter, I didn't get a notification for it anyway ;) I just saw the comment on my update feed :)"


Vishous Fathima wrote: "I did V !!! And I'm dying to read this ! Just click on ' some HTML is ok ' thing towards the right . They have an HTML code for link . Copy that link . Open Baba's profile page copy her link to the..."

lol :D you're such a GR freak :DDDDD

Fatima Vishous wrote: "Fathima wrote: "I did V !!! And I'm dying to read this ! Just click on ' some HTML is ok ' thing towards the right . They have an HTML code for link . Copy that link . Open Baba's profile page copy..."

Hahahahahaha , I blame it on the book funks ! When I dont know what to read , I go around pulling out this geeky shenanigans ! LOL :D

message 19: by Holly (new)

Holly I am dying to read this now. just because i hear it is so ridiculous!

Vishous omg you have no idea hahaha

SintaRella how does one download this book?

Vishous on edelweiss for review arc :)

message 23: by [deleted user] (new)

What is edelweiss? I googled it but didnt see anything for book reviews?? What website di I go to to download??

Blacky *Romance Addict* Try googling Edelweiss book reviews or something, just as long there are books involved :D

message 25: by [deleted user] (new)

Got it! Thanks!! How long until your request is usually answered? I just requested to review Beautiful Bastard... :)

Blacky *Romance Addict* Well, I didn't have to request this one, I downloaded it right away. Did you register to the site?

message 27: by [deleted user] (new)


Blacky *Romance Addict* Hmm then you're supposed to be able to download it directly. What does it say when you click on the download button?

message 29: by [deleted user] (new)

There's no download button just a "request digital rc" and then you have to fill out a form stating why you want to review the book and says it will let me know if my request is approved. ??

Blacky *Romance Addict* hm. OK then yours is a bit different, I didn't have to request :S but then, I've been there longer and already reviewed a couple of books. I don't know :S wait then, maybe you'll get it in the mail.

Vishous Blacky wrote: "hm. OK then yours is a bit different, I didn't have to request :S but then, I've been there longer and already reviewed a couple of books. I don't know :S wait then, maybe you'll get it in the mail."

i think it's different for different countries ... because Terra you are not the only one that couldn't download it immediately ac blacky and me... :(

message 32: by [deleted user] (new)

Just my luck! ;) Thanks, Blacky!! I appreciate your help. Hopefully I'll hear back soon! :)

Blacky *Romance Addict* Oh wow Jill thanks, didn't know that!

Vishous Blacky wrote: "Oh wow Jill thanks, didn't know that!"

i see your mind working now which were your great writers and at which publisher :DDDD

Blacky *Romance Addict* well I only reviewed two books, Killing time and A good earl deserves a lover, that's it. It's got to be one of those.

message 36: by Vishous (last edited Dec 06, 2012 05:58PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Vishous Blacky wrote: "well I only reviewed two books, Killing time and A good earl deserves a lover, that's it. It's got to be one of those."

lol me too :D i thought you reviewed more of them hahaha mine was killing time and.... hmmmm i believe only killing time :D

Blacky *Romance Addict* Vishous wrote: "Blacky wrote: "well I only reviewed two books, Killing time and A good earl deserves a lover, that's it. It's got to be one of those."

lol me too :D i thought you reviewed more of them hahaha min..."

Nah I haven't requested any books there, well I have one to be reviewed and that's it.

Blacky *Romance Addict* Jill wrote: "Blacky wrote: "well I only reviewed two books, Killing time and A good earl deserves a lover, that's it. It's got to be one of those."

Or likely both, Blacky. You don't have to review a lot to ge..."

Well that's nice to know :D does the same work for Netgalley?

Farah How did some people read this book?? I also wanna read it!!! :( lol

Vishous Farah wrote: "How did some people read this book?? I also wanna read it!!! :( lol"

i received it on edelweiss :) try it!

Farah Vishous wrote: "Farah wrote: "How did some people read this book?? I also wanna read it!!! :( lol"

i received it on edelweiss :) try it!"

How? Sorry I'm so slow in this stuff

Vishous Farah wrote: "Vishous wrote: "Farah wrote: "How did some people read this book?? I also wanna read it!!! :( lol"

i received it on edelweiss :) try it!"

How? Sorry I'm so slow in this stuff"

you need to log in and then request for arc :) google edelweiss book review and just follow the steps :) it is like netgalley

SintaRella I give up! I just couldn't find it! Can someone share the link please?

Vishous Book Ninja wrote: "I give up! I just couldn't find it! Can someone share the link please?"


Blacky *Romance Addict* Book Ninja wrote: "I give up! I just couldn't find it! Can someone share the link please?"

you have to be registered, apply for the ARC and wait to get the mail confirmation :)

Blacky *Romance Addict* LOL V! We posted at the same time mwahahah

SintaRella Ohhhh thanks.... I'll try it again soon.

Vishous Blacky wrote: "LOL V! We posted at the same time mwahahah"

aren't we hilarious?! :O omg Blacky i can't stop laughing :D all those talk i can't even read a book now anymore :DDDD

Blacky *Romance Addict* mwahahahahah you're thinking of SV? LOL! Go and read woman! I have to get to my book but I'd rather be here and stalk your updates mwahahahaha where is that gun, I need to shoot myself!! XDXDXDXDXD

Farah Ooh thanks for the link

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