Nataliya's Reviews > Nettle & Bone

Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher
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bookshelves: hugo-nebula-nominees-and-winners, 2023-reads

“How did you get a demon in your chicken?”
“The usual way. Couldn’t put it in the rooster. That’s how you get basilisks.”

And that’s when I fell in love with this book. How could I not when it had such a perfect amount of cranky old ladies with dry sense of humor and demonically possessed chickens?

This is a story of a revenge quest to save a sister from unpunished domestic violence, with a ragtag team of unexpected allies. In a fairytale setting, with the requisite pointed criticism of quite a few fairytale assumptions and staples. Nothing quite new and yet when told in Kingfisher’s voice, with fun easy banter between the characters it’s incredibly entertaining.
She leveled a glare at Marra. “But don’t get any ideas. We’re here for a straightforward regicide, not to level the city.”

The demon-chicken-owner — a gravewitch a.k.a. the dust-wife — is a great character who, despite being a supporting character really steals the show from our ordinary-ish protagonist, especially when eventually acquiring a friend/foil in the form of a fairy godmother who apparently has a knack for things way less Pollyannish than her initial introduction may suggest. I’d happily read a whole extra book about the adventures of two magically inclined old ladies who are both pet chicken owners (but only one chicken comes with a demon). Just sayin’.
“Enough of this place,” said the dust-wife. “Everyone have their souls still? Shadows still attached? Then let’s go before that changes.”

It’s great that our protagonist Marra is out of her requisite fairytale teenage years. Actually, she’s thirty - even though her naïveté would have fit a teenager (but I’ll let that slide since she’s accompanied by a no-nonsense old woman who makes up for Marra’s mental youth). And I’ll even forgive the unnecessary romance subplot - at least it had the decency to stay well in the background. I’ll forgive all that for Kingfisher’s easy confident writing full of humor superimposed on the hints of a deeper darkness — and my two favorite old ladies and a chicken. (Bone dog is cute, but I can live without reading of it licking its nonexistent genitalia).
“The brown hen stood on the death mask, which had split in two, looking as serene as only a chicken can look. As Marra watched, the hen lifted her tail, voided her bowels on the king’s broken face, and then strolled to the dust-wife’s shoulder with a satisfied cluck.”

Very enjoyable book and a nice recovery for the mostly lackluster What Moves the Dead.

4 stars.


Also posted on my blog.
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Reading Progress

May 15, 2022 – Shelved
September 4, 2023 – Started Reading
September 4, 2023 –
25.0% "… The history of the world was written in women’s wombs and women’s blood and she would never be allowed to change it."
September 4, 2023 –
34.0% "“How did you get a demon in your chicken?”
“The usual way. Couldn’t put it in the rooster. That’s how you get basilisks.”
Ok, I kinda love this book now 😆"
September 4, 2023 –
54.0% "She leveled a glare at Marra. “But don’t get any ideas. We’re here for a straightforward regicide, not to level the city.”"
September 4, 2023 –
84.0% "“The brown hen stood on the death mask, which had split in two, looking as serene as only a chicken can look. As Marra watched, the hen lifted her tail, voided her bowels on the king’s broken face, and then strolled to the dust-wife’s shoulder with a satisfied cluck.”
Who’s a good demon chicken? Oh yes, you are 🥰"
September 4, 2023 –
September 4, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 59 (59 new)

Marquise Excellent! Happy that you loved this. It's one of my faves by her. :)

Nataliya Marquise wrote: "Excellent! Happy that you loved this. It's one of my faves by her. :)"

It was quite fun! Much better than that Poe retelling book I just read. Loved how easy the story flowed, and the banter, and of course the demonic hen :)

Marquise Hehe, that possessed chicken is the best!

Kingfisher is good, just that she's not consistent. Some of her stories suck, and suck hard, but when she's good, she's good. :)

igorama Kingfisher's absolute best is probably Paladin's Grace, despite being technically a romance. It can be read stand alone and the other White Rat books are fair to good but that one is just sublime. Nettle and Bone was really good, quite an original way to tell a fairy tale.

Nataliya Marquise wrote: "Hehe, that possessed chicken is the best!

Kingfisher is good, just that she's not consistent. Some of her stories suck, and suck hard, but when she's good, she's good. :)"

I don’t think I’ve found a book of hers that I hated yet; my experience has mostly been either living her books or at the worst feeling lukewarm, but never fully disliking them. But of course she’s pretty prolific and I haven’t read everything she’s written, so maybe it’s bound to happen someday (although I hope not).

I do like her oddball interests that find their way into her books, and her writing is usually effortless, so that’s always a win for me.

Nataliya igorama wrote: "Kingfisher's absolute best is probably Paladin's Grace, despite being technically a romance. It can be read stand alone and the other White Rat books are fair to good but that one is just sublime. ..."

I haven’t read that one, but I’ll consider it despite it being a romance. I’m just not much of a romance person, but maybe she’ll convince me 😅

Alexandra Such a nice review, and so nice to see that you liked it! I'm very fond of this book :)

Nataliya Alexandra wrote: "Such a nice review, and so nice to see that you liked it! I'm very fond of this book :)"

Thanks, Alexandra! It was a pleasure to read. Now I’m excited about finding more Kingfisher books (the one I’ve read just before this book, “What Moves the Dead”, made me a bit disappointed). Now I’m waiting for her to come up with a heroine who acts like she’s over 20 :)

PyranopterinMo One of my fav. Agree completely with your review.

Charlotte read her Paladin series next! They are lovely!

message 11: by Nat (new) - rated it 5 stars

Nat I think this is her best (that I've read yet). Great review!

Nataliya PyranopterinMo wrote: "One of my fav. Agree completely with your review."

Out of what I’ve read by her this one is among the best.

Nataliya Charlotte wrote: "read her Paladin series next! They are lovely!"

Sounds good :) Will search my library.

Nataliya Nat wrote: "I think this is her best (that I've read yet). Great review!"

Thanks! I pretty much agree, other than short stories. “Jackalope Wives” and “Tomato Thief” are just exquisite.

message 15: by s.penkevich (new)

s.penkevich Great review! I would also read about demon chickens!

message 16: by Erika (new) - added it

Erika Pensaert Ooh yes a demonic chicken. I haven't read anything by Kingfisher yet, but this is on my list.

Nataliya s.penkevich wrote: "Great review! I would also read about demon chickens!"

You should! It’s a fun book, and Kingfisher is really good here.

Nataliya Erika wrote: "Ooh yes a demonic chicken. I haven't read anything by Kingfisher yet, but this is on my list."

This is a good one to start with for sure, and her short stories as well.

message 19: by Left Coast Justin (last edited Sep 09, 2023 01:23PM) (new)

Left Coast Justin Sounds fun. What is it about chickens that renders them so ridiculous? If I'd never seen a chicken before and then encountered a multihued rooster strutting through the forest I think I'd be pretty impressed.

Hanna I just read this a few days ago as well, and I loved it! The whole time I was reading it, I kept thinking that this book was like the literary embodiment of a cabinet of curiosities: creepy, a bit morbid, with a collection of all sorts of strange critters, but harmless overall :)

Trish *LOL* That first picture is everything! :D

Nataliya Left Coast Justin wrote: "Sounds fun. What is it about chickens that renders them so ridiculous? If I'd never seen a chicken before and then encountered a multihued rooster strutting through the forest I think I'd be pretty..."

Hehe, true. It’s that specific “chicken” look that puts them on the border between ridiculous and homicidally crazy 😅 (when I was 4 or so I was totally chased around my village relatives yard by a homicidal evil chicken, so I’m a bit mentally scarred there 😅😅😅)

Nataliya Hanna wrote: "I just read this a few days ago as well, and I loved it! The whole time I was reading it, I kept thinking that this book was like the literary embodiment of a cabinet of curiosities: creepy, a bit ..."

Oooh, I love that comparison! Genius.

Nataliya Trish wrote: "*LOL* That first picture is everything! :D"

I know, right? Quintessential demon chicken.

message 25: by Trish (last edited Sep 10, 2023 04:55AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Trish Nataliya wrote: "Trish wrote: "*LOL* That first picture is everything! :D"

I know, right? Quintessential demon chicken."

Yep, it looks into the camera like "You mean ME?!" :D

Nataliya Trish wrote: "Nataliya wrote: "Trish wrote: "*LOL* That first picture is everything! :D"

I know, right? Quintessential demon chicken."

Yep, it look into the camera like "You mean ME?!" :D"

Right before it pecks you to death 😱

Trish Nataliya wrote: "Right before it pecks you to death 😱"

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You're like my little sister - she's terrified of chickens. No idea why. I told her to always remember that SHE eats THEM, not the other way round, but that doesn't help. *shrugs* Now, my best friend, she likes chickens so much, she's got three as pets family members.

message 28: by Nataliya (last edited Sep 10, 2023 08:44AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Nataliya Trish wrote: "Nataliya wrote: "Right before it pecks you to death 😱"

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You're like my little sister - she's terrified of chickens. No idea why. I told her to always remember that SHE eats THEM, n..."

Oh Trish, next time you look into those beady eyes of a chicken just tell me you don’t see they are planning revenge for any and all chicken nuggets that have ever been consumed. 😬

message 29: by Doc. (last edited Sep 10, 2023 08:40AM) (new) - added it

Doc. Have you read the Chew comics by John Layman? There's a prominent demon chicken in the series who's a lot of fun.

Nataliya Doc. wrote: "Have you read the Chu comics by John Layman? There's a prominent demon chicken in the series who's a lot of fun."

I haven’t and now I’m very tempted to do just that.

message 31: by Doc. (new) - added it

Doc. Nataliya wrote: "Doc. wrote: "Have you read the Chu comics by John Layman? There's a prominent demon chicken in the series who's a lot of fun."

I haven’t and now I’m very tempted to do just that."

Nataliya Doc. wrote: "Nataliya wrote: "Doc. wrote: "Have you read the Chu comics by John Layman? There's a prominent demon chicken in the series who's a lot of fun."

I haven’t and now I’m very tempted to do just that."..."


Trish Nataliya wrote: "Oh Trish, next time you look into those beady eyes of a chicken just tell me you don’t see they are planning revenge for any and all chicken nuggets that have ever been consumed. 😬"

Of course they are! And rightfully so. But let them come.

Nataliya Trish wrote: "Of course they are! And rightfully so. But let them come."

Hehe, I sense a chicken dinner in the making 😂

Trish Nataliya wrote: "Trish wrote: "Of course they are! And rightfully so. But let them come."

Hehe, I sense a chicken dinner in the making 😂"

Yep. But due to the temperatures, it will be a simple one with lots of salad.

Nataliya Trish wrote: "Nataliya wrote: "Trish wrote: "Of course they are! And rightfully so. But let them come."

Hehe, I sense a chicken dinner in the making 😂"

Yep. But due to the temperatures, it will be a simple one..."

Heat wave again?

Trish Nataliya wrote: "Heat wave again?"

35°C for the past 7 days. I'm so over this weather! 😩

Nisha I loved this book. Yes that romance subplot was unnecessary. I read Paladin's Grace soon after and found that Fenris & Stephen were pretty much the same guy. Big built, muscly dreamboat. I don't know if Kingfisher has a type.

Nataliya Trish wrote: "Nataliya wrote: "Heat wave again?"

35°C for the past 7 days. I'm so over this weather! 😩"

Hopefully it will improve soon. It’s ridiculous for September!

message 40: by Nataliya (last edited Sep 11, 2023 08:09PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Nataliya Nisha wrote: "I loved this book. Yes that romance subplot was unnecessary. I read Paladin's Grace soon after and found that Fenris & Stephen were pretty much the same guy. Big built, muscly dreamboat. I don't kn..."

At least it’s a better type than what used to be popular in YA a decade ago or so. I’d rather see a sweet guy with a lumberjack build than a young willowy asshole.

igorama Kingfisher is fundamentally a romance writer, I don't think she can have an adventure without a romance subplot. Clocktaur War, Swordheart, Paladin's Strength are all pretty standard romance fare wrapped in a pretty good adventure. Paladin's Hope is not even that. I'll read the next one just because I want to know what happened, but I have rather low expectations. Paladin's Grace stands out of the lot as somehow absolutely inspired.

Nataliya igorama wrote: "Kingfisher is fundamentally a romance writer, I don't think she can have an adventure without a romance subplot. Clocktaur War, Swordheart, Paladin's Strength are all pretty standard romance fare w..."

Hmmm, the books I’ve read by her so far haven’t been too romance-heavy, but yes, they tend to have romance subplots. I’m just glad there’s other stuff there as well. Good romance can be fun, but I’m just not that into it in general (sometimes I’m a Murderbot 🤷‍♀️); I gotta be in that particular mood.

Trish Nataliya wrote: "Trish wrote: "Nataliya wrote: "Heat wave again?"

35°C for the past 7 days. I'm so over this weather! 😩"

Hopefully it will improve soon. It’s ridiculous for September!"

You can say that again. It's especially bad when it doesn't even really cool down at night. 🥵

message 44: by Nataliya (last edited Sep 12, 2023 08:53PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Nataliya Trish wrote: "You can say that again. It's especially bad when it doesn't even really cool down at night. 🥵"

Oh, that’s the worst. You can’t even get a break 🫂
At least you’ve got a lovely finished garden to relax in - if the heat ever allows, that is.

Trish Yeah, the garden hasn't been used in the past 2 weeks ... it was too hot even under the pavilion. *sighs* They had promised rain for today, a cooling down. Instead, I got some spray-drizzle for 5 minutes and a humidity so high it makes me drown while screaming in frustration. I'm so done with this.

Nataliya Trish wrote: "Yeah, the garden hasn't been used in the past 2 weeks ... it was too hot even under the pavilion. *sighs* They had promised rain for today, a cooling down. Instead, I got some spray-drizzle for 5 m..."

Ugh, sorry about that. Hot and humid is just way too awful. I’m really not sure how people manage to survive such a combo. Do you have air conditioning?

message 47: by Trish (last edited Sep 14, 2023 03:16AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Trish Nataliya wrote: "Ugh, sorry about that. Hot and humid is just way too awful. I’m really not sure how people manage to survive such a combo. Do you have air conditioning?"

In the upstairs, yes. But we don't use it often. It IS highly practical to get the humidity out of the house though. Today, it's cloudy but as soon as the sun comes out even for only minutes, it gets bad. :/ I have kept the windows open anyway (so far). Knowing that we're supposed to get NO rain and 29°C as of tomorrow AGAIN makes me want to cry. End of whining. *lol*

Nataliya Trish wrote: "Nataliya wrote: "Ugh, sorry about that. Hot and humid is just way too awful. I’m really not sure how people manage to survive such a combo. Do you have air conditioning?"

In the upstairs, yes. But..."

Sending you cool weekend vibes then.

Trish Nataliya wrote: "Sending you cool weekend vibes then."

Didn't work, but thanks anyway. ;P

bolbo boggons This is easily my favourite of the three Kingfisher books I've read too! I feel like fantasy suits her much better than horror--it's just so FUN

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