Jayson's Reviews > The Ink Black Heart

The Ink Black Heart by Robert Galbraith
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bookshelves: 600-plus-pp, author-british, genre-detective, genre-mystery, read-in-2022

(A-) 84% | Very Good
Notes: Political but even-handed, left and right get reprimanded, merits weight, no novelette, it makes you hate the internet.

*Check out progress updates for detailed commentary: (view spoiler)
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Quotes Jayson Liked

“Strike looked down at his own plate: where there should have been chips, there was only salad.”
Robert Galbraith, The Ink Black Heart

Reading Progress

June 17, 2022 – Shelved
June 17, 2022 – Shelved as: to-read
June 17, 2022 – Shelved as: 600-plus-pp
June 17, 2022 – Shelved as: author-british
June 17, 2022 – Shelved as: genre-detective
June 17, 2022 – Shelved as: genre-mystery
August 30, 2022 – Shelved as: read-in-2022
September 1, 2022 – Started Reading
September 1, 2022 –
page 0
0.0% "Preamble:
(1) I pre-ordered this book, which means that I'm actually getting it later than if I'd just walked in a store. Still, it's supposedly coming later today, so it's not too bad.
(2) I'm interested to see the actual page count. This will likely be the longest book I've ever read.
- Previously, I've only read one 1,000+ page book. That was "A Dance with Dragons," which I actually read twice (once in audiobook)."
September 2, 2022 –
page 11
1.07% "Chapter 1:
(1) Lots of mirroring to start. Last book ended with Robin's birthday, and this book begins with it.
- Also the perfume.
(2) I've always said that Strike and Robin's relationship exist in a kind of adolescent/tween bubble, amplified by the often lascivious nature of their investigations.
- Over the course of three books, they've graduated from hugs to accidental kisses to almost-intentional kiss movements."
September 6, 2022 –
page 11
1.07% "Notes:
(1) I've barely started with this book. My pre-order got lost in the mail, and so I've just got that sorted out. I'll pick up a copy soon from a brick-and-mortar.
- So far, I've been tiding myself over with Kindle preview pages, but those have a bad tendency to run out.
- I doubt I'd have had much time to read it last week anyway. I've been very busy. I spent all Sunday at my cousin's baby shower, for example."
September 8, 2022 –
page 56
5.47% "Chapters 2-5:
(1) I have a feeling the could've-been kiss is going to be like the hug at the start of "Lethal White," and be referenced endlessly throughout the whole book.
- Hugs are not how babies are made and should not be regarded as such.
(2) That chat log chapter was like reading Goldstein's manifesto in "1984."
- Not bad per se, just a total departure.
(3) This takes place in 2014/2015. Seems like forever ago."
September 10, 2022 –
page 106
10.35% "Chapters 6-12:
(1) Around 100-pages in, and I'm comfortable enough to rate this 4-stars.
- Simply put, I can't see this falling to 3-stars nor reaching 5-stars.
- Of course, I could change my mind.
(2) I appreciate that accents are spelled out phonetically.
- Instantly adds personality.
(3) Must there be food or tea for Strike and Robin to have a conversation?
- Yes.
(4) I'm sad I've not seen the word "creosote" yet."
September 11, 2022 –
page 156
15.23% "Chapters 13-17:
(1) One big criticism I have about this so far is how it represents online culture.
- Everything is just so over-the-top aggressive—unmitigated id—that it bears little resemblance to my experience of YouTube and Twitter... well YouTube at least.
(2) This has turned out to be a much more political book than I'd expected.
- I guess I'm fine with that, so long as the main characters stay out of the muck."
September 12, 2022 –
page 202
19.73% "Chapters 18-22:
(1) It's worth noting that this book showcases the villain's POV. I think the only other time this happened was with The Shacklewell Ripper in "Career of Evil."
- Of course, that depends on whether the prime suspect is the actual perpetrator.
(2) We're at the evidence gathering portion of the book.
- Usually that tedium is offset by some colorful subplots, but that's been few and far between thus far."
September 13, 2022 –
page 256
25.0% "Chapters 23-28:
(1) I was spoiled on the ending of the book yesterday in my comments by an anti-author troll. It is what it is.
- Of course, not having finished the book, I can't confirm it's actually true. So I'll just treat it as if it isn't.
- Anticipating mean and malicious harassment, I should have finished the book faster. But, as I said in an earlier update, my book arrived a week late. So, it can't be helped."
September 15, 2022 –
page 308
30.08% "Chapters 29-34:
(1) "Strike, who'd never heard of tumblr, found himself momentarily confused as to what he was looking at."
- I'm plenty familiar with tumblr, and I still have no idea what I'm looking at.
(2) I've gotten used to reading 2-3 simultaneous chat logs, but it's annoying when they cut off to continue onto the next page at the same time.
(3) After a dry spell of relationship drama, suddenly there's a flood."
September 17, 2022 –
page 345
33.69% "Chapters 35-37:
(1) I don't know that the chapter epigraphs add anything to the story or experience of the book. Most often they confuse rather than enlighten.
- If there's a poignance to the theme of lady Victorian poets, I'm not getting it. Unless it suggests Edie Ledwell's similarly gothic or discriminated for her gender.
(2) Unfortunately ironic that the times I'm free to read each day is when I'm the most tired."
September 19, 2022 –
page 400
39.06% "Chapters 38-41:
(1) There's an additional layer of mystery-solving with this story. Not only is there the search to unmask the villain, but an added satisfaction in unmasking all the anonymous online personas as well.
(2) While my reading's been slowed from watching so much coverage of the Queen's death and its subsequent ceremonies and dramas, it has, on the other hand, helped put me in a very British state of mind."
September 20, 2022 –
page 459
44.82% "Chapters 42-47:
(1) This has been an extremely political book. At least, socio-politically aggressive and in-your-face. Still, it's been clever in not having either main character express a clear political bias.
- Robin, for example, feels depressed after the Tories win the 2015 UK election. But it's (I think) deliberately vague as to whether she'd depressed about the election or about a dog that's just died or both."
September 21, 2022 –
page 501
48.93% "Chapters 48-51:
(1) Strike suffering humiliating injury due to his leg is a staple of the series. Here he has two in close succession.
- I'm still holding out hope for creosote tea.
(2) It's always satisfying to pass the halfway mark of any book, but more so for cinder blocks like this.
- I find myself going at a faster pace. Partly because mental pictures have cemented and I'm no longer having to sort out who's who."
September 21, 2022 –
page 557
54.39% "Chapters 52-57:
(1) I wonder if the author's a DC Comics fan? She seems to know her way around Batman characters fairly well, but can't even spell Spider-Man correctly.
(2) We have a subtle callback to Strike and Robin's first meeting at the end of the "Red Shoes" chapter.
- In both cases, Strike saves Robin from serious, perhaps mortal, injury in a way that could be taken as sexual if not for the life-saving aspect."
September 22, 2022 –
page 601
58.69% "Chapters 58-62:
(1) It's utterly predictable that Strike would reach the conclusion that the ersatz Robin he's been dating isn't close to the real thing.
- Well, except physically, which, predictably, is about all he enjoys about her.
(2) As in "Lethal White," Robin remarks on how heavy her mahogany bed is. As a hobbyist woodworker, I just want to yell: "Mahogany isn't heavy! It's one of the lightest woods there is!""
September 23, 2022 –
page 651
63.57% "Chapters 63-65:
(1) This moderator exam of Anomie's sounds exactly like the Goodreads' librarian application exam.
- Although, with the former, it's not merely used as a tool to dissuade and reject applicants. I'd assume passing the "Drek's Game" moderator quiz actually makes you a moderator.
(2) As much as I find information-gathering chapters tedious, the dots connected at the end of the Blay interview is worth it."
September 24, 2022 –
page 704
68.75% "Chapters 66-70:
(1) "[Strike] thought ... what? That [Robin] was some innocent schoolgirl?"
- To be fair, Robin pretty much thinks this about herself a chapter or so back.
(2) Interestingly, Strike and Robin exist as a kind of implicit couple, emotionally, although not in reality. So, anything romantic or sexual expressed to others is taken as infidelity, with all the emotional baggage, but none of the confrontation."
September 25, 2022 –
page 753
73.54% "Chapters 71-76:
(1) One thing you can count on in this series is that if the police arrest someone, and the book's not over, they're not the killer.
- Strike needs his info-dump reveal chapter.
(2) I fear this whole Strike/Robin romance subplot may end up being a perpetual ships-passing-in-the-night situation.
- At best, we might get a Ron/Hermione outcome, where thing finally happen at the very end of the last book."
September 25, 2022 –
page 802
78.32% "Chapters 77-81:
(1) Again, we have an example of mirroring. The restaurant scene in Whitstable is essentially identical to the Ritz scene at the start.
(2) "Strike looked down at his own plate: where there should have been chips, there was only salad."
- Perhaps the most perfect line in the whole book.
(3) The bit about "All-Star Batman and Robin" is so esoteric that I'm all but certain the author's a DC Comics' fan."
September 26, 2022 –
page 853
83.3% "Chapters 82-87:
(1) It's somewhat surprising how young all these anonymous characters are revealed to be.
- Though, I suppose the internet isn't exactly the playground of the middle-aged or elderly.
(2) Some jerk spoiled me on the ending early on, but I'm beginning to doubt its veracity. I have a theory that two mods are the same person, as the villain somehow knows information only this other account is able to get."
September 27, 2022 –
page 919
89.75% "Chapters 88-95:
(1) As usual, the last fifth of the book is just flying by.
- I had to make an effort to pull away.
(2) One of the ironies of this series is how two detectives can be so perceptive and astute, yet so clueless about their own mutual attraction.
- Though, early on, one did come to a shock epiphany about their own feelings, and the other did the same just now.
- Again, this book's just full of mirroring."
September 27, 2022 –
page 960
93.75% "Chapters 96-100:
(1) Going into the homestretch, I'm flirting with rating this 5-stars, despite saying previously that I couldn't see it happening.
- Still a long-shot, but not a thing I even considered over the first 800 pages.
(2) At this point, I'm fairly sure who the villain is.
- There's at least one major unexplained scene that there's simply not enough pages to make sense of unless it's part of the end reveal."
September 28, 2022 –
page 1012
98.83% "Chapters 101-107:
(1) I'm essentially done. All I have left are the Acknowledgements and Credits. I'll mark this finished after I read those.
- Yes, I'm the sort of reader who must read every single word of a book to consider it done.
(2) The ending was a bit frustrating. A bit too monster-movie for me... plus the personal drama.
(3) Creosote tea is back! Of course it would be saved until the end, for maximum effect."
September 28, 2022 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 95 (95 new)

message 1: by Trin (new)

Trin Death You know I thought transphobes couldn't get any cringier but goddamn, Brad you take the cake.

Jayson Trin wrote: "You know I thought transphobes couldn't get any cringier but goddamn, Brad you take the cake."

I'm afraid you've dialed the wrong number. There's no Brad here :)

message 3: by Gabriel (new)

Gabriel  Zimmerman Whos Brad?

Jayson Gabriel wrote: "Whos Brad?"

Apparently, someone Trin wants to insult. 🤷‍♂️

message 5: by S. Rocket (new)

S. Rocket On the 50% mark. Complete hate reading this atrocious, immature, self serving, regurgitated, pointless “book”. Why am I doing this to myself? I may never recover.

Jayson S. Rocket wrote: "On the 50% mark. Complete hate reading this atrocious, immature, self serving, regurgitated, pointless “book”. Why am I doing this to myself? I may never recover."

Huh, is that so? From what I can tell, it doesn't appear that you've even added the book. 🤷‍♂️

message 7: by Chelsea (new)

Chelsea I didn’t read the last book; they’re just getting too long! Might try the audiobooks for these latest two if they’re worth it! Honestly I’ve always been more invested in Robin/Strike than any of the mysteries lol

Jayson Chelsea wrote: "I didn’t read the last book; they’re just getting too long! Might try the audiobooks for these latest two if they’re worth it! Honestly I’ve always been more invested in Robin/Strike than any of th..."

Yeah, you're right about that. If I hadn't already been four books in and invested in the character, the length would have been enough to put me off. Also, I agree, the main characters and their relationship is the best part and driving force of this series. The mysteries themselves aren't anything special.

message 9: by Chelsea (new)

Chelsea That’s where I’m at! Like a push/pull! I want to see where their relationship goes but I don’t know if I can commit to those massive tomes, lol. Thinking of audiobook to help with the length

message 10: by Jayson (last edited Sep 03, 2022 10:45AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jayson Chelsea wrote: "That’s where I’m at! Like a push/pull! I want to see where their relationship goes but I don’t know if I can commit to those massive tomes, lol. Thinking of audiobook to help with the length"

That's certainly an alternative. The benefit of audiobooks is that you can listen to them at 1.5 or 2x speed. That's what I always do, especially for a reread. Plus, when you're listening while doing chores or something similarly repetitive, books fly by in no time :)

message 11: by Dana (new)

Dana Cristiana How many hours did the book had for A Dance with Dragons?

Jayson Dana wrote: "How many hours did the book had for A Dance with Dragons?"

The audiobook for A Dance With Dragons was 48 hours and 55 minutes. Though, listening to it at double speed, it only took me half that time :)

message 13: by Dana (new)

Dana Cristiana Jayson wrote: "Dana wrote: "How many hours did the book had for A Dance with Dragons?"

The audiobook for A Dance With Dragons was 48 hours and 55 minutes. Though, listening to it at double speed, it only took me..."

OMG, still :D. But you really enjoyed it, right?

Jayson Dana wrote: "OMG, still :D. But you really enjoyed it, right?"

Yeah, not the best book in the series, but an enjoyable way to pass the time during long commutes :)

message 15: by Emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

Emma "Adolescent/tween bubble" is the best way to describe the development of Strike and Robin's relationship. Don't get me wrong, I usually love a good slowburn and I think their rapport is the heart of the series, but, as I'm reading this, I feel a bit tired of how much it's being dragged out.

Jayson Emma wrote: ""Adolescent/tween bubble" is the best way to describe the development of Strike and Robin's relationship. Don't get me wrong, I usually love a good slowburn and I think their rapport is the heart o..."

I feel exactly the same way. Something between them better happen in this book, otherwise it's one postponement too many. In a way, this series has been the story of Robin's relationships phases. (view spoiler) It only makes sense that this would be the "new relationship" book.

message 17: by Kadi (new)

Kadi P Have you watched the show based on the books? I’ve watched it and it’s pretty good! I’m sad they didn’t adapt past book 4 but maybe they’ll make more in the future.

Jayson Kittythecat3867 (Frisktail) (WC)(Owner of the OUGC)(STBC) wrote: "jenn"

I'm afraid you've dialed the wrong number. There's no Jenn here :)

Jayson Kadi wrote: "Have you watched the show based on the books? I’ve watched it and it’s pretty good! I’m sad they didn’t adapt past book 4 but maybe they’ll make more in the future."

I haven't watched the show. I don't tend to watch adaptations until after series are completed. Better to not confuse me with changes and such. Though, now that you mention that they stopped at book 4, I might give it a go. 😁👍

message 20: by Emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

Emma Regarding the timeline: Rowling said in an interview recently she does not want to do any pandemic books, so the series' story will have to be wrapped up by 2020, which means 4 more books and a total of 10 in the series with her 1 year=1 book thing going on. She might change her mind, but that's how she's planning it so far. Somehow I thought this series was going to go on for ages (sort of becoming a Doyle/Christie moment for her), so that took me by surprise.

I'm not a big fan of the chat log chapters, but I am still enjoying the story so far and I'm glad you are as well!

message 21: by Jayson (last edited Sep 08, 2022 06:45PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jayson Emma wrote: "Regarding the timeline: Rowling said in an interview recently she does not want to do any pandemic books, so the series' story will have to be wrapped up by 2020, which means 4 more books and a tot..."

That's interesting, thanks for the info! I was wondering whether there was a planned ending to the series or if it would go on indefinitely. Still, four more books is at least eight more years, and she may not have the will or energy to write such lengthy and intricate books into her seventies. George R.R. Martin is evidence of that.

I like the idea of 1 year=1 book. She did the same for Harry Potter, and I think it really aids and promotes rereading and binge-reading. It comes off more like one continuous story, and there's no natural break where you might feel like stopping.

As for the chat log chapters, I'm getting used to it. Certainly it reads much better once I realized they weren't like newspaper columns you have to read top to bottom, but parallel conversations meant to be read left-to-right, concurrently. 😅

Anita Byler Re the audiobook- you'll miss vital bits this time if you don't see the chats laid out, side by side as they happened in "real time". I've got both the audiobook (I listen while I'm walking, mostly) and the kindle book from my library. There's important info in the chats. Book is long but I'm enjoying it. Narrator of audiobook is excellent.

Jayson Anita wrote: "Re the audiobook- you'll miss vital bits this time if you don't see the chats laid out, side by side as they happened in "real time". I've got both the audiobook (I listen while I'm walking, mostly..."

Hey, congratulations on snagging a library copy! Those are impossible to get where I am, there's a queue 150 deep.

Like I say in the update, it's not that the chats are bad, just that they take some getting used to. Sorry to hear it's not too compatible with the audiobook version. Eventually, I do plan to do an audiobook reread of the series. Glad to know that the narrator does a good job!

Joana I have this one to read too!

Anita Byler Yes, definitely took some getting used to.
As far as getting a library copy, I added it about 6 months before release, so was among the first to get a copy. Got lucky this time! The waiting lists are incredibly long.

Jayson Joana wrote: "I have this one to read too!"

Glad to hear it, Joana 😁👍

Jayson Anita wrote: "Yes, definitely took some getting used to.
As far as getting a library copy, I added it about 6 months before release, so was among the first to get a copy. Got lucky this time! The waiting lists a..."

Long term planning definitely pays dividends, at least where books are concerned lol 😁👍

message 28: by Emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

Emma Hey Jason - I'm sorry you were spoiled.

I just finished reading the book a few hours ago and though I still enjoyed the experience, I have some very mixed feelings about the story. Can't wait to hear your final opinion when you're done with it!

Jayson Emma wrote: "Hey Jason - I'm sorry you were spoiled.

I just finished reading the book a few hours ago and though I still enjoyed the experience, I have some very mixed feelings about the story. Can't wait to ..."

Thanks, Emma! I appreciate it. It's been bad timing that I've been busy lately and haven't had an extended period of time to really sink my teeth into reading this. But I'm enjoying the ride in small doses nonetheless, and look forward to talking all about this once I'm finished :)

The Bibliophile Doctor I felt this is by far the best in the series too. Never a dull moment. Some might say she needs an editor but frankly I didn't find anything to edit. Just brilliant.

Jayson The Bibliophile Doctor wrote: "I felt this is by far the best in the series too. Never a dull moment. Some might say she needs an editor but frankly I didn't find anything to edit. Just brilliant."

Glad of like mind about it. I agree with you about this book, at least what I've read of it so far. I do think that Lethal White and Troubled Blood both dragged a good deal and could have benefitted from some tightening up. It could simply be a matter of practice making perfect. Writing ~1000 page books isn't something you do every day, and I can only assume that she's gotten the hang of it.

Julia Van Etten What is the unexplained scene you mention in your last update?

message 33: by Jayson (last edited Sep 27, 2022 09:55PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jayson Julia wrote: "What is the unexplained scene you mention in your last update?"

(view spoiler)

The Bibliophile Doctor I reported the troll. I don't know what kind of people do this. Spoil book for others. You don't want to read? Don't. Let us read in peace.

Jayson The Bibliophile Doctor wrote: "I reported the troll. I don't know what kind of people do this. Spoil book for others. You don't want to read? Don't. Let us read in peace."

Yeah, I reported them too. I know several others did as well. Though, I can't say Goodreads did much if anything, ultimately. Just one of those situations where you hope that knowing things doesn't change your perception too much or hinder your enjoyment. I did well enough, in that regard :)

The Bibliophile Doctor Jayson wrote: "The Bibliophile Doctor wrote: "I reported the troll. I don't know what kind of people do this. Spoil book for others. You don't want to read? Don't. Let us read in peace."

Yeah, I reported them to..."

To be frank, Goodreads should be strict about this or it will become twitter sidekick soon. The way some people talk here, I'm shocked to read. If you don't learn anything from being a reader, what's the difference between you and non reader. Not that all readers are good and all non readers are bad but I feel readers are more exposed to stuff that can make them contemplate more through Books.

Jayson The Bibliophile Doctor wrote: "To be frank, Goodreads should be strict about this or it will become twitter sidekick soon. The way some people talk here, I'm shocked to read. If you don't learn anything from being a reader, what's the difference between you and non reader..."

Well, my understanding of the situation is that the user is almost certainly a non-reader. At least, I can only presume that a troll wouldn't put in the time and effort to purchase and read a 1,000+ page book simply to spoil genuine readers. What likely happened is that they probably went to the book discussion section at the foot of the book page and learned the ending that way. The discussion topics literally say "spoilers welcome," and so it can't have been difficult at all.

message 38: by Ashley (new)

Ashley I find that trolls like that are often younger, more immature readers (I say this word very generously, here) that can’t separate artist from art, and are so angry that others dare be able to live by this approach, they must ruin it for absolutely everyone that they can. I am
SO sorry that the ending was spoiled for you, that’s just so messed up! Especially when you non-stop are gifting us with incredible reviews that you can tell have a piece of your heart go out with each one! Thank you for your reviews, and again, I am sorry for your goodreads experience, lately — some people just want to see the world burn, lmao.

message 39: by Jayson (last edited Oct 09, 2022 07:01AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jayson Ashley wrote: "I find that trolls like that are often younger, more immature readers (I say this word very generously, here) that can’t separate artist from art, and are so angry that others dare be able to live ..."

Thanks, Ashley! Very kind of you to say. I agree with you, there's certainly immaturity at play and an absence of common decency. Really, these are the risks of reading these days. The alternatives being that I sequester myself away from all online interaction and conversation for the duration of my read, or else delay or forgo reading entirely. If being spoiled is the price to pay for reading what I want when I want to, without succumbing to threats or coercion to abandon my plans or reading habits, then it's worth the risk. Plus, a book written well enough can be read and reread with the ending in mind, and still be enjoyed for its skill and narrative craftsmanship.

message 40: by [deleted user] (new)

This is kind of a goofy comment, but WOW that's a thick book!

Jayson Blackberrystew wrote: "This is kind of a goofy comment, but WOW that's a thick book!"

That's not goofy at all. It's the first thought that came to mind when I saw it :)

Alinna I was reading
And reading
And reading
… reading
This on my kindle. SO LONG.

Jayson Alinna wrote: "I was reading
And reading
And reading
… reading
This on my kindle. SO LONG."

Yup, it's a very long book. Glad to see you still liked it though. It's one of the reasons why I prefer physical books to eBooks, you get the satisfaction of turning pages as a reward for your progress :)

Zofia Very enjoyable review, or perhaps reading experience report. 😀 I had many similar observations while reading and my assessment kept moving around 4 stars, going up or down, depending on how satisfying or frustrating the chapter got... In the end I went with five stars, because damn, can JKR write a gripping story! Despite many little niggles I had with this book, I read it over the course of a few days and couldn't put away. That's really all I want from a book.

Jayson Zofia wrote: "Very enjoyable review, or perhaps reading experience report. 😀 I had many similar observations while reading and my assessment kept moving around 4 stars, going up or down, depending on how satisfy..."

Glad to hear you enjoyed it, Zofia! My assessment went up and down as well. It's not the most consistent reading experience, but when it hits its stride, it really is, as you say, a gripping story :)

Smaug The Defiler I love this review. I love your obvious love of reading & your organization & discipline. This was fun to read!

Jayson Colleen wrote: "I love this review. I love your obvious love of reading & your organization & discipline. This was fun to read!"

Thanks, Colleen! Very kind of you to say. I appreciate it :)

message 48: by Pat (new) - rated it 3 stars

Pat K Fantastic review, thank you. I’ve finished the book, I purposely avoided reading comments and reviews until I’d finished, to avoid the trolls giving spoilers.

Jayson Pat wrote: "Fantastic review, thank you. I’ve finished the book, I purposely avoided reading comments and reviews until I’d finished, to avoid the trolls giving spoilers."

Happy you liked it, Pat! I hold off on reading reviews until I'm finished as well. Comments on my own review, however, are unavoidable, especially since it's front and center in the Currently Reading section of my profile page. Just read your review, by the way. Very good points :)

message 50: by Missy (new) - added it

Missy I cannot wait to come back and read this review when I’m done with the book!

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