Bianca Ellerkamp's Reviews > The Girl Who Escaped

The Girl Who Escaped by Mark  Nolan
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bookshelves: arc-i-read

Angie Taylor is traumatized and shocked speechless after she and her 3 friends were abducted. She is the only one who survived, her 3 friends were brutally murdered.
FBI Special Agent Brenda Reynolds of the VSRT must investigate whether the mysterious silent girl is a victim, a killer, or has gone insane.
The story begins with Angie having the feeling that someone is watching her and her friends. Directly you get pulled in the story and some tension enters.
It is a nice reading story but that's it. The tension doesn't grip you by the throat, the feelings of fear and despair are not palpable.
The moment the story gets a bit action and tension it's all over within a few sentences.
There's a difference between reading some action and tension and feeling this within your body.
The characters are well written but a bit stereotype, Brenda is a goodlooking tough woman, Jake is utterly handsome man and somewhat difficult to handle, Evelyn is a colored nurse with a lot of love for her patients.
As this is not part of a serie it would have been better to deepen the characters, there is little to no background on each of them.
Then there's the question why some chapters start with a name and others not, because at the end of the book all chapters start with a name.
I did enjoy the story but I'm sure that within a few days I'll forget what I've read.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I'm leaving this review voluntarily.

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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
July 29, 2022 – Shelved
September 4, 2022 – Shelved as: arc-i-read

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