Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell's Reviews > Archer's Voice

Archer's Voice by Mia Sheridan
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ARCHER'S VOICE is a romance I'd been hearing a lot about and it topped so many best romance lists that I was curious to see what all the hype is about. Thanks to Lover of Romance for buddy-reading this with me. Lately, I've been feeling so unmotivated to read at times that I feel like I need other people around to hold me accountable. Now that I've read the book, I have some very mixed feelings, because while there were some things it did really well, there were some other things that left me with kind of a sour taste in my mouth.

Bree is a college graduate who has come to the small town of Pelion to find peace. It's a small town that she visited with her dad and she has good memories there, and she hopes to make more as she embarks on a path of healing. In Pelion, she meets Archer, a mute twenty-three year old man who lives as a hermit in his isolated cabin. It's basically lust for both of them at first sight, and his silence and trauma intrigues Bree, as she alternately treats him like a sexual object and a puzzle that she must figure out.

Here's the thing. I do see why this book is popular and it's an entertaining story. But I think it mostly will appeal to people for the same reasons that they like Colleen Hoover: it doesn't really challenge the status quo and it plays upon the readers' emotions to get you to care about the characters. I really wish there had been more depth to Archer as a human being. This book doesn't quite feel like savior porn but it certainly feels like it maybe shares the same zip code at times. Would Bree still feel the same attraction to Archer if he didn't look like a Greek god? Is he a project for her to fix? Does his silence just allow her to think of him as a tabula rasa, where she can project her own needs and interpretations on him? At one point, she says that the world would be a better place if more people were quiet like Archer, because of the focus on needing to hear THEIR voices, but in all of their interactions, Bree is the dominant voice, so this sort of sentiment ends up feeling a little hypocritical and problematic.

Bree has trauma as well and her backstory is very sad. I thought that it was interesting that her father was deaf and that because of this, she is able to sign with Archer. Some people didn't like this coincidence but I think it sort of worked and I guess it provided the author an out from having to come up with other ways for them to communicate. One thing I didn't like, however, is that her PTSD is immediately "cured" the first time she and Archer have sex. She used to associate storms with her father's murder and her own near-rape but after having sex with Archer in a storm, she's just like, "Wow, now I'll only think of you during storms." That felt way too easy and I didn't like that. I also felt like it was reprehensibly irresponsible of Bree to tell Archer, "Oh, I'm on the pill so we don't need condoms," because yeah, that protects against pregnancy but not STDs. She thinks she won't get anything from Archer because he's a virgin but SHE could give HIM something. So irresponsible. Ugh.

Now that I've gotten all of my dislikes out of the way, I will say that the small town setting was really well done. It gave me a fix for an itch that started for me by reading books like AIN'T SHE SWEET? and BAD DECISIONS. I think it adds a lot of tension, having people embark on a relationship in a place where everyone wants to be in your business-- especially if one of the people has a bad reputation. I also thought that Archer's back story was super sad and interesting. I would be willing to read a prequel book that showed the battle over Alyssa, even if it tore my heart out. And Tori was SUCH a great villain. I hated her so much. Travis was awful too, although the author sort of tried to redeem him at the end. Supposedly there's another book about him? Maybe that's why.

Overall, ARCHER'S VOICE was not a bad book. If you like CoHo and weepy new adult stories, I think you'll like this. It's certainly one of the better books I've read in this genre, which is not a genre I usually enjoy, so the fact that I liked it speaks highly in its favor. Could it have been better? Yes. Did it have its problems? Yes. But it passed the time and it tried to deliver some good messages about giving people second chances and looking beneath the (admittedly beautiful) surface, so I mean, it tried. I'm not going to kick it while it's down for that. Not a bad book at all but not entirely worth the hype for me, either.

2.5 stars
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Reading Progress

December 31, 2022 – Shelved
December 31, 2022 – Shelved as: wishlist
January 2, 2023 – Started Reading
January 2, 2023 – Shelved as: kissing-books
January 2, 2023 –
page 0
0.0% "I think it's been a while since I was so intimidated to start a book. ...Actually, wait, I'm lying. I felt intimidated starting WICKED AND THE WALLFLOWER."
January 2, 2023 –
7.0% "Pelion is such a cute little village. Books like these almost make me want to live in places like that-- until I remember that I hate people knowing my business and have social anxiety that makes me allergic to small talk, and I'm pretty sure quaint little villages are all about that being-in-people's-business-and-making-small-talk life."
January 2, 2023 –
16.0% "Wow, this book didn't take long to deliver on the angst and it came by special courier"
January 4, 2023 –
18.0% "Reading BEAUTIFUL DISASTER made me suspicious of the name Travis. I see the name Travis, and I think, "That man is probably a douche." I'm sure there are nice Travises out there, but I haven't met one in fiction yet."
January 4, 2023 –
31.0% "OMG I was not prepared for this romance to be so sweet"
January 4, 2023 – Shelved as: kindle-clean-out-club
January 4, 2023 –
38.0% "Not at all surprised that Travis's mother is such a bitchly since he himself is a bitchly"
January 4, 2023 –
39.0% "He moved toward me, his lips parting slightly, the look on his face a mix of uncertainty and blatant lust. I’d never forget that look—as long as I lived, I’d never forget the sheer beauty of the expression on Archer’s face. Next time it wouldn’t be the same. Once he had kissed me, his first kiss, this I knew, it would never be the same again."
January 4, 2023 –
45.0% "I know something bad is going to happen and I want everything to stay safe and cute :("
January 4, 2023 –
55.0% "I released the breath I’d been holding

at least she knew she was holding it ;)"
January 5, 2023 –
69.0% "I will say that it makes me uncomfortable how Archer's muteness is romanticized by Bree and I don't like that her PTSD from sexual assault kind of disappeared after she and Archer have sex"
January 5, 2023 –
74.0% "Bree: Why would you reread a book if it's depressing?

January 5, 2023 –
95.0% "What the fuck"
January 5, 2023 –
100.0% "Idk how I feel about this"
January 5, 2023 – Shelved as: new-adult
January 5, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-33 of 33 (33 new)

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Lover of Romance Girl I will!!! I have had this on my list forever.

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Lover of Romance wrote: "Girl I will!!! I have had this on my list forever."

YAY! Yes, please! I have sooo many books I need to read on my Kindle and 2023 is going to be the year that I BR the shit out of them! I'd love to do my first one with you!

When would you like to start? :) I usually aim to read about 50 pages a day and check in with my BRers thru status updates!

message 3: by Cali (new)

Cali (Cal's Reading Corner) What does BR stand for?? (Best… Romance?)

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Cal wrote: "What does BR stand for?? (Best… Romance?)"

Buddy read!

Midniteillusion I read it earlier this year, it was good and I'd recommend but wasn't blown away after seeing/hearing how many people highly recommended it. If you read it let me know what you think. It does have a sequel that I might be interested in buddy reading.

Lover of Romance Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ wrote: "Lover of Romance wrote: "Girl I will!!! I have had this on my list forever."

YAY! Yes, please! I have sooo many books I need to read on my Kindle and 2023 is going to be the year that I BR the shi..."

That is a great goal to have!!! I also have Buddy reading more being a goal for me. I definitely need someone to get my booty in gear to read it lol. I am good for whenever how about Monday? Or is that too soon?

i_hype_romance I’ve been scared to pick it up because I’ve heard so many mixed reviews! But I’m willing to try it with you!

Namishtah I m currently reading this one , it is such a 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Midniteillusion (Desiree) wrote: "I read it earlier this year, it was good and I'd recommend but wasn't blown away after seeing/hearing how many people highly recommended it. If you read it let me know what you think. It does have ..."

OMG I get the feeling. Sometimes when a book is overly recommended, and the hype goes sky high, a book can feel overwhelming lol. Will do, thank you! :)

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell i_hype_romance wrote: "I’ve been scared to pick it up because I’ve heard so many mixed reviews! But I’m willing to try it with you!"

Yes! Please join us! Apparently we're going to be starting Monday!! :D

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Lover of Romance wrote: "Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ wrote: "Lover of Romance wrote: "Girl I will!!! I have had this on my list forever."

YAY! Yes, please! I have sooo many books I need to read on my Kindle a..."

It's so good! I'm also really awkward and shy and bad at engaging with people so it feels like a fun way to get to know the people on my friends list. :D Monday is perfect!

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Namishtah wrote: "I m currently reading this one , it is such a 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹"

Oooooh so you like it?

message 13: by Anniek (new) - added it

Anniek I read this but couldn't finish! First half was really great though 👍

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Anniek wrote: "I read this but couldn't finish! First half was really great though 👍"

Aww that sucks that you couldn't finish but at least I have a good beginning to look forward to lol

message 15: by Anniek (new) - added it

Anniek Haha yes when the romantic tension was resolved the plot line just plummeted so I got bored 🙈 but curious to see what you think of it! Enjoy

message 16: by Anniek (new) - added it

Anniek Also: buddy reading something sounds like so much fun, can you let us know your plans more often? 😁😁

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Anniek wrote: "Also: buddy reading something sounds like so much fun, can you let us know your plans more often? 😁😁"

Anniek wrote: "Haha yes when the romantic tension was resolved the plot line just plummeted so I got bored 🙈 but curious to see what you think of it! Enjoy"

I will! One of my 2023 goals is to socialize more with my Goodreads friends! I'm excited to do more BRs.

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Starting this buddy-read today whoop whoop

Lover of Romance Just started this too!!! Excited and nervous haha

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell SAME hehe

Either way, it will be fun to try!

Lover of Romance Yes most definitely!! I want to see what all the talk is about and it’s not like this hasn’t been on my TBR forever ( 10 years isn’t long right? Lol)

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Lover of Romance wrote: "Yes most definitely!! I want to see what all the talk is about and it’s not like this hasn’t been on my TBR forever ( 10 years isn’t long right? Lol)"

Haha same. I remember when EVERYONE was reading this ten years ago. I'm glad I'm not the only one with FOMO.

Lover of Romance Haha I feel like I don’t know anyone that hasn’t read it!! Just got to their meet cute and it was adorable and the setting is very atmospheric. Makes me crave summer in this cold winter

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Lover of Romance wrote: "Haha I feel like I don’t know anyone that hasn’t read it!! Just got to their meet cute and it was adorable and the setting is very atmospheric. Makes me crave summer in this cold winter"

Aww I can't wait! I just got to the part where she met Anne. <3

Lover of Romance Aww I loved Anne so much!! All that neighbor hospitality was so charming!

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Lover of Romance wrote: "Aww I loved Anne so much!! All that neighbor hospitality was so charming!"

Yess it was so cute!

Lover of Romance I am on page 70 and really loving it! It has an endearing quality to it and the more I read the more I am getting sucked into it

Lover of Romance I finished it! LOL Some buddy reader I am. I can't wait to see your thoughts on this one. Needless to say I loved it.

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Lover of Romance wrote: "I finished it! LOL Some buddy reader I am. I can't wait to see your thoughts on this one. Needless to say I loved it."

Lover of Romance wrote: "I am on page 70 and really loving it! It has an endearing quality to it and the more I read the more I am getting sucked into it"

So rude of Goodreads not to notify me that you commented! I ended up liking the overall message although my inner picky bitch got annoyed by some things. Her writing style reminded me a lot of Colleen Hoover. That said, I loved the small town vibe and the drama.

Lover of Romance I am sorry to hear that you didn't love this book as I did haha but I do think that not every book will work for everyone. But I do like that there was some redeemable qualities of the story for you. I really loved the good messages. I haven't read COHO (and don't plan on it as I hear her books just destroy you emotionally and I don't think will be for me) This one though just didn't do that. It just had me in the feels. It was interesting what she did with Travis in the end though and I am not sure if he can be redeemed. lol

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Lover of Romance wrote: "I am sorry to hear that you didn't love this book as I did haha but I do think that not every book will work for everyone. But I do like that there was some redeemable qualities of the story for yo..."

Aww it was fun! I enjoyed the BR and felt some feels!

Lover of Romance Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ wrote: "Lover of Romance wrote: "I am sorry to hear that you didn't love this book as I did haha but I do think that not every book will work for everyone. But I do like that there was some redeemable qual..."

Yes I LOVED the BR even though we had some differing opinions on it but thats what makes it so diverting. Glad it gave you some feels.

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Lover of Romance wrote: "Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ wrote: "Lover of Romance wrote: "I am sorry to hear that you didn't love this book as I did haha but I do think that not every book will work for everyone. ..."

It was a ton of fun! To be honest, I've had this on my Kindle for over a year so having an accountabili-buddy really helped me finish. ;)

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