Louise's Reviews > Africa Is Not a Country

Africa Is Not a Country by Margy Burns Knight
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: africa

I came upon this book when it appeared in my library reserve pile when I requested Africa Is Not a Country: Notes on a Bright Continent. It was my error and I'm glad I made it, because, otherwise I might not have found this gem of a book.

This is a beautiful book and highly recommended for children and adults.

Each page focuses on a country, showing the lives of children in that country in play, school and family life.

It is a positive rendering of an emerging continent.
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Started Reading
March 24, 2023 – Shelved
March 24, 2023 – Shelved as: africa
March 24, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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message 1: by Nocturnalux (new)

Nocturnalux They could have included the diacritics in "São Tomé and Princípe". Or is this gr acting up?

Louise Nocturnalux wrote: "They could have included the diacritics in "São Tomé and Princípe". Or is this gr acting up?"
Can't help you there!

message 3: by Nocturnalux (new)

Nocturnalux Louise wrote: "Nocturnalux wrote: "They could have included the diacritics in "São Tomé and Princípe". Or is this gr acting up?"
Can't help you there!"

But is it just gr or is that how the name of the country is spelled in the actual book?

Because there is something a bit ironic in a book about the countries of Africa, not properly spelling the name of a country.

Louise Nocturnalux wrote: "Louise wrote: "Nocturnalux wrote: "They could have included the diacritics in "São Tomé and Princípe". Or is this gr acting up?"
Can't help you there!"

But is it just gr or is that how the name of..."

I returned the book to the library, so I can;t tell.
We live with this in Hawai'i.
Most typewriters do even have the okina which is prominent in many place names on these islands.

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