Nita's Reviews > Wings of Fire: An Autobiography
Wings of Fire: An Autobiography

"Wings of Fire"
an autobiographical venture by "The Missile Man of India" Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam transcends the confinements of this genre.It may well be viewed as an amalgamation of autobiography and a discourse on inspirational leadership and motivational guidance.Now on a personal front I have always kept my faith on the institution of self-cultivation and self-reliance.Standing on my experience(which I confess isn't that much time tested)I can say that may be there is an ethereal satisfaction on being a maverick but there certainly are moments when you do feel exhausted,drained mentally and emotionally.Those are the times when one craves for sources to draw much needed energy from.Literature has always provided me with that fountain of vigour.I would like to classify this book as one of those refuges for me.
It takes us on a journey of dreams,success,failure and more emphatically on a journey of hope.The protagonist did not come on this planet with a silver spoon in his mouth.The streak that differentiates him is the willingness to push through the atmosphere of negativity which is always eager to make it's presence felt.One rather shrouded point that I feel quite justifiably calls for attention is Mr.Kalam's idea of a real teacher.It amazes me to think how a personality of his caliber who later went on to adorn the most coveted post of the first citizen of world's largest democracy,counted his childhood acquaintance Jallaluddin,"a virtually illiterate man" as one of his most resourceful teachers.I think only humility and a comprehensive perception of wisdom in it's truest sense will be able to reason this out.
Now my personal admiration for this man harnesses me from saying anything that might offend the composition.But on a more practical note the detailed discourse on armament and weaponry might not be enjoyed by every other reader.Having said that there are enough elements which more than compensate for this draw back and cater to the test of readers of all age group.You may well take my word for it.
Last but not the least feathers on the crown are those captivating lines penned by both Mr.Kalam and other renowned poets.
Now if I am to put the gist in a nutshell the following excerpt would be in complete harmony with my gain form this literary marvel....
"Your willingness to use your own inner resources to invest in your life,especially your imagination,will bring you success.When you address a task from your own uniquely individual standpoint,you become a whole person."
an autobiographical venture by "The Missile Man of India" Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam transcends the confinements of this genre.It may well be viewed as an amalgamation of autobiography and a discourse on inspirational leadership and motivational guidance.Now on a personal front I have always kept my faith on the institution of self-cultivation and self-reliance.Standing on my experience(which I confess isn't that much time tested)I can say that may be there is an ethereal satisfaction on being a maverick but there certainly are moments when you do feel exhausted,drained mentally and emotionally.Those are the times when one craves for sources to draw much needed energy from.Literature has always provided me with that fountain of vigour.I would like to classify this book as one of those refuges for me.
It takes us on a journey of dreams,success,failure and more emphatically on a journey of hope.The protagonist did not come on this planet with a silver spoon in his mouth.The streak that differentiates him is the willingness to push through the atmosphere of negativity which is always eager to make it's presence felt.One rather shrouded point that I feel quite justifiably calls for attention is Mr.Kalam's idea of a real teacher.It amazes me to think how a personality of his caliber who later went on to adorn the most coveted post of the first citizen of world's largest democracy,counted his childhood acquaintance Jallaluddin,"a virtually illiterate man" as one of his most resourceful teachers.I think only humility and a comprehensive perception of wisdom in it's truest sense will be able to reason this out.
Now my personal admiration for this man harnesses me from saying anything that might offend the composition.But on a more practical note the detailed discourse on armament and weaponry might not be enjoyed by every other reader.Having said that there are enough elements which more than compensate for this draw back and cater to the test of readers of all age group.You may well take my word for it.
Last but not the least feathers on the crown are those captivating lines penned by both Mr.Kalam and other renowned poets.
Now if I am to put the gist in a nutshell the following excerpt would be in complete harmony with my gain form this literary marvel....
"Your willingness to use your own inner resources to invest in your life,especially your imagination,will bring you success.When you address a task from your own uniquely individual standpoint,you become a whole person."
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message 1:
Jul 12, 2013 10:34AM
