Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥'s Reviews > Idol Moves

Idol Moves by K.T. Salvo
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it was amazing
bookshelves: lgbtq, m-m-romance, romance, queer, k-pop, k-drama, favorites

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”I have yet to find a better view than this one." Jason took Tae Hyun’s hands and turned them to face each other. "No matter where we are, you're always what I want to see."

**I received an advance copy of this book from Jetspace Studio and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. Thank you so much for giving me a chance to read this ARC!**

The first thing I have to say about “Idol Moves” is that this book strengthened not only my love for Tae Hyun and Jason as a couple, but also for KT Salvo as an author! This story was amazing and even though I already loved the first book “Idol Minds”, this second instalment really knocked it out of the park for me. I loved every second I spent with this book and right now all I want is a third book so I can get more of those two awesome men and their friends! Jason and Tae Hyun effortlessly moved into my heart and they came to stay. I mean the mere fact I requested both books as an e-ARC and read them in the very same year they came out as ARCs should tell you enough about my enjoyment. I never do that. Ever. But I did it with this series, because it’s exactly what I craved for and wanted to read for ages: A book about two male idols that fall in love and fight for their HEA with everything they have.

”None of the choreographers he’d worked with at KBR were options. And many of the independent choreographers he’d spoken with said they would’ve loved the work, but KBR’s vengeful gaze and long reach prevented them from taking it. It was like that with everything. Resources Tae Hyun had easily accessed before were suddenly beyond his grasp.”

And boy, did they fight for it! In the first book Jason and Tae Hyun were outed by the press and after years of denying who they truly were they decided they didn’t want to hide anymore and openly admitted they were in love and dating. So in the first book we got a little bit of the falling-out between them and their companies, but the story was more focused on how the two men fell in love and less on the repercussions they would have to face. In “Idol Moves” however we’re confronted with the harsh reality of what it means to be out and proud when you’re a k-pop idol in South Korea. Tae Hyun and Jason are working on Tae Hyun’s solo career and KBR certainly doesn’t make it easy for him to start one. They are everywhere and they use all their power in order to keep him away from the big stages in his home country.

“If he were at all superstitious, he might be worried. But he wasn't. Because what Seong Hyeon probably didn't know was that Jason generally always expected the worst from people. His parents had taught him that by never once rising to meet his expectations."

Jason and Tae Hyun wouldn’t be the men they are if they’d allow them to thwart their dreams, though. Both of them know what they want and how to achieve it and they decided they wouldn’t back down. No matter how hard Tae Hyun’s former company tries to silence them, they fight back as good as they can. At times this was really frustrating to witness, though, and I felt so much for Tae Hyun and his helplessness whenever he was confronted with another obstacle that was put in his way. Still, their struggles felt very realistic and I’m pretty sure that things like this would actually happen to openly gay idols in South Korea. Being a part of the LGBTQIA+ community is still not easy over there. You only have to read articles about real idols that came out and you’ll know what I mean. Korean society is very traditional and as always, it needs time to grow and to evolve. I really liked that KT Salvo didn’t shy away from addressing those issues and gave them room in this book. The pushback Jason and Tae Hyun received made this story feel so much more realistic and showed how much work still needs to be done.

”I still think I might cry.”
“Then cry. You may be an idol, but you’re a person, too. Let everyone see the real you. It’s only gonna make them love you more.” Tae Hyun grabbed onto Jason’s arms and squeezed. “Now you’re gonna make me cry, hyung.”
“Then cry,” Jason lovingly purred. “But I’ve already seen the real you. And I love you the most.”

Anyway! What I really loved about this book was the fact that Tae Hyun and Jason fought for their love but also allowed themselves to acknowledge their powerlessness and weaknesses. They struggled, but they spoke about it and they let themselves feel their disappointment and resentment for the people they’d known and who let them down. They grieved the loss of their lives before they came out, yet at the same time they embraced the freedom that came along with it. The way KT Salvo wrote their character arcs! It’s amazing. Chef’s kiss! Perfection! And yes, Jason and Tae Hyun changed so much from the first book but they still didn’t lose their essence and what made them, them. If that makes any sense?!

”I thought I was good at sanding up for myself, sunbaenim. But I see I could take lessons from you. Thank you.”
Jason snorted. “I know how to be an asshole in three languages.”

Those two men were so strong and my heart broke for them whenever they were confronted with another fight they didn’t see coming. No matter if it were Tae Hyun’s parents or his close friends, there was a lot of resistance and at times it seemed like all those obstacles would suffocate them and their love. Thankfully, there was a lot of unexpected solidarity as well and that made it a little easier for them to push through and to carry on. Still, to read about the pushback from within their own rows was extremely painful and after reading this book I love Naomi, Yun Seo (Tae Hyun’s sister) and the Song brothers even more! No, seriously, Seong Min and Seong Hyeon are the best bodyguards and human beings ever!!! My love for them is as deep as the ocean and their friendship and bonds with Jason and Tae Hyun are everything.

”His parents thought they owned him. Just as Chang Min had. Tae Hyun shook his head again. Nobody owned him. Not his parents. Not his ex. Not his former record label. Only Jason seemed to realize that. You’re not my possession, he’d told Tae Hyun multiple times. Of course, he’d choose Jason over his family.”

”Jason was suddenly tired, too. He was tired of carrying those feelings when he’d already moved on. He had a life. He had someone he loved. He didn’t need that anger anymore.”

Due to all of those experiences, Tae Hyun as well as Jason came such a long way and I can’t say how much I love them for finding their own way and accepting themselves. They found their voices and I’m so invested in them and so proud of how far they’ve come. I know, the way I talk about them you’d think they are actual people, but to me they feel so real they might as well be. ;-) After everything they went through, it’s a miracle they still didn’t lose their humour and I was happy to see that we got a lot of funny scenes as well. Of course, we also got steamy ones and they always fit so perfectly into the storyline. For me they emphasised the strong relationship between Jason and Tae Hyun and their additional small and tender moments throughout the entire book had me on my knees. The love between those two men knows no boundaries.

”Whatever lingering anger he might’ve felt had dissipated as he listened to his lover’s sobs. The blossoming ache in his heart made his back pain pale in comparison. There was honestly nothing that Tae Hyun could’ve said to him that would’ve made him feel any differently. The man he loved was in much greater pain, and no amount of arguing would make Jason love him any less.”


All told, I absolutely loved and adored “Idol Moves”! This book was amazing and the character arcs were so well done, it was pure pleasure to read about Jason and Tae Hyun’s journey. Just like with the first book this story had everything, I ever wanted and craved for and it’s still the only written m/m k-pop/k-drama I know. KT Salvo is definitely a pioneer of that genre and I can’t wait to read more of them. The lives of idols, the LGBTQIA+ rep, the steamy scenes, the deep love of the two protagonists, the awesome side characters, the humour and the suspense made this one hell of a ride and all I can say is: I want more! Can I have a third book, please?


I already enjoyed the first book but this one!? I LOVED it!!!
It was amazing and the character developments were so good! It had everything I want in a k-pop/k-drama romance and I’m just ahhh and I read the last 35% like nobody’s business because the suspense was real!!!
I want more! Can I wish for a third book in this series? It’s Christmas so please? *lol*

Full RTC soon! This was so, so good! <333


I’m extremely lucky I got an ARC for this and I’m going to read it before it expires!
I really enjoyed the first book “Idol Minds” and I’m more than just happy to dive into this one! Jason’s and Tae-Hyun’s story was so good, I loved it in the first book and I’m so glad I can read more about their relationship and their struggles. Everything only just begun in the first book, so here I am craving for more. And more I got! *lol*

This is going to be good! =))

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Reading Progress

December 11, 2023 – Started Reading
December 11, 2023 – Shelved
December 11, 2023 – Shelved as: lgbtq
December 11, 2023 – Shelved as: m-m-romance
December 11, 2023 – Shelved as: queer
December 11, 2023 – Shelved as: romance
December 11, 2023 – Shelved as: k-drama
December 11, 2023 – Shelved as: k-pop
December 16, 2023 –
page 37
10.85% "Ahh! It's so nice to be back with Jason and Tae Hyun! I missed those two so much and boy, there are still so many things to discover about them. =)"
December 17, 2023 –
page 68
19.94% ""If he were at all superstitious, he might be worried. But he wasn't. Because what Seong Hyeon probably didn't know was that Jason generally always expected the worst from people. His parents had taught him that by never once rising to meet his expectations."

Poor Jason! T_T This doesn't bode well, though. I'm getting really worried about my two favourite boys now. >_<"
December 20, 2023 –
page 116
34.02% ""I have yet to find a better view than this one." Jason took Tae Hyuns hands and turned them to face each other. "No matter where we are, you're always what I want to see."

Oh damn! The way he loves Tae Hyun so fiercely is killing me! T_T I love how much those two love each other. <333 And I'm so worried about my two boys now. >_<"
December 21, 2023 –
page 172
50.44% ""That's not fair."
"No, it isn't fair."

Oh wow. O_o This is an emotional roller coaster and I'm suffering with Tae Hyun. T_T The things he has to put up with... My poor boy. K.T. Salvo truly tackled all the issues a gay idol would have to face. It's painful to read but it's also written so well, relatable and true. <3"
December 22, 2023 –
page 223
65.4% "My boys have grown so much since the first book. It's really so beautiful to see how they changed. <33"
December 24, 2023 – Finished Reading
January 10, 2024 – Shelved as: favorites

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message 1: by Reynita (new)

Reynita ★ The Night Reader ★ Happy reading!

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Reynita wrote: "Happy reading!"

Thank you so much, Reynita! =) How are you btw?!

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