Giselle's Reviews > House of Ivy & Sorrow

House of Ivy & Sorrow by Natalie Whipple
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did not like it
bookshelves: arc, ebook

You know those dogs that are so ugly they're cute? This book is kind of like that. It was so ridiculous, that it became entertaining in its absurdity. I went into this expecting a more Gothic kind of witch read, and what I got was more Sabrina the Teenage Witch kind of fantastical (except Sabrina did it well!). I mean, if you go into this with the right mindset maybe you'd like it better?

The witch lore starts out intriguing with some interesting aspects. I liked how there's no good vs evil or white vs dark, it's all black magic and the way you use it is what matters. That's how far my liking of this book went, unfortunately, as the more pages I turned, the more nonsensical it all got. To give you perspective, we have a talking cat with an attitude, spells that require items like bear-hearts and cub stomachs they just happen to have in their cellar, a grandma fighting evil with a lion-jaw dagger. At one point a ghost appears, the protagonist gives it a baggie with pig eyes and it happily goes back inside the book it popped out of. You're thinking it too, right? IT BROUGHT PIG EYEBALLS IN PLASTIC TO THE AFTERLIFE!!

When we learn more about spells and magic, we also learn how much it encourages self mutilation, and most annoyingly, how easy this is made out to be. These characters pull their own teeth (is this even possible?), fingernails, flesh, and hair, without much difficulty. This girl gets up and rips off a handful of her hair in one quick motion for a spell. Like it's just this everyday thing she does. Then another girl pulls out her own fingernail to prove she's the bestest BFF ever with nothing more than yelp and a couple of ice cubes. Uhuh. Though intelligence in general is not a prominent characteristic in these characters so maybe they were too dumb to feel pain.

Lets back up a bit though so I can tell you more about this protagonist of ours. Josephine used to be this awkward, bucktoothed ugly duckling kid, then from one day to the next (literally!) she looked into the mirror to realize she was pretty! Every day since, she's been getting prettier until she was the most beautiful girl in town! (Are you barfing yet?) Naturally, the hottest boy at school is now interested in her, causing all the girls to give her jealous eyes when they see her with him. Everybody either wants her or wants to be her. Obviously, the universe is her bitch!

"He doesn't have to say anything, because I can see it all over his face. There's no denying he wants me."

Clearly, she is the shiz! And who needs a brain when you've got beauty? My eyes were rolling so much I thought they would fall out! Like when she arrives at some guy's house and after he opens the door all sweaty, she asks herself if he's sweaty because he's been dancing… because that's the obvious conclusion! Or when she finds her teenage nemesis at this old witch's house and immediately assumes he's there to seduce her. Wait, what?

"And then I'm laughing, because "ridiculous" sounds hilarious. Which rhymes! I think."

About the ending… keep your eyes peeled because if you blink at the wrong time, you might miss the climax. Though it might save you from seeing how easy and illogical the solution is.

And what's with all of the freaking pudding?

Time to go remove a toenail so I can magically purge this book from my mind. I hope it doesn't tickle too much!

An advance copy was provided by the publisher for review.

For more of my reviews, visit my blog at Xpresso Reads
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Reading Progress

July 12, 2013 – Shelved as: to-read
July 12, 2013 – Shelved
July 12, 2013 – Shelved as: arc
July 12, 2013 – Shelved as: ebook
March 19, 2014 – Started Reading
March 20, 2014 –
29.0% "Hmm I'm not sure about this one so far..."
March 20, 2014 –
37.0% "To make a spell this girl got up and ripped off a handful of her own hair. Like it's just this everyday thing she does."
March 20, 2014 –
40.0% "They're at some guy's house and when he opens the door all sweaty she asks herself if he's sweaty bc he's been dancing..."
March 21, 2014 –
57.0% ""You didn't say he was freaking gorgeous; I was expecting pure evil!" Since when is evil synonymous with ugly?"
March 21, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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Henrietta This sounds kinda fun - now I know why old witches all look toothless... haha :)

Rashika (is tired) *falls over laughing*
If only you had read this book when you were getting your wisdom teeth removed *sigh*

message 3: by Amanda G. (new)

Amanda G. (Nellie and Co. Oh my Giselle! You need to do more ranty sarcastic reviews on the blog because this was fantastic! I am so avoiding this book, like the plague, it sounds absolutely terrible, and while I'm sorry you didn't like it, I'm glad, because I can avoid it now.
Ranty review = night made!

Giselle @Rane: See! It's so bad it's entertaining! :D Pig eyeballs is what's waiting for us on the other side!

@Henrietta: Ha we know the toothless secret! But for real her grandma in this book only have 5 teeth left bc she took them all out - herself!!

@Rashika: I could have saved myself over 5k if I had known it was so easy! Damn it!

@Amanda: Bahah my rantyness likes to come out when I really don't like a book - which luckily is not every day or I would likely go into a deep depression. Glad I could entertain (bc this book surely lacks in that area!)

Henrietta @Henrietta: Ha we know the toothless secret! But for real her grandma in this book only have 5 teeth left bc she took them all out - herself!!

Seriously?? Now I totally wanna read it ;)

Melanie That last quote...WTF? Great review though!

Giselle @Henrietta: Well reading this book was kind of like pulling teeth so you can experience it too! >.<

@Melanie: That was so odd and random in context, too! She was not a very bright one, this MC!

message 8: by Patrycja (new)

Patrycja Sorry, it wasn't a winner. Great review, though.

Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen Awesome review Giselle! At least you got a laugh out of the absurdity! xo

message 10: by Arlene (new)

Arlene Great review Giselle. Sorry this didn't work out though. On to the next great read! :)

message 11: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Wonderfully and honestly said, Giselle. :)

Nicole You know what was so disappointing about this book, besides everything you said? That the first paragraph is really good. It was moody and chilling and's just downhill from there.

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