carolina's Reviews > If There's a Way

If There's a Way by Jessie  Walker
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it was amazing
bookshelves: cut-me-and-i-bleed-this, 2024, book-boyfriends, romance-faves, sob-fest

“So long as I have the will to live…” I swallow hard, fingers digging into his skin, and I murmur against his lips. “There’ll always be a way.”

Where There's a Will is trauma, heartbreak and devastation. If There's a Way is comfort, love and healing. That's not to say that this book is all rainbows and butterflies and there aren't moments of pure pain (there are), but where the first book resembles a dark abyss, this one is the light at the end of the tunnel.

Will, Waylon, Ivy, Mason, Shawn, Jeremy, Reggie. These characters have taken up residence in my heart and I've grown quite attached to them over the course of these two books. They're deeply flawed, but that's what makes me love them even more. I find it easier to empathise with flawed characters because even if I don't always agree with their actions, I can at least understand where they're coming from. And there were moments when I wished these characters had acted differently to spare me the heartache, but this is their story and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Everything good that has happened, happened just ten miles up the road, in some small, middle-of-nowhere town. It’s where I met my best friends growing up. It’s where I found a family of my own—not one I was born into, but one I fell into.

Will and Way's healing journey was tough, the road to their HEA wasn't easy, and they're not quite there yet, and I love that. I know it sounds weird, but I love how realistically their healing journey is portrayed. It's not linear, their problems aren't magically solved, their traumas aren't erased and they're still going to have bad days. But they are actively trying to get to a better place and that's what matters. They're more solid than ever, stronger and ready to face anything as long as they have each other. I'm very, very proud of them.

“My burden is loving you, but not letting myself have you, because I’m fucking petrified nothing will ever be enough to keep you. And I can’t live with that. I literally cannot live with the idea of losing you, Waylon. So there you fucking have it. I’m not just scared, I’m petrified.”

This book had many painful moments, but it was also full of happy moments. I giggled. I swooned. I felt anger and despair. I cried and I laughed. I. FELT. IT. ALL! I wish I could erase my memory of these books, just to read them again for the first time.

ˏˋ꒰Will Foster, the sunshine boy ꒱ˎˊ

This time the roles were reversed and Will was the one pulling back while Waylon fought hard for them. Even though I was so angry at times because Will's actions hurt Way, I'm glad he didn't rush into a relationship with him without first making sure Waylon wanted it, was willing to fight for it. After having his heart crushed, Will needed reassurance. And I'm so proud that for once he put himself first and didn't allow Way to hurt him again, no matter how hard it was to stay away.

“Every day,” he whispers against my lips a second later. “I’ll prove to you every day I’m not going anywhere. Even… even if it gets to be too much sometimes, I’ll always, always find my way back to you.”

ˏˋ꒰Waylon McAllister, the grumpy bear. ꒱ˎˊ

Oh, how my heart aches for this boy! Way's character arc was beautifully done. I cannot tell you how many times my heart almost burst at how proud I was of this boy for not giving in to his demons, his self-loathing. Instead of running away from it all, instead of throwing his happiness away, he fought hard for it. He tried and tried and tried. Every single day. Even when he wanted to give up, he never stopped fighting. He did everything he could to be better, not just for Will, but for himself. And I love him for that.

Against my chest, the blunt edges of his nails dig into my skin, and I kind of want to tell him to just do it. Rip my heart out. It’s already his anyway.

Will and Waylon fought hard for their happy ending. They bared their souls to each other, showing every scar, every insecurity, every fear. They communicated their feelings so well, it was beautiful to see. They proved to each other that what they have is forever. Their love is messy and angsty and all-consuming, but it is strong. It is brighter than the sun. Will is the sunshine to Way's darkness and they complement each other beautifully. The urge to talk about every little thing that makes their relationship so dear to me is overwhelming, I love them very much.

“Christ, man. That’s gotta be what this is, right? This feeling… like I’m being ripped apart from the inside out. Like I’m dying. Like I… like I literally can’t breathe from it.” My voice catches, breaking off like glass. “All there’s left in me is… is you, and I don’t even know if that makes sense. But it’s you. It’s always been you.”

The found family in this series is precious. Even though this duet focuses on Will and Way, we still get to see a lot of the other characters and I love how realistically the friendships are portrayed. Nothing is perfect. There were moments where they grew apart, too focused on their own pain to see how much a friend was hurting, but that's real life. It happens. But everyone is trying to get better and that's the most important thing. I just want the best for them.

Will, the person who my heart beats for. The guys I call brothers. My cousin who’s always been more like a sister—just like the one whose ghost walks these paths. The one we came here to celebrate, along with her twin brother…They’re my family. Blood might be thicker than water, but us? We’ve got thorns.

I'm so excited to read the next duet, but I'm a little nervous about it because of things I can't reveal so as not to spoil anything. I think it's going to be even messier and more angsty than this duet, but I trust that the author will treat the story with love and care.

I know I have a novella to read, and Will and Way will appear in the next books, so this isn't a farewell, but it still feels like I'm letting them go. I could read more books about them, I don't think I'd ever get tired of them. They’re my precious boys.

Definitely recommend this duet, especially if you like angsty, hopeful romances with found family, but be sure to check the trigger warnings as this is not an easy read.
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Reading Progress

August 9, 2024 – Started Reading
August 9, 2024 – Shelved
August 9, 2024 –
page 14
2.33% "The boy who can't love me, let alone— and more importantly-love himself..
Because of this.

Already in pain 😩😭"
August 9, 2024 –
6.0% "Two chapters in and I’m already crying 😭 this is going to wreck me 🥲"
August 10, 2024 –
13.0% "“I feel like I didn’t just lose her,” I tell him. “I lost you too. Difference is, you’ve been here this whole time. And somehow, somehow that’s just as bad, if not worse.”

August 10, 2024 –
14.0% "The Lost Boys. Orphaned, exiled... banding together, ready for whatever may come our way.

Love these boys so much 😭🥹🫂"
August 10, 2024 –
21.0% "All I feel is the boy in my arms-my boy.
My guy. My man. The one who's been there all along, waiting for me- and all I can do is pray that I'm not too late. Please, please, please don't let me be too late.

He’s precious 😭"
August 10, 2024 –
30.0% "Against my chest, the blunt edges of his nails dig into my skin, and I kind of want to tell him to just do it. Rip my heart out. It's already his anyway.

August 11, 2024 –
40.0% "He's the beat of my fucking heart.
And that?
That's everything.
August 11, 2024 –
41.0% "How do I tell him that now that I know what it's like to wake up in his arms, I don't know how I'll ever sleep without him again?

He’s killing me 😭😩"
August 12, 2024 –
59.0% ""God, you've ruined everything, City Boy. You've ruined me." I rock my head against his, not once taking my tear-filled gaze off his. "Every time I look at you, I'm ruined."

🥹😭 love them so much 🫶🏻"
August 12, 2024 –
75.0% "NOOOOOOOO 😩😩 I hate this man so much!"
August 13, 2024 –
76.0% "I let him see my love for the boy behind me, burning fiercely through my veins. A wildfire he tried so hard to snuff out. I let that love fuel me now. Let it consume me, 'til I'm near-bursting with it.
Soft, my ass, I think. There's nothing weak about this. I've got the damn sun in my chest.
What does he have?

YES WAY!!!! I’m so proud of you 😭"
August 13, 2024 – Finished Reading
August 15, 2024 – Shelved as: cut-me-and-i-bleed-this
August 26, 2024 – Shelved as: 2024
August 27, 2024 – Shelved as: book-boyfriends
August 27, 2024 – Shelved as: romance-faves
September 2, 2024 – Shelved as: sob-fest

Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)

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message 1: by beril ❦ (new)

beril ❦ omg 5 STARS!! can’t wait for your lovely review bb 🩷

carolina @beril just posted the review bb 🫶🏻

message 3: by SK (new)

SK Sometimes flawed characters and stories work out the best as they seem and feel so real, it is easy to connect to. I love that in books, it's so endearing, as is this review🩶

kendyl ʚ♡⃛ɞ PLEASEEE IM SO CONVINCED OMG. this sounds so so good and i’m definitely intrigued. i’m happy you enjoyed the duet, i can’t wait to read it and experience everything you did aaa love this review sm<3

message 5: by bruna (new)

bruna oh my gosh this sounds so good! i love books that focus on a journey towards healing because it's always a rollercoaster of emotions and i absolutely adore that. books that makes us feel everything are always the best 🥹 i can't wait to read this duet and experience the heartbreak, pain you felt and also the happiness <3 i'm so glad you had the best time reading this duet, Carol bbs! i was dying to read it before, but now you made me get even more excited hehe i really cannot wait 😌 love the review ml 🫂🫶🏼

carolina @SK you've said it all 🤍 thank you ml!

carolina @kendyl you need to read it Ken, it’s really good. Was not expecting to love this as much as I did 🥹 thank you so much babe 🤍

carolina @bruna it’s so good, right? we get to experience all the emotions and also see the characters development 🥹 this duet took me by surprise, didn’t think I’d love it as much as I did. I’m now wanting everyone to read it, so definitely give it a chance. It’s really good 🫶🏻 thank you love 🤍🤍

♡Gabi♡ [life & work is chaotic atm semi-hiatus] this review is absolutely stunning and soooo well-thought-out and written!! 😍 it perfectly captures every single thing that makes up will and way!! sunshine and grumpy bear. 😭 I’m so glad you loved their story, as tumultuous as it was, it really does come full circle and heals the aches and pains endured along the way!! 🥹 cannot wait for your thoughts as you continue your journey through the shilohverse and I’m not over this review ahhh, ml!! it’s chefs kiss!! 😍🩷🤌🏼💋

annie &#x1f1f5;&#x1f1f8; Tbh i love how the titles have characters' name! flawed characters are my favourite fr 😭 i love love love books like this and this whole book sounds so good! your review is really pretttyy!! 💕

Sabrina (semi-hiatus) your review beautifully emphasizes why I love flawed characters because of how much I'm able to feel with them and their backstories. "where the first book resembles a dark abyss, this one is the light at the end of the tunnel." I'm looking forward to reading this for that very reason and even more now seeing what you had to say and how it all made you feel. I'm so glad the characters got their hea after all the pain they endured. I hope the next duet is just as good. beautiful review ml 🩶

carolina @Gabi thank you bby 😭🥺 they’re so special. The author did an amazing job with their story, it’s very heartwarming to see how far they’ve come 🥹 I’m so excited to continue the series. I can’t wait to read about Mason and Jeremy! ty 🤍🤍

carolina @Annie it’s so cute 🥹 I definitely recommend these books then, the character development is so good! thank you ml 🤍

message 14: by marie (new)

marie omg omg omg this sounds so good 🥹 really there’s something about the books that focus on healing and evolution of characters, but also the heartbreak that those stories bring? ah you definitely sold these two books for me and i can’t wait to finally meet will and way 🤭
gorgeous review ml 💗

carolina @Sabrina The more flawed, the better 🤭 it’s always so much easier to understand their actions. And it makes them more human.
Couldn’t recommend this duet more! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts when you read it 🫶🏻 thank you bb 🥹💛

carolina @marie yes, it’s so good! It’s sort of like a comforting heartbreak, because it hurts when things are bad, but when you see the characters start to heal and get better, it’s so beautiful 🥹🫶🏻

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