Jayson's Reviews > Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: genre-juvenile-fantasy, author-british, format-illustrated, 600-plus-pp, read-in-2009, subject-boarding-school, genre-young-adult
Read 2 times. Last read August 11, 2009 to August 13, 2009.

(A) 86% | Extraordinary
Notes: It dwells on the delightfully mundane aspects of the magical world, and adds new dimensions to familiar characters.
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Quotes Jayson Liked

J.K. Rowling
“Harry was left to ponder in silence the depths to which girls would sink to get revenge.”
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Reading Progress

August 11, 2009 – Started Reading
August 13, 2009 – Finished Reading
August 1, 2013 – Shelved
March 24, 2015 – Shelved as: genre-juvenile-fantasy
March 24, 2015 – Shelved as: author-british
March 24, 2015 – Shelved as: format-illustrated
March 25, 2015 – Shelved as: 600-plus-pp
September 15, 2016 – Shelved as: read-in-2009
October 20, 2016 – Shelved as: subject-boarding-school
January 6, 2017 – Shelved as: genre-young-adult
October 4, 2019 – Shelved (Audible Audio Edition)
October 4, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read (Audible Audio Edition)
November 11, 2019 – Shelved as: audiobook-au... (Audible Audio Edition)
November 11, 2019 – Shelved as: author-british (Audible Audio Edition)
November 11, 2019 – Shelved as: genre-juveni... (Audible Audio Edition)
November 11, 2019 – Shelved as: subject-boar... (Audible Audio Edition)
November 11, 2019 – Shelved as: genre-young-... (Audible Audio Edition)
June 23, 2020 – Started Reading (Audible Audio Edition)
June 23, 2020 – Shelved as: read-in-2020 (Audible Audio Edition)
August 2, 2020 – Finished Reading (Audible Audio Edition)

Comments Showing 1-50 of 63 (63 new)

message 1: by Sara (new) - added it

Sara I think this is my favourite in the series. I love the backstory we get for Voldemort.

Saul the Heir of Isauldur That was precisely why I loved this book so much out of the series: the mundane focus. We have a subtle mystery-like plot of knowing who the Half Blood Prince is, but the rest of the time we get to "live" at Hogwarts with our favorite characters, seeing how daily life happens.

Jayson Sara wrote: "I think this is my favourite in the series. I love the backstory we get for Voldemort."

Yes, that backstory was great, I really enjoyed that as well! This was my favorite too after I read the series the first time. My favorite always seems to change between the last four books following every subsequent read-through :)

Sumit RK This book was so underated IMHO.

Jayson Saul the Heir of Isauldur wrote: "That was precisely why I loved this book so much out of the series: the mundane focus. We have a subtle mystery-like plot of knowing who the Half Blood Prince is, but the rest of the time we get to..."

Yes, exactly, Saul! It's always the detailed mundanities that enliven imagined worlds. Like you said, you get the feeling that you live there too and know everyone. That's why in the next book even the deaths of very minor characters you only know by name have such an impact. It's a real talent of Rowling to imbue such meaning in all aspects of things.

Jayson Sumit wrote: "This book was so underated IMHO."

Yes, I'd agree, it's not often mentioned as people's favorite in the series. It was mine, though, for a long time. The last four books are neck and neck for me, and my favorite among them always seems to change :)

enqi ☾⋆˚*̣̩✩ one of my all time favorites!

Jayson enqi ✨ (belongs to rhysand, jin & peter kavinsky) wrote: "one of my all time favorites!"

Happy to hear that, enqi! It's one of mine too :)

message 9: by Rajeswari (new) - added it

Rajeswari Roy Nice book...💕

Jayson Rajeswari wrote: "Nice book...💕"

I agree, Rajeswari, it's a very nice book :)

☘Misericordia☘ ⚡ϟ⚡⛈⚡☁ ❇️❤❣ Lovely review of a lovely book!

Jayson The Serendipity Aegis ~ ☘Misericordia☘ wrote: "Lovely review of a lovely book!"

Thanks a lot, Misericordia! That's very kind of you to say :)

Jayson LostKnight wrote: "Great review."

Thank you very much, LostKnight :)

Jayson EMMA HUFSTETLER # ~ # ¬ _ ¬ wrote: "mmmm jayson u r always into writing a great review nice one ;)"

Thank you very much, Emma! I appreciate it :)

Jaimie Easily my favorite of the series!

message 16: by Rahul (new)

Rahul You really have a nice, unique way to review a book in short without giving spoilers.

Jayson Jaimie wrote: "Easily my favorite of the series!"

This was my favorite too the first time I read the series!

Jayson Rahul wrote: "You really have a nice, unique way to review a book in short without giving spoilers."

Thank you very much, Rahul! I'm happy you think so :)

Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads) Awesome review!!😉👍

Jayson Kat wrote: "Awesome review!!😉👍"

Thanks a lot, Kat!

Jayson sonal kumari wrote: "It's my favourite series of Harry Potter.The happenings it followed was unbelievable for all."

It was my favorite too the first time I read the series. My favorite always seems to change with every reread :)

message 22: by Mrinmayi (new)

Mrinmayi The plot twists this book delivers is spot on. Also the reveal of who the 'Half blood Prince ' was the best part.l did not see it coming!!
Several characters also developed in this book and Draco's character arc was well done. Loved seeing the layered characters and the plotline

Jayson Mrinmayi wrote: "The plot twists this book delivers is spot on. Also the reveal of who the 'Half blood Prince ' was the best part.l did not see it coming!!
Several characters also developed in this book and Draco's..."

Yes, definitely agree with you about all those points. It was my favorite when I first read the series because it was so heavy with the boy-girl drama, which are still my favorite parts of the books.

Interesting fact, "Half-Blood Prince" was the original title of "Chamber of Secrets." So that reveal could have come way earlier in the series. As it stands, I think it came in the perfect spot in the books.

message 24: by Mrinmayi (new)

Mrinmayi That's interesting!! I did not know that fact
Totally agree with you...the reveal was just right
Also though I enjoyed the relationship drama l was more hooked to the friendship plotline
The couple's had their entertaining value but l loved how friendship was the main focus
Personally I prefer stories where friendship bonding and loyalty is given priority
Also the plotline and character arc or redemption make a story more interesting for me
I am very picky when it comes to romance in books
When l ship a couple they are my OTP💞
I feel that we get to know a character more with the way they treat their S.O.
Which is why l am very picky about the romance in any book
Not gonna lie ....l had some different ships in HP and there were a few problematic elements in some of the relations that usually get overlooked
And trust me they changed my opinions about those characters 🙂

Hiram González I agree with you. For me, the last tree books of the Harry Potter's Series are my favorites by far. They allow to understand way better the background of the story and the characters.

Jayson Mrinmayi wrote: "That's interesting!! I did not know that fact
Totally agree with you...the reveal was just right
Also though I enjoyed the relationship drama l was more hooked to the friendship plotline
The coup..."

Interesting that "Half-Blood Prince" is the only book where we really get couples at Hogwarts: Ron/Lavender and Ginny/Dean. And the only purpose of them, narratively speaking, is to make Hermione and Harry jealous, or rather to bring out their true feelings via jealousy. Really, there wasn't any romance at all between Ron/Hermione or Harry/Ginny... well, a bit between Harry and Ginny, but only near the end and not much. The series starting at book 4 seemed more about the tease of relationships rather than the actual playing out of them.

Jayson Hiram J. wrote: "I agree with you. For me, the last tree books of the Harry Potter's Series are my favorites by far. They allow to understand way better the background of the story and the characters."

I've always considered the last four books to be parts of one really long book, which I like to call "The Voldemort is Back Saga." Individually none of them stand alone, and as a whole I enjoy them much better than any of the first three, which were all standalone stories. You do get a lot more detail, lore and backstory with them, which I prefer. Perhaps not by far, but like you the latter books are my clear favorites. My individual favorite is always shifting between them.

Aymen Bouba It dwells on character drama and romance more than action, thinking about it now that is the perfect set up for the finale where all of those character are to have their grand conclusions. It is beautifully written as well, i never would've thought I'd enjoy a romantic conflict between 3 teenagers so much Lol

Jayson Aymen wrote: "It dwells on character drama and romance more than action, thinking about it now that is the perfect set up for the finale where all of those character are to have their grand conclusions. It is be..."

I've said it many times before, but I've always considered the last four books as parts of one big book. So, taken in that greater context, the way this book sets things up and builds on the continuing and shared plot is both substantial and pivotal, regardless of its individual elements.

Aymen Bouba Indeed it is. I share your view on the last four books being inter related to a great extent. I've always been clear on the films, the prisoner of Azkaban is the undisputed best of the series, as to the books I've never been quite able to choose one of the last four

Jayson Aymen wrote: "Indeed it is. I share your view on the last four books being inter related to a great extent. I've always been clear on the films, the prisoner of Azkaban is the undisputed best of the series, as t..."

Oh, I don't think anything to do with the books or the films is undisputed. I've been here long enough, and had enough arguments about it, to know that much :)

Aymen Bouba I specifically used the pronoun I to state that it is only my most humble opinion :), although it is objectively the best in technical terms : direction and cinematography. In terms of the storytelling and such one can favorise whatever they please ofc lol

Jayson Aymen wrote: "I specifically used the pronoun I to state that it is only my most humble opinion :), although it is objectively the best in technical terms : direction and cinematography. In terms of the storytel..."

Yeah, but "undisputed" means everyone agrees. It doesn't matter which pronoun you use. Same thing with using the word "objectively," they're both words that mean something's beyond one's (humble) personal opinion :)

Aymen Bouba I guess " undisputed " was just bad wording from me because english is not my first language ( it isn't second as well haha), and i used objectively specifically to say that it is the best in direction and cinematography, which is really the case :), but those aren't everything in the cinematic experience, so ofc opinions are diverse about the best movie of the series, because most won't prefer a film over another based solely on its technical superiority, as you know very well I'm sure we tend to favorise what touches our hearts and impresses our brains the most.

Jayson Aymen wrote: "I guess " undisputed " was just bad wording from me because english is not my first language ( it isn't second as well haha), and i used objectively specifically to say that it is the best in direc..."

Well, just remember that a person's individual opinion is by definition "subjective," which is literally the opposite of "objective" :)

message 36: by theyloverilee (new)

theyloverilee i love how much info it gives on multiple characters, and how it gets more into severus snapes real character...

message 37: by theyloverilee (new)

theyloverilee **spoiler alert**
I hate that dumbledore dies it is tragic and i totaly did not cry.... The boks in my opinion are way better than the movies. BUT THATS JUST ME OK! But in the movies yes, you get to se the cool action and wtver but like still. Also Alan Rickman is my fav actor in the whole movie sieries... yes i am weird but dot hate on me (+-+)

Jayson Kristina Hronek wrote: "i love how much info it gives on multiple characters, and how it gets more into severus snapes real character..."

Yes, it's very good in that way. You do get a sense by the end of the series that you know everybody.

Jayson Kristina Hronek wrote: "**spoiler alert**
I hate that dumbledore dies it is tragic and i totaly did not cry.... The boks in my opinion are way better than the movies. BUT THATS JUST ME OK! But in the movies yes, you get t..."

No, it's not just you. I think most people here would agree the books are better in the movies, and many of those people would feel the same about Alan Rickman :)

khushi:) i used to hate this book in the harry potter series but now LOVE IT i have no clue why i didnt like it before ?

Jayson khushi:) wrote: "i used to hate this book in the harry potter series but now LOVE IT i have no clue why i didnt like it before ?"

Well, people's tastes change over time. Glad you like it :)

Zhanylsyn Zhumagalyieva отличная книга

Jayson Zhanylsyn Zhumagalyieva wrote: "отличная книга"


Jayson Zhanylsyn Zhumagalyieva wrote: "Book super."

Rishi Raj Sharma i also agree this book is a total success and is awesome .The sad part about this book is that Professor Albus Dumbledore is killed by professer Severus Snape in this book

Jayson Rishi Raj Sharma wrote: "i also agree this book is a total success and is awesome .The sad part about this book is that Professor Albus Dumbledore is killed by professer Severus Snape in this book"

Yes, that was the sad part.

Jayson Desislava Maximova wrote: "kakna"

Huh??? 🤔🤷‍♂️

Aubrey May my favorite Harry Potter book 100%

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