Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️'s Reviews > A Heart of Blood and Ashes

A Heart of Blood and Ashes by Milla Vane
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bookshelves: 3-stars, captivity, enemies-to-lovers, marriage-of-convenience-ish, paranormal, slow-burn, the-big-miscommunication, witches-demons
Read 2 times. Last read February 12, 2020 to March 2, 2020.

3 Conflicted Stars

Before I get started, I have a confession to make...

When requesting this book from NetGalley, I did not realize that Milla Vane is really Meljean Brook. All I saw were several glittering reviews from some trusted GR friends, the word "Dragons" in the title (more on that later), a hot barbarian on the cover, and the mention of a marriage of convenience in the blurb.

And so this was me:


Now, I have nothing against Meljean Brook. She is a wildly popular author who has written some much-beloved series...

It's just that I have DNF'd book one for two of those series.


After that, I never picked her stuff up again as I figured she just wasn't for me.

But enter NetGalley.
And Dragons.
And Barbarians.
And an arranged marriage.
And I have no self-control.


Plus, it wasn't until after I had already gotten the book from NetGalley that I learned it was authored by Meljean Brook. And, since I've already fucked up my "feedback" average with those fine folks enough already, I figured I should at least give this a shot.

My long-winded point in explaining all this?

Take this review with a grain of salt. Because it's probably just me. And I probably shouldn't have read this being that I already know this author just isn't for me.

But, let's do this anyway. On to my "review."

The first - and perhaps most important, dammit! - thing I want anyone to know is that there are NO actual dragons in this book with Dragons in the title.


Instead, the "dragon" being referred to here is really a squad of barbarian warriors acting as the personal guard of someone royal or important. Or something. And they ride in a formation and "fly" AKA ride. And each warrior is referred to as a part of the "dragon." So-and-so is the wings and so-and-so is the tail. Or something.

But anyway, I digress.

There are no fucking dragons, people. Moving on.

Secondly, the whole time I was reading this book, I found it equal parts enjoyable and yet tedious.

I enjoyed the story line and I enjoyed the characters. And, despite my disappoint that there were no actual dragons to be had here, I really liked Maddek and his metaphorical "Dragon" (AKA his band of warriors). I am always a sucker for the band of brothers/sisters shtick. Because #squadgoals. And the world-building?

Excellent. Truly excellent.

I remember from my attempts at reading Brook's other books that she really does excel at world-building. The magic system and mythology got a little hazy at times, but overall, she does a really great job of building the world without the heavy info-dumping from which a lot of first-in-series books suffer. So bravo. That takes a lot of skill and I truly believe Brook is a talented author.


As great as the world-building was and as much as I enjoyed the characters, I also felt like I never truly got to know them as well as I would have liked. I also never had any problems putting the book down or felt any urgency to pick it back up.

I attribute a lot of that to the aforementioned tediousness, which I feel stemmed from both the writing style and the fact that the romance between Maddek and Yvenne would go one step forward and three steps back all throughout the book.

But before I get into the square dance that was the relationship build here, let's go back to the writing.

Honest to God, I sometimes felt like I was in an episode of Star Wars with Yoda as the narrator.

I mean, read some excerpts with me here, folks:

"So hot and hard he was, Maddek barely trusted himself to touch her."

"Hard Maddek must have slept. He knew not when Yvenne left their bed or their quarters."

"Rough he was, rougher than he'd ever been, his grip tight upon her arms and legs as he held her wrists..."

"So quiet the tent was, only filled with the sound of their breaths."

"How long Yvenne cried, she knew not."

"Patience you must have, my young padawan."


Okay, so obviously that last one was me fucking with you, but still. You get the idea.

Not only did said style make the writing feel stilted to me, but having Yoda-speak so often occur during the (super delayed) sex scenes?


The biggest annoyance to me in the book though, and what is probably my main reason for not rating it higher, is the aforementioned romance square dance.

I felt like Maddek and Yvenne took FOREVER to get anywhere. They kept hashing and rehashing the same shit - Maddek's inability to see past Yvenne's supposed "sly-tongued" nature. Now, I get that this was very important to Maddek's character. His people take lying and the truth VERY seriously. But I feel like they go back and forth about the same conversation for pretty much the entirety of the book.

And despite the fact that Yvenne's sole goal in this whole thing is to get knocked up with an heir, these two don't get really get busy until upwards of 80%. Eighty percent, people.

Now, I am all for a good slow burn every now and then. One of my favorite authors is Mariana Zapata - the QUEEN of the slow burn. But the situation in this book just left me super frustrated.

First it was that they wanted to make sure she wasn't already pregnant.
Then they had to wait for her "moon night."
Then there was a fight scenario.
And then there was me:


Now, I'm not trying to tear this book apart by any means. I DID rate it three stars - which means I "liked it" - I just didn't love it like I was hoping to. As solid as the world building was, it just didn't keep me captivated. As I mentioned earlier, I had no problem putting this book down and had to actually remind myself to pick it back up.

All that said, despite having have mad respect for this author, I truly think it just boils down to something about her writing style and construction just not being for me. But I know a lot of people for whom this book totally worked. And I think anyone interested in this blurb should give it a shot.

***ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review***
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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
February 12, 2020 – Started Reading
March 2, 2020 – Shelved as: 3-stars
March 2, 2020 – Shelved as: captivity
March 2, 2020 – Shelved as: enemies-to-lovers
March 2, 2020 – Shelved as: marriage-of-convenience-ish
March 2, 2020 – Shelved as: paranormal
March 2, 2020 – Shelved as: slow-burn
March 2, 2020 – Shelved as: the-big-miscommunication
March 2, 2020 – Shelved as: witches-demons
March 2, 2020 – Finished Reading
September 11, 2024 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-50 of 121 (121 new)

Bookishbreeze The yoda-ing really annoyed the crap out of me, too. Totally with you on the put-down-ability of it too. It was just so flipping dense. I had to pick it up a couple times before I really got into it. But the world building, the grittiness that manages not to go full Finnikin of the Rock depressing, plus the slight Julie Garwood vibes all made up for it imho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Bookishbreeze wrote: "The yoda-ing really annoyed the crap out of me, too. Totally with you on the put-down-ability of it too. It was just so flipping dense. I had to pick it up a couple times before I really got into i..."
Glad it made up for it for you, Bookishbreeze. I wish it had for me too :)

h o l l i s I am crying into my beer reading this review. the Yoda stuff was just.. yiiiiiikes.

Bookphenomena (Micky) I nearly made popcorn for this review I was so entertained. That dialogue, not sure I could get past that. Excellent review.

message 5: by CrabbyPatty (new)

CrabbyPatty May I just tell you how much I frickin' LOVE your review????

message 6: by Leigh (new)

Leigh Awesome review Val.

My Pink Fairytales What do you mean there are no dragons? But I want dragons. Give me some dragons! 😂

OMG, I so love your reviews! I'm usually peeing myself laughing so hard at your crazy .gifs and everything.

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Hollis wrote: "I am crying into my beer reading this review. the Yoda stuff was just.. yiiiiiikes."
Yikes for sure lol

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Bookphenomena (Micky) wrote: "I nearly made popcorn for this review I was so entertained. That dialogue, not sure I could get past that. Excellent review."
Thanks Bookphenomena.

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ CrabbyPatty wrote: "May I just tell you how much I frickin' LOVE your review????"
Thanks Patty!

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Leigh wrote: "Awesome review Val."

Thanks, Leigh <3

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ My Pink Fairytales wrote: "What do you mean there are no dragons? But I want dragons. Give me some dragons! 😂

OMG, I so love your reviews! I'm usually peeing myself laughing so hard at your crazy .gifs and everything."

Nope, no dragons! Lol and thank you.

message 13: by Kate (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kate Damn, I couldn't put this book down man 🤣 im sorry you didnt love it.
I thought Yoda stuff was kind of weird but i think it didnt bother me that much because english is not my first language, so i was kind of like "sounds weird but whatever"😂
But i did have the same blue balls lol🙃🙃🙃

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Kate wrote: "Damn, I couldn't put this book down man 🤣 im sorry you didnt love it.
I thought Yoda stuff was kind of weird but i think it didnt bother me that much because english is not my first language, so i ..."

I’m so glad you enjoyed it more than I did, Kate :))

Dolce Oh my god I’m dying laughing! You are SO hilarious!! Yes yes yes. I agree 👍 GREAT review

Monty Cupcake ☠ Queen of Bloodshed ☠ No, then what’s the point of the book if there are no dragons....

Hilarious review!

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Dulcie wrote: "Oh my god I’m dying laughing! You are SO hilarious!! Yes yes yes. I agree 👍 GREAT review"
Thanks Dulcie!

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Monty Cupcake ☠ Queen of Bloodshed ☠ wrote: "No, then what’s the point of the book if there are no dragons....

Hilarious review!"

Lol, right? Thanks, Monty!

message 19: by Nathalie (new) - added it

Nathalie Lundin I totally agree with you! Great review!

Geri Reads I just realized you asked me if there are dragons and I said yes when in my mind I was saying “yes, Val, there are dinosaurs” but my comment totally said dragons lmao I’m sorry 😂

message 21: by Ren (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ren Yes! Sometimes the way they talked cracked me up. Very Yoda like. And the no Dragons also made me sad:(

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Nathalie wrote: "I totally agree with you! Great review!"
Thanks Nathalie :)

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Geri Reads wrote: "I just realized you asked me if there are dragons and I said yes when in my mind I was saying “yes, Val, there are dinosaurs” but my comment totally said dragons lmao I’m sorry 😂"
Lmao, no worries, Geri, I figured it what something like that <3

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Ren wrote: "Yes! Sometimes the way they talked cracked me up. Very Yoda like. And the no Dragons also made me sad:("

message 25: by Julie (new)

Julie Guay-de la ronde Great review! I would have been hooked too lol. I find there are just some authors others love that just do it for me and it seems this is yours ;) it happens!

JennB Nailed it.

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Julie wrote: "Great review! I would have been hooked too lol. I find there are just some authors others love that just do it for me and it seems this is yours ;) it happens!"
It does, thanks Julie :)

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ JennB wrote: "Nailed it."
Lol thanks JennB.

message 29: by Malene (new)

Malene Fab review. Now can’t stop hearing Yoda😂😂

message 30: by Minna (new)

Minna Waaaaaaaait a second, no actual dragons?!?!?! I confess to being more than slightly disappointed. o_O

message 31: by Deborah (new) - added it

Deborah Brilliant entertaining review as always Val. I wouldn't find Yoda a good substitute for dragons either 🤣

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Malene wrote: "Fab review. Now can’t stop hearing Yoda😂😂"
Lol whoops!

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Minna wrote: "Waaaaaaaait a second, no actual dragons?!?!?! I confess to being more than slightly disappointed. o_O"
Yep, no dragons lol

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Deborah wrote: "Brilliant entertaining review as always Val. I wouldn't find Yoda a good substitute for dragons either 🤣"
Thanks Deborah :)

Niki {Just lost her husband & going on semihiatus} Val I laughed so hard when I saw the blue balls gif that my son walked up behind me and looked at what I was looking at, then saws mom what is that I don't get it. And then I had to explain blue balls to my 13 yo son. 🤣🤣🤣

message 36: by effin surrey (new)

effin surrey Your review always made me laugh 😂😂

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Niki wrote: "Val I laughed so hard when I saw the blue balls gif that my son walked up behind me and looked at what I was looking at, then saws mom what is that I don't get it. And then I had to explain blue ba..."

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Marie wrote: "Your review always made me laugh 😂😂"
Thanks Marie :)

message 39: by Aisling Zena (new)

Aisling Zena Super review Val! Now, I'm bummed out by the lack of dragons... Eh, I'll probably end up reading just to satisfy my curiosity lol

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Aisling Zena wrote: "Super review Val! Now, I'm bummed out by the lack of dragons... Eh, I'll probably end up reading just to satisfy my curiosity lol"
You should definitely give it a go, Aisling :)

Milla LMAO amazing review. I hate overly flowery and dramatic language like that so I’ll probably pass this one over.

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Jam wrote: "LMAO amazing review. I hate overly flowery and dramatic language like that so I’ll probably pass this one over."
It wasn't even flowery so much as...Yoda-fancy lol But thank you so much, Jam <3

Jessica ❥Chatterbooks Book Blog❥ Fantastic review, Val! ❤❤

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Jessica ❥Chatterbooks Book Blog❥ wrote: "Fantastic review, Val! ❤❤"
Thanks Jessica :)

message 45: by Al (new) - rated it 4 stars

Al Del It’s taken me a week and a half to read 19 chapters, some of my facial expressions 😩🙄🤔🤨🥱😴🤤😢🥺😤

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Al wrote: "It’s taken me a week and a half to read 19 chapters, some of my facial expressions 😩🙄🤔🤨🥱😴🤤😢🥺😤"
Lol yup!

Carmen This review is exactly what my thoughts are about the book! And the Yoda language 😂😂

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Carmen wrote: "This review is exactly what my thoughts are about the book! And the Yoda language 😂😂"
Thanks Carmen!

message 49: by Ariel (new)

Ariel Allmon Thanks for the review. I am glad to avoid wasting my time.

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Ariel wrote: "Thanks for the review. I am glad to avoid wasting my time."
I was in the minority on this one, Ariel. So if you were on the fence...

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