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Alpha Turned by K.B. Alan
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This is a good book. A really really good book


I'm excited for anyone who is about to read it because it is AMAZING!!

The Story

So this story starts off with Hillary (AKA Larry or Hill) who is going with her boyfriend of 4 moths to meet his family at a barbeque. Aww. At the start, her boyfriend Jeff was really sweet and I actually liked him seeing as though I already knew he wouldn't be the hero of the book. Anyway, when she meets the family they are all really weird and creepy, but she goes along with it.

...She kinda zones off and next thing you know the word mate - key word here chicas, kept getting thrown around. And she gets attacked by a pack of wolves (of Jeff's family) and gets bitten and raped :( Definetly hating Jeff at this point.

At this point I was kind of meh because this book had such potential. I mean really it could have been 5 star worthy. It was the damn...urgg where do I start??

1. The rape scene was over and done with quick. Nothing very moving. To be honest, it broke my heart but I was expecting myself to be really engaged and be on the verge of tears and anger and frustration at Jeff etc. but I was annoyed by my lack of connection and feeling with it. There was no empathy or anything. I don't know it was kind of bland.


2. When Hillary finally meets Zach our hero :) there is a total lack of clarity. I don't actually understand what is going on and all the links with other people and I am soo confused!!

So for the benefit of my fellow readers I will clear this up for you:

*Pack Alpha's have their female mate who is also referred to as Alpha as well

*How strong a wolf is, is measured by how long they can withstand the urge to turn into a wolf

*There are gay wolves

*After Alpha, is Second (as in second in command hehe)

*They can have sex in wolf form (hmm interesting)

*Alpha's can send telapathic links to other members of the same pack, so if someone is feeling blue, send them a wee boost :)

* Wolves (as humans obvs) touchy feel each other a lot, even unromantically between others (I'll discuss this is more detail later)


So there you have it! Hope it helps because even though it is explained, the author sometimes rambles before explantion, as if we should already know some stuff.

The characters

Let's start with Zach first of all. I'm sorry but he was quite a wimpy wimp of an alpha.




Strong, savagely beautiful, fierce, loyal, protective. When I here Alpha in romance novels I expect a hard on the outside, soft on the inside, tough, badass, 8-pack hottie. Not...




Cute, adorable, sweet and such a cutie. But I wasn't feeling the spark. He was more cuddly and precious than what I would expect for an alpha. Like he was more Clark Kent than Superman, I don't know.

He wasn't exactly over protective, possessive and scrummy like that ;P but he was still nice. Nice, yup. Really...nice.

A lot of the wolf communication stuff meant that there was a lotta touching each other. I just thought that should be limited to HERO AND HEROINE thank you very much. I understand why but at the same time, other heroes and alpha's I've read about are totally cavemen, my woman no-touching off-limits kind of thing. I felt like saying PAWS OFF, in place of him.

Sorry if I'm being picky but he is an Alpha for crying out loud! Man up! Jeez...

Hillary I really respected and admired because she suffered and survived. I don't know how I felt about her as a whole though. She was always just there, y'know. She wasn't bringing anything more to the book. No sass, spunk, humour. I don't mind a heroine who is nice and perfect, but she was too right, if that makes sense? She lost her sense of self in my eyes.
Her personality = no personality

I liked her. But that was all. And just to like a heroine in a book isn't enough for me :(


Before I go onto the good parts, I have to make sure you are aware of what you're getting into. Expect INSTA LOVE.




ME :




ME :



For the amount of criticism I have given this book, I did still like it.

First up, my favourite part would have to be the tour of Zach's house. My only qualm would be it was all very rushed and the author didn't build the sexual tension but apart from that :)'s all round


In the future I must not have such high expectations


And I pray that one day I will find the perfect couple when reading romance novels who are neither wusses nor spineless or boring. The perfect balance, dear Lord, is all I ask for


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Reading Progress

September 9, 2013 – Shelved as: to-read
September 9, 2013 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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message 1: by (new) - rated it 3 stars

❋ Joanna wrote: "Have you ever read any of Suzanne Wright's books? "Here Be Sexist Vampires" has one of the most kickass heroines I've ever read in literature. She's anything but a wuss, spineless, or boring. (: ..."

Thanks for the tip off aha, I'll definitely check it out. Perfect timing because I was just browsing for a new book, this one will be top of the list :) thanks again!

message 2: by (new) - rated it 3 stars

❋ Thanks! :)

message 3: by Lydia (new)

Lydia Read feral sins. I highly recommend it.

message 4: by (new) - rated it 3 stars

❋ Lydia wrote: "Read feral sins. I highly recommend it." Think I'll give it a go! Heard a lot of good things. Thanks!

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