Robin (Bridge Four)'s Reviews > Magic Triumphs

Magic Triumphs by Ilona Andrews
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Joint review with Anne at Books of My Heart


Anne and I both read Magic Triumphs and also listened to the audio version. I was on the beta team. Anne was fortunate to get an eARC and we both received the audio for review. It is hard to do such an amazing book justice. I've said many times how it is my favorite series. So we decided to try to answer some questions for you (without spoilers).

1. If you could give people your reasons for reading the Kate Daniels series, what would you tell them?

Anne: How much time do you have? Getting right to the point, though, I love the action, the mythology of the world-building and the "villains", the amazing growth and development of the characters, the touch of romance, the smart battles, Kate's compassion for others, her collection of allies (even ones who don't like her or believe her) and the humor. Reading the Kate Daniels series is fascinating, exciting and an emotional journey.

Robin: Kate Daniels is a book series I totally push into everyone's hands. I almost feel a little pushy about it but console myself that they will thank me later. Kate's a strong woman with a very clear morale code and she sticks to it. I love that she is who she is and for the most part is really comfortable with that, plus she has a sword and kicks some ass. Even though Kate is so awesome (she is my spirit animal) the real magic in these books comes with the supporting cast of characters. The humor they add to the story and the relationships Kate build make ending the series bittersweet. Plus the cool Magic/Technology tides world is just amazing.

2. Name 2 characters in the series you love and why? Name a character you don't like and why?

Robin: Two??? How can I only pick two? It is almost impossible as it is hard for me to think of characters I don't like. Even the ones I hate I love. There are characters I love for the comic relief and others I love for their devotion to Kate.Okay *deep breathe* I love Curran, to be sure, but besides him I really love Kate's BFF Andrea. They are what true great friends should be. Andrea calls Kate on her bullshit but would still back her up against anything. If either of them needed anything the other would drop everything to be their for them.

The other character I'm completely obsessed with is Derek. I've loved him since he made Julie a metal rose and threatened Red. He is totally in Kate's corner. That guy will always have her back and protect her and anything she loves with his life, no questions asked. He is like a best friend and a son all rolled into one and I love how simple life is to him when it comes to Kate and Curran.

Gah...I love them all. Even the villains I love hating. Voron maybe, I'm super mad at what his plans for Kate were. While I love how he trained her to help her be the person she is in this series, I really hate how he planned to use her for some kind of revenge.

Anne: I love them all! I'm going to highlight Christopher because he is so smart, so broken and so devoted to Kate. She saves him, as she does so many, and then they become part of her life and circle of allies. Another one is Ghastek. He fascinates me, although his motivations are rather transparent. He has such a hard time with Kate for many reasons, but their interactions always make me laugh. He is skilled but it is so easy to tease him.

I don't like Jim, at least how he treats Kate. He can be an asshole who uses Kate for his own purposes when he needs her but offers no support or loyalty unless he must. But he is our asshole, as they say.

3. Did you think Ilona Andrew would be able to do a series finale which would be amazing?

Anne: Yes. I have complete faith in Ilona Andrews. They never disappoint. Magic Triumphs is amazing!

Robin: I get nervous anytime a series I love is ending. I mean I've read a few where the last book totally ruined the magic for me. But in IA I Trust. I knew they could do it. For one, they had a clear plan of when the series would end instead of just popping out more books just because they could. It almost feels natural that this is where the story went. That said, I was a little worried Kate being a new mom was totally going to hijack everything and I'd loose interest in the story. *Pfft* I was so wrong -Momma bear Kate is even better.

4. Does Magic Triumphs meet your expectations for a series finale?

Robin: OMG yes!!! This has everything in it I've come to expect from the Kate Daniels series. It has humor and heart, action and substance, good moments and hard moments. Magic Triumphs is Triumphant!

Anne: I completely agree with Robin. Magic Triumphs is everything I wanted and expected.

5. What do you like best about Magic Triumphs (without spoilers)?

Anne: I feel like I say the same things over and over. Nothing beats great world-building, amazing characters who grow and develop, intelligent plots, action, and the emotional savvy of compassion, courage and caring brought to each book in this series. Humor is the crowning jewel. I also feel the wrapping up of various plot lines was ingenious. It was done in a way they could keep their moral integrity.

Robin: Momma Bear Kate! I totally loved how, having a child, she had some of the same first time parent issues everyone has. All the worries and concerns of a new parent but then she has to contend with Roland coming for her. I thought it was so well done and added to the story instead of sidetracking it.

6. How do you feel about the series ending?

Robin: Bittersweet for sure. I'm so happy they ended it well and before the series became stale. I think this series is still at the top of its game and so it is ending at a high. I'm just sad because I love this world and the characters in it, I don't want to say goodbye completely. I'm really hoping *crosses fingers and bribes Ilona with yards of yarn* Ilona and Gordon revisit the world and want to write more stories in it. We get more Hugh/Elara stories and I'm really excited about that, for sure, but I really hope Julie and Derek get their own series eventually. I'm holding out hope inspiration will hit after they've written some other things and Ilona Andrews will want to come back to the Kate Daniels world too.

Anne: I'm surprisingly not sad. I know I can go back and reread these amazing characters and stories any time, and I'll always learn and find new details. Because Ilona Andrews did it right and ended it perfectly. Plus we still have Hugh in the Iron Covenant series, and probably Derek and Julie, Grey Wolf series stories. There might even be some novellas or Conlan stories! I'm also excited to read other series and new ones by Ilona Andrews.


I many times
I was emotional, a lot
I was stumped on occasion
I loved every minute of reading it
I was blown away by the ending

This was everything and wanted it to be and so much more. The Andrews have done it again and surpassed every expectation I had. This was better than I hoped for and my hopes were HIGH


I always go into the last book of a series with a lot of trepidation. For one I’ve had entire series that I love ruined by the last book of the series and so it is always a bit nerve wracking. But in Ilona Andrews I should have trusted and known that they would do their readers proud and end the series with everything I as a reader have come to expect from them.

I was worried that having a baby would make this book boring.

But Conlan is a cute kid and does great stuff and uptight overprotective momma-bear Kate is hilarious. I think having the kid actually increased the enjoyability of the story instead of detracting form it.

I was worried that it would become too unrealistic

Don’t look at me like that. I know that it is Urban Fantay. But you know what I mean, Curran and Kate being indestructible. But there is real fear for them in this without thinking that no biggie they can’t be killed. I had some genuine fear for the characters in this and no not everyone will make it to the end.

I stressed that the ending would just fizzle

You know how it is…all this build up for books and books and then poof we win, you lose and lets’ go get cake. But the plot was great and I loved how this ended. But the ending was worth it. The journey is definitely the best part but the ending did justice to the entire series and I’m so happy with it all. Well maybe there is one thing I’m unsure of but I’m thinking spin off series one day so totally fine with it.

Thank you to the Andrews for letting me be involved with the beta read of their final book for the Kate Daniels Series. I am honored.
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Reading Progress

December 31, 2013 – Shelved as: to-read
December 31, 2013 – Shelved
February 16, 2018 – Shelved as: 4-5-stars
February 16, 2018 – Shelved as: book-boyfriend-material
February 16, 2018 – Shelved as: chick-i-want-to-hang-out-with
February 16, 2018 – Shelved as: ghosts
February 16, 2018 – Shelved as: kick-ass-heroines
February 16, 2018 – Shelved as: super-sidekicks
February 16, 2018 – Shelved as: uf-pnr
February 16, 2018 – Shelved as: witches-warlocks-and-magic
August 28, 2018 – Started Reading
September 8, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 50 (50 new)

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message 2: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Awesome!!! So looking forward to this!

Robin (Bridge Four) ✘✘ Sarah ✘✘ (former Nefarious Breeder of Murderous Crustaceans) wrote: "I don't hate you, Robin. Of course I don't:D"


Don't hate me. See ^ I'm too cute to hate.

But aren't you relieved to know that you are probably going to love it!


Robin (Bridge Four) Kristen wrote: "Awesome!!! So looking forward to this!"

It is going to be great. I can't wait for to reread the entire series going into this last book again.

☆★Tinja★✮ A Court of Pizza and Laziness YEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSDDDD YOU LOVED IT !!!!! <33 sorryyy I'm just really reaally excited about this!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaahhh such a relief!!!

Robin (Bridge Four) ☆★Tinja★✮ A Court of Pizza and Laziness wrote: "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSDDDD YOU LOVED IT !!!!! <33 sorryyy I'm just really reaally excited about this!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaahhh such a relief!!!"

As you should be. IA is one of the most creative writers out there and I love everything new they brought to the end of this series.

Maria Dimitrova As if the waiting wasn't hard enough without having confirmation that MT is awesome.

Robin (Bridge Four) Maria wrote: "As if the waiting wasn't hard enough without having confirmation that MT is awesome."

But.....the good news is you will get to read it in complete order since Hugh's book isn't done yet.

And it is going to be so worth it.

Maria Dimitrova Robin wrote: "Maria wrote: "As if the waiting wasn't hard enough without having confirmation that MT is awesome."

But.....the good news is you will get to read it in complete order since Hugh's book isn't done ..."

Let's hope I'm not in the middle of academic stuff when it comes out.

Robin (Bridge Four) Maria wrote: "Robin wrote: "Maria wrote: "As if the waiting wasn't hard enough without having confirmation that MT is awesome."

But.....the good news is you will get to read it in complete order since Hugh's bo..."

I will totally cross my fingers for you.

message 11: by mich (new) - rated it 3 stars

mich every time I see this book cover I get this weird anxiety/excited feeling. I almost feel like I don't ever want to read this book, ever. Like, EVER. It doesn't seem real that it's almost going to all be over!

Robin (Bridge Four) But the Good news is this won't be the last book in this world. There are other stories the Andrews plan to tell I the future.

I totally get what you are saying though Mich

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

Uhm, I admit I have been living under a rock, but who did you have to kill (and I do not think killing just one person would do the trick) to get your hands on this one?

Robin (Bridge Four) I think I just had to sell them the souls of all the members of Ilona Andrews Addicts

Nah...I have some very nice friends that texted me as soon as the call went out for betas and I made the cut.

I guess that means I did a good job on the other betas I did for them. *crosses fingers* I do try very hard to help.

Carole (Carole's Random Life) I am so excited for this one. What an honor to be picked to beta read this one, Robin!

Cathryn Yay!!!!! I'm so glad you liked it! Can't wait to read this!

Robin (Bridge Four) Carole wrote: "I am so excited for this one. What an honor to be picked to beta read this one, Robin!"

Totally feel honored that I got to beta. It was on my 2018 most anticipated list for sure

message 18: by Robin (last edited Feb 17, 2018 06:51PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Robin (Bridge Four) Cathryn wrote: "Yay!!!!! I'm so glad you liked it! Can't wait to read this!"

So good. I hope you love it too

message 19: by Choko (new) - added it

Choko Sooo, this is the mysterious book you were so busy with! You are so darn lucky!

Robin (Bridge Four) Choko wrote: "Sooo, this is the mysterious book you were so busy with! You are so darn lucky!"

Yep this is the reason I'm super late to our buddy read. But I'll be back to regular reads tomorrow for sure.

Liz* Fashionably Late Is this the last book of the series, Robin?

Robin (Bridge Four) Liz* Fashionably Late wrote: "Is this the last book of the series, Robin?"

Yes. This is the final book in the Kate Daniels series.

I think that they still have a few other books/novellas planned in the same world and a possible spin off down the road. So I think we will still get a few glimpses of our favorite characters that way.

Liz* Fashionably Late Oh, no! I thought there were going to be a few more. I’m not ready to let Kate go. Any idea who’s gonna be the MC in the spin off? Say Derek! Say Derek! ^^

Still, glad you liked it! I think I’m gonna reread the entire series before this one.

Robin (Bridge Four) Liz* Fashionably Late wrote: "Oh, no! I thought there were going to be a few more. I’m not ready to let Kate go. Any idea who’s gonna be the MC in the spin off? Say Derek! Say Derek! ^^

Still, glad you liked it! I think I’m go..."

I do not know for certain. But IA has talked about doing a spin off in the future with Julie and I think they have a few more planned with Derek in the Greywolf series.

I also think they have a novella in mind for Roman.

But none of this is set in stone. Still they have said multiple times that this won't be the final book in this world, it will just be the final centered on Kate and Curran.

Liz* Fashionably Late Didn’t know any of this. Well, I know I’ll read anything IA writes so I’m eager to see what they have prepared for us next. I really like Julie as a character just not sure if I’d like to read a whole series about her. Anyways, you’re awesome as always. Thanks robin!

message 26: by Ina (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ina I don't know whether to hate you because you already got to read it or whether to be happy because it seems like it's truly amazing! (No that I doubted them, but after so many truly wonderful installments, the expectations are REALLY high). Glad you enjoyed it and I can't wait to read it myself!!! :)

Pankhuri Oh I can't wait to read this!!!! I'm soooo jealous you've read it. GAH. The wait is killing me :')

Absolutelyred Im torn between jealousy (you read it already) and joy for what awaits me today (you read it already)😀. Great review!

Karishma I finished. I loved it but I'm so damn emotional that KD is over 💔

Robin (Bridge Four) Absolutelyred wrote: "Im torn between jealousy (you read it already) and joy for what awaits me today (you read it already)😀. Great review!"

I'm totally reading it again though because that is how good it was.

Happy reading and I hope you love it too.

Robin (Bridge Four) Karishma wrote: "I finished. I loved it but I'm so damn emotional that KD is over 💔"

But the beauty is that you know it is fantastic from beginning to end so your reread will be something to look forward to. I have to keep myself to only rereading it 1x per year.


Karishma Yes! I am so so looking forward to a reread!

Till now the only series that I reread every chance I got was Riyria, now one more got added to it!

Robin (Bridge Four) Karishma wrote: "Yes! I am so so looking forward to a reread!

Till now the only series that I reread every chance I got was Riyria, now one more got added to it!"

Looks like you have good taste

Karishma Robin wrote: "Karishma wrote: "Yes! I am so so looking forward to a reread!

Till now the only series that I reread every chance I got was Riyria, now one more got added to it!"

Looks like you have good taste"


I was literally just about to open your profile to see if you were online and wanted to start XD

Robin (Bridge Four) Haha...good morning. I'll grab some coffee and get going then. :P

Karishma Good Morning (evening here)!

Coffee is the ever essential wake-me-up !

Nicole I can't wait to read this!!!! I know it'll be good! I have a question though. I have read all of the novellas except for 9.5. Do you think I should read it first? Or it doesn't matter? Her other novellas always offer something to the plot and the authors don't recap novellas like they do books. So what do you recommend?

message 38: by Karishma (last edited Aug 28, 2018 04:58AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Karishma Nicole wrote: "I can't wait to read this!!!! I know it'll be good! I have a question though. I have read all of the novellas except for 9.5. Do you think I should read it first? Or it doesn't matter? Her other no..."

@Nicole it is absolutely essential to read 9.5 before this one. And it's a full length novel.

Nicole Karishma wrote: "Nicole wrote: "I can't wait to read this!!!! I know it'll be good! I have a question though. I have read all of the novellas except for 9.5. Do you think I should read it first? Or it doesn't matte..."

Oh alright thank you!

Sophie I hope I get to this soon!! I'm like #34 on my library list ahhh

message 41: by Dee (new) - rated it 4 stars

Dee i totally caved and pre-ordered this...but i slotted it in for a September reading challenge, so i have to hold on just a bit longer

Robin (Bridge Four) Dee wrote: "i totally caved and pre-ordered this...but i slotted it in for a September reading challenge, so i have to hold on just a bit longer"

Just a few more days....You can make it.

Camila (previously the opinionated Catruler) Great review, Robin! It made me want to read it, but also never read it so KD never ends. Favorite series ending are always bittersweet.

Robin (Bridge Four) Camila, the opinionated Catruler wrote: "Great review, Robin! It made me want to read it, but also never read it so KD never ends. Favorite series ending are always bittersweet."

Well the best thing about it is that once you finish and you know it ends well you can just start over and read it from the very beginning again.

Camila (previously the opinionated Catruler) For sure, I always start rereading after I finish a new IA book.

It does help to know everyone is loving Magic Triumphs. I was particularly worried about the baby making Kate not Kate. Not that I'd ever doubt Ilona Andrews.

Robin (Bridge Four) I have seen a baby ruin many a good series. But in this one it helped make it better.

Always trust in IA

Pankhuri Yes, I finished it!!!!!! And started re-reading it cuz I read it so fast and didn't have time to really savor it. I love, love, loved it! And may I say they have the cutest, scariest baby ever?

Robin (Bridge Four) Pankhuri wrote: "Yes, I finished it!!!!!! And started re-reading it cuz I read it so fast and didn't have time to really savor it. I love, love, loved it! And may I say they have the cutest, scariest baby ever?" totally can. He is definitely going to raise some hell when he hits those teenage years.

message 50: by Dee (new) - rated it 4 stars

Dee Robin wrote: "Dee wrote: "i totally caved and pre-ordered this...but i slotted it in for a September reading challenge, so i have to hold on just a bit longer"

Just a few more days....You can make it."

but its sooo far away ;)

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