Heather's Reviews > Dark Lover

Dark Lover by J.R. Ward
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's review

did not like it
bookshelves: 2009

I should have known by the summary that this book would suck ass, but alas, I was blinded by that s*xy sounding name, Wrath. Curse Ms. Ward for being intelligent enough to make that up. With a name like Wrath, I was expecting some sensual sinning to take place, but all I got was a blind, leather duster wearing vampire thug who introduces us to ridiculous supernatural turf wars, rap music, and the f bomb. Even worse, the supposed world of sensuality began as a cable guy fantasy gone wrong. This book was tragic. Tragically stupid.

I realize that Wrath is a vampire, but I can’t suspend my belief enough to buy into anyone, supernatural or no, being able to smell what someone looks like. If you are able to smell someone so strongly that images form in your mind, that person is made of stink and you should run, quickly, in the opposite direction. Also, someone named Wrath has no business cuddling with anyone except the devil. Seriously, am I supposed to believe that someone named after one of the seven deadly sins is capable of falling in love with someone so insipid?

And can someone explain the mythology to me? Actually please don’t, but seriously, if vampires don’t need to drink human blood to survive, why should they have to hide? And why would they drink human blood?

Lastly, what’s up with the peaches?
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December 11, 2009 – Shelved
December 11, 2009 – Shelved as: 2009

Comments Showing 1-50 of 51 (51 new)

Tatiana You are not even going to give this any stars?

Heather I just forgot,lol.
I'll give it one.

Tatiana You keep adding and deleting this book I remember. One time you even wrote review for it and then removed it. I remember it was vair funny

Heather I know. It taint's my selves, but I think it would make a lovely addition to the shite bookshelf.

Tatiana Ok, this one was longer than the first:)

And what about peaches?

Heather He mentions them a few times in "choice" scenes.

Tatiana You mean during #10? The taco? :)

message 8: by Heather (last edited Dec 11, 2009 11:49AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Heather Yes, lol

Tatiana I don't remember peaches, but he smelled and other stuff her a lot. It was a bit on a gross side. Nothing like in Outlander:)

Heather Yes, this book was just nasty imo.

Tatiana Yeah, IMO too. And we've read Succubus and Storm Born. That says a lot I think:)

Heather LOL, it does at that my friend. We should have badges as surely we are experts :)

Tatiana We sure are. I didn't read all those bodice rippers for nothing:)

Heather You can get a special badge added for Viking know how, and I can have one for cowboys :)

message 15: by Hannah (new)

Hannah :) Funny review. I've heard about this series. It sounds pretty dreadful. Thanks for the lolz!

Heather Thank you. This book was just nasty and stupid. Don't waste your time.

message 17: by Hannah (new)

Hannah Heather wrote: "Thank you. This book was just nasty and stupid. Don't waste your time."

You're welcome.

And I won't!

Heather Still like that dude's name though. That should have been hawt. Can't you just imagine it. I mourn the potential.

message 19: by Hannah (new)

Hannah Heather wrote: "Still like that dude's name though. That should have been hawt. Can't you just imagine it. I mourn the potential."

Isn't this the series with the brothers named Rhage and Phury and crap??

Why not just name one Tsuck and call it a day?

Tatiana LMAO!

Heather LMAO, now that would have been promising :)

Heather So would Lick :)

message 23: by Hannah (new)

Hannah Heather wrote: "LMAO, now that would have been promising :)"

I'll write it.
Heather- you illustrate it.
T - you read and snark on it.


message 24: by Hannah (new)

Hannah Heather wrote: "So would Lick :)"


Heather Deal, that sounds perfect.
Now my mind is really in the gutter.

message 26: by Heather (last edited Dec 11, 2009 02:21PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Heather Hannahr wrote: "Heather wrote: "So would Lick :)"



Don't forget Phalange...

Heather I'll second that Gypsy.

message 28: by Mona (new)

Mona Thank god for your review! I was contemplating wasting my time reading this. Of course, I didn't know it would be a waste of time until a read an intelligent reader's viewpoint.

Heather I'm glad I was able to spare you the torment of this book Mona. My job is done, lol.

Tiffany I am so relieved to see that there are other people who recognize crappy writing when they see it. The dialogue was so stupid and unrealistic. It sounds just like what it is; an upper-class woman (isn't she a lawyer in NY?)
trying to sound like a streetwise badass. It wasn't even worth skipping to the sexy scenes.

message 31: by Trisha (last edited Jun 27, 2010 12:04PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Trisha Exactly! I suffered through the book and skipped a lot of pages tho. I think a lot of people like this series for the "romance" aspect and of course the sexily described hotties and the sex. I like some plot with my sex and hotties, thank you very much. The writing is horrid and the dialogue is precisely as described above. I've never heard anyone talk like that, ever and it was so distracting throughout the book, not to mention the constant "label" dropping. I had a suspicion that the author may be getting a cut for every "name brand" she included in her novels. It is also the same story over & over & over & over.... book after book, different "Brother & love interest" And WTF is up with the dammed dead/undead villains!! ARG!!

Suzanne I read these reviews too late. By about twenty pages into the book I realized I'd made a terrible mistake. Bhummer!
The writing is so awwwwwful, it takes more patience than I've got to get through. sadface.

message 33: by Kikicali (new)

Kikicali I got this book from the library yesterday due to the glowing reviews on this site. I am about 30 pages in thinking "....does this book suck? Maybe I missed some pages..." I wish I would have read your review first!

♥Xeni♥ Ugh, I wish I had read your review before I read the damn book. I put the book down last summer and only started reading again recently. I really regret it. This book has a fan following like Twilight and yet it's mostly adults! Maybe they all read it for the sex scenes?

(To be honest, though, they sucked. They didn't even get me interested. And I happen to enjoy well written vampire sex. Explain how a super, super strong vampire can have normal sex? At least Meyer managed to address that.) Also, nice point with the "peaches". I almost quit the book right there, but since I didn't after I learned all the brother's names I told myself to keep going.

One last thing: anyone else get bugged by the "my brothers"? It was SO a clockwork orange it made me gag.

message 35: by NBB (new)

NBB I've heard such wonderful things about this book, but, somehow, this is the one evaluation that I believe. I like you! Thanks for saving me a couple of bucks (when I saw that there was 8 books in the series...I was really put off)

Chamonix If you are able to smell someone so strongly that images form in your mind, that person is made of stink and you should run, quickly, in the opposite direction.

I laughed SO hard.

message 37: by Nikki (new) - rated it 1 star

Nikki Yeah I read this book because of the astronomical amount of folks who LOVE it, mistake. It was awful in every sense of the word. I really thought I would venture out and read a real adult book, it sent me crying back to my YA shelf:)

Elaine OMG I totally agree about the peaches! When I read that I started laughing. It was so ridiculous. This big hulking thug and all of a sudden he's going on about her tasting like peaches. PLEASE!

message 39: by Nikki (new) - rated it 1 star

Nikki Ellen wrote: "OMG I totally agree about the peaches! When I read that I started laughing. It was so ridiculous. This big hulking thug and all of a sudden he's going on about her tasting like peaches. PLEASE!"
lol yeah who's cooch ever tastes like peaches....

message 40: by tbb03 (new) - rated it 1 star

tbb03 hahaha I had to laugh so much when I read your review. I can only agree on everything that you said.
Unfortunately I waisted a little bit of money and time, too. In Germany the publisher has had a "great" idea: they separated every book into two books to make more money >.< At first I was happy to get an english copy of it, but with that style and the boring story i really had to fight through the pages >.<

Sarah What's funny is that the books get worse as they go along. I checked these books out from the library and I enjoyed this one the most.... I just got sick and tired of the same formula and the stupid spellings, as well as the mythology not working for me. I have several of the same complaints as you, but I don't even remember the main female character enough to say if I thought she was insipid or not.

message 42: by Sheri (new)

Sheri Wow, my friend read these books and gave them all 5 stars...good thing I looked for other opinions. Thanks Goodreads!

message 43: by Mari (new)

Mari Actually, hon, that why humans fall in love. Chemistry, hormones. Smell. You weren't a very good student in your science class were you? I think you likely FAILED biology!
Scince when do people act out their names? Do you think everyone named Norman is smart? or everyone named Butch is tough? Kinda shallow of you isn't it? As to why someone would do something they didn't have to do; Humans don't have to drink booze or smoke cigarets. It actually kills them. But they sure do it!!! Get it now?

message 44: by [deleted user] (new)

i laughed so hard at this review. awesome opinion. (even tho i liked the book)

Amanda I did not like the book. How many times can you describe boots at "sh*tkickers" in one novel? The writing annoyed me.

Sarah Recently tried to reread this and I can't believe I actually enjoyed it the first time, the writing was so bad. I must have been in a "meh, everything is ok" time in my reading career.

A_Ryan "Leather duster". Classic!

message 48: by Katie (new) - rated it 1 star

Katie Bishop Hahaha! I almost burned the book when he referenced her smell to peaches. What hoo ha in the world smells like peaches? Female authors, please unite and stop making the rest of us feel bad for our vagina-flavored vaginas!

Lori¸¸¸.•*❀Ɍɛɑɗs̱LɪƙɛIʈs̱H̱ɛɍJɔɓ  유❤유 Vagina-flavored vaginas! OMG you had me dying with that one!

message 50: by Kennedy (new)

Kennedy Miller Katie killed me omg, vagina-flavoured vaginas

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