Liz's Reviews > Empire of Storms

Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas
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bookshelves: anticipated-2016

After re-reading a few parts I cannot help but rate it lower. Well, maybe it'll be one of those books that I rate lower and lower with every time I re-read some parts and revise them in my head. Oh, SJM, you could have done it so much better. Why? Pity.

I will start with the flaws.
Well, the "mature" content that reminded me a bit of fanfictions from AO3, not because it was horrible, but because it was given too many pages and written in an over-the-top manner. That said, I am generally not fond of sex scenes in books and after ASoIaF no sex scene can impress me anymore. So the sex scenes were cringe-worthy. Seriously, worse than ACOMAF because in that one there weren't as many.
The writing itself, funnily enough, was at times not at its best either. I gushed about the writing in my QoS review, but due to the 'territorial nonsense' of the Fae in this one and the never-ending repetitions of certain verbs I did not enjoy the writing in this one quite as much but only at these particular moments. Action-scenes were splendidly written. I had honestly not expected that for the simply reason that action/combat scenes are exceptionally difficult to write in a manner that contributes to a build-up of tension and many authors tend to mess them up. But yeah, the emotional parts were very much purple prose, which I am not very fond of.
Oh, and another minor aspect that was more annoying than enjoyable - Aelin and Rowan. I loved them together in HoF and QoS, but in this installment their relationship was at times too much even for me. Too sweet, too perfect, too purple. Ugh.
And not everyone needs to be paired up. This is such a childish move. Such a stupid, obvious and immature move that I do not appreciate it at all. No, not everyone needs a relationship. This endless pairing up every character that appears both in ACOMAF in here is just endlessly annoying.

Now on to the parts that I liked.
As I have already stated - the combat scenes. There are many in this book. Seriously, a good deal of this book is fighting be it with magic or not. But the combat scenes contribute to the overall progression of the plot and character development, so it's not just pointless bloodshed. In addition to the combat scenes, there is the overall suspense. Fuck sexual tension, I didn't care for it, but the tension between the characters who are minutes from gutting each other, that one I loved.
The overall atmosphere of this book is darker, more cruel...more insane than in the previous books.
Then, there is the "girl power". But let's call it - flawed and interesting female characters, shall we?! I am tired of 95% of male characters ruling the realm of fantasy and I love the fact that women are so intelligent and vicious in this series.
I loved Aelin's quiet scheming. All the wrong and right choices that she made. (view spoiler) Her development was fantastic and it was believable, particularly the reaction to "Nameless is my price", I think I'll never get over it.
It irked me a bit that due to all the action, due to so many things happening simultaneously, there was not much space for SJM to include some in-depth insight into some characters' heads and their emotional turmoils, but I liked their development nonetheless. Apart from Aelin, there is Lysandra. For me, she is hands down the most mind-blowing character in this entire series by now. All-time-favourite female characters? Lysandra and Manon. But seriously this is a minor, but very vague spoiler - so many things would have never worked out without Lysandra. She is the gem of this series.
Perhaps with Manon, who has changed rather a lot since book three. Many changes, particularly those that occur in this book, have been forced upon her by the circumstances and her own past and the possible absence of a future, so yes, she changes visibly, but I did not feel like she changes in a manner that is OOC. Same goes for Dorian. It's a pity that there wasn't much insight into what was going on inside his head, but I still adored him, as much as I did in the previous books. Elide and Aedion were other pleasant surprises. Aedion's development was very interesting, as was his relationship with Gavriel and the other Fae and Elide was just overall one big surprise!
Moreover, many "old friends" make an appearance in this book. (view spoiler) I cannot wait to see them in the final installment and how they will work together. Aelin and her "court" are already used to each other, but with so many "new" faces it might be a bit of a struggle to coordinate and get along because so many of them are used to rule, not to obey.
Lastly, the history and myths of the world of ToG. I am a sucker for good world-building and Maas never disappoints in this regard. Many of the old myths come to live again, some are merely remembered, but even that is enough to dive deeper into this fantastic, ancient world. And the time-line of when certain things occured becomes clearer as well, although with all these revelations more questions arise as well. Not that I minded that, I just hope that SJM won't mess it up and won't leave the crucial questions unanswered.

Let's be honest - it could have been so much better. Makes me a bit anxious about the final book, to be honest.
Before reading:
A year of waiting...

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Reading Progress

February 12, 2014 – Shelved as: to-read
February 12, 2014 – Shelved
December 12, 2015 – Shelved as: anticipated-2016
September 6, 2016 – Started Reading
September 6, 2016 –
1.0% ""
September 6, 2016 –
25.0% "

This is bad. This is so so bad. My heart is breaking for a certain character..."
September 6, 2016 –
43.0% ""Dorian realized he ... perhaps he could do with a bit more wickedness and insanity, too.
This war would not be won on smiles and manners."

So far this one is very...intense."
September 6, 2016 –
48.0% "Oh my fucking...Oh shit. OH. SHIT."
September 6, 2016 –
60.0% "Wow. I'll be honest - so far I am rather impressed with what Maas has pulled off here and gleeful about the absence of a certain character.
And maybe it's just me but the sheer level of spitefulness for this book is a bit overwhelming. Even "Ruin and Rising" did not provoke so much hate..."
September 6, 2016 –
78.0% "

September 6, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-21 of 21 (21 new)

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

I like it. I can see why you don't, because I feel like the fire is what's badly photoshopped. Celaena is my total girl crush on this cover though. She looks so beautiful in that outfit.

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

Glad you loved it! I'm reading this one so slowly, but SJM started talking about how she was crying at the end of writing this in her newsletter and I'm not ready to feel feelings!

message 3: by Liz (new) - rated it 3 stars

Liz Well, I hadn't read the newsletter so *shrugs* But yeah. What I have to deal with now is devastation. So better read it very very very slowly.

Zaira I just finished it and I ABSOLUTELY AGREE with everything you said. I didn't enjoy the sex scenes, either. I found myself skipping them. I thought they were overwritten and cheesy and that those pages could be dedicated to something else. However, as you said, the action scenes were heart-stopping. And that ending was everything. ^_^

message 5: by Liz (new) - rated it 3 stars

Liz Yup! Still I feel like QoS was somewhat more gripping. But again, maybe that's due to the fact that it's the first book ever where the reader is looking at the world from a variety of POV's rather than solely focusing on Aelin?!
And I hope (or rather suspect) that there won't be much of such "mature" content in the final installment. I doubt Maas will have the space to include them! :D

Zaira Liz wrote: "Yup! Still I feel like QoS was somewhat more gripping. But again, maybe that's due to the fact that it's the first book ever where the reader is looking at the world from a variety of POV's rather ..."

QoS gripped me more as a book too. The twists and turns in that book were in every chapter whereas in this one I felt that the middle of the book dragged a little bit.

Yes, I think/hope the mature content will be toned down in the final book as well. She has more important things to write in it.

message 7: by Liz (new) - rated it 3 stars

Liz Probably because after the tense combat-scenes the calm and emotional ones felt less..impressive? But yes, the middle was perhaps not that brilliant in this one.

message 8: by Zaira (last edited Sep 08, 2016 08:59AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Zaira Liz wrote: "Probably because after the tense combat-scenes the calm and emotional ones felt less..impressive? But yes, the middle was perhaps not that brilliant in this one."

Exactly!! I still think about Lysandra's scene where she was a sea dragon and the fight there.

message 9: by Liz (new) - rated it 3 stars

Liz Ooooh don't start! I was really emotionally shaken after it! (view spoiler)

Zaira Liz wrote: "Ooooh don't start! I was really emotionally shaken after it! [spoilers removed]"

(view spoiler)

message 11: by Liz (new) - rated it 3 stars

Liz (view spoiler)

Zaira Liz wrote: "Rowan and Aelin seemed a bit overly sweet to me in this one. There was a lot of lust and innuendos and fawning over each other, but otherwise...I don't know. Their relationship lacked the previous ..."

(view spoiler)

message 13: by Liz (new) - rated it 3 stars

Liz (view spoiler)

Zaira Liz wrote: "Absolutely! Aelin is perhaps the best planner I've ever read about! ;)
Yes, I totally agree with you and if SJM had written him suddenly as heroic it would have been totally OOC, but still such a ..."

(view spoiler)

message 15: by Liz (new) - rated it 3 stars

Liz (view spoiler)

Zaira Liz wrote: "Well, poor Elide then. That would be pretty rough for her after her generally shitty life. No, you aren't the only one! Or we are both wrong, but I read it similarly. Fenrys was/is most definitely ..."

(view spoiler)

Katerina  Kondrenko After a while I start to wonder about some details and added a block to my review. (view spoiler) Maybe I missed smth and there were some good explanations? Liz, help!)

message 18: by Liz (new) - rated it 3 stars

Liz Katerina wrote: "After a while I start to wonder about some details and added a block to my review. [spoilers removed] Maybe I missed smth and there were some good explanations? Liz, help!)"

Sorry, dear I've been gone for a bit and my GR failed to notify me of a comment :( Anyway, you know, I've been wondering about the first question as well... (view spoiler)
Something like that. What do you think? ;)

Katerina  Kondrenko Liz wrote: "Katerina wrote: "After a while I start to wonder about some details and added a block to my review. [spoilers removed] Maybe I missed smth and there were some good explanations? Liz, help!)"


(view spoiler)

message 20: by Liz (new) - rated it 3 stars

Liz (view spoiler)

Katerina  Kondrenko (view spoiler)

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