Comic books/Graphic novels/Manga Reading Challenges discussion

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Archive > Nominations for June - Comics & Graphic Novels

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message 1: by Mike, The Moderator in the Darkness (new)

Mike | 257 comments Mod
Nominate which comic book or graphic novel you'd like us to read in June here!

Athena Shardbearer | 11 comments I nominate American Vampire, Vol. 1 by Scott Snyder

message 3: by Lu, Rarity Fan (new)

Lu | 360 comments Mod
I nominate:

Fables, Vol. 1 Legends in Exile (Fables, #1) by Bill Willingham or Grimm Fairy Tales Oz by Joe Brusha

message 4: by Mike, The Moderator in the Darkness (last edited May 09, 2014 12:53PM) (new)

Mike | 257 comments Mod
Fables won in March Lu (and is a great read :) ). Thread's here.

Would you like to me to count Volume 2 of Fables as your second nom or do you want to put up something else?

Athena (Shardbearer) wrote: "I nominate American Vampire, Vol. 1 by Scott Snyder"

Been meaning to check this out. I've read some of Snyder's Batman comics and he's a great author.

Athena Shardbearer | 11 comments Mike wrote: "Fables won in March Lu (and is a great read :) ). Thread's here.

Would you like to me to count Volume 2 of Fables as your second nom or do you want to put up something else?

Athena (Shardbearer) ..."

I have this one and two just sitting on my shelf waiting to be read! So I will probably read it soon even if it doesn't get chosen for this months read.

Athena Shardbearer | 11 comments I meant for June.

message 7: by Mike, The Moderator in the Darkness (new)

Mike | 257 comments Mod
My nominations:

Planetary, Vol. 1 All Over the World and Other Stories by Warren Ellis and All-New X-Factor, Vol. 1 Not Brand X by Peter David

message 8: by Mackenzie (new)

Mackenzie Stanley (crigger5) | 9 comments Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life (Scott Pilgrim, #1) by Bryan Lee O'Malley and Spider-Man Blue by Jeph Loeb

message 9: by Lu, Rarity Fan (new)

Lu | 360 comments Mod
Mike wrote: "Fables won in March Lu (and is a great read :) ). Thread's here. ..."

So sorry about that! Nah just leave it and I'll stick with my other nom :)

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