Nothing But Reading Challenges discussion

Team Challenges Archive > Count Dooku

Comments Showing 101-150 of 304 (304 new)    post a comment »

message 101: by Caroline (new)

Caroline (carolinet12) | 249 comments Finished
The Circle by Dave Eggers
The Circle
Started : May 6 Finished : May 10
Page count : 528
Rating : 4 star
BOM: Yes, DQs already posted.

message 102: by Kme_17 (new)

Kme_17 | 453 comments finished

Slightly Sinful (Bedwyn Saga, #5) by Mary Balogh

Slightly Sinful
Finished : May 11
Page count : 342
Rating :3 star
BOM: no

message 103: by Alessandra (new)

Alessandra Casiello (apetrino1) | 320 comments Kelly- it looks like Alexandria's books are not being added to the spreadsheet. I checked and it looks like the shelf name and ID both match her shelf. Can you check this for me?

She read Small Great Things on 5/9

message 104: by SthTx Dawn (new)

SthTx Dawn (dawn99) | 226 comments ok i finished Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne.. I listened to the audiobook and am not quite sure how to find the page count for it. I added it to my team shelf. Looks like we are getting tons of books read so far.. great job team..

message 105: by Alexandria (new)

Alexandria | 149 comments I think that was my fault Alessandra. I just checked it out and I forgot to put a read date on it. I fixed it now. Sorry about that.

message 106: by Alessandra (last edited May 12, 2017 08:18AM) (new)

Alessandra Casiello (apetrino1) | 320 comments Okay! Great Alexandria! I should have looked at that. It seems to be fine now that the date was entered.

For anyone who hasn't checked in this week, please be sure just to pop in once a week even if you haven't completed a book, just so I know we aren't missing any members.

I know we never had Aliakbar check in but Monica and Tayla are you still with us?

message 107: by Alessandra (new)

Alessandra Casiello (apetrino1) | 320 comments SthTx Dawn wrote: "ok i finished Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne.. I listened to the audiobook and am not quite sure how to find the page count for it. I added it to my team shelf. L..."

Great Dawn! With audio books we take the default book edition page number which looks to be 394. I will add it in for you!

message 108: by Tayla (new)

Tayla Potayta (taylapotayta) | 0 comments Yes hi I'm here

message 109: by Alessandra (new)

Alessandra Casiello (apetrino1) | 320 comments Great! Just want to make sure we still have the rest of the team before I report who we are still missing.

message 110: by Tayla (new)

Tayla Potayta (taylapotayta) | 0 comments No worries I totally understand :) anything you need me to do?

message 111: by Caroline (new)

Caroline (carolinet12) | 249 comments Finished :
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Finished : May 12
Pages : 254
Rating : 3 star
BOM : No

message 112: by Kme_17 (last edited May 12, 2017 11:56AM) (new)

Kme_17 | 453 comments I'm here : )


Random & Rare (Lock & Key, #2) by Cat Porter

Random & Rare by Cat Porter
Finished : May 12
Page count : 322
Rating :4 star
BOM: no

Elsewhere by Richard Russo

Elsewhere by Richard Russo
Finished : May 12
Page count :256
Rating :4 star
BOM: no

message 113: by Alessandra (new)

Alessandra Casiello (apetrino1) | 320 comments Nope we are okay right now Tayla, thank you!

message 114: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32704 comments Mod
Please welcome to the team


message 115: by Kristin (new)

Kristin | 120 comments Hey y'all! I'm Kristin! I am from Los Angeles, California and currently attend the University of California, Berkeley. I love reading with my favorite genres being young adult, fantasy, sci-fi, and dystopian. I am excited to be on Team Count Dooku!

message 116: by Alessandra (new)

Alessandra Casiello (apetrino1) | 320 comments Welcome Kristin!

message 117: by Caroline (new)

Caroline (carolinet12) | 249 comments Hi Kristin!
So glad to have you on the team !

message 118: by Joy (new)

Joy | 281 comments Hi Kristin! We are favorite genre twins :) Welcome to the team!

message 119: by SthTx Dawn (new)

SthTx Dawn (dawn99) | 226 comments Thanks Alessandra! Welcome to the team Kristin

message 120: by Kme_17 (new)

Kme_17 | 453 comments Welcome Kristin!

message 121: by Kme_17 (last edited May 13, 2017 02:42PM) (new)

Kme_17 | 453 comments finished

Risk by Deborah Bladon

Risk by Deborah Bladon
Finished : May 13
Page count 351
Rating :4 star
BOM: no

Presumed Innocent (Kindle County Legal Thriller, #1) by Scott Turow

Presumed Innocent by Scott Turow
Finished : May 13
Page count 421
Rating :4 star
BOM: no

Who I Am by Pete Townshend

Who I Am by Pete Townshend
Finished : May 13
Page count 538
Rating :3 star
BOM: no

message 122: by Kme_17 (last edited May 14, 2017 07:14AM) (new)

Kme_17 | 453 comments Finished

On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta

On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta
Finished : May 13
Page count 290
Rating :4 star
BOM: no

The Possessions by Sara Flannery Murphy

The Possessionsby A.S. Byatt
Finished : May 13
Page count 368
Rating :2 star
BOM: no

A Pedigree to Die For (Melanie Travis, #1) by Laurien Berenson

A Pedigree to Die For by Laurien Berenson
Finished : May 14
Page count 288
Rating :4 star
BOM: no

message 123: by Kme_17 (last edited May 14, 2017 06:25PM) (new)

Kme_17 | 453 comments finished

Chime by Franny Billingsley

Chime by Franny Billingsley
Finished : May 14
Page count 361
Rating :3 star
BOM: no

Darkness Unbound (Dark Angels, #1) by Keri Arthur

Darkness Unbound by Keri Arthur
Finished : May 14
Page count 364
Rating :4 star
BOM: no

A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare

A Midsummer Night's Dream byWilliam Shakespeare
Finished : May 14
Page count 298
Rating :4 star
BOM: no

message 124: by Alessandra (new)

Alessandra Casiello (apetrino1) | 320 comments Completion

Book: Dog on It
Dog on It (A Chet and Bernie Mystery #1) by Spencer Quinn
Read: 5/14/17
Pages: 305
Rating: 3 of 5 stars
BOM: no

message 125: by Reed (new)

Reed Raab (reedraab) | 329 comments Welcome Kristin! :-)

I'm still slogging through my second book...took a break to read some comics but I should be done by Tuesday!

message 126: by Joy (new)

Joy | 281 comments Yeah, I'm currently splitting time between reading A Gentleman in Moscow and Sense and Sensibility. I hope to finish both this week.

message 127: by Kme_17 (last edited May 15, 2017 08:53PM) (new)

Kme_17 | 453 comments finished

The Mane Squeeze (Pride, #4) by Shelly Laurenston

The Mane Squeeze by Shelly Laurenston
Finished : May 15
Page count 380
Rating :4 star
BOM: no

A Single Thread (Cobbled Quilt #1) by Marie Bostwick

A Single Thread by Marie Bostwick
Finished : May 15
Page count 328
Rating :4 star
BOM: no

The Ninth Step (John Milton #8) by Mark Dawson

The Ninth Step by Mark Dawson
Finished : May 15
Page count 387
Rating :4 star
BOM: no

message 128: by Monica (new)

Monica (nutz4reading) I have not been getting notifications about posts made in this thread. I was beginning to think I wasn't on the team any more. I am here. I finished a book but I started it before the start date. I have not started 3 books and one I must finish by Wed.

message 129: by Alessandra (new)

Alessandra Casiello (apetrino1) | 320 comments Great looks like we have a whole team now!

message 130: by Caroline (last edited May 27, 2017 06:45PM) (new)

Caroline (carolinet12) | 249 comments Hi guys, I began to answer DQs for A Gentleman in Moscow, here is the link :

Just so you know, I have 2 books that I'm currently reading :
-A Gentleman in Moscow, Crown of Midnight, plus I'm listening to the audiobook of The Dead House.

Also, I volunteered for 2 of june'S DQs : You and The Gunslinger.

message 131: by Joy (new)

Joy | 281 comments I volunteered for The Hate U Give, so we should be covered for all the June BOMs.

message 132: by Alessandra (new)

Alessandra Casiello (apetrino1) | 320 comments Great Caroline and Joy! Thank you!

message 133: by Kme_17 (last edited May 16, 2017 02:55PM) (new)

Kme_17 | 453 comments finished

Hotshot by Ahren Sanders

Hotshot by Ahren Sanders
Finished : May 16
Page count 350
Rating :4 star
BOM: no

Love Me to Death (Lucy Kincaid, #1) by Allison Brennan

Love Me to Death by Allison Brennan
Finished : May 16
Page count 480
Rating :4 star
BOM: no

message 134: by Alexis (new)

Alexis | 69 comments Welcome Kristen! :)

message 135: by Alexis (new)

Alexis | 69 comments I started reading The Hate U Give already, but I'll postpone it so that I can finish it during the month it is a BOM. :)

message 136: by Reed (new)

Reed Raab (reedraab) | 329 comments Completion Post

Book: Beautiful Chaos
Author: Kami Garcia
Finished: 5/18/2017
Pages: 516

Beautiful Chaos (Caster Chronicles, #3) by Kami Garcia

message 137: by Kme_17 (new)

Kme_17 | 453 comments finished

Moloka'i by Alan Brennert

Moloka'i by Alan Brennert
Finished: 5/17/2017
rating: 4 star
Pages: 405

The Defiant Hero (Troubleshooters, #2) by Suzanne Brockmann

The Defiant Hero by Suzanne Brockmann
Finished: 5/18/2017
rating: 4 star
Pages: 390

Can't Get Enough by Connie Briscoe

Can't Get Enough by Connie Briscoe
Finished: 5/18/2017
rating: 4 star
Pages: 288

message 138: by Alexis (new)

Alexis | 69 comments Oh I want to read Moloka'i! What did you think of it?

message 139: by Joy (new)

Joy | 281 comments Alexis wrote: "Oh I want to read Moloka'i! What did you think of it?"

Same. Let us know what you think!

message 140: by Joy (new)

Joy | 281 comments Completion:

A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles
A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles
Date Read: 5/17/17
Page Count: 462
Rating: 4 stars
BOM: Yes.
- Wrote DQs: message 51
- Participation: message 122

Also, thought you guys would appreciate this article.

message 141: by Monica (new)

Monica (nutz4reading) I finished a book this week:


The Marriage of Opposites by Alice Hoffman by Alice Hoffman

The Marriage of Opposites by Alice Hoffman
Date Read: 5/17/17
Page Count: 371
Rating: 5 stars
BOM: No.

message 142: by Kme_17 (new)

Kme_17 | 453 comments Moloka'i was great guys! really recommend it. Definitely sad at parts but very well written. Also really liked Rachel main character .

message 143: by Monica (new)

Monica (nutz4reading) Joy I loved the article!! That whole thing is exactly me!! Thanks for sharing!

message 144: by Kme_17 (last edited May 19, 2017 07:08PM) (new)

Kme_17 | 453 comments that article was great joy!


Born To Die (To Die, #3) by Lisa Jackson

Born To Die by Lisa Jackson
Date Read: 5/18/17
Page Count: 473
Rating: 4 stars
BOM: No.

Into the Night (Troubleshooters, #5) by Suzanne Brockmann

Into the Night by Suzanne Brockmann
Date Read: 5/18/17
Page Count: 467
Rating: 4 stars
BOM: No.

Hot Pursuit (Troubleshooters, #15) by Suzanne Brockmann

Hot Pursuit by Suzanne Brockmann
Date Read: 5/18/17
Page Count: 398
Rating: 4 stars
BOM: No.

message 145: by Alexis (new)

Alexis | 69 comments Kim, I'll have to read it soon!

I loved the article, it is all to accurate!


A Long Way Gone Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah

A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah
Date Read: 5/19/17
Page Count: 229
Rating: 4 stars

message 146: by Alexandria (new)

Alexandria | 149 comments Uprooted by Naomi Novik
Date read: 5/20/17
Page Count: 435
Rating: 4 stars
BOM: no

The Apprentice (Rizzoli & Isles, #2) by Tess Gerritsen
The Apprentice
Date read: 5/20/17
Page Count: 376
Rating: 4 stars
BOM: no

message 147: by Alessandra (new)

Alessandra Casiello (apetrino1) | 320 comments Finished

Book: Stardust
Stardust by Neil Gaiman
Read: 5/20/17
Pages: 238
Rating: 3/5 stars

message 148: by Alessandra (new)

Alessandra Casiello (apetrino1) | 320 comments So I just want to make sure I have this right for the spreadsheet. So far for May BOM:

I have Caroline and Alexis who answered DQ's for The Circle.

I have Joy who wrote DQ's and answered for The Gentleman in Moscow.

Did I miss anyone who did a BOM DQ or Participated in discussion?

message 149: by Kme_17 (new)

Kme_17 | 453 comments finished

The Gathering Storm (Katerina, #1) by Robin Bridges

The Gathering Storm by Robin Bridges
Read: 5/18/17
Pages: 400
Rating: 3/5 stars

Bodyguard by Suzanne Brockmann

Bodyguard by Suzanne Brockmann
Read: 5/19/17
Pages: 384
Rating: 4/5 stars

Dark of Night (Troubleshooters, #14) by Suzanne Brockmann

Dark of Night by Suzanne Brockmann
Read: 5/19/17
Pages: 418
Rating: 4/5 stars

message 150: by Kme_17 (new)

Kme_17 | 453 comments finished

Love Drunk Cowboy (Spikes & Spurs, #1) by Carolyn Brown

Love Drunk Cowboy by Carolyn Brown
Read: 5/19/17
Pages: 391
Rating: 4/5 stars

Heartland by Davis Bunn

Heartland by Davis Bunn
Read: 5/20/17
Pages: 391
Rating: 3/5 stars

Pay Dirt (Mrs. Murphy, #4) by Rita Mae Brown

Pay Dirt by Rita Mae Brown
Read: 5/20/17
Pages: 288
Rating: 3/5 stars

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