Nothing But Reading Challenges discussion

Team Challenges Archive > Count Dooku

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message 301: by Kristin (new)

Kristin | 120 comments Finished

Around the Way Girl by Taraji P. Henson

Book: Around the Way Girl
Date Read: 7/29/17
Pages: 242
BOM: no

message 302: by Alexis (new)

Alexis | 69 comments Kristin, was that book good? I want to read it.

message 303: by Alessandra (new)

Alessandra Casiello (apetrino1) | 320 comments Well Tower Teams is over and I wanted to thank you all for being a great team!!!! The totals will all be finalized in a few days!

message 304: by Kristin (new)

Kristin | 120 comments Alexis wrote: "Kristin, was that book good? I want to read it."

Sorry this is so late, but yes I loved the book!

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