Queereaders discussion

archives > September - October nominations

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message 1: by Nancy (new)

Nancy | 2838 comments We're now accepting nominations for September - October.

Please read the rules below for nominating BEFORE you create your post!! And check our bookshelves to be sure you are not nominating something we have already read as a group!

Only ONE nomination per person.

Please be sure to post the title and author.

Authors may not nominate their own books.

Please add your selections here. Once we get a sufficient number of titles, I will start up a poll. Each person may choose one title.

Remember, the authors should be gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender, or feature significant gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender characters in their work. Queer can be interpreted as broadly as we like.

Any genre (SF/fantasy, horror, romance, mystery), non-fiction, and classics are acceptable. Based on this criteria, we should have plenty of books to choose from. If you are nominating a title that is part of a series, please make sure to nominate the first book, unless we have already read it as a group.

The book discussion will start September 1 and continue through the end of October. This should give everyone sufficient time to obtain and read the book.

message 2: by Bryn (new)

Bryn Hammond (brynhammond) | 329 comments A Woman of the Iron People by Eleanor Arnason is one I want to read; shelved a couple of times under gay or queer characters but I dunno how significant they are. Anyone else know?

message 3: by Dana (new)

Dana (danarohinsky) | 89 comments I nominate Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith.

message 6: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Hill | 173 comments The Absolutist by John Boyne

message 7: by Nancy (new)

Nancy | 2838 comments Great nominations, everyone!

message 8: by Nancy (last edited Aug 11, 2014 11:07AM) (new)

Nancy | 2838 comments I'd like to nominate Part the Hawser, Limn the Sea by Dan Lopez

message 9: by Nancy (new)

Nancy | 2838 comments Any more nominations?

message 10: by Bryn (last edited Aug 19, 2014 06:02AM) (new)

Bryn Hammond (brynhammond) | 329 comments Dump my original, which mightn't qualify, and I'll nom

Song of the Spring Moon Waning by E.E. Ottoman

message 11: by Nancy (new)

message 12: by Brian (new)

Brian (blfnyc) | 3 comments With August slouching to a close, I'd like to know when the poll closes. I just picked up a book I first read in the 60s, and don't want to start it. I'll probably read whatever gets chosen, so the sooner the better for me.

message 13: by Nancy (new)

Nancy | 2838 comments Hi Brian,

The poll closes the end of this month.

message 14: by Nancy (new)

Nancy | 2838 comments We have a 3-way tie and I'm too lazy to do a run-off poll, so we'll have three books to read this month.

The World Unseen
The Walk-In Closet
The Absolutist

message 15: by TimInColorado (new)

TimInColorado | 152 comments Three great choices. Time to get reading!

message 16: by Nancy (new)

Nancy | 2838 comments Tim, how did you learn about The Walk-In Closet?

message 17: by TimInColorado (last edited Sep 01, 2014 11:58AM) (new)

TimInColorado | 152 comments I read a review. Don't recall where... Maybe lambda literary.

Edit - I found the link to the review. It was on the Lambda Literary site.


message 18: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Hill | 173 comments Whoop! Time to re-read The Absolutist!

message 19: by Brian (new)

Brian (blfnyc) | 3 comments Started The Walk-In Closet. Very well written. Anyone else started yet?

message 20: by Nancy (new)

Nancy | 2838 comments Brian wrote: "Started The Walk-In Closet. Very well written. Anyone else started yet?"

I haven't started it yet, Brian, but if you're ready to discuss, please use the topics I set up for discussion.

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