Around the Year in 52 Books discussion

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Archives > Summer Reading Challenge Completion Thread

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message 1: by Jackie, Solstitial Mod (last edited Aug 02, 2024 02:23PM) (new)

Jackie | 2202 comments Mod
This is where to post your completed summer reading challenges!

Find the challenge and FAQs here:

Reminders of rules:

1. Books have to be >100 pages long. Graphic novels and poetry need to be >200 pages long. For audiobooks, check the length of the printed version.
2. No picture books.
3. You have to read it between June 1 and August 31. If you started it before then, you must have at least 100 pages left to go.
4. You can only earn 3 entries, 1 for each month.
5. Books can only be used once, and each prompt can only be used once.

You don't need to finish the months in order or in that month, so long as you finish by August 31.

Things that make your mods' lives easier:

1. Please say which prompt you are using for each book.
2. Please include a Goodreads link to the book and author. To add a link to the book click on “add book/author” above the comment field. This can be done using a browser, but not the Goodreads app.
3. If it’s not obvious, please say how the book meets the task requirements - for example, you may need to tell us that the book has multiple points of view
4. If you’ve chosen a task that relates to the book cover, please include the cover in your post (sometimes Goodreads defaults to an edition of the book with a different cover so this will make sure we can see the right cover).
5. If we have any questions about how a book you read fulfills the prompt then we’ll reply to your post asking you to explain it for us, so please do check back after posting. We’re a pretty relaxed group so this is just to make sure everyone has an equal chance to earn draw entries. :-)
6. Please post here only once you have completed your entry; we tend to miss stuff if you edit your post as you go. If you’re looking for a place to keep track of what prompts you’re working on, make a post in the Summer Reading Challenge Folder.
7. Please give a last initial with your name because sometimes other people also have that name.

Happy Reading!

Entry Submission Reminder
Books must be completed by Aug 31st to count. This thread will remain open through Sept 4 for submitting entries and corrections. I'll close the thread and draw a winner on Sept 5.

message 2: by Jackie, Solstitial Mod (last edited Sep 02, 2024 03:13PM) (new)

Jackie | 2202 comments Mod
Confirmed Raffle Entries:

Amy B - 3
Andrea P - 3
Anna B
Ashlea - 2
Barbara - 3
Bea - 3
Bec S - 3
Beth M - 3
Bobbi - 3
Brittany - 3
Carolyn R - 3
Caterspotaters - 3
Chrissie - 3
Chrissy - 3
Ciara - 3
Connie - 3
Conny - 3
Daniel - 3
Deedee - 2
Denise - 3
Dixie - 3
DL - 2
Dubhease - 3
Edie - 3
Ellie - 2
Erica - 3
Faith S - 3
Fourrever - 3
Gail W - 3
Gloria V - 3
Helene B - 3
Irene - 2
Jacque T - 3
Jane J - 3
Jayce - 3
Jennifer W - 2
JessicaMHR - 3
Jette - 3
Jillian - 3
JP - 3
Joanna - 3
Joyce M
Joy D - 3
Karen (msg 66) - 2
Karen O - 3
Karin - 3
Kat - 3
Katelyn - 3
Katherine P - 3
Kathy - 3
Kelly SJ
Kendra - 3
Kristin - 3
Laura Z - 3
Laurii - 3
Leah S - 3
Lindsay (prof pic is red shirt and dog) - 3
Lindsay K - 3
Liz - 3
Lynn - 3
MacKenzie - 3
Mandy - 3
Marie (msg 202) - 3
Marie UK - 3
Marilia - 3
Martha - 2
Mary T - 3
Meg - 3
Megan - 3
Michelle - 2
Misty - 3
Nancy J - 3
Nancy T - 3
Nike - 3
Odette - 3
Pam S - 2
Richard - 3
Robin - 3
Rosalind K - 3
Rose W - 3
Roxana - 3
Samantha - 3
Sandra L - 2
Sandra M - 3
Severina - 3
Sheyanne C - 3
Sibylle - 3
Siobhan J - 3
Sue - 3
Tamara P - 3
Tammie - 3
Tracy S - 3
Trish - 3
Tsipi - 2
Turid T - 3
Verity H - 3
Victoria - 3
Vicki O - 3
Vicky - 3

Last updated: 9/2/24

Note: I keep this list as a shorthand for how many entries each person has earned. If your name appears here, you have earned 1 entry. Participants who have earned a 2nd or 3rd entry have that noted next to their name. I have a more detailed spreadsheet, but keeping this list simple saves me some time

message 3: by Beth (last edited Jun 19, 2024 11:05PM) (new)

Beth | 44 comments Beth M's June entry

1. National Ballpoint Pen Day
b. A book written under a pen name - Call for the Dead (George Smiley, #1) by John le Carré le Carré is the pen name of David John Moore Cornwell

2. National Prune Day
a. A book written by someone over the age of 60 - The Virgin in the Ice (Chronicles of Brother Cadfael #6) by Ellis Peters Ellis Peters was born in 1913; book was published in 1982

3. Let's Catch a Movie
b. A book that has been adapted into a movie or series - The Bridge of San Luis Rey by Thornton Wilder

4. Happy Birthday Paul Gauguin
b. A translated book - Victory of Eagles (Temeraire, #5) by Naomi Novik German translation: Drachenwacht
c. A book with a seven in the page count - Murder on Crete by M Juan-Stanley 172

message 4: by Turid (new)

Turid | 23 comments June completed!

1a. A book with a writing utensil on the cover
A Stroke of the Pen by Terry Pratchett (has a pen on the cover)
A Stroke of the Pen by Terry Pratchett

2a. A book written by someone over the age of 60
The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark by Carl Sagan (published when he was 62 years old)
The Demon-Haunted World Science as a Candle in the Dark by Carl Sagan

3c. A book published in the last two years
The Chalice of the Gods by Rick Riordan (from 2023)
The Chalice of the Gods (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #6) by Rick Riordan

4a. A book with at least 4 colors on the cover
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin (pink, orange, yellow, green, blue)
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

🧡 Turid T. 🧡

message 5: by Emily, Conterminous Mod (last edited Jun 07, 2024 08:05AM) (new)

Emily Bourque (emilyardoin) | 10470 comments Mod
Beth, for the translated book, we are looking for you to have read a book in a language that it was not first published in. Naomi Novik publishes in English, so unless you read the German version of it, you will need to find another book for that prompt. Sorry about the confusion!

Otherwise, checked through here.

message 6: by victoria (new)

victoria marie (vmbee) June
1. National Ballpoint Pen Day
a. A book with a writing utensil on the cover
✔️How to Sharpen Pencils, David Rees
b. A book written under a pen name
c. A book about a writer, bookseller, or librarian

2. National Prune Day
b. A book with more than 400 pages
✔️ Praiseworthy, Alexis Wright
Pages read in June: 464 to 672, finished 6/5/2024
✔️🎧 How to ADHD: An Insider’s Guide to Working with Your Brain, Jessica McCabe
c. A book with purple on the cover
✔️Margaret the First, Danielle Dutton

3. Let's Catch a Movie
a. Author's initials can be found in BLOCKBUSTER FILM
b. A book that has been adapted into a movie or series
c. A book published in the last two years
📖 For Thy Great Pain Have Mercy on My Little Pain, Victoria Mackenzie
✔️🎧 Butts: A Backstory, Heather Radke

4. Happy Birthday Paul Gauguin
a. A book with at least 4 colors on the cover
✔️ Certain American States: Stories, Catherine Lacey
b. A translated book
c. A book with a seven in the page count
📖Prairie, Dresses, Art, Other, Danielle Dutton (176 pages)

JUNE TOTALS (4 of 4 Prompts Completed)
1 ✔️ Praiseworthy, Alexis Wright (2b)
2 ✔️🎧 Butts: A Backstory, Heather Radke (3c)
3 ✔️Certain American States: Stories, Catherine Lacey (4a)
4 ✔️Margaret the First, Danielle Dutton (2c)
5 ✔️How to Sharpen Pencils, David Rees (1a)
6✔️🎧 How to ADHD: An Insider’s Guide to Working with Your Brain, Jessica McCabe (2b)

Other Books (Not Eligible, but Read in June)
7✔️🎧 Evidence of the Affair, Taylor Jenkins Reid
8✔️🎧 So Many Steves: Afternoons with Steve Martin, Steve Martin & Adam Gopnik

message 7: by Emily, Conterminous Mod (new)

Emily Bourque (emilyardoin) | 10470 comments Mod
victoria, you're good to go!

message 8: by LeahS (new)

LeahS | 1083 comments June

1. National Ballpoint Pen Day
c. A book about a writer, bookseller or librarian
Jessie's Journey: The True Story of a Gypsy Childhood
Jess Smith is a writer:

2. National Prune Day
c. A book with purple on the cover
Super-Infinite The Transformations of John Donne by Katherine Rundell

3. Let's Catch A Movie
c. A book published in the last two years
The Sleep Watcher

4. Happy Birthday, Paul Gaugin
b. A translated book
The Pear Field

message 9: by Sherri (new)

Sherri Harris | 1388 comments I hope I did this right.
1. National Ballpoint Pen Day
June 10th, the anniversary of the patent filing. Fun fact: the world's most popular ball point is the Bic Crystal, which sells on average 57 pens per second.
a. A book with a writing utensil on the cover
b. A book written under a pen name
c. A book about a writer, bookseller, or librarian - Bookshops & Bonedust

2. National Prune Day
June 15th. Fun fact: prunes, the dried version of plums, were originally from China.
a. A book written by someone over the age of 60 - The House of Hidden Meanings
b. A book with more than 400 pages
c. A book with purple on the cover

3. Let's Catch a Movie
The term 'blockbuster' was originally used to describe especially destructive bombs, and then came to mean shocking news stories. It's current use as a movie with huge box office returns is often attributed to producer Max Youngstein
a. Author's initials can be found in BLOCKBUSTER FILM
b. A book that has been adapted into a movie or series
c. A book published in the last two years - You Are Here

4. Happy Birthday Paul Gauguin
Born on June 7th 1848 Gauguin was a French artist most known for his contributions to the Post-Impressionist and Symbolist movements. He lived in France, Peru, Martinique, Tahiti, and the Marquesas Islands.
a. A book with at least 4 colors on the cover
b. A translated book - The Three-Body Problem
c. A book with a seven in the page count

message 10: by Emily, Conterminous Mod (new)

Emily Bourque (emilyardoin) | 10470 comments Mod
Sherri and LeahS, y'all are good to go!

message 11: by Connie (last edited Jun 12, 2024 10:11AM) (new)

Connie Crum (libraryof1k) | 184 comments Completed June!!

1. National Ballpoint Pen Day
a. A book with a writing utensil on the cover
b. A book written under a pen name - Jun 2, 2024 (Christina Lauren is the combined pen name of Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings.)
c. A book about a writer, bookseller, or librarian
b. The Unhoneymooners (Unhoneymooners, #1) by Christina Lauren

2. National Prune Day
a. A book written by someone over the age of 60
b. A book with more than 400 pages - June 10, 2024 (429 pages)
c. A book with purple on the cover - June 8, 2024
b. The Princess Bride by William Goldman c. Untamed by Glennon Doyle

3. Let's Catch a Movie
a. Author's initials can be found in BLOCKBUSTER FILM
b. A book that has been adapted into a movie or series - Jun 3, 2024 (2008 Movie)
c. A book published in the last two years
b. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne

4. Happy Birthday Paul Gauguin
a. A book with at least 4 colors on the cover
b. A translated book - Jun 6, 2024 (Originally in Swedish, read in English)
c. A book with a seven in the page count - June 12, 2024 (474 pages)
b. Anxious People by Fredrik Backman c. Emma by Jane Austen

message 12: by LeahS (last edited Jun 12, 2024 11:49PM) (new)

LeahS | 1083 comments August

1. The destruction of Pompeii
b. A book with red on the cover
The Fox Wife by Yangsze Choo

2. Vacation time
c. A book set somewhere you would like to visit
The Little Teashop in Tokyo

3. Let's play a game
b. A book by an author whose initials appear in SCRABBLE
All The Sinners Bleed by S.A. Cosby

4. Back to school sales
b. A non-fiction book

message 13: by Jackie, Solstitial Mod (new)

Jackie | 2202 comments Mod
Connie and Leah I got you!

message 14: by Fourevver (new)

Fourevver | 76 comments June
1b. A book written under a pen name Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There by Lewis Carroll [pen name of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson]
2a. A book written by someone over the age of 60 Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe [written when Defoe was 61-62 years old]
3b. A book that has been adapted into a movie or series The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin
4b. A translated book The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri

message 15: by Emily, Conterminous Mod (new)

Emily Bourque (emilyardoin) | 10470 comments Mod
Got Fourevver!

message 16: by Faith (last edited Jun 18, 2024 09:41PM) (new)

Faith (spiralskull) (spiralskull) | 39 comments Faith S.'s August

When Stars Collide (Chicago Stars, #9) by Susan Elizabeth Phillips Zucchini Cake and Zombies (Broomstick Bay #1) by RaShelle Workman Pucking Ever After Volume 2 (Jacksonville Rays) by Emily Rath Bride by Ali Hazelwood

1. The Destruction of Pompeii
🌻 ● c. A book set in a city - When Stars Collide by Susan Elizabeth Phillips - 384p, 6/8/24, ⭐⭐⭐⭐

2. Vacation Time
🌻 ● c. A book set somewhere you would like to visit -Zucchini Cake and Zombies by RaShelle Workman - 326p, 6/13/24, ⭐⭐⭐⭐

3. Let's Play a Game
🌻 ● a. A book with multiple points of view
🌻 ● b. A book by an author whose initials appear in SCRABBLE
🌻 ● c. A book in a series - Pucking Ever After: Volume 2 by Emily Rath - 262p, 6/17/24, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

4th. Back to School Sales
🌻 ● a. A book borrowed from the library - Bride by Ali Hazelwood - 402p, 6/4/24, ⭐⭐⭐⭐

message 17: by Richard (new)

Richard Moore (richoman25) | 44 comments ATYI52B - Summer Reading Challenge

✅ Total: 36/36

1. National Ballpoint Pen Day
a. A book with a writing utensil on the cover
Everything I Need to Know I Learned from Dungeons & Dragons - One Woman's Quest to Trade Self-Help for Elf-Help - pencil - ⭐️⭐️
b. An author who has a pen name
How I Met Your Mother and Philosophy: Being and Awesomeness, Lorenzo von Matterhorn - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
c. A book about a librarian
Syria's Secret Library: Reading and Redemption in a Town Under Siege - ⭐️⭐️⭐️

2. National Prune Day
a. A book written by someone over the age of 60
Winning on Purpose: The Unbeatable Strategy of Loving Customers - was 68 when written - ⭐️
b. A book with more than 400 pages
Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story - 656 pages - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
c. A book with purple on the cover
If It's Purple, Someone's Gonna Die: The Power of Color in Visual Storytelling - ⭐️⭐️⭐️

3. Let's Catch a Movie
a. Author's initials can be found in BLOCKBUSTER FILM
Bitcoin Billionaires: A True Story of Genius, Betrayal, and Redemption, Ben Mezrich - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
b. A book that has been adapted into a movie
127 Hours: Between a Rock and a Hard Place - ⭐️⭐️⭐️
c. A book published in the last two years
Rise of the Reader: Strategies For Mastering Your Reading Habits and Applying What You Learn - 2023 - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

4. Happy Birthday Paul Gauguin
a. A book with at least 4 colors on the cover
Lawbreaking Ladies: 50 Tales of Daring, Defiant, and Dangerous Women from History - ⭐️⭐️⭐️
b. A translated book
No Wall Too High: One Man's Daring Escape from Mao's Darkest Prison - originally in Chinese - ⭐️⭐️⭐️
c. A book with a seven in the page count
Steven Spielberg: The Unauthorised Biography - 457 pages - ⭐️⭐️

1. Happy Birthday Satchel Paige
a. A book whose author's initials appear in CURVEBALL
Not My Father's Son, Alan Cumming - ⭐️⭐️⭐️
b. A book featuring a sport
Unbelievable: From My Childhood Dreams To Winning Olympic Gold - athletics - ⭐️⭐️
c. A book with a black main character
A Promised Land - Obama Barack - ⭐️⭐️⭐️

2. The Apollo Moon Landing
a. A book set in space
The Future of Humanity: Terraforming Mars, Interstellar Travel, Immortality and Our Destiny Beyond Earth - ⭐️⭐️⭐️
b. A book with the moon on the cover
Dark Side of the Moon: Wernher von Braun, the Third Reich, and the Space Race - ⭐️⭐️
c. A book published in the 1960s
A History of Philosophy, Vol. 6: Modern Philosophy, from the French Enlightenment to Kant - 1960 - ⭐️⭐️

3. Let's Go on a Hike
a. A book with a cover of a nature scene without people
Africatown: America's Last Slave Ship and the Community It Created - ⭐️⭐️
b. A book set in a rural area
Wine Girl: The Obstacles, Humiliations, and Triumphs of America's Youngest Sommelier - grew up on a farm - ⭐️⭐️
c. A book with an element of survival
Sailing Alone: A Surprising History of Isolation and Survival at Sea - ⭐️

4. Dog Days of Summer
a. A book with a dog on the cover
The King of Late Night - bulldog - ⭐️
b. A book with a hot setting
Dancing with the Devil in the City of God: Rio de Janeiro on the Brink - ⭐️⭐️
c. An author's first book
Unfu*k Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Life - ⭐️⭐️

1. The Destruction of Pompeii
a. A book featuring an ancient civilization
Battling the Gods: Atheism in the Ancient World - ⭐️⭐️
b. A book with red on the cover
Healing with Red Light Therapy: How Red and Near-Infrared Light Can Manage Pain, Combat Aging, and Transform Your Health - ⭐️⭐️⭐️
c. A book set in a city
Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man - Florida - ⭐️⭐️

2. Vacation Time
a. A book you've been meaning to read
One Red Paperclip: Or How an Ordinary Man Achieved His Dream with the Help of a Simple Office Supply - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
b. A book by a favorite author
Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection - Duhigg Charles - ⭐️⭐️
c. A book set somewhere you would like to visit
The Tao of Bill Murray: Real-Life Stories of Joy, Enlightenment, and Party Crashing - America - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

3. Let's Play a Game
a. A book with multiple points of view
Alice in Wonderland and Philosophy: Curiouser And Curiouser - multiple authors - ⭐️⭐️⭐️
b. A book by an author whose initials appear in SCRABBLE
The Curse of Oak Island: The Story of the World's Longest Treasure Hunt, Randall Sullivan - ⭐️⭐️
c. A book in a series
Overcoming Anxiety For Dummies - ⭐️⭐️⭐️

4. Back to School Sales
a. A book borrowed from the library
Bill the Bastard: The Story Of Australia's Greatest War Horse - ⭐️⭐️⭐️
b. A nonfiction book
Wilkie Collins: A Brief Life - biography - ⭐️⭐️
c. A book with a character in an educational setting
The Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Vol #8 Spranger to Zubiri - various philosophy professors - ⭐️⭐️

message 18: by Jackie, Solstitial Mod (new)

Jackie | 2202 comments Mod
Faith and Richard you are good!

message 19: by Michelle (last edited Jun 18, 2024 10:37AM) (new)

Michelle | 48 comments Well it looks like I may be doing them backwards. I finished August first.

1. The Destruction of Pompeii
b. A book with red on the cover
A Ruin of Roses (Deliciously Dark Fairytales, #1) by K.F. Breene

2. Vacation Time
c. A book set somewhere you would like to visit Sick Kids in Love by Hannah Moskowitz - NYC

3. Let's Play a Game
b. A book with multiple points of view The Woman With the Cure -Mainly about the main character, but you do get small snippets of other characters throughout the book.

4. Back to School Sales
a. A book borrowed from the library The Final Girl Support Group

message 20: by Jacque T (new)

Jacque T | 248 comments Jacque T August completion!


1. The Destruction of Pompeii
c. A book set in a cityThe Only Street in Paris: Life on the Rue des Martyrs

2. Vacation Time
a. A book you've been meaning to read Ancestry (owned book for 5+ years so time I read it--and glad I did!

3. Let's Play a Game
a. A book with multiple points of view The Book of Unknown Americans (told from the perspective of several immigrants living in the neighborhood)

4. Back to School Sales
a. A book borrowed from the library They Came Like Swallows (requested through Interlibrary Loan/TX group)

message 21: by Mandy (last edited Jun 18, 2024 09:41PM) (new)

Mandy (djinnia) | 652 comments JULY

1A A book whose author's initials appear in CURVEBALL
Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill: Volume 3 (Ren Eguchi)

2A A book set in space
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: The High Country

3C A book with an element of survival
Failure Frame: I Became the Strongest and Annihilated Everything With Low-Level Spells (Light Novel) Vol. 1 (MMC sent into a dungeon to die after being summoned into another world)

4C An author's first book
Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill: Volume 1

message 22: by L Y N N (new)

L Y N N (book_music_lvr) | 1002 comments LYNN's completion of the four June prompts!

4 of 4

1. National Ballpoint Pen Day
c. A book about a writer, bookseller, or librarian
Murder in Volume (Megan Clark #1) by D.R. Meredith
June 11 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

2. National Prune Day
a. A book written by someone over the age of 60
Ms. Demeanor by Elinor Lipman
June 17 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

3. Let's Catch a Movie
c. A book published in the last two years
High Times in the Low Parliament by Kelly Robson
June 10 ⭐⭐⭐⭐

4. Happy Birthday Paul Gauguin
a. A book with at least 4 colors on the cover
Murder With Puffins (Meg Langslow, #2) by Donna Andrews Murder With Puffins (Meg Langslow #2) by Donna Andrews
June 4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

message 23: by Emily, Conterminous Mod (new)

Emily Bourque (emilyardoin) | 10470 comments Mod
Michelle, Jacque T, Mandy, and LYNN, you are all good!

message 24: by Gail W (last edited Jun 19, 2024 09:40AM) (new)

Gail W H (abbygg) | 557 comments I have completed August:

1. The Destruction of Pompeii
b. A book with red on the cover: The Women

2. Vacation Time
a. A book you've been meaning to read: The Kind Worth Saving

3. Let's Play a Game
c. A book in a series: Lady Hardcastle series: An Assassination on the Agenda

4. Back to School Sales
b. A nonfiction book: We Could Have Been Friends, My Father and I

message 25: by NancyJ (new)

NancyJ (nancyjjj) | 2947 comments Nancyj - August entry

The Odyssey by Homer The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery Blood on Snow (Blood on Snow, #1) by Jo Nesbø The Pursuit of Love (Radlett & Montdore, #1) by Nancy Mitford

✅1. The Destruction of Pompeii
a. A book featuring an ancient civilization
The Odyssey by Homer

✅2. Vacation Time
c. A book set somewhere you would like to visit
The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery

✅3. Let's Play a Game
c. A book in a series
Blood on Snow by Jo Nesbø

✅4. Back to School Sales
a. A book borrowed from the library -
The Pursuit of Love by Nancy Mitford

message 26: by Beth (new)

Beth | 44 comments Emily wrote: "Beth, for the translated book, we are looking for you to have read a book in a language that it was not first published in. Naomi Novik publishes in English, so unless you read the German version o..."

Ah, that wasn't apparent in the task; it just says to read "a translated book."

No worries. I've substituted another book for that grouping.

message 27: by Jackie, Solstitial Mod (new)

Jackie | 2202 comments Mod
Ok, Gail, Nancy, and Beth you are good!

message 28: by caterspotaters (new)

caterspotaters | 34 comments caterspotaters' ATY Summer Reading Challenge (1/3)

June (4/4)
✔️1. National Ballpoint Pen Day [a. A book with a writing utensil on the cover/c. A book about a writer, bookseller, or librarian]: The Sentence is Death The Sentence is Death (Hawthorne & Horowitz #2) by Anthony Horowitz
✔️2. National Prune Day [b. A book with more than 400 pages]: Sex, Lies and Sensibility (The Kindle edition I read is 428 pages long.)
✔️3. Let's Catch a Movie [b. A book that has been adapted into a movie or series]: Pride and Prejudice
✔️4. Happy Birthday Paul Gauguin [a. A book with at least 4 colors on the cover]: Debating Darcy Debating Darcy by Sayantani DasGupta

message 29: by Kathy (new)

Kathy E | 2989 comments Finished June


1. National Ballpoint Pen Day
c. A book about a writer, bookseller, or librarian
The House of Doors - Tan Twan Eng [writer - W. Somerset Maugham] ⭐⭐⭐⭐

2. National Prune Day
a. A book written by someone over the age of 60
Island of the Blue Dolphins: A Newbery Award Winner - Scott O'Dell (pub. 1960; author born 1898 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

3. Let's Catch a Movie
c. A book published in the last two years
Tom Lake - Ann Patchett ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5 [2023]

4. Happy Birthday Paul Gauguin
c. A book with a seven in the page count
Caddie Woodlawn - Carol Ryrie Brink (270p) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

message 30: by Beth (new)

Beth | 44 comments Beth M’s July Entry

1. Happy Birthday Satchel Paige
a. A book whose author's initials appear in CURVEBALL - Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Ray Bradbury

2. The Apollo Moon Landing
c. A book published in the 1960s - A Personal Matter by Kenzaburō Ōe - published 1964

3. Let's Go on a Hike
c. A book with an element of survival - It Was Always You by Sarah K. Stephens includes children surviving the foster care system and a woman surviving a murder plot

4. Dog Days of Summer
c. An author's first book - Black Beauty by Anna Sewell - this is, in fact, Sewell’s only published novel

message 31: by Denise (last edited Jun 20, 2024 10:10PM) (new)

Denise | 343 comments June
1. National Ballpoint Pen Day
June 10th, the anniversary of the patent filing. Fun fact: the world's most popular ball point is the Bic Crystal, which sells on average 57 pens per second.
a. A book with a writing utensil on the cover
b. An author who has a pen name: Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)
c. A book about a writer, bookseller, or librarian: Girlhood

2. National Prune Day
June 15th. Fun fact: prunes, the dried version of plums, were originally from China.
a. A book written by someone over the age of 60: The Women
b. A book with more than 400 pages: To Paradise
c. A book with purple on the cover: K-Pop Confidential by Stephan Lee K-pop Confidential (K-pop Confidential, #1) by Stephan Lee

3. Let's Catch a Movie
The term 'blockbuster' was originally used to describe especially destructive bombs, and then came to mean shocking news stories. It's current use as a movie with huge box office returns is often attributed to producer Max Youngstein
a. Author's initials can be found in BLOCKBUSTER FILM: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
b. A book that has been adapted into a movie or series: The Remains of the Day
c. A book published in the last two years: Family Reservations

4. Happy Birthday Paul Gauguin
Born on June 7th 1848 Gauguin was a French artist most known for his contributions to the Post-Impressionist and Symbolist movements. He lived in France, Peru, Martinique, Tahiti, and the Marquesas Islands.
a. A book with at least 4 colors on the cover: Tomorrow ands Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin
b. A translated book
c. A book with a seven in the page count

message 32: by Gail W (last edited Jun 21, 2024 11:38AM) (new)

Gail W H (abbygg) | 557 comments I have completed June:

1. National Ballpoint Pen Day
a. A book with a writing utensil on the cover: End of Story
End of Story by A.J. Finn

2. National Prune Day
a. A book written by someone over the age of 60: 70 yo
Today a Woman Went Mad in the Supermarket: Stories by Hilma Wolitzer

3. Let's Catch a Movie
c. A book published in the last two years: 2024: The Fury

4. Happy Birthday Paul Gauguin
b. A translated book: from the French: The Art of Losing

message 33: by Nancy (last edited Jun 21, 2024 02:50PM) (new)

Nancy (fancynancyt) | 1794 comments August is done first, because of course it is! Nancy J has that in her name but I'm Nancy T if that makes it easier.

1c. A book set in a city - The First to Die at the End by Adam Silvera (New York City)

2c. A book set somewhere you would like to visit - The Guncle Abroad by Stephen Rowley (4 different locations, all of which I would like to visit!)

3b. A book by an author whose initials appear in SCRABBLE - The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren

4b. A nonfiction book - The Feather Thief: Beauty, Obsession, and the Natural History Heist of the Century by Kirk Wallace Johnson

message 34: by Faith (new)

Faith (spiralskull) (spiralskull) | 39 comments Faith S.'s June

Deceived by the Gargoyles (Monstrous Matches, #2) by Lillian Lark Pucking Ever After Volume 1 (Jacksonville Rays, #1.5) by Emily Rath Pucking Wild (Jacksonville Rays, #2) by Emily Rath Pucking Around (Jacksonville Rays, #1) by Emily Rath

1. National Ballpoint Pen Day
🌼 ● c. A book about a writer, bookseller, or librarian - Deceived by the Gargoyles by Lillian Lark - 414p, 6/21/24, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

2. National Prune Day
🌼 ● c. A book with purple on the cover - Pucking Ever After: Volume 1 by Emily Rath - 138p, 6/5/24, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

3. Let's Catch a Movie
🌼 ● a. Author's initials can be found in BLOCKBUSTER FILM
🌼 ● c. A book published in the last two years - Pucking Wild by Emily Rath - 603p 6/16/24, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

4. Happy Birthday Paul Gauguin
🌼 ● c. A book with a seven in the page count - Pucking Around by Emily Rath - 756p, 6/2/24, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 😻

message 35: by Rose (last edited Jun 22, 2024 11:19AM) (new)

Rose (rosew77) | 66 comments JUNE for ROSE W.
1c, 2a, 2b, 3c, 4a
1c - Martyr! by Kaveh Akbar - poet
2a - Diagnosis: Solving the Most Baffling Medical Mysteries by Lisa Sanders, M.D., born 7/24/56, pub. 2019, 63 y.o.
2b - The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon - 432 pp.
3c - Last House by Jessica Shattuck - pub. 5/14/24
4a - Days of Wonder by Caroline Leavitt yellow, orange. green/blue, white

message 36: by Gail W (last edited Jun 23, 2024 06:50AM) (new)

Gail W H (abbygg) | 557 comments I have completed July. With this, I have completed all 3 months.

☀ 1. Happy Birthday Satchel Paige
c. A book with a black main character: Glory Broussard in Glory Be

☀ 2. The Apollo Moon Landing
b. A book with the moon on the cover: Thirty-Three Teeth
Thirty-Three Teeth (Dr. Siri Paiboun, #2) by Colin Cotterill

☀ 3. Let's Go on a Hike
a. A book with a cover of a nature scene without people: Uneasy Prey
Uneasy Prey (Zoe Chambers Mysteries #6) by Annette Dashofy

☀ 4. Dog Days of Summer
c. An author's first book: Three-Fifths by John Vercher

message 37: by Jackie, Solstitial Mod (new)

Jackie | 2202 comments Mod
All caught up and everyone is good up to this point. Please check the 'confirmed raffle entries' list in message 2 and let me know if I've missed anything. Happy reading!

message 38: by Meg (new)

Meg (megscl) | 128 comments JULY

1c. A book with a black main character

2a. A book set in space
Children of Memory

3a. A book with a cover of a nature scene without people
The Soulmate by Sally Hepworth

4c. An author's first book
How Much of These Hills Is Gold

message 39: by Robin H-R (new)

Robin H-R Holmes Richardson (acetax) | 679 comments August completed:

1. The Destruction of Pompeii
c. A book set in a city - The Last Days of Night

2. Vacation Time
a. A book you've been meaning to read - The Revenant

3. Let's Play a Game
c. A book in a series - Catch a Falling Clown

4. Back to School Sales
c. A book with a character in an educational setting - Practical Magic

message 40: by Jacque T (new)

Jacque T | 248 comments Jacque T June completed:

1. National Ballpoint Pen Day

c. A book about a writer, bookseller, or librarian I Cheerfully Refuse Main character's wife is a bookseller, and her latest acquisition is key element of book

2. National Prune Day

c. A book with purple on the cover- The Direction of the Wind by Mansi Shah

3. Let's Catch a Movie

a. Author's initials can be found in BLOCKBUSTER FILM-The Rise of Christianity by Rodney Stark

4. Happy Birthday Paul Gauguin

a. A book with at least 4 colors on the cover
c. A book with a seven in the page count 715 pages The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese

message 41: by Joanna (new)

Joanna (joanna_g) | 217 comments Got my June

1. National Ballpoint Pen Day
√ c. A book about a writer, bookseller, or librarian - The Haunted Bookshop
The Haunted Bookshop (Parnassus, #2) by Christopher Morley

2. National Prune Day
√ a. A book written by someone over the age of 60 - Baudolino
√ b. A book with more than 400 pages - Baudolino (527)
Baudolino by Umberto Eco

3. Let's Catch a Movie
√ a. Author's initials can be found in BLOCKBUSTER FILM - A Justice for All: William J. Brennan, Jr., and the Decisions That Transformed America
A Justice for All William J. Brennan, Jr., and the Decisions That Transformed America by Kim Isaac Eisler

4. Happy Birthday Paul Gauguin
√ a. A book with at least 4 colors on the cover - The Sentence
√ c. A book with a seven in the page count - The Sentence (387)
The Sentence by Louise Erdrich

message 42: by Tammie (new)

Tammie | 17 comments Here's my submissions...I'll likely try to read for the balance...loved the 'fun facts'...thank you Jackie!

Read - 12

1. National Ballpoint Pen Day

c. A book about a writer, bookseller, or librarian
Sex, Lies, and Online Dating, Rachel Gibson | 6/8

2. National Prune Day
b. A book with more than 400 pages - 608
All Rhodes Lead Here, Mariana Zapata | 6/6

3. Let's Catch a Movie
c. A book published in the last two years - 2023
The Shattered Horn, Erin Hunter | 6/9

Come Together, Fall Apart by Cristina Henríquez 4. Happy Birthday Paul Gauguin
a. A book with at least 4 colors on the cover
Come Together, Fall Apart, Cristina Henríquez | 6/12

1. Happy Birthday Satchel Paige

a. A book whose author's initials appear in CURVEBALL
Bye, Baby, Carola Lovering | 6/24

Starling House by Alix E. Harrow 2. The Apollo Moon Landing
b. A book with the moon on the cover
Starling House, Alix E. Harrow | 6/13

3. Let's Go on a Hike
c. A book with an element of survival
Dance Upon the Air, Nora Roberts | 6/4

4. Dog Days of Summer
c. An author's first book
The Speed of Light, Elissa Grossell Dickey | 6/1

Cover of Night by Linda Howard 1. The Destruction of Pompeii

b. A book with red on the cover
Cover of Night, Linda Howard | 6/11

2. Vacation Time
c. A book set somewhere you would like to visit - London
The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen, K.J. Charles | 6/16

3. Let's Play a Game
c. A book in a series - #4 Only Series
Only Forever, Cristin Harber | 6/2

4. Back to School Sales
a. A book borrowed from the library
Bared to You, Sylvia Day | 6/16

message 43: by Severina (new)

Severina | 338 comments June Entry - Severina

1c. A book about a writer, bookseller, or librarian

+ The Lie Maker by Linwood Barclay (06-16-24)
+ main character is a writer

2b. A book with more than 400 pages
+ A Strange and Stubborn Endurance by Foz Meadows (06-07-24)
+ 528 pages

3a. Author's initials can be found in BLOCKBUSTER FILM
+ Island Rule by Katie M. Flynn (06-17-24)

4a. A book with at least 4 colors on the cover
+ May Day by Jess Lourey
+ colours: yellow, white, black, pink
May Day (Murder by Month Mysteries, #1) by Jess Lourey

message 44: by Hélène (new)

Hélène | 193 comments June completed (Hélène B.)

✔ 1. National Ballpoint Pen Day
a. A book with a writing utensil on the cover :
Leben, schreiben, atmen Eine Einladung zum Schreiben by Doris Dörrie Leben, schreiben, atmen: Eine Einladung zum Schreiben by Doris Dörrie

✔ 2. National Prune Day
b. A book with more than 400 pages :
Betty by Tiffany McDaniel (480 pages)

3. Let's Catch a Movie
✔ a. Author's initials can be found in BLOCKBUSTER FILM :
The Great White Bard: Shakespeare, Race and the Future by Farah Karim Cooper

✔4. Happy Birthday Paul Gauguin
b. A translated book + c. A book with a seven in the page count :
Juste avant l'arrivée du bateau by Hans Anthon Lynge (translated from Greenlandic into French, 157 pages)

message 45: by Karin (last edited Jun 24, 2024 01:19PM) (new)

Karin | 621 comments Oh, I forgot to post that I have finished June's! I finished June 9.

1. National Ballpoint Pen Day

June 10th, the anniversary of the patent filing. Fun fact: the world's most popular ball point is the Bic Crystal, which sells on average 57 pens per second.
The Messy Lives of Book People

🎺2. National Prune Day
a. A book written by someone over the age of 60 An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed

🎺3. Let's Catch a Movie
a. Author's initials can be found in BLOCKBUSTER FILM
b. A book that has been adapted into a movie or series

🎺4. Happy Birthday Paul Gauguin
a. A book with at least 4 colors on the cover>The Pursuit of Love by Nancy Mitford The Pursuit of Love

message 46: by Jackie, Solstitial Mod (new)

Jackie | 2202 comments Mod
Karin wrote: "Oh, I forgot to post that I have finished June's! I finished June 9.

1. National Ballpoint Pen Day
June 10th, the anniversary of the patent filing. Fun fact: the world's most popular ball po..."

Karin you left June 3 blank; what are you using for that one?

message 47: by Kathy (new)

Kathy E | 2989 comments Finished August


1. The Destruction of Pompeii
a. A book featuring an ancient civilization
Oedipus at Colonus - Sophocles 6/25/24 ⭐⭐⭐⭐

2. Vacation Time
c. A book set somewhere you would like to visit
Miss Buncle's Book - D.E. Stevenson (Scotland) 6/10/24 ⭐⭐⭐⭐

3. Let's Play a Game
b. A book by an author whose initials appear in SCRABBLE
Pippi Longstocking - Astrid Lindgren 6/23/24 ⭐⭐⭐⭐

4. Back to School Sales
a. A book borrowed from the library
The Fury - Alex Michaelides 6/24/24 ⭐⭐⭐⭐

message 48: by Siobhan (new)

Siobhan J | 351 comments Siobhan J

Finished August!

1. The Destruction of Pompeii
Pompeii was a Roman city that was buried under volcanic ash and pumice during the eruption of Mt Vesuvius on August 24, 79 CE. Because of the particular method of its destruction it is extremely well preserved and offers a unique look at life in the ancient Roman Empire.
b. A book with red on the cover - The Sword Dancer (Lovers and Rebels, #1; Tang Dynasty, #4) by Jeannie Lin by Jeannie Lin

2. Vacation Time
Fun fact: 60% of the Earth's lakes are located in Canada. Something to think about next time you're by a lake.
b. A book by a favorite author - Bad for the Boss by Talia Hibbert

3. Let's Play a Game
Fun fact: In Chile the Clue character Mr. Green is named Chef Lettuce.
b. A book by an author whose initials appear in SCRABBLE - The Thirteen Problems by Agatha Christie

4. Back to School Sales
Fun fact: in 2023 the average American household spent $890 on back to school shopping, according to an online survey. Ok, that one's not actually that fun.
b. A nonfiction book - The Lady Queen: The Notorious Reign of Joanna I, Queen of Naples, Jerusalem, and Sicily by Nancy Goldstone


message 49: by Dixie (last edited Jun 26, 2024 01:12PM) (new)

Dixie (dixietenny) | 655 comments June completed - Dixie
(I went all out on this one because I'm going to be traveling for half of July - I won't get this much done next month for sure!)

1. National Ballpoint Pen Day
June 10th, the anniversary of the patent filing. Fun fact: the world's most popular ball point is the Bic Crystal, which sells on average 57 pens per second.
√a. A book with a writing utensil on the cover Becoming a Writer, Staying a Writer: The Artistry, Joy, and Career of Storytelling Becoming a Writer, Staying a Writer The Artistry, Joy, and Career of Storytelling by J. Michael Straczynski
√b. A book written under a pen name Clockwork Boys
√c. A book about a writer, bookseller, or librarian Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic

2. National Prune Day
June 15th. Fun fact: prunes, the dried version of plums, were originally from China.
√a. A book written by someone over the age of 60 The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (65)
√b. A book with more than 400 pages Humanly Possible: Seven Hundred Years of Humanist Freethinking, Inquiry, and Hope
√c. A book with purple on the cover After Dark After Dark by Haruki Murakami

3. Let's Catch a Movie
The term 'blockbuster' was originally used to describe especially destructive bombs, and then came to mean shocking news stories. It's current use as a movie with huge box office returns is often attributed to producer Max Youngstein
√a. Author's initials can be found in BLOCKBUSTER FILM Imagine Wanting Only This (Kirsten Radtke)
√b. A book that has been adapted into a movie or series Maurice
√c. A book published in the last two years Dyscalculia: A Love Story of Epic Miscalculation

4. Happy Birthday Paul Gauguin
Born on June 7th 1848 Gauguin was a French artist most known for his contributions to the Post-Impressionist and Symbolist movements. He lived in France, Peru, Martinique, Tahiti, and the Marquesas Islands.
√a. A book with at least 4 colors on the cover Strawberry Girl Strawberry Girl by Lois Lenski
√b. A translated book What You Are Looking For Is in the Library
√c. A book with a seven in the page count Open House (272pp)

message 50: by Meg (new)

Meg (megscl) | 128 comments AUGUST

1b. A book with red on the cover
Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt

2a. A book you've been meaning to read
The Secret World of Connie Starr

3b. A book by an author whose initials appear in SCRABBLE
Meredith, Alone by Claire Alexander

4a. A book borrowed from the library
The Jaguar

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