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Archive Challenge/Read-a-Thon > July 2012 Challenge ~ Creatures

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message 1: by GinBee, Founder & Mod (last edited Jul 01, 2012 12:27PM) (new)

GinBee (jennymbee) | 4468 comments Mod
Whether you lean towards urban fantasy or paranormal romance or both there are lots of different types of people/creatures/whatever :-)

July's challenge is to read books with different characters.

1. Vampires
2. Werewolves (or Shifters)
3. Witches/Magical
4. Fae/Fairy.
5. Any others!

The levels:
Easy 3 books - Read 1 book from any 3 of the first 4 categories.
Medium 5 books - Read 1 book from each of the 5 categories.
Hard 8 books - Read at least 1 book from the 5 categories and any other 3 that fit.

As long as it fits in the creature it works. I’ll trust you guys to be good judges.

Keep your original post updated I'll link to the page you're on and include the message number next to your name so you can find it.

Unlike the yearly challenge feel free to ask questions and chat in this thread.

This challenge does not start until July 1st and will end on July 31. Books read before or after July will not count for the challenge.

message 2: by GinBee, Founder & Mod (last edited Jul 23, 2012 02:52PM) (new)

GinBee (jennymbee) | 4468 comments Mod

Emmy - Message 22
Jenny (Eternally Books) - Message 3
Kesha - Message 29
Meredith - Message 39
Redstarr - Message 46

Candy - Message 26
Constance - Message 38
Deborah (Debbie Rice) - Message 17
Lesley - Message 34
Lura - Message 41
Priscilla - Message 27
Sionna - Message 24
Tina Theresa - Message 15
TyranXO - Message 32

Ashley - Message 12
China - Message 25
Christal - Message 33
Cindy - Message 8
Cmkage - Message 6
Dawn - Message 43
Dee - Message 13
Ezinwanyi - Message 23
Gogo - Message 11
★ Gwendolyn ★ - Message 42
Jennifer - Message 35
Jenny - Message 28
Joley - Message 18
Julianne - Message 14
Shera (Book Whispers) - Message 16
Suzanne - Message 40
Teri - Message 9
Vannessa - Message 21

message 3: by GinBee, Founder & Mod (last edited Jul 01, 2012 12:31PM) (new)

GinBee (jennymbee) | 4468 comments Mod
I'm going to go for easy this month as I have a busy one coming up! Will post as I go :-)

Progress 0/3


message 4: by Nyssa (new)

Nyssa Questions: 1: Can a single book cover multiple "creatures"? (i.e The Southern Vampire/Sookie Stackhouse series - this is just an expample, I will NOT be reading this series until all the books are available)

2.Does reading multiple books from the same series count?

message 5: by GinBee, Founder & Mod (new)

GinBee (jennymbee) | 4468 comments Mod

1. An individual book can only count for one "creature" for this challenge, but if you read two books in the same series and they have various in them you can count 1 book for one and the second for another.

2. Yes, absolutely :-)!!

message 6: by Cmkage (last edited Jul 01, 2012 03:06PM) (new)

Cmkage | 46 comments I'm in.
Level: hard

Total: 1/8

1. Vampires: Hard Bitten, Lady & the Vamp
2. Werewolves (or Shifters): Kissing Sin, Tempting Evil
3. Witches/Magical: Grave Memory
4. Fae/Fairy: Supernaturally
5. Any others!: Crave, Ill Wind

Hard Bitten (Chicagoland Vampires, #4) by Chloe Neill Lady & the Vamp (Immortality Bites, #3) by Michelle Rowen Kissing Sin (Riley Jenson Guardian, #2) by Keri Arthur Tempting Evil (Riley Jenson Guardian, #3) by Keri Arthur Grave Memory (Alex Craft, #3) by Kalayna Price Supernaturally (Paranormalcy, #2) by Kiersten White Crave (The Fallen Angels, #2) by J.R. Ward Ill Wind (Weather Warden, #1) by Rachel Caine

message 7: by Terri (new)

Terri | 247 comments Gonna try.....think I'll go with hard since I like to change things up!

message 8: by Cindy (last edited Jul 29, 2012 02:48PM) (new)

Cindy | 243 comments Creatures July Challenge

Hard 8/8 Completed

1. Vampires: Dark Melody - Christine Feehan 7/3
2. Werewolves (or Shifters): Blue Moon - Laurell K Hamilton 7/26
3. Witches/Magical: Magic in the Wind - Christine Feehan 7/6
4. Fae/Fairy: Bloodfever - Karen Marie Moning 7/14
5. Aliens: The Power of Six - Pittacus Lore 7/6
6. Immortals: Magic Bleeds - Ilona Andrews 7/11
7. Ghosts: Anna Dressed in Blood - Kendare Blake 7/13
8. Hellhounds: Must Love Hellhouds - Anthology 7/22

Dark Melody (Carpathians, #12) by Christine Feehan Blue Moon (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #8) by Laurell K. Hamilton Magic in the Wind (Drake Sisters Series #1) by Christine Feehan Bloodfever (Fever, #2) by Karen Marie Moning The Power of Six (Lorien Legacies, #2) by Pittacus Lore Magic Bleeds (Kate Daniels, #4) by Ilona Andrews Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1) by Kendare Blake Must Love Hellhounds (Includes Guild Hunter, #1.5; Kate Daniels, #3.5; The Guardians, #5.5; Sookie Stackhouse, #9.2) by Charlaine Harris

message 9: by Terri (last edited Jul 06, 2012 03:38AM) (new)

Terri | 247 comments Progress 7/8 (I'll be reading more than 8 though lol)

Blood Moon by Dawn Thompson Vampire Kisses (Vampire Kisses, #1) by Ellen Schreiber Blood Rights (House of Comarré, #1) by Kristen Painter Evernight (Evernight, #1) by Claudia Gray
2.Werewolves (or shifters):
Hex Hall (Hex Hall, #1) by Rachel Hawkins
Tithe (The Modern Faerie Tales, #1) by Holly Black Valiant (The Modern Faerie Tales, #2) by Holly Black Ironside (The Modern Faerie Tales, #3) by Holly Black
5.Any Others:
Mona Lisa Awakening (Monère Children of the Moon, #1) by Sunny Blood Rights (House of Comarré, #1) by Kristen Painter Evernight (Evernight, #1) by Claudia Gray The Goddess Test

message 10: by Nyssa (new)

Nyssa Jenny (Eternally Books) wrote: "Nyssa,

1. An individual book can only count for one "creature" for this challenge, but if you read two books in the same series and they have various in them you can count 1 book for one and the s..."

Ok. Thank you.

I wish this was sometime between January & April ... I would have had it in the bag reading the Dresden Files

message 11: by Nicole (last edited Jul 17, 2012 09:23AM) (new)

Nicole (nbennett) | 14 comments read1. Vampires- Nice girls don't bite their neighbors Nice Girls Don't Bite Their Neighbors (Jane Jameson, #4) by Molly Harper

read 2. Werewolves (or Shifters)-kitty and the dead man's hand Kitty and the Dead Man's Hand (Kitty Norville, #5) by Carrie Vaughn

read 3. Witches/Magical- spellbound- Spell Bound (Hex Hall, #3) by Rachel Hawkins

read 4. Fae/Fairy. Iron King The Iron King (The Iron Fey, #1) by Julie Kagawa

read 5. Psy- Visions of heat Visions of Heat (Psy-Changeling, #2) by Nalini Singh

read 6. Demon- Demonglass Demonglass (Hex Hall, #2) by Rachel Hawkins

read 7. Devil- Undead and Unfinished Undead and Unfinished by MaryJanice Davidson

read 8. skinwalker- Kitty takes a holiday Kitty Takes a Holiday (Kitty Norville, #3) by Carrie Vaughn

message 12: by Ashley (last edited Jul 24, 2012 11:51AM) (new)

Ashley  (ashleycw) Hard


1. Vampires Undead and Unreturnable 7/2
2. Werewolves The Summoning 7/3
3. Witches/Magical The Awakening 7/4
4. Fae/Fairy To Kill A Warlock 7/2
5. Necromancer No Humans Involved 7/10
6. Banshee/ Bean siddhe Reaper 7/11
7. Angels Fallen 7/14
8. Witches, and Werewolves, and Fairies OH MY!! Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble 7/18
9. Falcon ShifterStrange Neighbors 7/19
10. UNICORN- Drink, Slay, Love 7/24

Undead and Unreturnable (Undead, #4) by MaryJanice Davidson The Summoning (Darkest Powers, #1) by Kelley Armstrong To Kill A Warlock by H.P. Mallory The Awakening (Darkest Powers, #2) by Kelley Armstrong No Humans Involved (Women of the Otherworld, #7) by Kelley Armstrong Reaper (Soul Screamers, #3.5) by Rachel Vincent Fallen (Fallen, #1) by Lauren Kate Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble (Jolie Wilkins, #1) by H.P. Mallory Strange Neighbors (Strange Neighbors, #1) by Ashlyn Chase Drink, Slay, Love by Sarah Beth Durst

message 13: by Dee (last edited Jul 21, 2012 05:36PM) (new)

Dee (phonebooklady) Hard

1. Vampires - Rock -n- Roll is undead 07/13
2. Werewolves - Timeless 07/04
3. Witches - somebody tell Aunt Tillie she's dead 07/04
4. Fae - Darkfever 07/21
5. Soulless - Heartless 07/02
6. Siren - Siren Song 07/07
7. Dragon - Destiny Kills 07/07
8. Devil - Devil without a cause 07/08
9. Zombie - My Life as a White Trash Zombie 07/20
10. Godess - Tall, Dark & Dead 07/21
Heartless (The Parasol Protectorate, #4) by Gail Carriger Somebody Tell Aunt Tillie She's Dead by Christiana Miller Timeless (Parasol Protectorate, #5) by Gail Carriger Siren Song (Blood Singer, #2) by Cat Adams Destiny Kills (Myth and Magic, #1) by Keri Arthur Devil Without a Cause (The Devil's Bargain #1) by Terri Garey Rock 'n' Roll is Undead (Veronica Mason #1) by Rose Pressey Darkfever (Fever, #1) by Karen Marie Moning My Life As a White Trash Zombie (White Trash Zombie, #1) by Diana Rowland Tall, Dark & Dead (Garnet Lacey, #1) by Tate Hallaway

message 14: by Julianne (new)

Julianne | 143 comments I'm in for Hard. Will post as I go.

1. Vampires
2. Werewolves (or Shifters)
3. Witches/Magical
4. Fae/Fairy.
5. Any others!

message 15: by Tina Theresa (last edited Jul 22, 2012 10:41AM) (new)

message 16: by Shera (Book Whispers) (last edited Aug 01, 2012 11:22AM) (new)

Shera (Book Whispers) (sherabookwhispers) | 2569 comments I am in!! Great Challenge I love it, it might actaully been one I can complete.


1. A Blood Seduction (Vampires)
2. Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Chimerea?)
3. Lothaire Witches/Valkyrie
4. Throne of Glass Faye/fairy
A Blood Seduction (Vamp City, #1) by Pamela Palmer Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Daughter of Smoke and Bone, #1) by Laini Taylor Lothaire (Immortals After Dark, #11) by Kresley Cole Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass, #1) by Sarah J. Maas

message 17: by Debbie's Spurts (D.A.) (last edited Aug 03, 2012 01:26PM) (new)

Debbie's Spurts (D.A.) I'll join to try "medium": Update August 2012 -- Ooops! I forgot to post my last book to this one. I am sure something I read in July had fairies in it but challenge is over so I am not wading back thru.

1. Vampires - Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene Frost ★★★★✩, 4 of 5 stars. Finished July 5. Review: Before reading, I had downloaded a sample which was kinda "meh" for me so was unsure about series. Sample had fairly typical vampire hunting kickass chick with special powers stalking the vamps down in bars. And we all know how much of that is out there in the genre--wasn't really up for another butch chick in bar urban fantasy. With the release of Once Burned that I almost went with (fit lots of other BOTM and challenges), figured better get into this series first...I really, really liked this book. The world and the characters were more fully realized than sample led me to believe. The story arc was well done and a very good mix of adventure, romance, urban fantasy, paranormal and PNR genres....The heroine, Cat, was tough and kickass but not quite as one-dimensionally tough as opening bar scenes foretold. She did not blindly wander around this paranormal world blithely unquestioning things. She meets up with much-older-than-used-to vampire Crispin a.k.a. "Bones" who shakes up all her perceptions, shows her she needs more training in both her paranormal abilities and physical/fighting talents. Bones proceeds to convince (threaten) her to help him go after the really bad guys, vampires and others involved in slavery and murder. Trains her. Plot gets complex but stays believable once you accept the world building (a couple of infodump moments delineated the worldbuilding stuff but not that bad for the length . Longer review on book's product page.

2. Werewolves (or Shifters)Immortal Coil by C.I. Black ★★★★✩ 3½ stars. Finished July 11, 2012. Once initial concept accepted, author writes a surprising plausible world. Did not read like a freebie or like a first time author. Fast paced, likable characters.

3. Witches/Magical 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover by Linda Wisdom ★★★☆☆ 3 stars. Finished July 18, 2012. overall an enjoyable read but a little uneven (one minute chuckling away at excellent bunny slipper humor and the next cringing at scenes that mention "labia"); good story, annoying ghost, implausible romance/sex scene, first book in series really failed to explain how the young witches came to be exiled. Fairly original although the paranormals pretty much what you would expect for vampires, witches, dwarves, ghosts, etc.

4. Fae/Fairies

✔ Any. for demons, dragons, witches and griffins I read Last of the Demon Slayers by Angie Fox. ★★★★✩ 4 stars. Finished July 22, 2012. Romp with some favorite characters; they and story have all progressed. Answers how she is "the last."

Halfway to the Grave (Night Huntress, #1) by Jeaniene Frost Immortal Coil by C.I. Black 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover (Jazz Tremaine #1) by Linda Wisdom Last of the Demon Slayers (Demon Slayer, #4) by Angie Fox

message 18: by Books&Dreams (new)

Books&Dreams | 2 comments i will join also. I am new to group so if i post wrong i apologize, do we have to list the books we are going to read? or can we just list them as they are read? thanks :) I am going for hard. and first book is the vampire one
1.Lynsay Sands A bite to Remember.

Shera (Book Whispers) (sherabookwhispers) | 2569 comments You can do either or Joely.

message 20: by Books&Dreams (new)

Books&Dreams | 2 comments Shera (Book Whispers) wrote: "You can do either or Joely."
ok thank you:)

message 21: by Vannessa (last edited Aug 01, 2012 05:01AM) (new)

Vannessa | 175 comments I'm in again - Hard level please.

Read 8/8

1. Vampires
Night Realm FINISHED July 3rd
Biting the Bullet FINISHED July 31st - only just in time!
2. Werewolves (or Shifters)
Wolf Song FINISHED July 23rd
Prince of Wolves FINISHED July 26th
3. Witches/Magical
Haunted FINISHED July 8th
Hex Appeal FINISHED July 25th
4. Fae/Fairy.
Summer's Crossing FINISHED July 10th
5. Any others!
Desire Unchained FINISHED July 28th

Night Realm by Darren G. Burton Haunted (Women of the Otherworld, #5) by Kelley Armstrong Summer's Crossing (Iron Fey, #3.5) by Julie Kagawa Wolf Song (Wolf Song Trilogy #1) by Frank W. Smith Hex Appeal (Jazz Tremaine, #2) by Linda Wisdom Prince of Wolves (The Grey Wolves, #1) by Quinn Loftis Desire Unchained (Demonica, #2) by Larissa Ione Biting the Bullet (Jaz Parks, #3) by Jennifer Rardin

message 22: by Emy (last edited Jul 29, 2012 04:44AM) (new)

Emy (emypt) | 25 comments Hmm, going to start at Easy because it's a funny month... In work most of this week, off a week, in a week and finally off a week. I wouldn't mind but I get most of my reading done on the bus too and from work so holidays is when RL catches up and gets in the way! :)

Emy 1 RL 0. Rarr, I think!

LIST: Ended up at Hard

1. Vampires: Home Improvement: Undead Edition & Kiss the Night Goodbye
2. Werewolves / Shifers: Blood Cross
3. Witches / Magical: The Sweet Scent of Blood & On the Edge
4. Fae / Fairy: Unquiet Dreams & Unfallen Dead (I have REALLY fallen for this series!)
5. Others: Windfall


message 23: by Ezi (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) ♦July 2012: Creatures Challenge
Level Hard
Read 0/8

Vampires: Jacob & TBA

Shifters: Visions of Heat & TBA

Fae/Fairy.: Iron Kissed ; Bone Crossed

Witches/Magical: My Angel, My Light as Darkness Falls

Any others (Immortals): Aloes

Jacob (Nightwalkers, #1) by Jacquelyn Frank Visions of Heat (Psy-Changeling, #2) by Nalini Singh My Angel, My Light as Darkness Falls by Linda Hays-Gibbs Iron Kissed (Mercedes Thompson, #3) by Patricia Briggs Bone Crossed (Mercy Thompson, #4) by Patricia Briggs Aloes by Chris Quinton

message 24: by Cee (last edited Jul 25, 2012 10:52AM) (new)

Cee (simplystrange) July Challenge: Totally in ^_^ For now I"m just going to go for Medium.

Vampires:Lover Avenged - finished 07/08
Shifters:Rogue- Finished 7/23

Fae:Hex Hall- Finished 7/25 (about witches but does have fairies!)

Witches:Dime Store Magic - Finished July 17th

Any other: My Soul to Take - Finished 07/08

message 25: by China (last edited Jul 26, 2012 10:01AM) (new)

China Duncan  (chinad) 1. Vampires
a.Glass Houses
b.The Dead Girls' Dance
c.Midnight Alley
2. Werewolves (or Shifters)
c.The Wolf Gift
3. Witches/Magical
a.A Discovery of Witches
b.Shadow of Night
c.Shadow and Bone
4. Fae/Fairy.
5. Any others!
a.The Rising(zombies)
b.City of Bones (angels)
c.Eat Slay Love(zombies)

message 26: by Candy (last edited Jul 25, 2012 01:23PM) (new)

Candy I'm in for Medium

July 2012 Challenge ~ Creatures

1. Vampires - Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter finished 7/9

2. Werewolves (or Shifters) - Shiver

3. Witches/Magical - The Night Circus

4. Fae/Fairy. - City of Bones

5. Any others! - Fallen finished 7/5

Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith Shiver (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, #1) by Maggie Stiefvater The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments, #1) by Cassandra Clare Fallen (Fallen, #1) by Lauren Kate

message 27: by Priscilla (last edited Jul 18, 2012 11:40PM) (new)

Priscilla (ppomeroy72) | 364 comments FINISHED
I choose Medium.

1. Vampires: Night Realm by Darren G. Burton
Night Realm by Darren G. Burton
2. Werewolves (or Shifters): Bustin' by Minda Webber
Bustin' by Minda Webber
3. Witches/Magical: Kiss Me Deadly (Bewitching the Dark, #2)by Michele Hauf
Kiss Me Deadly (Bewitching the Dark, #2) by Michele Hauf
4. Fae/Fairy: Grave Witch (Alex Craft, #1)by Kalayna Price
Grave Witch (Alex Craft, #1) by Kalayna Price
5. Any others!(Archangels): Avenger's Angel (The Lost Angel, #1) by Heather Killough-Walden
Avenger's Angel (The Lost Angel, #1) by Heather Killough-Walden

message 28: by Zen (last edited Jul 15, 2012 04:37PM) (new)

Zen Cal (seriouslywtfzen) I'm definitely in.
I'm going to go with hard.

Creatures July Challenge

Hard 8/8 Completed

1. Vampires: Vampire Academy FINISHED
2. Werewolves (or Shifters): Paranormalcy FINISHED
3. Witches/Magical: Night World, No. 3 Book 9 FINISHED
4. Fae/Fairy: Wicked Lovely FINISHED
5. Aliens: I Am Number Four FINISHED
6. Angels: Hush, Hush FINISHED
7. Trolls: Ascend FINISHED
8. Immortals: Evermore FINISHED

Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy, #1) by Richelle Mead Paranormalcy (Paranormalcy, #1) by Kiersten White Night World, No. 3 (Night World, #7-9) by L.J. Smith Wicked Lovely (Wicked Lovely, #1) by Melissa Marr I Am Number Four (Lorien Legacies, #1) by Pittacus Lore Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush, #1) by Becca Fitzpatrick Ascend by Amanda Hocking Evermore (The Immortals, #1) by Alyson Noel

message 29: by Kesha (last edited Jul 25, 2012 02:07PM) (new)

Kesha | 17 comments I'm in for 3
Completed 3/3 on 7-25-12

1. Vampires: One Grave at a Time by Jeaniene Frost 7-2-12
2. Werewolves (or Shifters): Sparks Fly by Katie MacAlister 7-25-12
3. Witches/Magical: Wages of Sin by Jenna Maclaine 7-19-12

One Grave at a Time (Night Huntress, #6) by Jeaniene Frost Wages of Sin (Cin Craven, #1) by Jenna Maclaine Sparks Fly (Light Dragons, #3) by Katie MacAlister

message 30: by Cmkage (last edited Jul 16, 2012 06:20AM) (new)

Cmkage | 46 comments Updating...

Total: 8/8 Done!

1. Vampires: Sucker for Love , Hard Bitten , Lady & the Vamp
2. Werewolves (or Shifters): Kissing Sin,
3. Witches/Magical: Grave Memory
4. Fae/Fairy: Supernaturally , Wicked Lovely
5. Any others!: Ill Wind

Sucker for Love (Dead End Dating, #5) by Kimberly Raye Hard Bitten (Chicagoland Vampires, #4) by Chloe Neill Lady & the Vamp (Immortality Bites, #3) by Michelle Rowen Kissing Sin (Riley Jenson Guardian, #2) by Keri Arthur Grave Memory (Alex Craft, #3) by Kalayna Price Supernaturally (Paranormalcy, #2) by Kiersten White Wicked Lovely (Wicked Lovely, #1) by Melissa Marr Ill Wind (Weather Warden, #1) by Rachel Caine

message 31: by TarynXO (new)

TarynXO | 113 comments I'm in :) will post my list soon.

message 32: by TarynXO (last edited Jul 11, 2012 07:11PM) (new)

TarynXO | 113 comments July Challenge
July 1st - July 31st, 2012

Medium 2/5

1. Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
2. Pride by Rachel Vincent -- July 10th
3. The Summoning by Kelly Armstrong
4. The Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa
5. Succubus Heat by Richelle Mead -- July 11th

Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy, #1) by Richelle Mead Pride (Shifters, #3) by Rachel Vincent The Summoning (Darkest Powers, #1) by Kelley Armstrong The Iron Daughter (The Iron Fey, #2) by Julie Kagawa Succubus Heat (Georgina Kincaid #4) by Richelle Mead

message 33: by Christal (last edited Jul 31, 2012 12:26PM) (new)

Christal | 79 comments SOS July 2012 ~ Creatures
Level: Hard
Completed: 10/10

              1. The Immortal Rules 7/15 ★★★☆☆
              2. Wicked as They Come 7/22 ★★☆☆☆
Werewolves or Shifters:
              3. Tempest's Fury 7/11 ★★★★★
              4. Blue-Blooded Vamp 7/18 ★★★★★
              5. The Rook 7/11 ★★★★★
              6. Graceling 7/20 ★★★★☆
              7. The Trouble with Demons 7/19 ★★★★★
              8. Bewitched & Betrayed 7/25 ★★★★★
Any others!:
              9. Railsea 7/31 ★★★☆☆
            10. Anna Dressed in Blood 7/16 ★★★☆☆

The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden, #1) by Julie Kagawa Wicked as They Come (Blud, #1) by Delilah S. Dawson Tempest's Fury (Jane True, #5) by Nicole Peeler Blue-Blooded Vamp (Sabina Kane, #5) by Jaye Wells The Rook by Daniel O'Malley Graceling (Graceling Realm, #1) by Kristin Cashore The Trouble with Demons (Raine Benares #3) by Lisa Shearin Bewitched & Betrayed (Raine Benares #4) by Lisa Shearin Railsea by China Miéville Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1) by Kendare Blake

message 34: by Leslie (last edited Jul 20, 2012 06:26PM) (new)

Leslie (lesliestclair) | 6 comments July 2012 Creatures
Level: Medium
Completed: 2/5

2.Blood Cross
3.Mercy Blade
4. Pale Demon
5. A Perfect Blood

Bullet (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #19) by Laurell K. Hamilton Blood Cross (Jane Yellowrock, #2) by Faith Hunter Mercy Blade (Jane Yellowrock, #3) by Faith Hunter Pale Demon (The Hollows, #9) by Kim Harrison A Perfect Blood (The Hollows, #10) by Kim Harrison

message 35: by Jennifer (last edited Aug 03, 2012 12:03PM) (new)

Jennifer | 13 comments Filling in as I go!

1. Vampires:
Eternal Kiss ofDarkness
2. Werewolves (or Shifters):
Moon Called
Blood Bound
Iron Kissed
3. Witches/Magical:
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead
4. Fae/Fairy:
Bone Crossed
Silver Borne
5. Any others:
Siren Song

message 36: by Cindy (new)

Cindy | 243 comments Can I use Cowboys as a Creature?!? haha Pretty Pleasseeee!

Shera (Book Whispers) (sherabookwhispers) | 2569 comments Cowboys are awesome beings, but I'm afraid they don't quite make the creature cut. Unless Jen clears it. ^_-

message 38: by Connie (last edited Jul 18, 2012 05:15PM) (new)

Connie (constantjoy) I want to try. This is my first challenge and it sounds like a lot of fun. I'm going medium.

Completed 1/5 (I guess I'll fill them in as I go)

1. Vampires -
2. Werewolves (or Shifters)-
3. Witches/Magical- The Untamed One The Untamed One (Wild Wulfs of London, #3) by Ronda Thompson By Ronda Thompson
4. Fae/Fairy -
5. Any others!-

message 39: by Meredith (last edited Jul 19, 2012 10:55PM) (new)

Meredith | 3 comments I'm in. I will go for easy.
1. Vampires- Fang me- Parker Blue
2. Werewolves (or Shifters)- Iron Kissed by Patricia Briggs - Read 7/17/12
3. Witches/Magical Witchlight by L.J Smith

message 40: by Suzanne (last edited Jul 24, 2012 02:16PM) (new)

Suzanne (esmerelda1) | 105 comments Paranormal Addicts & Newbies
July 2012 Challenge ~ Creatures
7/1/2012 - 7/31/2012

July's challenge is to read books with different characters. Hard 8 books - Read at least 1 book from the 5 categories and any other 3 that fit.

Progress: 5 out of 8

1. Vampires:
- Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead - ***** - 7/4/2012
2. Werewolves (or Shifters)
3. Witches/Magical: Glo & Nina: Wicked Business by Janet Evanovich - ***** - 7/22/2012
4. Fae/Fairy.
5. Debunker: Sacrificial Magic by Stacia Kane - ***** - 7/10/2012
6. Shadow Hunter: Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare - ***** - 7/10/2012
7. Psy: Caressed By Ice by Nalini Singh - *** - 7/24/2012
8. Any others!

Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy, #1) by Richelle Mead Sacrificial Magic (Downside Ghosts, #4) by Stacia Kane Clockwork Angel (The Infernal Devices, #1) by Cassandra Clare Wicked Business (Lizzy & Diesel, #2) by Janet Evanovich Caressed By Ice (Psy-Changeling, #3) by Nalini Singh

message 41: by Lura (last edited Jul 05, 2012 02:54AM) (new)

Lura (luraj2612) | 18 comments I'm in.

Medium 1/5

1. Vampires - My Blood Approves by Amanda Hocking - Finished 4 July

2. Werewolves (or Shifters) - Tiger Eye by Marjorie M. Liu - In progress

3. Witches/Magical - Black Heart by Holly Black - In progress

4. Fae/Fairy -

5. Any others - Daniel X: Watch the Skies by James Patterson

My Blood Approves (My Blood Approves, #1) by Amanda Hocking Tiger Eye (Dirk & Steele, #1) by Marjorie M. Liu Black Heart (Curse Workers, #3) by Holly Black Daniel X Watch the Skies (Daniel X, #2) by James Patterson

message 42: by ★ gwiz ★ (last edited Jul 06, 2012 01:17AM) (new)

 ★ gwiz ★ (ggwiz) | 55 comments I'm in. I'll filling them in as I go.

Level: Hard
Completed: 3/10

1. ✔Vampires: Bone Crossed Completed 07.03.12 2/10__5★'s
2. ✔Werewolves (or Shifters): Silver Borne Completed 07.04.12 3/10__5★'s
3. Witches/Magical: Poss Grave Witch by Kalayna Price
4. ✔Fae/Fairy: Iron Kissed Completed 07.02.12 1/10__5★'s
5. Others:
6. Others:
7. Others:
8. Others:

Iron Kissed (Mercedes Thompson, #3) by Patricia Briggs Bone Crossed (Mercy Thompson, #4) by Patricia Briggs Silver Borne (Mercedes Thompson, #5) by Patricia Briggs

Poss Immortal Demons: The Darkest Whisper by Gena Showalter
Poss Aliens: Obsidian by Jennifer Armentrout
Poss Dead/Soulless: My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent
Poss No Soul: Incarnate by Jodi Meadows
Poss Psychic/Telepathic: Once Burned byJeaniene Frost
Poss Healer: Touch of Power by Maria Snyder

Grave Witch (Alex Craft, #1) by Kalayna Price The Darkest Whisper (Lords of the Underworld, #4) by Gena Showalter Obsidian (Lux, #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout My Soul to Take (Soul Screamers, #1) by Rachel Vincent Incarnate (Newsoul, #1) by Jodi Meadows Once Burned (Night Prince, #1) by Jeaniene Frost Touch of Power (Healer, #1) by Maria V. Snyder

message 43: by Dawn (last edited Jul 05, 2012 07:53PM) (new)

Dawn (dawn_e) | 6 comments PNR Addicts & Newbies
July Challenge

Dying Bites
Blood Cross

Werewolves (or Shifters)
Raised by Wolves

Heat Stroke
Visions of Skyfire

City of Lost Souls

Succubus Heat 7.3
Mark of the Demon

Dying Bites (The Bloodhound Files, #1) by D.D. Barant Blood Cross (Jane Yellowrock, #2) by Faith Hunter Raised by Wolves (Raised by Wolves, #1) by Jennifer Lynn Barnes Heat Stroke (Weather Warden, #2) by Rachel Caine Visions of Skyfire (Awakening, #2) by Regan Hastings City of Lost Souls (The Mortal Instruments, #5) by Cassandra Clare Succubus Heat (Georgina Kincaid #4) by Richelle Mead Mark of the Demon (Kara Gillian, #1) by Diana Rowland

message 44: by ★ gwiz ★ (last edited Jul 13, 2012 11:44PM) (new)

 ★ gwiz ★ (ggwiz) | 55 comments UPDATING
Level: Hard
July 13, 2012 Completed: 8/8

1. ✔Vampires: Bone Crossed Completed 07.03.12 2/8__5★'s
2. ✔Werewolves (or Shifters): Silver Borne Completed 07.04.12 3/8__5★'s
3. Witches/Magical: Poss Grave Witch by Kalayna Price
4. ✔Fae/Fairy: Iron Kissed Completed 07.02.12 1/8__5★'s
5. ✔Prehistoric Creature-River Devil: River Marked Completed 07.06.12 4/8__5★'s
6. ✔Harpy: The Darkest Whisper by Gena Showalter Completed 07.09.12 5/8__5★'s
7. ✔Protector: Awake at Dawn by C.C. Hunter Completed 07.11.12 6/8__5★'s
8. ✔Chameleons: Taken at Dusk by C.C. Hunter Completed 07.12.12 7/8__5★'s
9. ✔ Electrical & Psychic: Once Burned byJeaniene Frost 07.13.12 8/8__5★'s


Iron Kissed (Mercedes Thompson, #3) by Patricia Briggs Bone Crossed (Mercy Thompson, #4) by Patricia Briggs Silver Borne (Mercedes Thompson, #5) by Patricia Briggs River Marked (Mercy Thompson, #6) by Patricia Briggs The Darkest Whisper (Lords of the Underworld, #4) by Gena Showalter Awake at Dawn (Shadow Falls, #2) by C.C. Hunter Taken at Dusk (Shadow Falls, #3) by C.C. Hunter Once Burned (Night Prince, #1) by Jeaniene Frost

Poss Angel: The Darkest Passion by Gena Showalter
Poss Immortal Demons: The Darkest Lie
Poss Aliens: Obsidian by Jennifer Armentrout

Grave Witch (Alex Craft, #1) by Kalayna Price The Darkest Passion (Lords of the Underworld, #5) by Gena Showalter The Darkest Lie (Lords of the Underworld, #6) by Gena Showalter Obsidian (Lux, #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

message 45: by Priscilla (new)

Priscilla (ppomeroy72) | 364 comments Does superhero count as other?

message 46: by Redstarr (last edited Jul 18, 2012 07:22PM) (new)

Redstarr | 4 comments Progress 2/3

1.Blood Oath - vampires
2.Tempting Evil - werewolves

message 47: by [deleted user] (new)


message 48: by ★ gwiz ★ (last edited Jul 18, 2012 12:39PM) (new)

 ★ gwiz ★ (ggwiz) | 55 comments UPDATING HAVE FINISHED CHALLENGE - CREATURES -Level: Hard

But have not finish reading for the month and may end up with a few more creatures to add to the list :-D

July 16, 2012 Completed: 9/8
July 18, 2012 Completed: 10/8

1. ✔Vampires: Bone Crossed Completed 07.03.12 2/8__5★'s
2. ✔Werewolves (or Shifters): Silver Borne Completed 07.04.12 3/8__5★'s
3. ✔Witches/Magical: Grave Witch by Kalayna Price Completed 07.16.12 9/8__5★'s
4. ✔Fae/Fairy: Iron Kissed Completed 07.02.12 1/8__5★'s
5. ✔Prehistoric Creature-River Devil & Walker (similar to skinwalker) & Vampire & Weres: River Marked Completed 07.06.12 4/8__5★'s
6. ✔Harpy & Immortal/Demons: The Darkest Whisper by Gena Showalter Completed 07.09.12 5/8__5★'s
7. ✔Protector & Vampires & Weres: Awake at Dawn by C.C. Hunter Completed 07.11.12 6/8__5★'s
8. ✔Chameleons & Vampires & Weres: Taken at Dusk by C.C. Hunter Completed 07.12.12 7/8__5★'s
9. ✔ Electrical/Psychic & Vampire: Once Burned byJeaniene Frost 07.13.12 8/8__5★'s
10. ✔Kelpies & Witches & Fae & Changeling & Magic/Soul Constructs & Planeweaver:
Grave Dance by Kalayna Price Completed 07.18.12 10/8__5★'s


Iron Kissed (Mercedes Thompson, #3) by Patricia Briggs Bone Crossed (Mercy Thompson, #4) by Patricia Briggs Silver Borne (Mercedes Thompson, #5) by Patricia Briggs River Marked (Mercy Thompson, #6) by Patricia Briggs The Darkest Whisper (Lords of the Underworld, #4) by Gena Showalter Awake at Dawn (Shadow Falls, #2) by C.C. Hunter Taken at Dusk (Shadow Falls, #3) by C.C. Hunter Once Burned (Night Prince, #1) by Jeaniene Frost Grave Witch (Alex Craft, #1) by Kalayna Price Grave Dance (Alex Craft, #2) by Kalayna Price

Poss Aliens: Obsidian by Jennifer Armentrout
Obsidian (Lux, #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout Grave Memory (Alex Craft, #3) by Kalayna Price

message 49: by Cmkage (new)

Cmkage | 46 comments Just updated my post. I'm all done! :)

message 50: by Julianne (new)

Julianne | 143 comments I'm in too...I thought I already posted. I'll do medium for now but I may change to hard.

July Creatures Challenge
Level: Medium
Read: 1/5

Vampires: Halfway to the Grave
Werewolves/Shifters: Bitten
✓ Gods/Mythology:Deadly Descendant 7/14 ★★★★

Halfway to the Grave (Night Huntress, #1) by Jeaniene FrostBitten (Women of the Otherworld, #1) by Kelley ArmstrongTBD|TBDDeadly Descendant (Nikki Glass, #2) by Jenna Black

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