Pedro Barrento

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Pedro Barrento

Goodreads Author

in Nampula, Mozambique


Member Since
February 2013


Pedro Barrento was born in Mozambique in 1961. He has published two books: "The Prince and the Singularity - A Circular Tale" and "Marlene and Sofia - A Double Love Story". His third book "The Algorithm of Power" will see the light of day on January 2, 2018. ...more

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Pedro Barrento Cá vão alguns motivos, sem qualquer hierarquia e sem pretensão de serem exaustivos.

1) O mercado inglês tem 800 milhões de leitores, o português tem 30…more
Cá vão alguns motivos, sem qualquer hierarquia e sem pretensão de serem exaustivos.

1) O mercado inglês tem 800 milhões de leitores, o português tem 300 milhões (ambos os números são otimistas).

2) Quando se é auto-publicado e se escreve em inglês tem-se acesso (pelo menos na versão digital) ao mesmo mercado a que têm acesso os autores publicados tradicionalmente. Quando se é auto-publicado e se escreve em português não se tem acesso a mercado algum.

3) quando se escreve em inglês tem-se acesso a um mercado em que os livros se vendem maioritariamente por escolha dos consumidores dado que o mercado é forte e a ingerência dos Estados de língua inglesa é proporcionalmente muito reduzida. Quando se escreve em português (presumindo que se tem acesso ao mercado) lida-se com uma situação em que a fraqueza dos consumidores é agravada por um enorme peso das instituições estatais e litarárias (concursos, fundações, lobbies, etc). Como resultado desta situação, o mercado é dominado por dois tipos de livros:

os que são escritos por (ou que se referem a) figuras mediáticas que as pessoas veem regularmente na tv ou

livros apoiados pela "intelligentsia" intelectual.

Eu não sou uma figura mediática, e nutro um total desinteresse pelos livros apoiados pelos circulos literários, os quais têm como critério principal "a evolução da língua portuguesa" e apoiam basicamente livros com pontuação "criativa" ou com linguagem impenetrável. Os meus livros são propositadamente escritos em linguagem simples e pretendem fazer o leitor pensar, em vez de pretenderem fazer evoluir a língua portuguesa. Como tal nunca serão considerados "literatura séria" por esses círculos, os quais, infelizmente, têm peso no mercado nacional.

Excepcionados o peso mediático e os apoios institucionais (pelos quais, cumulativamente, eu sinto uma enorme repulsa ideológica) só resta o mercado, que, em Portugal, tem dimensão e poder reduzidos.

4) Em português eu não tenho acesso a nenhuma das ferramentas que utilizo para "afinar" os meus livros (p.e. os sites e

5) Se um livro meu tiver sucesso em inglês isso talvez me permita viver de ser escritor. Se tiver sucesso em português, posso trocar de carro.

6) O impacto internacional de escrever em português é patético. O "Equator" do Miguel Sousa Tavares (um best-seller em Portugal) tem 11 reviews na Amazon USA. O livro com mais reviews do José Rodrigues dos Santos (The Einstein Enigma: A Novel) tem 58 reviews. "The Prince and the Singularity - A Circular Tale" tem 79 reviews (e melhores ratings do que qualquer um dos autores acima referidos). Ou seja, até um autor irrelevante como eu bate os pesos-pesados da literatura portuguesa em termos de projecção na Amazon dos Estados Unidos.

7) O trabalho que me dá pôr o meu segundo livro em português é mais bem empregue a escrever um terceiro livro em inglês, o que quer dizer que só o farei se estiver para aí virado e sem grande inspiração para escrever algo de novo.

etc, etc, etc.
Pedro Barrento Having finished a book and thinking "Did I really write this? How is that possible?"…moreHaving finished a book and thinking "Did I really write this? How is that possible?"(less)
Average rating: 3.63 · 565 ratings · 134 reviews · 5 distinct worksSimilar authors
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Marlene and Sofia: A Double...

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The Algorithm of Power

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More books by Pedro Barrento…

How To Promote Your Self-published Book – Part Five

Kindle Countdown Deal Results The Algorithm of Power May 14-21 Hello everyone, Here are the results for my book’s Kindle Countdown Deal. The Algorithm of Power isn’t the easiest book to promote as it has elements of Political Fiction, Literary Fiction and Dystopian Sci-Fi. The way I see it, it aims for the same readership […]
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Published on May 24, 2018 04:28
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Melmoth the Wanderer
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The Forsaken by Tim Tzouliadis
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HUMANITY Understanding Reality and Inquiring Good by Zaman Ali
“Each thinking mind is a political mind.”
Zaman Ali
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Quotes by Pedro Barrento  (?)
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“One of the drawbacks of power and success is that one is judged, not against what came before but against the heights of one's own achievements....”
Pedro Barrento, The Prince and the Singularity - A Circular Tale

“a pink T-shirt emblazoned with the famous image created by Andy Warhol, with the likeness of Che Guevara, repeated several times and in different tones. For her it was only a trendy T-shirt, empty of political significance”
Pedro Barrento, The Algorithm of Power

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Around the World ...: Free and Cheap E-Books 692 7626 Oct 01, 2024 01:24AM  
“Many men of course became extremely rich, but this was perfectly natural and nothing to be ashamed of because no one was really poor – at least no one worth speaking of.”
Douglas Adams, The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

“One of the drawbacks of power and success is that one is judged, not against what came before but against the heights of one's own achievements....”
Pedro Barrento, The Prince and the Singularity - A Circular Tale

“Kat is sitting cross-legged on the floor in her underwear and red T-shirt, leaning in to her laptop. I'm on the lip of the bed above her with my Kindle drawing power from her USB port - um, not a euphemism - reading "The Dragon-Song Chronicles" for the fourth time.”
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“The International Express man couldn't understand it. I mean, in the old days, and it wasn't that long ago really, there had been an angler every dozen yards along the bank; children had played there; courting couples had come to listen to the splish and gurgle of the river, and to hold hands, and to get all lovey-dovey in the Sussex sunset. He'd done that with Maud, his missus, before they were married. They'd come here to spoon and, on one memorable occasion, fork."

From "Good Omens" by Terry Pratchet and Neil Gaiman.”
Terry Pratchet and Neil Gaiman

“Paulo noticed the creature’s swift and frantic breathing and the drop of red staining the ground beneath, but above all he saw the bird’s uppermost eye, wide open and fixed on his. That single eye reflected panic and despair on a scale he had never before witnessed. It was both tiny and enormous, and with every passing moment it seemed to expand, encompassing the trees, the landscape, the sky. That look stilled the wind and darkened the day and, at a glance, transformed a moment of ecstasy into a bottomless pit of guilt."

From "The Algorithm of Power", Part 3: The Paulo Fontana Story”
Pedro Barrento, The Algorithm of Power

451014 Linked Books Book Club — 255 members — last activity Dec 21, 2020 06:41PM
Olá! Este é um grupo para todos os que adoram livros! :) Será um espaço de partilha de leituras na forma de passatempos, desafios, maratonas e muito m ...more

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message 6: by Pedro

Pedro Barrento Still working on my third book "The Algorithm of Power". This is going to be a tome, probably around 160.000 words. Compare that with my first book (45.000) and my second (75.000) and you'll see why this one is taking so long to finish.

Some 70% of the book is completed (sort of) but I had to rewrite the whole of Part 1. If it wasn't for that maybe I could have finished it already.

Provisional blurb:

"Should societies be run by an operating system, instead of governments?
Should politicians be made obsolete?
This book tells the story of the ascent to power of Digital Alternative, a new movement that intends to revolutionize politics... by doing away with politics.
From its humble origins, as a buggy strategy game, developed by a geeky teenager, Epochs evolves to become The Network, the operating system that will rule over the whole planet. What will the consequences be, and what is the true story behind such an unlikely sequence of events?
Split between the 21st and the 24th centuries The Algorithm of Power is a new type of dystopia. One in which the future that awaits you is not democratic, but the government has no use for torture, Gulags or a secret police - because no one even notices there is a government.
Welcome to the rule of software!"

message 5: by Pedro

Pedro Barrento Dillon wrote: "Pedro, thank you for accepting my friend request.
I've downloaded and look forward to reading
The Prince and the Singularity - A Circular Tale.
Wish you the very best of luck!"

Thank you. I hope you enjoy it.

message 4: by Dale

Dale Thele Pedro, thank you for accepting my friend request.
I've downloaded and look forward to reading
The Prince and the Singularity - A Circular Tale.
Wish you the very best of luck!

message 3: by Pedro

Pedro Barrento Just Released!

"A writer struggles to finish a book that someone else started writing, battling to weave his own characters and plot into the pre-existing manuscript".

If this sounds like an interesting premise for a book, please feel free to check out "Marlene and Sofia - A Double Love Story". Available now on Amazon as a paperback and digital download

message 2: by Pedro

Pedro Barrento "Marlene and Sofia: A Double Love Story".
This is the story of Marlene and Sofia, two girls from the suburbs of Greater Lisbon, and their twisted love lives. It is also the story of some denizens of a luxurious retirement home, who discover a new service on the internet, and use it in the nastiest, albeit not totally unexpected, ways.
Coming soon on Amazon! (well, not so soon, actually)

message 1: by Pedro (last edited Feb 11, 2013 05:31PM)

Pedro Barrento My book "The Prince and the Singularity – A Circular Tale" is now available from Amazon world wide, both in Kindle and paperbook formats.

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