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Nicholas Nickleby
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The problem was, as Marion grew older—and although she would always be six years younger than Ted—Ted’s interest in younger women persisted. The nostalgia for innocence in the mind of an older man was a subject that the sixteen-year-old ...more
Andrew Sean Greer
“was standing around with some other parents, waiting for the kids to be released from school. I miss maps, one of them said. You know, the kind you kept in the glove compartment and had to unfold, and when you were done with them you could never quite figure out how to refold them. We all remembered those. Then everyone started sharing nostalgic artifacts from childhood. I miss thinking Columbus discovered America, someone said. I miss using my mom’s makeup mirror to pretend I was walking on the ceiling. I miss getting lost.”
Andrew Sean Greer, The Best American Short Stories 2022

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