J.C. Joranco

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J.C. Joranco

Goodreads Author

Rio Vista, The United States




Member Since
September 2010


J.C. Joranco grew up in Rio Vista, California. He is obsessed with highways to nowhere, how people influence each other, the hard wheel of time, and most forms of music. In fact he builds soundtracks to listen to while he writes. He goes camping in the mountains for weeks at a time, to sit and hike and contemplate and get lost. He still buys compact discs. There's a box of books in the backseat of his car. He writes under the shade of a Japanese maple tree in his backyard. He likes breaking the fourth wall, parenthetical phrases, and the many underdogs, weirdoes, wanderers, losers and rebels that populate his work.
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J.C. Joranco I have a collage of different books that I intend on reading this summer, hopefully I will be able to read them all, but here's a selection:

"Catching …more
I have a collage of different books that I intend on reading this summer, hopefully I will be able to read them all, but here's a selection:

"Catching The Big Fish" by David Lynch has been on my desk for months now.
"A Season In Hell" by Arthur Rimbaud, I have been wanting to read Rimbaud for years.
"Building Great Sentences" by Brooks Landon, my writing mentor recommended me this book years ago.
"Visions of Gerard"/"Visions of Cody", Jack Kerouac. His "Visions of" novels.
J.C. Joranco I can't find my editing pen. I've lost it before, but now I think i truly misplaced it. Or someone else abducted it....there be mischief afoot! …moreI can't find my editing pen. I've lost it before, but now I think i truly misplaced it. Or someone else abducted it....there be mischief afoot! (less)
Average rating: 3.59 · 17 ratings · 7 reviews · 2 distinct works
Say It Ain't So

3.69 avg rating — 16 ratings — published 2013 — 2 editions
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* Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. To add more, click here.

New strategies, Old Stories

I am currently working on three different projects, and on top of that, attempting to get into an MFA program where i will be starting ANOTHER project (in one year's time).

One thing i am doing more is experimenting with form and the writing process itself. I am trying new forms of expression, and seeing what comes out when I change how i express it. One day i attempted to write without any music, Read more of this blog post »
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Published on December 27, 2015 10:32 Tags: creative-writing, mfa, update, writing
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Harry Potter and ...
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J.C. is on page 47 of 120 of Jitney
Jitney by August Wilson
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Jitney by August Wilson
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J.C. is on page 101 of 303 of James
James by Percival Everett
by Percival Everett
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James by Percival Everett
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J.C. rated a book it was amazing
The Etiquette of Freedom by Gary Snyder
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I am relieved and glad that the film was included with the book. Not that the book couldn't stand on its own, but to see the film itself and see and hear their voices during their discourse is quite a delight.

I wish the clips were longer. Not that t
The Etiquette of Freedom by Gary Snyder
"A wonderful book and one I will most likely revisit again. Two iconic literary masters who both believed in the importance of the natural world. They both warned us of the impending doom due to we humans and our ignorance and arrogance regarding the " Read more of this review »
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The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel J. Siegel
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Warning: Read up on the science behind this book before or while you read it. It's honestly a mixed bag.

BUT the book overall has good advice. Emotional intelligence to connect with your kid? Check. Meditative practices to help call them down? Check.
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The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel J. Siegel
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Zen in the Art of Writing by Ray Bradbury
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I love Bradbury's idea that writing is a very physical experience. The intense emotions of the idea, the wild blaze of the typing itself. The source is the subconscious, and to trust the process of the blindfold and the dartboard.
I don'r know if I
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Quotes by J.C. Joranco  (?)
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“I came to the party with the sole purpose of getting completely shit-faced, to be perfectly honest. That was it, that was The Plan from the very beginning. I wanted more than anything that ever regrettable, forgetting-everything-you-learned-as-a-toddler kind of wasted that only either the completely stupid venture into or the complete novice (given how naive I was I think I fall more into the latter category). It was a very simple plan, but I like to think the simplest ones tend to be the most effective. The Plan sure as hell didn't involve everything else that happened that night, as all of that occurred quite naturally on its own.”
J.C. Henderson, Say It Ain't So

“As the sun went down outside, the television screen started completely lighting up the room in obnoxiously bright colors at hyperactive speeds. The conversation had been slowly rising in volume and frequency, as everyone started becoming more delinquent and the social boundaries slowly wore away.
I don't remember what any of them said because I wasn't honestly paying any attention. I was focusing on my own misery and trying to numb the inner demons, the ugly things Thomas claimed came from the Outside World. Yet, to me, it wasn't outside, but rather INSIDE, as in my own head. I kept hearing Charley's voice from bits and pieces of conversations we had, laughter that I'll never hear ever again.”
J.C. Henderson, Say It Ain't So

“It was the sunlight coming through the window that woke Alex up; mother nature's own alarm clock rudely snapped him back to consciousness. The white light poured in so arrogantly that it was too much for his eyes to handle. Squinting did not seem enough to defend against it and the light slipped between his fingers when he held up his hand in an attempt to shield his eyes.”
J.C. Henderson, Halfway To Nowhere

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“If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.”
Stephen King

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King, Different Seasons

“Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.”
J. D. Salinger

“You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them.”
Ray Bradbury

“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”
Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing: Releasing the Creative Genius Within You

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message 4: by Miles

Miles Gentry Hey Jason...I won't give away the exact location :-) but I'm standing on the literal edge of the Catskill Mountains. Behind me you see the beautiful Hudson Valley region of upstate NY.

J.G. Keely Thanks for the friend request, see you around the site.

Robert Thanks for the friend request, Jason. Also, I appreciate you taking a look at one of my videos.

message 1: by Doug

Doug Campbell no, i havent finished The Stand

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