Nikola Pavlovic
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Nikola Pavlovic

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Assassin's Fate
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by Robin Hobb (Goodreads Author)
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  (page 747 of 847)
10 hours, 25 min ago

“I've always been amazed that asteroids can fly in groups for millions of years and never touch each other or connect. They are dead rock so they find their perfect orbit and stick to it. We also wanna find that place of perfection but we're not asteroids, we change and that's the problem. The more you try to create a paradise the more you will resent the prison and all you're left is dreams of a future that never happened.''”
René Wagner Ash/Kanwulf

Dejan Medaković
“И овај сусрет учврстио ме је у уверењу о ирационалној пуноћи живота, о томе да ништа не треба одбацивати, јер сваки доживљај носи у себи и безбројне скривене дарове, обиље које чека да буде убрано и коришћено. У том збивању исчезавају сва наша претходно створена предубеђења, падају јалове бране наше лажне сигурности, све оно што смо градили у име неких виших принципа.”
Dejan Medaković, Efemeris III: Hronika Jedne Porodice

“Elections and political discourse are ill-suited for fact-specific and nuanced discussion of complicated issues.”
Rachel Elise Barkow, Prisoners of Politics: Breaking the Cycle of Mass Incarceration

Adrian Rogoz
“Inimile reci nu pot da nici o fărâmă de dragoste.”
Adrian Rogoz, Inima de Ciuta

Philippa Gregory
“She stood silent among the quiet sounds of the night, and certainty came to her.”
Philippa Gregory, Tidelands

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