Steve Nunn

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Britain The Key T...
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See all 5 books that Steve is reading…
Abhijit Naskar
“The British Sonnet

Rule Britannia,
Britannia rule the waves.
Britons never, never, never,
Shall be slaves.
Around the world we looted,
We even championed slavery.
But none of it really matters,
Consequences don't apply to royalty.
Hitler massacred so many people,
Which is petty compared to our atrocities.
Perhaps that's why Britain is so great,
None can compete with our killing spree.
It's time to civilize this backward Britannia,
By righting the wrongs of British Barbariana”
Abhijit Naskar, Heart Force One: Need No Gun to Defend Society

Giovanni Boccaccio
“since the beginning of the world men have been and will be, until the end thereof, bandied about by various shifts of fortune,”
Giovanni Boccaccio, THE DECAMERON:

Sol Luckman
“Money is a tool of control invented by the Archons and implemented by your banking families.”
Sol Luckman, Cali the Destroyer

Sol Luckman
“The Illuminati are the willing terrestrial servants of the Lord Archon, who demands everything from pedophilia and child sacrifice to war and chaos as offerings that create loosh.”
Sol Luckman, Cali the Destroyer

Fredy Perlman
“From the day when battery-run voices began broadcasting old speeches to battery-run listeners, the beast has been talking to itself. Having swallowed everyone and everything outside itself, the beast becomes its own sole frame of reference. It entertains itself, exploits itself and wars on itself. It has reached the end of its Progress, for there is nothing left for it to progress against except itself.”
Fredy Perlman, Against His-Story, Against Leviathan!

year in books
Dark River
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Sol Luc...
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MuzWot ...
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42 books | 275 friends

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