Kathleen’s Reviews > The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas > Status Update

Kathleen is on page 227 of 311
The War. "We led a very busy life. There were all the Americans, there were a great many in the small hospitals round about as well as in the regiment in Nimes and we had to find them all and be good to them, then there were all the French in the hospitals, we had them to visit as this was really our business...It was during these long trips that she (Gertrude Stein) began writing a great deal again.
Jan 26, 2019 04:55PM
The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas


Kathleen’s Previous Updates

Kathleen is on page 268 of 311
"Gertrude Stein had been very much impressed by This Side of Paradise. She read it when it came out and before she knew any of the young American writers. She said of it that it was this book that really created for the public the new generation ... She thinks this equally true of The Great Gatsby. She thinks Fitzgerald will be read when many of his well known contemporaries are forgotten."
Feb 02, 2019 04:57PM
The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas

Kathleen is on page 148 of 311
She (Mildred Aldrich) was very fond of Gertrude Stein, very interested in her work, enthusiastic about Three Lives, deeply impressed but slightly troubled by The Making of Americans, quite upset by Tender Buttons, but always loyal and convinced that if Gertrude Stein did it it had something in it that was worth while.
Jan 21, 2019 06:58PM
The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas

Kathleen is on page 110 of 311
"Years after Elliot Paul at Gertrude Stein's suggestion had a photograph of the painting by Picasso and the photographs of the village reproduced on the same page in transition and it was extraordinarily interesting. This then was really the beginning of cubism."
Jan 19, 2019 03:40PM
The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas

Kathleen is on page 44 of 311
An absolutely lovely story of how Alice and Gertrude saved the struggling artist Matisse that begins, "Matisse had at this time a small Cezanne and a small Gauguin and he said he needed them both. The Cezanne had been bought with his wife's marriage portion, the Gauguin with the ring which was the only jewel she had ever owned. And they were happy because he needed these two pictures."
Dec 06, 2018 07:27AM
The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas

Kathleen is on page 28 of 311
The Picasso-Stein intimacies are fascinating! "...as Pablo once remarked, when you make a thing, it is so complicated making it that it is bound to be ugly, but those that do it after you they don't have to worry about making it and they can make it pretty, and so everybody can like it when the others make it."
Dec 01, 2018 07:07AM
The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas

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