Laura Avila’s Reviews > Aristóteles y Dante descubren los secretos del universo > Status Update

Laura Avila
Laura Avila is on page 142 of 328
So I read 142 pages on the plane while I was coming back home, but I lost my post-its (alongside my copy of Reckless by Elsie Silver lol) so I wasn’t able to mark the 173929182 quotes I was DYING to bookmark. So guess what? I’m starting all over lol.
I know it’s kind of insane, but so far the book has been amazing and I know it will kill me to only have half of it annotated 😅
Feb 02, 2024 06:00PM
Aristóteles y Dante descubren los secretos del universo

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Laura’s Previous Updates

Laura Avila
Laura Avila is on page 97 of 328
Jan 21, 2024 08:04AM
Aristóteles y Dante descubren los secretos del universo

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Maeghan 🦋 HIATUS on & off Oh nooo :( well happy reread!🤭🩵

message 2: by Utkarsh (new)

Utkarsh Oh no that sucks. Well, Happy rereading!!

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