Lia Carstairs’s Reviews > A Monsoon Rising > Status Update

Lia Carstairs
Lia Carstairs is 44% done
the tension is KILLING ME
Jul 31, 2024 07:44PM
A Monsoon Rising (The Hurricane Wars, #2)

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Lia’s Previous Updates

Lia Carstairs
Lia Carstairs is 25% done
THAT SCENE omg these two😭❤️❤️
Jul 28, 2024 08:06PM
A Monsoon Rising (The Hurricane Wars, #2)

Comments Showing 1-2 of 2 (2 new)

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message 1: by emma ⚘ (new)

emma ⚘ omgg i love that your last name is from Shadowhunters lol (my favorite characters’)

message 2: by Lia (new) - rated it 3 stars

Lia Carstairs emma ⚘ wrote: "omgg i love that your last name is from Shadowhunters lol (my favorite characters’)"

its exactly why i put that as my last name because of my obsession with shadowhunters😌😂❤️

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