Sarah (سارة)’s Reviews > Truly, Devious > Status Update

Sarah (سارة)
Sarah (سارة) is 40% done
Love when I don't procrastinate and can finally read for fun!
13 hours, 53 min ago
Truly, Devious (Truly Devious, #1)


Sarah (سارة)’s Previous Updates

Sarah (سارة)
Sarah (سارة) is 30% done
It's taking me forever to read this because of how busy I am but it's so goodddd
Sep 23, 2024 06:41PM
Truly, Devious (Truly Devious, #1)

Sarah (سارة)
Sarah (سارة) is 8% done
I've been wanting to read a boarding school mystery for so long 😭
Sep 16, 2024 04:18AM
Truly, Devious (Truly Devious, #1)

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