Anti-Oedipus Quotes

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Anti-Oedipus Quotes
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“The fundamental problem of political philosophy is still precisely the one that Spinoza saw so clearly (and that Wilhelm Reich rediscovered): Why do men fight for their servitude as stubbornly as though it were their salvation?”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“It is not the slumber of reason that engenders monsters, but vigilant and insomniac rationality.”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“Shit on your whole mortifying, imaginary, and symbolic theater!”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“Courage consists, however, in agreeing to flee rather than live tranquilly and hypocritically in false refuges. Values, morals, homelands, religions, and these private certitudes that our vanity and our complacency bestow generously on us, have many deceptive sojourns as the world arranges for those who think they are standing straight and at ease, among stable things”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“Christianity taught us to see the eye of the lord looking down upon us. Such forms of knowledge project an image of reality, at the expense of reality itself. They talk figures and icons and signs, but fail to perceive forces and flows. They bind us to other realities, and especially the reality of power as it subjugates us. Their function is to tame, and the result is the fabrication of docile and obedient subjects.”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“Do not think that one has to be sad in order to be militant, even though the thing one is fighting is abominable.”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“The individual is the product of power.”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“D.H. Lawrence had the impression – that psychoanalysis was shutting sexuality up in a bizarre sort of box painted with bourgeois motifs, in a kind of rather repugnant artificial triangle, thereby stifling the whole of sexuality as a production of desire so as to recast it along entirely different lines, making of it a ‘dirty little secret’, a dirty little family secret, a private theater rather than the fantastic factory of nature and production”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“Making love is not just becoming as one, or even two, but becoming as a hundred thousand. Desiring-machines or the nonhuman sex: not one or even two sexes, but n sexes.”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“It is at work everywhere, functioning smoothly at times, at other times in fits and starts. It breathes, it heats, it eats. It shits and fucks. What a mistake to have ever said the id.”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“Psychoanalysis was from the start, still is, and perhaps always will be a well-constituted church and a form of treatment based on a set of beliefs that only the very faithful could adhere to, i.e., those who believe in a security that amounts to being lost in the herd and defined in terms of common and external goals”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“The death of a social machine has never been heralded by a disharmony or a dysfunction; on the contrary, social machines make a habit of feeding on the contradictions they give rise to, on the crises they provoke, on the anxieties they engender, and on the infernal operations they regenerate. Capitalism has learned this, and has ceased doubting itself, while even socialists have abandoned belief in the possibility of capitalism's natural death by attrition. No one has ever died from contradictions. And the more it breaks down, the more it schizophrenizes, the better it works, the American way.”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“The great discovery of psychoanalysis was that of the production of desire, of the production of the unconscious. But once Oedipus entered the picture, the discovery was soon buried beneath the new brand of idealism: a classical theater was substituted for the unconscious as a factory: representation was substituted for the units of production of the unconscious; and an unconscious that was capable of nothing but expressing itself – in myth, tragedy, dreams – was substituted for the productive unconscious”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“To those who say that escaping is not courageous, we answer: what is not escape and social investment at the same time? ”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“In the literary machine that Proust’s “In Search of Lost Time” constitutes, we are struck by the fact that all the parts are produced as asymmetrical sections, paths that suddenly come to an end, hermetically sealed boxes, noncommunicating vessels, watertight compartments, in which there are gaps even between things that are contiguous, gaps that are affirmations, pieces of a puzzle belonging not to any one puzzle but to many, pieces assembled by forcing them into a certain place where they may or may not belong, their unmatched edges violently forced out of shape, forcibly made to fit together, to interlock, with a number of pieces always left over.”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“Psychoanalysts are bent on producing man abstractly, that is to say ideologically, for culture. It is Oedipus who produces man in this fashion and who gives a structure to the false movement of infinite progression and regression”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“What does belief applied to the unconscious signify? What is an unconscious that no longer does anything but believe, rather than produce? What are the operations, the artifices that inject the unconscious with ‘beliefs’ that are not even rational, but on the contrary only too reasonable and consistent with the established order?”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“Besides, it is doubtful that incest was a real obstacle to the establishment of society, as the partisans of an exchangist conception claim...The real danger is elsewhere. If desire is repressed, it is because every position of capable of calling into question the established order of is revolutionary in its essence...It is therefore of vital importance for a society to repress desire, and even to find something more efficient than repression, so that repression, hierarchy, exploitation, and servitude are themselves desired...that does not at all mean that desire is something other than sexuality, but that sexuality and love do not live in the bedroom of Oedipus, they dream instead of wide-open spaces, not let themselves be stocked within an established order.”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“The truth is that sexuality is everywhere: the way a bureaucrat fondles his records, a judge administers justice, a businessman causes money to circulate; the way the bourgeoisie fucks the proletariat; and so on. And there is no need to resort to metaphors, any more than for the libido to go by way of metamorphoses. Hitler got the fascists sexually aroused. Flags, nations, armies, banks get a lot of people aroused. A revolutionary machine is nothing if it does not acquire at least as much force as these coercive machines have for producing breaks and mobilizing flows.”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“We defend so cautiously against our egoically limited experiences, states Laing in The Politics of Experience, that it is not surprising to see people grow defensive and panic at the idea of experiencing ego-loss through the use of drugs or collective experiences. But there is nothing pathological about ego-loss, Laing adds; quite the contrary. Ego-loss is the experience of all mankind, "of the primal man, of Adam and perhaps even [a journey] further into the beings of animals, vegetables and minerals." No age, Laing concludes, has so lost touch with this healing process as has ours. Deleuze and Guattari's schizoanalytic approach serves to begin such a healing process. Its major task is to destroy the oedipalized and neuroticized individual dependencies through the forging of a collective subjectivity, a nonfascist subject—anti-Oedipus. Anti-Oedipus is an individual or a group that no longer functions in terms of beliefs and that comes to redeem mankind, as Nietzsche foresaw, not only from the ideals that weighed it down, "but also from that which was bound to grow out of it, the great nausea, the will to nothingness, nihilism; this bell-stroke of noon and of the great decision that liberates the will again and restores its goal to the earth and his hope to man; this Antichrist and antinihilist. . . He must come one day.—”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“For perhaps the flows are not yet deterritorialized enough, from the viewpoint of a theory and a practice of a highly schizophrenic character. Not to withdraw from the process, but to go further, to "accelerate the process," as Nietzsche put it: in this matter, the truth is that we haven't seen anything yet.”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“Placing oneself in a position where one is thus traversed, broken, fucked by the socius, looking for the right place where, according to the aims and interests assigned to us, one feels something moving that has neither an interest nor a purpose.”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“Producir, producto, una identidad producto-producir... Precisamente es esta identidad la que forma un tercer término en la serie lineal: un enorme objeto no diferenciado. Todo se detiene un momento, todo se paraliza (luego todo volverá a empezar). En cierta manera, sería mejor que nada marcharse, que nada funcionase. No haber nacido, salir de la rueda de los nacimientos; ni boca para mamar, ni ano para cagar. ¿Estarán las máquinas suficientemente estropeadas, sus piezas suficientemente sueltas como para entregarse y entregarnos a la nada? Se diría que los flujos de energía todavía están demasiado ligados, que los objetos todavía son demasiado orgánicos. Un puro fluido en estado libre y sin cortes, resbalando sobre un cuerpo lleno. Las máquinas deseantes nos forman un organismo; pero en el seno de esta producción, en su producción misma, el cuerpo sufre por ser organizado de este modo, por no tener otra organización, o por no tener ninguna organización. ‘Una parada incomprensible y por completo recta’ en medio del proceso, como tercer tiempo: ‘Ni boca. Ni lengua. Ni dientes. Ni laringe. Ni esófago. Ni vientre. Ni ano’.”
― El Antiedipo Capitalismo y esquizofrenia
― El Antiedipo Capitalismo y esquizofrenia
“The artist is the master of objects; he puts before us shattered, burned, broken-down objects, converting them to the regime of desiring-machines, breaking down is part of the very functioning of desiring-machines; the artist
presents paranoiac machines, miraculating-machines, and celibate machines as so many technical machines, so as to cause desiring-machines to undermine technical machines. Even more important, the work of art is itself a desiring-machine. The artist stores up his treasures so as to create an immediate explosion, and that is why, to his way of thinking, destructions can never take place as rapidly as they ought to.”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
presents paranoiac machines, miraculating-machines, and celibate machines as so many technical machines, so as to cause desiring-machines to undermine technical machines. Even more important, the work of art is itself a desiring-machine. The artist stores up his treasures so as to create an immediate explosion, and that is why, to his way of thinking, destructions can never take place as rapidly as they ought to.”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“Psihanalistul devine regizorul unui teatru privat - in loc sa fie inginerul sau mecanicul care monteaza unitati de productie, care se lupta cu agenti colectivi de productie si de antiproductie.”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“During the years 1945-1965, there was a certain way of thinking correctly, a certain style of political discourse, a certain ethics of the intellectual. One had to be on familiar terms with Marx, not let one's dreams stray too far from Freud.”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“It is at work everywhere, functioning smoothly at times, at other times in fits and starts. It breathes, it heats, it eats. It shits and fucks. What a mistake to have ever said the id. Everywhere it is machines—real ones, not figurative ones: machines driving other ma- chines, machines being driven by other machines, with all the necessary couplings and connections. An organ-machine is plugged into an energy-source-machine: the one produces a flow that the other inter- rupts. The breast is a machine that produces milk, and the mouthi machine coupled to it. The mouth of the anorexic wavers between several functions: its possessor is uncertain as to whether it is an eating-machine, an anal machine, a talking-machine, or a breathing machine (asthma attacks). Hence we are all handymen: each with his little machines. For every organ-machine, an energy-machine: all the time, flows and interruptions. Judge Schreber* has sunbeams in his ass. A solar anus. And rest assured that it works: Judge Schreber feels something, produces something, and is capable of explaining the process theoretically. Something is produced: the effects of a machine, not mere metaphors.”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“The death of a social machine has never been heralded by a disharmony or a dysfunction; on the contrary, social machines make a habit of feeding on
the contradictions they give rise to, on the crises they provoke, on the anxieties they engender, and on the infernal operations they regenerate. Capitalism has learned this, and has ceased doubting itself, while even socialists have abandoned belief in the possibility of capitalism's natural death by attrition. No one has ever died from contradictions. And the more it breaks down, the more it schizophrenizes, the better it works, the American way.”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
the contradictions they give rise to, on the crises they provoke, on the anxieties they engender, and on the infernal operations they regenerate. Capitalism has learned this, and has ceased doubting itself, while even socialists have abandoned belief in the possibility of capitalism's natural death by attrition. No one has ever died from contradictions. And the more it breaks down, the more it schizophrenizes, the better it works, the American way.”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“O Édipo não serve estritamente para nada, a não ser para apertar o inconsciente dos dois lados. Veremos em que sentido é que o Édipo é estritamente "indecidível», como dizem os matemáticos. Estamos fartos dessas histórias em que se está bem de saúde graças ao Édipo, doente do Édipo, e em que há várias doenças dentro do Édipo. Pode até acontecer que um analista se farte desse mito que é a gamela e a cova da psicanálise e que retorne às origens: «Freud nunca chegou a sair nemdo mundo do pai, nem da culpabilidade ... Mas foi o primeiro que, ao criar a possibilidade de construir uma lógica de relação com o pai, abriu o caminho para o homem se libertar do domínio do pai. A possibilidade de viver para!d da lei do pai, para lá de qualquer lei, talvez seja a possibilidade mais essencial que a psicanálise freudiana criou. Mas, paradoxalmente, e talvez por causa do próprio Freud, tudo leva a crer que essa libertação que a psicanálise permite se fará - se faz já - fora dela,>.Todavia, não podemos partilhar nem deste pessimismo nem deste optimismo. Porque é preciso muito optimismo para pensar que, psicanálise permite uma verdadeira solução do Édipo: o Édipo é como Deus; o pai é como Deus; só se resolve o problema quando se suprimir tanto o problema (orno a solução. A esquizo-análise não se propõe resolver o Édipo, não pretende resolvê-Io melhor que a psicanálise edipiana. Propõe-se desedipianizar o inconsciente para poder chegar aos verdadeiros problemas. Propóe-se atingir essas regiões do inconsciente órfão «(para lá de todas as leis», em que o problema deixa de poder ser posto. E por consequência, também não partilhamos do pessimismo de pensar que essa mudança, essa libertação só se pode fazer fora da psicanálise. Pensamos, pelo contrário, que é possível dar-se uma reversão interna que.transforme a máquina analítica numa peça indispensável do aparelho revolucionário. Mais: já há mesmo condições objectivas para isso.
Tudo se passa, pois, como se o Édipo tivesse dois pólos: um pólo de figuras Imaginárias de identificação e um pólo de funçóes simbólicas diferenciantes. Mas seja como for estamos edipianizados: se não temos o Édipo como crise, temo-lo como estrutura. Então transmitimos a crise a OUtrOS, e tudo volta a começar. E é esta a disjunção edipiana, o movimento de pêndulo, a razão inversa exclusiva. E é por isso que quando nos convidam a superar uma concepção simplista do Édipo fundada em imagens paternas, por uma concepção em que se definem funções simbólicas numa estrutura, e se substitui o papá-mamá tradicional por uma função-mãe e uma função-pai, não vemos o que é que se ganha com isso, a não ser o fundar a universalidade do Édipo para além da variabilidade das imagens, soldar ainda melhor o desejo à lei e ao interdito, e levar a cabo o processo de edipianização do inconsciente. Estes são os dois extremos do Édipo, o seu mínimo e o seu máximo, consoante o consideremos como tendente para o valor indiferenciado das suas imagens variáveis, ou para a capacidade de diferenciação das suas funções simbólicas. «Quando nos aproximamos da imaginação material, função diferencial
diminui e tende-se para equivalências; quando nos aproximamos dos elementos
formadores, a função diferencial aumenta e tende-se para valências distintivas ». Depois disto, não nos espantava nada ouvir dizer que o Édipo como estrutura é a trindade cristã, enquanto que o Édipo como crise é a trindade familiar, insuficientemente estruturada pela fé; sempre os dois pólos em razão inversa, Édipo for ever.' Quantas interpretações do lacanismo, oculta ou abertamente piedosas, invocaram um Édipo estrutural para formar e fechar o duplo impasse, para nos reconduzirem à questão do pai, para conseguirem edipianizar o esquizo, e mostrar que uma lacuna no simbólico nos remete para o imaginário e que, inversamente, as insuficiências ou confusões imaginárias nos remetem para a estrutura. Como um célebre precursor dizia aos seus animais: chega de lengalenga...”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
Tudo se passa, pois, como se o Édipo tivesse dois pólos: um pólo de figuras Imaginárias de identificação e um pólo de funçóes simbólicas diferenciantes. Mas seja como for estamos edipianizados: se não temos o Édipo como crise, temo-lo como estrutura. Então transmitimos a crise a OUtrOS, e tudo volta a começar. E é esta a disjunção edipiana, o movimento de pêndulo, a razão inversa exclusiva. E é por isso que quando nos convidam a superar uma concepção simplista do Édipo fundada em imagens paternas, por uma concepção em que se definem funções simbólicas numa estrutura, e se substitui o papá-mamá tradicional por uma função-mãe e uma função-pai, não vemos o que é que se ganha com isso, a não ser o fundar a universalidade do Édipo para além da variabilidade das imagens, soldar ainda melhor o desejo à lei e ao interdito, e levar a cabo o processo de edipianização do inconsciente. Estes são os dois extremos do Édipo, o seu mínimo e o seu máximo, consoante o consideremos como tendente para o valor indiferenciado das suas imagens variáveis, ou para a capacidade de diferenciação das suas funções simbólicas. «Quando nos aproximamos da imaginação material, função diferencial
diminui e tende-se para equivalências; quando nos aproximamos dos elementos
formadores, a função diferencial aumenta e tende-se para valências distintivas ». Depois disto, não nos espantava nada ouvir dizer que o Édipo como estrutura é a trindade cristã, enquanto que o Édipo como crise é a trindade familiar, insuficientemente estruturada pela fé; sempre os dois pólos em razão inversa, Édipo for ever.' Quantas interpretações do lacanismo, oculta ou abertamente piedosas, invocaram um Édipo estrutural para formar e fechar o duplo impasse, para nos reconduzirem à questão do pai, para conseguirem edipianizar o esquizo, e mostrar que uma lacuna no simbólico nos remete para o imaginário e que, inversamente, as insuficiências ou confusões imaginárias nos remetem para a estrutura. Como um célebre precursor dizia aos seus animais: chega de lengalenga...”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“Daca schizofrenia este universala, atunci marele artist este cu adevarat cel care sparge zidul schizofrenic, ajungand in patria necunoscuta, acolo unde el nu mai apartine niciunei epoci, niciunui mediu, niciunei scoli.”
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
― Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia