Axel Quotes

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Axel (Corps Security, #1) Axel by Harper Sloan
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Axel Quotes Showing 1-30 of 62
“Axel Reid, you wake up right now!” I yell. “Get your paws off my tit and call your dick off its search for my pussy, he found it asshole, now back off.”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“She was mine.
She is mine.
She will always fucking be mine.”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“Fate might hate me, but that doesn't stop me from hoping one day she forgets about her favorite chew toy. When that day comes I hope karma has some fun with that bitch fate”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“I still love him. This man that I have thought was forever lost to me. If I am completely honest with myself, I never stopped loving him. But, all this knowledge shouldn’t scare me. The teenage love we shared over a decade ago has grown with such a power that it will kill me if I lose it again.”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“Missed you…so fucking much, Princess.”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“Even through the anger of losing you—I still knew you were my angel. My light.”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“Sugar" he starts, before turning his attention back over to Dee, " I have thought about sex, hard fucking sex, about a hundred times since we sat down to eat." Looking back over to me, " Does that clear it up for you?”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“Smile on my face, rock hard dick in my pants, and some peace in my heart.”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“Not one day went by Izzy that my heart didn’t belong to you. To this day there has only been one woman that has and will ever hold it. Fuck, baby but the love I have for you is so fucking strong sometimes, I wonder if it will crush me.”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“Belatedly, I notice how much easier it is to walk on these sticks when you can't feel your legs. Lesson number one for hooch wear, be drunk. It might make dancing more of a challenge, but I wasn't feeling a thing and it was beautiful.”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“Oh Izzy, girl how do you let him get dressed. A shame, oh it is a shame to let that man ever put clothes on.”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“Never again, Izzy West. I will never again let anyone take you from me, or anything from us.”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“And I had taken one look and knew she would be mine. From that moment on, she was mine and I was hers.”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“Not much has changed, my ass. Looks like his few inches weren't just in his height”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“Process? What the hell is there to process? Where are you, Izzy? Not asking you again, and I am not fucking doing this text message shit like a goddamn prepubescent little shit.”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“Hmm…can’t speak, huh baby? Just think how good it will feel when I bury my cock deep inside that warm pussy, when I fuck you so hard you will feel me for days. Going to make you drown in pleasure, fuck you so good, so fucking good.”
Harper Sloan , Axel
“Watching "a fucking stripper movie" when the strippers have dicks”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“I can feel the sun warming my skin. I love this blissful state between sleep and just waking. But I no longer relish this moment for being numb, no…now I relish this moment because it reminds me I am alive.”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“People say karma is a bitch but I have news for you, karma doesn’t have anything on fate when she is after blood. Not a single thing.”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“It would have been quicker if she had stuck around and shot me in the fucking chest. At least I would have died instantly, instead of bleeding out slowly for the last twelve years.”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“Just because I’m not pushing you up against walls and humping you like a fucking animal doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the view. You just haven’t caught me looking.”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“My bad brother. I won't apologize that it happened, hell fucking no, best breakfast I've ever had”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“I haven’t always been this weak person; this broken woman. I used to dream, and when I did, I dreamt big. I had plans, plans of a future so bright it would blind you. I can still remember the day those dreams, those grand plans, and that future as bright as the sun went poof.”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“Hear me now, and understand me, we will talk but nothing you can say will change the fact that you and me are happening. I won’t let you go, Izzy. Never. You’re mine, you got that, Princess?”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“Princess, you need to let go of my head so I can finish eating this sweet pussy.”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“Never again, Izzy West. I will never again let anyone take you from me, or anything from us.”

Harper Sloan (2013-07-03 17:39:22-04:00). AXEL (Kindle Locations 3171-3172). Kindle Edition.”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“I love you, Axel Reid. I have loved you forever and I will never stop. Made for me, baby. You were made for me. Don’t ever leave me. Never again.”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“If you call me Holt one more fucking time I’m bending you over my knees, yeah? I am not Holt to you, and you damn well fucking know it.”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“Who in the hot hunk of sex are you?”
Harper Sloan, Axel
“Hey boys, nice to look at cha”
Harper Sloan, Axel

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