We specialise in the service, overhaul and repair of Brush TurboGenerators
We provide repair, rewind, refurbishment and retrofitting of rotating electrical machines.
Our engineers have formerly trained and worked at Brush Electrical Machines Ltd in Loughborough (UK), starting with engineering apprenticeships and growing in the company all the way to becoming Senior Winding Engineers, acquiring a knowledge that is second to none on these machines. We now can put this wealth of experience to the benefit of our customers.
We strive to establish strong relationships with our customers, supporting them with a flexible, tailored and personal approach that global companies are unlikely to offer. Whether as part of a maintenance programme designed to increase failure prediction and maximise plant availability, or as a single service working in partnership with your on-site maintenance team, Gusto can provide:
Minor inspections for motors and generators
Major inspections for motors and generators
Overhaul and refurbishment work
Spare Parts and Kits
Test services
Robotic Inspections
remote support
Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help.